#mogai coinin
revenant-coining · 8 months
[pt: Genderparasitus /end pt]
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[ids: 2 rectangular flags with 5 vertical lines. sizes in this order from left to right: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. colors in this order from left to right: dark red, grey-red, green, grey-red, dark red. in the center of the first flag is a dark red bacteria-like symbol, outlined in light green. /end id]
for cam
Genderparasitus: a gender system for genders connected to [x] and parasites, [x] parasites, being (a/an) [x] and a parasite, etc. can be used as a gender on its own; a gender connected to parasites, and/or being a parasite.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
[ids: a transparent square, a dark grey bacteria-like symbol, outlined in light grey, a transparent square. /end id]
Etymology: gender, “parasitus” latin for parasite
psd template here (link)
@radiomogai , @gamercod
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[id: a dark blue line divider. /end id]
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hihikawas · 10 months
hey! im changin stuff up a bit, may take me a while ta sort things though! but im changin from just doin icons ta like, rentry graphics, mogai coinin, npts (maybe) an others too! but ya, inbox bein emptied, an reqs r closed until the change is done :3
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page-2-ids · 3 years
Mild Warning (I guess)
I don’t like doing this kind of stuff, but this is something that I think coiners should have a warning/know about about this.
Pride-For-Your-Hoard is a Tumblr blog that reposts terms from creators and completely copies most of their non-reblog gender posts from Genderpedia. Neither Genderpedia or the coining post (if it’s still up) are ever linked to and coiners are only name dropped.
Them copying from people who have put months into an incredibly comprehensive archive is frustrating enough. They didn’t do all of this work for someone to copy their pages, make a brief mention of it in their bio, and then never link their pages.
What makes it worse is that they don’t just do it for posts from deleted blogs or non-Tumblr accounts like Gender-Archival does, that makes sense because that’s pretty much the only way to find those on Tumblr. There’s a problem because they’ve reposted several terms from Pumpkigender/Mason, MOGAI-Monarchs, and myself, as well as at least one gender from Neopronouns.
I’d recommend that coiners block this person, but I don’t know what it would do, since they’re clearly using Genderpedia (and maybe MOGIApedia) and there are plenty of terms on those.
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mogai-starscape · 3 years
*hello there!!
*thiz iz a mogai zpefic blog but u can requezt non mogai termz to ig
*bee nice u lil hooliganz >:/
*my name iz pluto! im 19, my pronounz r in my bio, and my typin quirk putz * b4 every zentence, replacez s with z, n i tend to zhorten wordz! if u need me to zpeak w/o it for ur requezt, juzt ask!
*thingz u can requezt lol:
*stim n moodboardz!
*term coinin! (can be umbrella termz or hyperzpecific!!)
*plz don't rq anythin r*cist, s*xist, n*sfw, etc!
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