#mod caine's handy dandy psas
Quick PSA!
Not too many people have been doing this, but please don't send requests through messages! I don't respond to them.
If requests are open, you will see a little button that looks like this:
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If they're closed, that button won't appear. If you don't see the above button, then requests are closed. Please don't click this button if you want to request:
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...because I don't respond to or even look at requests there. That's my messages box, which is open 24/7 in case anyone has questions for me, concerns (which i hope you're not concerned. I try to be very un-concerning) or even just wants to chat. But, again, requests go in the "send him somewhere" box. I'm a lot more likely to respond to you (by like 99%) if you send it through that button.
Request Guidelines will be replaced with this as the pinned post, but they're also gonna be linked in the bio for future reference.
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