theauthor0 · 1 year
Its Unknown whether this is an Au or AT
This World was originally undertale but the player modded it and change its code to become something different, changing Undertale to what he wanted and what he believed was canon while also adding a ton of new stuff
The Player decided to change the underground, instead of making it a barrier underground, The "Underground" is an another dimension where the monsters live, this other dimension had no sun or sky and the world is entirely underground as there is no surface
The Locations are
Hotland- A place filled with lava, has lava geysers, Volcanos, and Rock inlands
Snowdin- A cold snowy environment with frozen lakes, few trees, and ice glaciers
Waterfall- A crystal like environment with waterfalls and rivers, the crystal above produce a liquid that makes it rain in the area
Atlantic sea- A giant lake that goes deep below, filled what seems to be coral and similar oceanic plant life
Dark Forest- A forest with no light with trees that reach heights that none have ever reached
Rocky Hills- A mountain valley that is like a maze with many caves and minerals
Monster Kingdom- Where most monsters live and is the home of Asgore and his family
The player changed the lore of UT making it so the war still happened but ended in a peace treaty where each race decided to stay in their own worlds, with the doors being destroyed
The Door themselves were grey in color, the doors are gateways between the monster and human worlds
The Doors cannot be repaired once they are destroyed
The Humans in Modded!Tale had their physical capabilities increased that even the weakest human can crush a boulder with a single punch
The Humans have special abilities however these abilities are limited and are not magic, not all souls give special abilities
The Humans had many different Soul traits that provided them with different benefits and debuffs
For Example
Justice- Increases Speed and Strength and gives the user the ability to see the intent of the being
Bravery- Increases Strength tremendously
Perseverance- Increases Defense and speed and gives the user to absorb attacks for a short period of time
Kindness- Increases Defense tremendously and gives the user to see the health of a being
Integrity- Gives the user the ability to detect lies
Patience- Increases Stamina and gives the user the ability to predict attacks
There are many other soul traits some being entirely new soul types and others being a mixture/combination of the soul traits that results in a new soul
Humans when they die, their soul leaves their body intact however if the soul is attacked directly it can be destroyed easily
A Human Soul that has lots of DT can refuse to die however that requires an unnatural amount of DT
A Human Soul possess a membrane of some sort that contains the trait and DT
There are 2 types of soul membranes a human can be born with
Soft Membrane- The soul itself is soft and when held it feels like a ballon and when destroyed, it pops
Glass Membrance- The soul itself is hard and when held it feels as hard as glass and when destroyed it shatters like glass with pieces of the soul scattering around
A Human souls are more physical as they can be held and felt, they can take much more damage than a monster soul and can persist after death
The Player made in so that players are defined as greater entities that exist in this world that can be called upon by humans
The Players are beings that can do any action but require a sacrifice of something of value
Players can possess only humans and thats if the humans agree to such action
The Players cannot interact with the world without a vessel and are powerless when connected to said vessel in that world
Players are beings that exist within the void that is outside the world reality
The Players are given a physical body in the void simply called an empty vessel or avatar
This Avatar is the representation of the player, Players possess the soul of SELF that is in their vessel, this soul only contains unlimited DT but it has no traits (This makes the soul look clear or "empty") When a Player possess a human, the player soul layer's on top of the human soul
The Avatar cannot leave the void unless in special circumstances
The Monsters in this world like UT are completely made of mana or sometimes called magic
They feed on mana which exists in all forms of life
Monsters can shape mana into whatever they desire, this is called magic as with enough concentration and training, mana can do all kinds of things
Monsters do not need to eat but require places to have enough mana in the area to sustain themselves
Monsters can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Reproducing sexually is much easier for a monster as with the help of another monster, they can sustain the monster baby with magic that won't be fatal to the monster parent. Reproducing asexually is much harder as the parent monster would need to give a lot of mana to the baby in order to sustain it, if not given enough mana the baby will die, but if given too much the parent would risk dying
Monsters do not have dna or genes but have something called a mana pattern which is something that is apart of a monster soul that what makes a monster form
Monsters release excess mana from their souls, as they get older their soul starts to release more mana to the point where it releases too much mana which leads to the monster death
Monsters do not have genders but have identities, depending on how they view themselves their bodies will form in order to match with how they view themselves
Monsters cannot truly feel physical pain, they can feel certain impacts on their bodies but lets say their arm was cut off they wouldn't be screaming in pain
There exists monsters called Wild monsters
These monsters are basically the same as regular monsters however they have more animalistic behaviors
These type monsters are very peaceful as they only feed on mana which is everywhere, there might be some that are territorial but very few are aggressive
There are some wild monsters that do hunt other monsters or wild monsters, however those kind of monsters are rare and for a wild monster to hunt other monsters is also rare
Monster souls are less physical and more made of condensed/concentrated mana, a being cannot feel or touch a monster, those who try will feel nothing, they will still feel contact with something but just feel nothing
A monster soul cannot persist after death, once a monster body has taken enough damage or fatal damage their body and soul will dust
Boss Monsters are powerful monsters that can rival humans in physical abilities and have access to powerful magic
They are immortal (The aging kind) and get more powerful as they age, Boss monsters can also be resurrected however the soul must be intact and must be in area where there is a lot of mana
They cannot lose their immortality when they have a child but instead become weaker, losing a quarter or half their power
If the child were to die, they would not get back their power or at least in large quantities
They are nicknamed Demi-Gods due to their immense power
Boss Monsters can summon what is known as a magic weapon
Each Magic weapon is unique to each boss monster and the weapon itself has all sorts of different effects that synergize with the boss monster
A Boss monster magic weapon is one with them, so if the magic weapon gets destroyed it can repair overtime automatically however this does prevent the boss monster from summoning their weapon intill the repair is done
Half boss monsters are the byproduct of a monster and boss monster having a child, they are still more powerful than regular monsters but are weaker than true boss monsters
Half boss monsters are immortal (The aging kind), but they cannot be resurrected, and when they have a child they don’t lose their power
Half boss monsters do have magic weapons but cannot be repaired automatically and takes a lot longer
Half boss monsters do get stronger as they age however it is at a much slower rate than a true boss monster
Boss monsters has they age become stronger however this increase in power only increases every 1,000 years and for half boss monsters it’s every 2,000 years
This increase of power is specifically their magic power, mana, and physical capabilities
There are 2 types of soulless beings in Modded!Tale
EM Soulless: These beings do not have a soul but possess some sort of trait or DT that allows them to keep their emotions however the connection between them and their emotions are very loose
EL Souless: These beings do not have a soul and do not have any traits or DT making them completely emotionless
This can happen to both humans and monsters through mostly artificial means but both have different effects when becoming soulless
EM Soulless
For monsters if they become soulless, they cannot use magic or at least cannot use magic at its fullest, when becoming soulless they also lose parts of themself becoming someone different then who they once were
For Humans if they become soulless, they show no emotion (this doesn't mean they have no emotions its just harder for them to express it) becoming more logical, they also lose the power their souls give them
EL Soulless
If either a human or monster were to become soulless without any traits or DT in them, they simply become empty unmoving and uncaring, they are equilvent to dead bodies but without being well dead
Ghost Monsters are monsters that do not have a physical form, this is because they simply do not have enough mana to form a physical body for them, this makes them immune to physical attacks however it is possible to hurt them with magic
Ghost monsters appear soulless in their ghost form and while they do not appear to have a soul, it is entirely misleading to call them soulless
There soul is there body or their entire being as once they found and possess a vessel their body forms into a soul and simply goes into the vessel
A ghost monster might not be able to fully combine with their vessel becoming more aggressive or wild (This does not happen to all ghost monsters)
However once they do fully combine with their vessel they will be able to interact with physical things but do lose their physical attack immunity
Determination has the color of gold and is contained in every human soul no matter the trait
Determination is also present in boss monster souls however its in small quantities, while half boss monsters have no determination, the same as regular monsters
Determination can prevent death for monsters but for humans they end up as a ghost/spirit or just a floating soul
Determination when mixed with high amounts of magic or is exposed to magic for a long period of time, it turns red
To be clear Determination color is gold but when in a soul the color becomes clear/invisible and when exposed to magic for long periods or mixed with magic outside of a soul it’s color turns red
Soul absorbing is the action of a monster or human absorbing another soul
Monsters can absorb other monster souls but this provides nothing to the monster host, it is merely an act to prevent a monster soul from dusting but this action is very dangerous as more mana is now needed to for the souls and if not carefully handled can prevent death to both monsters
Humans cannot absorb other human soul, however it is possible for a human ghost/spirit to attach themselves to another human, this can only happen if both the spirit and human have the same trait and while it’s possible for a spirit with a different soul trait than the human to attach themselves to them, the connection is more loose
Humans can absorb monster souls and monsters can absorb human soul, by doing this it grants them unimaginable power but is different depending on the leader
The leader is the being who absorbed the soul, they have the most control over their body
If a monster is the leader and absorbs 10 human souls, their power becomes equal to that of a god, this is the same for boss monsters too
If a human is the leader and absorbs 10 monster souls, their power becomes something that defies a god power
Both when absorbed 10 souls can kill each other as their powers are equal but if both were to fight it would cause the destruction of a whole universe or timeline
There are many different types of magic with 5 being the most well known these are
Soul Magic- An Advanced form of magic that ignores most defenses to attack the soul directly, the Magic itself can take any shape
Creative Magic- A basic form of magic that allows the monster to create things using magic like barriers, spears, and etc, it uses raw magic as it doesn’t do anything special
Ritual Magic- An Advanced form of magic that humans can use however the process is very long and requires certain requirements to work properly/correctly
Elemental Magic- An Semi Advanced form of magic that allows the monsters to either create certain physical things like Fire and Water or manipulate those physical things like Earth and Air, there are many more elements but those 4 are the most basic
Effect Magic- An Semi Advanced form of magic that allows the monster to apply certain effects to magic or themselves like making a certain magic attack home on the target or speed up a monster
River Person
Other Characters
Sans can slow down time (no stop time)
Sans can blind people temporarily
Undyne wears golden armor to reference her determination
Toriel can use most types of magic (being elemental)
Sans and Paps were both experiments created by gaster magic and human corpses
Paps was given a magic eye like Sans, Paps Magic eye is filled with Justice, Kindness, and Bravery
Sans Magic eye is filled with Patience, Integrity, and Perseverance
Paps is apart of the Silver guard and Undyne in part of the Royal Guard
Knight Knight is the Knight of the sun and moon, as he can summon a sun and moon, he is in charge of the day and night cycle of the “underground” and is also a half boss monster
Madjick is an expert of magic and knows every spell, magic type, and etc but doesn’t have the mana to use these spells
The Temmies own a plot of land called Temmie land, those who step into their land has to tax or else =)
Gerson is a half boss monster and an explorer, he also has a son who is a librarian
River person is a being, who that watches from the void
Gaster is alive but as Asgore secretary but does come to the lab at times to help or watch but is also the judge but fights you in the lab, while sans is the one who fights you in the judgement hall
Asgore and his family are one of the few remaining boss monsters left
The amalgamates still exist but are a combination of wild monsters
Void/River person are a being of the void that has no origins yet, there entire being is a mystery, they are Nigh-Omnipresent as they are present through the UT universe and timelines however they are only present in timelines that is Modded!Tale
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