#modern louis calling lestat monsieur le trapstar. how do he know what the trap is. u wont never know
blueiight · 2 years
I think modern Louis still speaks like someone from a different time though, he doesn't use modern slang/references the way Daniel often does (even though he's an old man) so I think he's still relating the story using the language he is familiar with. The "sanctioned" part is because he wasn't going to compromise on the blood diet and in doing so is not giving Lestat his patriarchal privileges in the bedroom. He later calls it an agreement to Jonah but later he sees that its absolutely not after Lestat flips out on him and by the end of the episode he's walking out on him cause they can't get on the same page about anything. Yes there's conflicting sentiments in what he's saying but it's also cause the situation is so jumbled and you could also argue that Lestat has the same issue when he differentiates their cheating with Louis having feelings for Jonah, even though that was never prohibitive in their agreement?
well daniel is a mere 69-70 to louis’s 144-145 n danny work/ed in mass media so being in tune w current lingo / trends is a near req for his job. i think modern louis use of language is purposeful: when u think of the titular interview with the vampire, we have our own cultural perceptions, and to a certain extent, the ricean vampire is a relic of its time that is as stubborn as it is adaptive. they pick and choose what about the present they like, and maintain past patterns convenient for their purpose. so yes, louis may genuinely be out of trend but i like to think its also purposeful. he wants to be like that. louis is extremely familiar with literary conventions and archetypes. the interview itself is a rhetorical device, and louis is purposeful in the story he wants to tell in 2022 to the point of burning the 70s tapes even. thats not ethical louie lou lol. the introduction of the concept of vampire to the gp as an eternal creature purposefully discomfits the modern observer, reminds the modern viewer of its alien ways with its selectively archaic use of language. louis's power is his use of language. i think that was the point of the person's original post in discussing the contradictory use of language in the phrase "sanctioned infidelity” along w their other examples. agree that the semantics of sanctioned infidelity aside the actual situation in that moment for les x lou in the 1910s-20s is clearly one-way like u said it is not reciprocal at all bc louis is the wife/pursued party in this dynamic, and the anger from lestat is bc jonah is a tether to humanity. jonah & louis were both black gay men in the deep south, and knew eachother since they was young. even tho jonah was clearly leaving the city not long after to go back to the warfront & imo the only person 1910s lou could even think of or would try to be with outside of lestat, all these things, lestat is also a paranoid hypocrite scared of being abandoned nd cannot delineate louis's past feelings from the present. multiple things can be true ykwimmm. this is my catchphrase w my anons soz
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