queencvbra · 1 year
what y'all don't realize is that is literally how like ... 90% of Tory and Hawk's casual conversations go
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roastyoualive · 1 year
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𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼 — send 💭 + a topic to receive a headcanon about said topic.
@mohawkmade asked: 💭 + relationships 
Warren has a weird relationship with - well - relationships. On one hand, he has huge trust issues. This stems from a lot of things. First off, he’s been treated horribly by most people on principle. He’s his father’s son. He doesn’t get a chance beyond that. It doesn’t matter what he does or how hard he tries. Even if you don’t know his dad’s a villain, you know his dad’s in jail. 
Easy target. 
So he had to learn not to be. Be big, be intimidating, be closed off. If you let them take an inch, they’ll take a mile. No exceptions. Don’t give them anything. That’s partly why he reacts so viscerally to Will in the cafeteria scene. I’ve talked about the difference between them before - maybe not on this blog, but I talked about it - but I’ll rehash it here. Where Warren grew up, you didn’t solve things by apologising. Their schools didn’t do friendship circles or anything like that. They don’t really hold hands and sing kumbaya. Someone pushes, you push back harder. Eventually you get your place and settle down, but you have to earn that. It doesn’t come easy. 
And there’s also the fact that he’s been singled out before. Again, no dad, low income, weird family history. He didn’t even know what his father was in jail for until he was about eleven, twelve, maybe even older. He had no idea what was going on. Why’s your dad in jail, Peace? It started as ‘I don’t know’, evolved into ‘none of your business’, and settled on a fist to wherever Warren can hit first. That’s what makes people stop asking, so that’s what he grows to rely on. 
It also didn’t help that when his dad was arrested, Warren lost everything. His dad, yes, but also his house, his mom (she was too busy working), and his friends. The only friend Warren still has from before his dad was arrested is Lacey, and that’s because he works for her grandparents. The friends he made in preschool, his best friends, Sam and Grant? He never sees them again. So he lost basically everyone he loved or even liked in one fell swoop, and was too young to even understand why. That's a traumatizing experience. It messed him up bad in regards to relationships. People will leave him. That’s inevitable. One way or another, they’ll be taken away, and he’ll have nothing but catastrophic pain to show they were ever there in the first place. So why bother getting attached? 
It only makes things worse. 
On the other hand, Warren doesn’t like being lonely. There’s a difference between lonely and alone. He likes being alone, not being lonely. He also, like I mentioned, hates the notion of people leaving him. That can make him an interesting mix of distant and clingy. He won’t tell you a damn thing about himself sometimes, and other times he’ll just drop a ‘he doesn’t have much use for it in solitary’ without hesitation. In a way, that's almost a test. Will you stay, even knowing this about me? Will the ugliest parts of me not scare you away? He wants to be sure he can be vulnerable. Also, sometimes it just comes out - he’s still a teenager, after all. If you stay, if he thinks you’re safe, he’s really hard to get rid of. … In his own way. He will absolutely go out of his way for you. He’ll quite literally lay on the wire. He just doesn’t like people knowing he cares, because again, vulnerability and trauma. That’s why, yes, he agrees to help Layla with the whole Will thing, but ‘I’m not renting a tux’ - but he still shows up, dressed nice, even when he knows Will won’t be there. I was going to add about how he was willing to die for the sidekicks - making sure they got out before he did, putting himself between Layla and sue/Gwen, volunteering to fight the henchmen for Will - but no, that’s just how he is for everyone.
He’s a good boy. 
(But if he thinks you’re bad news, oh boy, he’ll go scorched earth - but that’s for another headcanon.)
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moonesq-a · 1 year
@mohawkmade | meme ↪ do you realize how hard i've worked to get here?
she struck a nerve. it wasn't the way she intended to make any of it sound, but she had to say something. it feels like she's barely seen him at all in the last couple of weeks – & something tells her the pressure of the sekai taikai coming up is starting to make itself felt. he's been training a lot. & she understands the need to make sure he's in top shape for the actual super bowl of karate, especially after what happened last time he fought, but it's getting out of hand. with the way he's been going at it, he might just need a reminder that balance is important outside of the dojo, too. " of course i do. " she watches him for a moment, quiet sigh passing past her lips as she settles in front of him. " baby, i didn't mean anything by it. i just – don't want you to burn out. " one hand hesitantly lifts & presses to his tattoo, amber hues keeping his gaze. " & i miss you. "
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karatetaught · 1 year
@mohawkmade    /    𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗖𝗔𝗟𝗟 ; 𝗔𝗖𝗖𝗘𝗣𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚.
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    "    𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁  𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁  𝘂𝘀  𝗼𝗻  𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀,  𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲  𝘁𝗵𝗲  𝗼𝗯𝘃𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀  𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗶𝗰𝗲,    "   robby  told  eli  the  moment  they  got  a  moment  alone  because  he  did  not  doubt  that  eli  would  have  his  questions  about  why  miguel  and  him  had  thought  he  would  be  the  best  person  to  represent  the  dojos.   to  him,  it  made  the  most  sense  for  eli  to  be  the  one  to  fight,  he  was  the    𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗼𝗻   and  robby  couldn't  wait  to  see  him  do  well.   hands  move  to  his  boyfriend's  hips,  pulling  him  a  little  closer  as  he  smiled  at  him,   "   you've  got  this.   don't  worry  about  who  silver  will  pick,  they've  got  nothing  on  you.   you're  the  champ,    "   robby  assurred  him,  hands  moving  round  to  rest  on  his  lower  back  as  he  held  him  a  little  closer  before  leaning  in  to  press  a  gentle  kiss  to  his  lips,   "   but  no  matter  what  happens,  i'm  proud  of  you,  okay?    "
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taughtcobra · 1 year
you were playing with fire.
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"I got them all, didn't I?" ava's not usually this overly reckless, but the last time they were fighting like this she got hurt, so this time she was stuck stretching her limits with how many minions she was able to take on at a time. she wasn't going to be seen as a liability, not by her team, and not by anyone. she'll make sure to call for backup as soon as possible next time.
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@mohawkmade :    📱 my muse's phone ; accepting.
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what  ringtone  my  muse  has  set  for  yours  :  you're  my  best  friend,  queen.
what  my  muse  thinks  of  the  way  yours  texts  :  honestly  they  never  laugh  more  than  in  text  conversations  with  hawk,  they  love  how  his  wit  &  sarcasm  comes  out  even  in  text.
how  quickly  my  muse  responds  to  your  texts  :  unless  they're  at  practice,  they  pretty  much  respond  straight  away.
how  often  our  muses  text  :  pretty  much  every  day,  if  not  every  other  day.
how  often  our  muses  call  :  at  least  once  a  week,  maybe,  depends  if  anything  major  happens  that  is  too  big  for  text.
does  my  muse  purposefully  miss  calls  from  yours  :  rarely,  only  will  miss  the  call  if  they  are  in  a  position  to  not  be  able  to  answer  it.
last  text  sent  from  my  muse  to  yours  :  ( mercy )  ;  can  i  come  over?  just  had  a  hell  of  a  phone  call  with  you  know  who's  lawyers  and  i  don't  want  to  be  alone  right  now.
what  contact  photo  my  muse  has  set  for  yours  :
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pointkeene · 1 year
@mohawkmade : Robert Swayze Keene.
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"shit." the word was hissed under a breath , spine straightening at not only the use of his full name ( fucking robert ? really ? ) but his full biblical name. they didn't use each others' middle names. they were locked in that goddamn box where they could rot. robby was going to ask robin how to legally change it. eli knew that. but here they were. robby was . . . tired. mentally , physically , emotionally exhausted. he went to school five days a week , went straight from school to work most days , and did community service on saturday. thank fuck they had sundays together , because even volunteering together wasn't enough. he was already on edge , and eli and everyone else were talking about college plans — reminding robby that he was going to be left behind. so he snapped : once , twice , three times in the span of a few hours. he never got that testy with eli , ever , but he just couldn't take it anymore. he needed a break but fuck , not from eli.
maybe this was it — the beginning of the end. eli was going to go to some smart kid university and forget about the high school boyfriend he left behind. it was inevitable , wasn't it? nobody wanted a fuckup like robby. and everyone robby cared about always left , or didn't care enough to show up in the first place. his parents were more present now than they ever were , and harry was . . . well , the only real constant in robby's life. until eli. "are we full naming each other now , bestie?" he asked , putting venom into that last word but hey , eli was the one who opened that forsaken box in the first place. he stopped on his skateboard , kicking it up and grabbing the edge so he could carry it over to where his glaring boyfriend was. "do i get a kiss , pookie? or are you not in the mood?" he continued pushing him , but damn if he didn't step even closer like gravity was pulling them together.
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venustrape-arch · 1 year
↪ but what if hawk threw milk duds into maya’s popcorn like johnny taught him
it's been a tough couple of weeks – she's never really been the personable kind & getting used to a new school is not a walk in the park. joining cobra kai has helped. it's much easier to strike up conversations with people when you're both kicking the shit out of a punching bag than it is in the cafeteria. her perpetually annoyed expression may deter people from approaching her at school, but it's been different at the dojo – here, punching someone in the ribs gets you an invitation to the movies. how convenient.
aisha was the one to extend the invitation, but clearly, it was a cinema field trip sort of situation. whatever action movie they'd agreed on, she was actually enjoying it... until the disturbance. a few milk duds land in her popcorn bucket, but it's the ones that hit the back of her head that grind her gears. " are you fucking kidding me – " she whispers through gritted teeth, calmly setting her popcorn down before turning in her seat to catch the perpetrator in the act – all signs point to hawk. she hasn't got this kid figured out yet. but even if they were on friendly terms, this is not typically the type of behavior she lets slide. " hey, " a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes forms, gaze shifting curiously between the box in his hands & his eyeline. " thanks for the duds, dude. clearly you don't want them anymore, so – " hand snatches the candy from him, a quick wink paired with a quiet thanks following. she only fakes an attempt to turn back into her seat before pursing her lips & facing him again, bending her frame over the backrest. " i'm sorry, here's some back in case you get snackish later. " finger hooks into the collar of his shirt & a moderate avalanche of milk duds get poured through, the forced smile across her lips finally turning into a satisfied grin. she finally lets herself turn back towards the screen, the quiet laughter coming from aisha & tory drawing a chuckle out of her, too as they share the candy. she should thank him. it turns out sharing stolen movie snacks is a great bonding experience.
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neverafters · 1 year
✶ hawkie
send ✶ and I’ll write a headcanon about our muses
oh hi. you should know that when you plot with me, it's going to hurt. so here we go ! when she went to the upside down, frankie was with her brother and the others when they were attacked by demobats, and one got her face pretty bad. she got a talon (do bats have talons? do demobats have talons? claws, whatever the heck they are) scratch from her brow down her cheek. it only narrowly missed her eye. but she was very selfconscious about the scar it left. eli was the only person that could talk to her about the scar and make her feel like it didn't just make her more of a freak jr. he made her feel seen, and made her feel so normal when they bonded over their scars. he was the one that taught her that she was more than just the mark on her face.
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senseibalance · 1 year
@mohawkmade ⸻  x.
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"there  is  a  few  moves  that  I  learned  from  miyagi's  other  student  julie.  it's  less  defense  in  a  way  but  I  think  we  all  learned  defense  isn't  just  waiting  to  be  attacked."  that  he  learned  the  hard  way.  he  is  a  bit  in  ache  still.  "one  i'm  back  on  my  two  feet  I  can  teach  you  the  kick.  somehow  crane  kickin'  someone  in  your  mid  fifties  with  a  bad  knee  isn't  ideal."  he  is  taking  it  easy  though.  the  doctor  said  he  would  be  up  for  business  in  no  time  and  he  was  doing  life  as  usual,  except  for  doing  the  high  kicks.  a  short  pause,  as  daniel  looks  over  at  hawk,  before  eyes  fall  toward  the  bonsai  tree  and  continues  to  trim  it.  "if  you  want,  of  course."
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queencvbra · 1 year
I’m going to assume she would lose a fight against hawk. (Not coming from hawk at all)
@mohawkmade // make a assumption about my muse and see how they react
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ㅤㅤㅤ❝ Is that a fucking joke? ❞ Of all the insulting things that have ever been said to her, this has to be one of the lowest, most unbelievable of them all. ❝ I would demolish him. I'd give him an ass-kicking so bad his girlfriend won't be able to look at him for a week. He will crawl back into his bird nest and weep and probably start to fucking molt out of embarrassment. And if he makes it through that, he'll probably run off and become the guy version of a nun or whatever that is. That is how much of a chance he doesn't have against me. ❞
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roastyoualive · 1 year
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𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼 — send 💭 + a topic to receive a headcanon about said topic.
@mohawkmade asked: 💭 + heroes
Another good one! This depends on timelines. When he was a kid, Warren liked heroes a lot - just like any other citizen of Maxville. It’s a common cultural touchstone for them. It’s important to remember that Barron didn’t bring his ‘work’ home. Warren didn’t know his dad was a supervillain. He thought he was a normal guy. Yes, okay, sure, he could shoot fire, sure, but he was just Dad. Warren loved him. And his mom was a hero! He loves his mom! So heroes must be good, right? They must be. 
And then a hero takes his dad. 
And then a hero destroys his life. 
And maybe heroes aren’t so cool anymore. 
It’s not only that, but also the fact that the hero community at large left the two of them to their own devices. They didn’t help. The agency that watched over heroes didn’t help support his mom through her education, so she quit her part time job, dropped out of university, and now she cleans houses in the mornings and works at Rexall in the evenings. They didn’t help the Peace family get health insurance, so when Warren broke his leg as a kid, Penny was left selling her own possessions off to make sure she could afford the cast. She sold even more to make sure he could have a christmas. None of them even seemed to care why he broke his leg. (He was pushed out of a tree, for the record.) They were just upset he had retaliated. 
And then the heroes turn on his mom (in his view). 
And then he's branded a villain for being alive. He’s Warren Peace. He’s Barron Battle’s kid. He’s the bad guy. It doesn’t matter what he does, as soon as he’s there, they’ve already made up their minds about him. It doesn’t matter what he does or how he does it, he’ll never be any more than that. He might as well accept it. They don’t care about him. They don't care about his mom. If he had to guess, based on how they treated him and his mom, people just want them to disappear. 
So he doesn’t like heroes. He doesn’t trust heroes. And that’s going to take a long time for it to change.
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frxncaise · 1 year
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@mohawkmade asked: hawk said no one is allowed to throw a waffle at ange actually !!!
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   a tender smile tugged at her lips before she pressed a chaste kiss to his cheeks. angélique was not exactly used to others outside of her family actually caring and sticking up for her. this unfamiliar feeling was very welcome and very different from her typical feelings of loneliness. being hit with a waffle would not be the worst thing to have ever be thrown at her ---she will not get into right now--- and it would have confused her more than anything. but she will take what she can get. ❛ that is very considerate of you, prince charming. ❜
Send "GET WAFFLED IDIOT" to throw a fucking waffle at my muse at full speed!
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rebeltyped · 1 year
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@mohawkmade :    hawk said donut boy is a simp. random asks ; always accepting.
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    "    𝖎𝖘  𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙  𝖘𝖚𝖕𝖕𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖉  𝖙𝖔  𝖇𝖊  𝖆𝖓  𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖚𝖑𝖙?    "   duncan  smirked,  looking  over  at  the  other  boy  and  he  couldn't  help  but  think  of  that  phrase    pot  calling  the  kettle  black    because  no  one  was  a  bigger  simp  than  hawk.   however  he  didn't,  he  just  shrugged  his  shoulders  and  gave  him  a  playful  smile,   "   okay,  so  i'm  a  simp.   so  what?   i  can't  help  it,  guess  that's  jsut  who  i  am,    "
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freezegirl · 2 years
+ @mohawkmade didn't ask for a starter but gets one anyway ;)
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"i swear, i'm going to stab invisi-boy with the sharpest ice shard in the history of sharp ice shards. if he doesn't shut up---" superpower discourse would be preferable to this, she thinks, as a fresh round of giggles and chuckles fills the room she's trying so hard to keep from plummeting into subzero. i feel for peace, kyler park had said, must be hard, kissing someone as frigid as her; wouldn't be me, not even if you paid me.
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@mohawkmade :    and i like him - to tease, to torment, to make him squirm. scream film franchise ; accepting.
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    "    𝗼𝗵  𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆?    𝘆𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲  𝗴𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮  𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀  𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁  𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗻  𝗵𝗲'𝘀  𝗴𝗼𝗻𝗲?    "   mercy  teased  with  a  dark  smirk  because  as  much  as  hawk  must  enjoy  demetri's  company,  they  both  knew  he  was    𝘁𝗼𝗼  𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁   to  stay  alive.   he  was  probably  the  only  one  who  could  actually  scooby  doo  this  shit  and  figure  out  the  real  people  behind  the  mask,  which  was   𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘂𝘀   to  them,   "   look,  i'll  promise  to  make  it  quick  for  old  times  sake  for  you,   "   they  promised,  which  wasn't  exactly  something  they  would  be  willing  to  do  for  anyone  else.   demetri  probably  wouldn't  put  up  that  much  of  a  fight  anyway,  the  quicker  he  was  out,  the  longer  they  could  continue  to  lay  down  the  plans  for  who  exactly  they  were  going  to  frame.   their  plan  was  borderline   𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁   and  they  could  not  afford  for  anyone  to  mess  with  that.   if  demetri  so  much  as  had  an  inkling  of  suspicion  that  it  was  teally  the  two  of  them,  that  could  ruin  everything.   moving  to  sit  opposite  him,  green  eyes  flicking  over  him  as  they  leaned  back  in  their  chair,  arms  folded  across  their  chest,   "   unless  you  really  wanna  do  it?   give  you  one  last  chance  to  torment  the  poor  boy,   "
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