#modified for stripes and no easing in of the sleeve cap
icterid-rubus · 5 months
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Haven’t blocked it yet, nor sewn on buttons, but I’ve finally finished something for my friend’s baby. I’ve been so hesitant over starting anything despite having numerous patterns piled up. I can’t figure out why! Anyway, if anyone has any good button crotch onsie patterns for 6-9 mo, please send me a link.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s Car Repair Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 修车之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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[ This was released on 13 August 2021 ]
Beneath the blue skies and white clouds, the meandering road stretches towards the mountaintop, and the roar of the engine is incessant.
A light-hearted melody flows slowly within the car. Since we’ve already heard this song many times, Gavin and I find ourselves humming along to the music softly. 
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Gavin: Are you tired? I could drive next.
Sitting on the front passenger seat, Gavin turns his head to look at me.
MC: I’m not tired. I’m filled with energy right now~
I shake my head, gripping the steering wheel while my gaze focuses on the front.
Gavin and I had originally planned to go on a vacation in a neighbouring city today. However, sudden changes at work caused my vacation to shrink to half a day...
As such, Gavin suggested that we should change our plans to a drive, and that he’d take me to this mountain route he often drives on.
MC: I’ve already watched you driving down this road a couple of times. I’m more or less familiar with this route.
The corners of my lips curl upwards slightly, feeling the fresh breeze brushing my cheeks, along with the comforting and pleasant sensation it brings.
MC: I can now understand why you like going on a spin here. The feeling of rushing among the mountains feels really carefree.
Hearing this, Gavin’s lips hook into a smile.
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Gavin: If you like it, we could come here often next time.
MC: Sure. But I’ll be the one to drive you, okay?
I speak with a teasing tone, and Gavin chuckles softly.
Gavin: Why not?
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While we’re talking and laughing, a strange sound abruptly drifts to our ears. My brows furrow. Gavin also senses the problem.
Gavin: Let’s stop the car.
I nod, bringing the car to the side before stopping.
Gavin walks over to the front of the car, then opens the hood. Bits of sunlight filter through the leaves, casting a mix of light and shadows on his face.
MC: Should I call the insurance company?
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Gavin: No need.
Gavin purses his lips slightly, then waves casually.
Gavin: The spark plug just needs to be replaced. This car’s pretty old, and it hasn’t been maintained much. It’s a good time to give it a thorough check.
MC: I see...
I glance at the long mountain road. Even if we were to head down the mountain now, there’s still a great distance between us and the city...
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Gavin: It’s fine, there’s no need to worry.
As though seeing through my thoughts, he gives me a smile.
Gavin: There happens to be a shop I’m familiar with nearby. Since we’ve been driving for such a long time, we could head there for a short break too.
Gavin places his warm palm on the top of my head, rubbing it gently.
Gavin: In short, it isn’t a huge problem and we can continue driving. Let’s get in.
Halfway up this secluded mountain, Gavin stations the car outside a shop which looks pretty old. After getting off, what enters our vision is a tightly shut roll-up door.
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Gavin: The boss might have headed out.
Gavin calls out the boss’ name several times, but doesn’t receive a response. Instead, the sound of barking drifts over.
MC: This is...
Gavin: It belongs to the boss.
Gavin takes out his phone and dials a number. At the same time, he strides towards a flowerpot at the side, retrieving a key from underneath.
Gavin: I’ve told the boss about our situation. He says we could head into the shop to repair the car ourselves.
MC: Ourselves?
I mumble in slight confusion, watching as Gavin lifts the roll-up door.
Before I can get a clear glimpse of the shop’s interior, a figure leaps out.
??: Woof woof!
A brown puppy circles around Gavin excitedly, nuzzling against him affectionately.
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Gavin (voice clip here): Long time no see, Bean Bun.
Gavin squats down, patting its head. Then, he points at me.
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Gavin: This is Big Sis MC. Say hello to her.
MC: Nice to meet you, Bean Bun~
I bend down. When Bean Bun sees me, the affectionate energy disappears instantly, and it hides behind Gavin timidly.
MC: ...I’m feeling a sense of déjà vu. Why are these dogs only close to you?
I pout, my tone laced with envy. Gavin chuckles softly.
Gavin: It’s just a little afraid of strangers. Once it familiarises itself with you, it’d naturally stick to you.
Watching as Gavin carries the puppy up with ease, I can’t help but ask curiously.
MC: Do you come here often?
Gavin: I guess so. I often go on drives on the mountain, and got to know the boss here. I’d drop by occasionally to modify cars with him.
Gavin places Bean Bun down, then gives me a slight smile.
Gavin: That’s why I’m more familiar with this puppy.
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After saying this, he gets up and drives the car into the shop. I scan my surroundings in curiosity.
All of a sudden, a few photographs on the horizontally striped wall draw my attention-
The photographs feature customers of the shop with their beloved cars. Stepping closer, I find one figure particularly familiar...
MC: !
MC: Gavin, your photo is here too!
Pleasantly surprised, I point at that photograph. The Gavin in the photograph is even more youthful than he is right now. He’s leaning against the car, his amber eyes filled with unruliness.
This isn’t the only photograph. Next to it, there are several photographs of Gavin checking or fixing cars. However, they appear to be candid shots.
There are occasionally photographs of him looking directly into the camera. His brows are always furrowed slightly, reluctance written all over his face.
Thinking of the reasons why he was forced to have such photos taken, I find myself bursting into laughter.
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Gavin: Cough...
An unnatural cough drifts to my ears softly. Without realising it, Gavin has come over to stand behind me.
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Gavin: I once learnt how to repair cars from this boss.
He follows my line of sight, sweeping a glance at the photographs while explaining.
Gavin: But he’s very strange. He didn’t ask for fees, but just wanted to take some photographs of me to stick on the wall of the shop... he said that his business would be better this way.
Hearing this, the smile on my face grows even wider.
MC: Looks like this boss has pretty good taste. He knows that he can’t let this dashing “model” slip by~ If only I had such photographs of you...
I say this enviously while scrutinising the photographs on the wall. Gavin stares at the photographs of the youthful version of himself, and seems to understand my words differently.
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Gavin: “Such” photographs?
MC: Mm!
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Gavin: You could take a few photos later.
In a nonchalant manner, Gavin shifts to stand in front of me, and just so happens to block my line of sight.
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Gavin: Stop looking. My skills from back then are far different from what they’re like now.
He arches his brows slightly, taking my hand in his.
While looking at the person in front of me, I find myself laughing aloud. A sudden realisation strikes me.
MC: Wait. You mentioned “car repair skills”... So other than motorcycles, you can repair cars too?
My eyes widen in astonishment.
In these photographs, Gavin is always driving a car. Even though I already knew that he can modify and repair motorcycles, I never thought that four-wheeled vehicles were an easy feat for him too.
Probably due to my exaggerated expression and tone, Gavin chuckles.
Gavin: Why are you so surprised? I had an interest in it, so I tried learning a little. It isn’t anything serious. Although cars and motorcycles are two different types of vehicles, the principles behind repairing them are more or less the same.
Gavin says this calmly while retrieving spare parts for the replacement from a cupboard at the side. I support my chin with a hand, eyes focused on him.
MC: You seem to know everything.
Gavin: That’s an exaggeration. It’s just a hobby.
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With a faint smile, he walks towards the car while carrying the tools. When he walks past me, he taps on my cap gently.
Gavin: It won’t take long. It’d be fixed really soon. You can sit at the side and take a break for now.
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After saying this, Gavin rolls his sleeves up to his elbows, revealing his contoured arm as he uses the tools seriously.
I watch on fixedly, realising that I rarely see this version of him. As such, I smile while shaking my head, moving a chair over and sitting down next to him.
MC: I just want to stay here. This is the first time I’m watching you repair a car for real. I want to protect this best observation spot~
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Gavin chuckles softly, and doesn’t insist otherwise.
In the next second, something seems to occur to him. He stops in the midst of opening the hood of the car, then casts a glance at me.
MC: Hm? What’s wrong?
The corners of his lips hook upwards slightly, a gentle light overflowing in his eyes.
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Gavin: Erm, MC. Could you help me out?
Hearing Gavin’s suggestion, I nod hurriedly.
MC: Of course I can. How can I help?
Gavin tilts his head crookedly and ponders over this.
Gavin: Could you hand me tools?
MC: Only handing you tools...?
Seeing that I’m slightly disappointed in this task which doesn’t require much skill, Gavin smiles as he grabs a clean apron from the rack and ties it on me.
Gavin: It’s inevitable to get grease on you when repairing cars. You’re dressed really nicely today, so don’t get yourself dirty.
The sudden closeness in proximity causes me to soften my breathing. I cooperate by lifting my hands, then sneak a peek at Gavin from my peripheral vision.
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His eyes are lowered, and his expression is serious as he ties the ribbon of the apron into a knot. His warm breaths gently brush against my ear.
I blink and nod, my voice turning soft.
MC: Understood. In that case, I’ll be Officer Gavin’s little assistant today~
I say this with anticipation, and very soon grow accustomed to this new role.
While Gavin changes into his work clothes, I purchase two bottles of iced water from a nearby stall. After returning, the both of us take out the necessary spare parts and tools from a work cabinet.
Just as everything is going smoothly, a crisp sound drifts from the side, as though something has fallen to the ground.
Twisting our heads to look, we realise that Bean Bun, who had been drinking water obediently at the side earlier, has moved over to the car, pawing at the tools on the floor.
Gavin: A spare part probably fell underneath the car.
As though punishing it, Gavin rubs Bean Bun’s head. Then, he leans over to look below the car. He supports himself on the body of the car with one hand, attempting to reach for the spare part which rolled underneath the car.
Looking at his tall frame and the amount of effort he’s exerting, I can’t help but chuckle.
MC: I’ll do it.
Without waiting for Gavin’s response, I squat down, reaching out to feel underneath the car.
Gavin: ...do it slowly.
A large hand is lifted up, carefully protecting my head. 
After feeling around the darkness beneath the car, my fingertips suddenly bump into something icy cold. 
MC: Got it!
Seeing how happy I look, the corners of Gavin’s lips lift into a smile.
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Gavin: Looks like having an ‘assistant’ around is much more convenient.
He takes the spare part from my hand.
Gavin: I’ll have to trouble you again later.
MC: Mm, leave it to me!
Gavin removes his cap. After using a hoisting jack to prop the car up, his movements are nimble as he burrows underneath the car.
In the meanwhile, I tidy up the tools that Bean Bun had messed up earlier. Occasionally, the crisp sound of clanking metal can be heard.
Bean Bun: Woof!
After a moment, I hear a sudden sound.
Turning my head over, I spot Bean Bun wagging its tail, running towards the car.
MC: Wait, Bean Bun!
Worried that it’d disturb Gavin while he’s repairing the car, I attempt to pick it up. However, Bean Bun manages to evade me nimbly again and again.
In the blink of an eye, it slips underneath the car. I hurriedly bend down, looking underneath.
MC: Bean Bun, come here...
My voice abruptly halts, and my line of sight is involuntarily drawn to the image before me-
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Gavin is lying on the ground, his gaze focused as he makes replacements to the car.
His head is tilted upwards, revealing his sculpted lower jaw. A droplet of sweat slides off his face, plunging into the collar of his slightly open shirt.
Despite the grease and dirt on Gavin’s face, it does not minimise his dashing spirit at all.
Bean Bun: Woo...
Bean Bun’s bark returns me to my senses. It’s currently lying at the side, looking at Gavin a little pitifully. It’s as though it wants Gavin to play with it.
I wave at Bean Bun, pretending to look stern.
MC: Bean Bun, come here. I’ll give you delicious, delicious food!
Bean Bun: Woo woo...
Gavin: [laughs] It’s okay, he won’t disturb me.
Following the sound and looking over, I realise that Gavin had stopped his work at some point of time, and is currently looking at me with a shining gaze.
My face flushes, and I avert my eyes while using this opportunity to pick Bean Bun up, who is stuck to his side.
MC: Reporting to Officer Gavin - I’ve successfully kept this Little Rascal under control!
My dead seriousness tickles Gavin to laughter. He plays with Bean Bun while it’s in my arms.
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Gavin: Mm, not bad. My assistant is indeed competent. 
After this, he continues with the work on hand, just that the smile at the corners of his lips curls at a greater angle than before.
Gavin: MC, stay here and talk to me.
MC: Mm, sure~
I blink, then retrieve a small electronic fan from my bag at the side. I point it towards Gavin, wanting him to feel a little more comfortable. 
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Gavin: Come to think of it, do you know why I wanted to learn how to repair cars?
I look at him with curiosity, and Gavin continues.
Gavin: When driving, I’m the first person who can understand the overall situation of the car. To me, fixing the car myself is most convenient. Also, I can make detailed adjustments based on my own preferences. It takes a little more time, but the process is very interesting.
Gavin’s tone is gentle as he speaks, the corners of his lips lifting involuntarily.
Seeing the bright lights in his eyes, I feel a certain part of my heart being stirred.
MC: So that’s the reason why you like modifying and adding new coats of paint to vehicles? I know how that feels.
I nod while chuckling softly.
MC: Whenever I finished my handcrafts in the past, I’d draw all sorts of doodles on them... It was akin to leaving a mark belonging exclusively to me on the things that I liked.
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I mumble to myself, not noticing that Gavin has paused in his movements. After a moment, he slides out smoothly from underneath the car.
Warm yellow sunlight lands on Gavin’s face, smoothening his sharp edges.
My heart stirs slightly. Supporting my hands on my kneecaps, I bend over to ask him a question.
MC: Are you done repairing it?
Beneath the mottled light, Gavin lifts his eyes to look at me, arching his brows.
Gavin: Not yet. There’s still the final step. I’ll need your help.
He pulls me over to him. Amid the hot and dry air in the surroundings, Gavin’s scent and the smell of engine oil blend together.
Gavin places a tool in my hand. Together, we screw the spare part I had picked up earlier.
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Gavin: Done.
His scorching breaths land on the nape of my neck. I turn my head, watching as a large patch of sunlight spills on Gavin’s back.
Scattered dust floats in the air, reminiscent of mayflies as they land on the car, which has already been covered with a layer of dust.
The person in front of me has a bright and clear smile which is even more dazzling than sunlight. I blink gently, tugging on Gavin’s hand and swinging it to and fro.
MC: Gavin, there’s something else I might be able to help you with.
I retrieve a towel from the pail, leaning over and meticulously wiping the car which has already been rinsed once.
In the next moment, Gavin stands behind me, grabbing my hand.
Gavin: It’s best to start from the roof of the car. That way, we wouldn’t have to wipe and wash it again. Like this.
MC: Mm...
I cooperate, standing on my tiptoes. Due to our difference in height, I find it a little strenuous.
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Gavin: [laughs] Let me do it.
While saying this, Gavin takes the towel from my hand.
I nod and turn around. Only then do I realise that we’re only a finger away from each other.
Stray hairs on his forehead sweep against the tip of my nose, and I can see each one of his eyelashes distinctly.
Warmth climbs up my cheeks gradually. Just as I plan to slip out of this tiny space, my wrist is suddenly tugged on. 
MC: A-aren’t you washing the roof of the car...
Lifting my head, I see an imperceptible smile flashing past his eyes.
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Gavin: Before washing it, I have to ask for a “reward” from my little assistant.
After saying this, he leans down, cupping a hand against my ear.
Then, he leaves a gentle kiss on my lips.
I hold my breath. The only thing I can feel is my slightly increased heart rate.
On this scorching summer afternoon, the whirring fan moves continuously, and the sunlight along the horizon turns from a dazzling gold into a warm yellow.
Without even realising it, we’ve already wiped off all the soap bubbles on the car, and the body of the car is as shiny as the surface of a mirror.
MC: Done! Is Officer Gavin satisfied with this little assistant’s performance?
I turn my head towards Gavin excitedly. When I see the white soap bubbles on his face, I laugh aloud.
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Gavin: What is it?
Under Gavin’s confused gaze, I turn the sprinkler to the lowest level, then head over to Gavin.
MC: Don’t move.
I dab some water on my hand, wanting to brush off the soap bubbles on his face.
MC: Gavin, squat down a little.
Gavin: Mm, okay.
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Gavin nods in understanding. Following my instructions, he bends down. In an instant, his sculpted face draws close to me.
Beneath the gem-like and dazzling sunlight, the beads of sweat on his skin reflect light, causing me to be slightly engrossed in the sight.
I brush off the soap bubbles on his face gently. A damp yet soft sensation drifts from my fingertips. Gavin’s eyelashes quiver slightly at the touch.
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Gavin: ...are you done?
I turn my head, realising that the tips of Gavin’s ears have turned an unnatural red.
MC: ...nope. There’s still a little bit on your nose.
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Suppressing my laughter, I continue caressing his outline, deliberately leaning in closer.
Gavin’s breathing seems to become heavier. His eyelashes quiver slightly, before his eyes open right in front of me.
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Gavin: [breathing noises] ...
Our breaths mingle with the heat waves of midsummer, and our eyes reflect each other’s faces clearly.
After a short while, Gavin seems to react. His lips move, as though he’s about to say something. However, two crisp barks interrupt him.
Bean Bun: Woof! Woof!
Bean Bun, who has been neglected by us, releases unhappy sounds of protest. It hops up continuously, pawing against Gavin’s leg.
MC: Sorry sorry, we seem to keep forgetting you today.
Lowering my head, I pat Bean Bun’s head.
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Gavin: [sighs] ...
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As though not wanting my attention to continue getting diverted by the puppy, Gavin suddenly carries me in one swoop, placing me on the car as he looks directly at me.
Gavin: I haven’t answered your question from earlier.
MC: Huh?
Gavin leans in close. I have a clear view of the smile overflowing in his amber eyes...
Gavin: I’m very satisfied with the “little assistant’s” performance today.
The faint scent of sweat and the fragrance of soap meld into my breaths. Only after listening to him do I recall the question which was interrupted earlier.
Despite the smile surfacing on my face, I pretend to be dissatisfied while speaking.
MC: Is that all? Officer Gavin’s assessment seems a little superficial.
Gavin laughs. He lowers his head to nuzzle the tip of my nose while he continues.
Gavin: This is how satisfied I am.
After a long while, he draws away from me slightly. With an upward tilt of his lips, he reaches out to leave white soap bubbles on the tip of my nose.
Gavin: [laughs] ...there you go. Now, the both of us have soap bubbles on our faces.
Watching as the smile deepens on his lips, I’m in a daze for a few seconds. Then, I recall how I had toyed with him earlier.
MC: Gavin, you did that on purpose, didn’t you?
Gavin: Mm, this is a counterattack.
Gavin admits it with ease.
MC: I didn’t expect Officer Gavin to launch such a childish counterattack.
I can’t help but laugh. Gavin looks at me, happy warmth reflecting in his clean and clear eyes.
He lowers his head, leaning his forehead against mine affectionately.
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Gavin: MC, what you said earlier was very accurate. When there’s something I like, I’d want to leave my exclusive mark on it.
With his gaze, Gavin traces the contours of my face. Along with the warm breeze, his tender words land in my ears clearly.
Gavin: Which is why, over here...
He tilts my chin upwards gently, his voice softening.
Gavin: Let me leave a mark.
The scent belonging exclusively to Gavin wafts over. A soft sensation seals my lips shut.
MC: Mm...
Without giving me any time to react, Gavin rolls my breaths in between my lips and teeth in an overbearing manner.
The sound of disordered breaths dissipate at my ears. I support myself weakly on Gavin’s arms, feeling as though the temperature of my surroundings is rising.
After an unknown period of time, Gavin releases his hold on me. His arms remain tightly wrapped around my waist.
I pant slightly, allowing my breathing to regain some composure. As though I’m unwilling to admit defeat, I lean over towards him, giving him a light peck on his chin.
MC: ...Gavin, me too.
I stare at Gavin, my fingers caressing his outline before sliding down slowly, stopping at his chest.
MC: On you and your heart... I want to leave even more marks belonging exclusively to me.
The light in Gavin’s eyes stir for a moment. Then, he brushes aside the hairs on my face, pressing his lips to my forehead.
Gavin: MC.
I hear him calling my name.
Gavin: Actually, you already did that since a very long time ago. You did it effortlessly.
Reminiscent of a gust of summer breeze, his voice brushes my heart, filling it with a sweet emotion.
I wrap my arms around his neck, feeling the mingling of our interlaced breaths as they melt into the rapidly increasing temperature of the surroundings...
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Gavin’s Post: The breeze on the mountain is really comfortable. Next time, I’ll bring Sparky here.
MC: I want to learn how to ride a motorcycle from Officer Gavin!
Gavin: Sure. MC’s private lessons will begin next week.
Minor: Bro Gavin, can I tag along?
Gavin’s Post: The breeze on the mountain is really comfortable. Next time, I’ll bring Sparky here.
MC: Can we drive down different routes next time?
Gavin: Sure. Until you have your heart’s content.
Minor: Bro Gavin, can I tag along?
Gavin’s Post: The breeze on the mountain is really comfortable. Next time, I’ll bring Sparky here.
MC: Sparky: I’ve fallen out of favour.jpg
Gavin: It’s okay, I’ll coax it when we get back.
Minor: Bro Gavin, can I tag along?
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💧 Phone calls: First l Second
💧 Translated comic based on this date: here
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