#mojang arent bad devs you just dont like Minecraft
Getting real tired of people who dont even play Minecraft having 1001 negative opinions about it. Its a good game and the devs get dragged unnecessarily. Sorry that you played it 10 years ago as a kid and now cant have fun playing games anymore
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kozykricket · 8 months
mc ramblings
I've been thinking about modern minecraft updates, and y'know what I think would be a good way to sum up post-1.18 updates? Passion Projects. I think we're in the Passion Project Era ??? maybe ??? a good name ??
1.13-1.18 were about improving and expanding upon lacking parts of the game, in a sort of combination of fixing issues and also adding nicer things that in a way would fix issues but now? well, I'm gonna preface this by saying i dont think its inherently bad, and i think minecraft has needed to take a break from themed updates, to take time and go "fuck it we ball" with random shit, and QoL and such. things that arent very appealing. but of course they... will still do big stuff that they can market. it seems like there is little content at times because well... a lot of the big stuff going on is only in whispers, and only noticed by devs and datapackers. but to an outsider, of course they have Content to Show people. thats where i say the passion projects come into play like, tell me you dont get a very specific feel with like, the deep dark or trial chambers... that mojang is trying to like, create gameplay experiences WITHIN the engine of minecraft, rather than inherently updating and changing the game with like... removals and rebalancing and such. which okay yes thats a larger topic, about how in the modern era they tend to shy away from those in general but like stuff like the deep dark and trial chambers feel so intricately designed,a nd it feels like the entire update is designed around them... which honestly can end up feeling kind of weird. like WOW the quality of this content is astonishing, but gee ya sure are just giving every bit of Content Development Resources to help aid in putting together this single thing 1.20 was def a break from that, but it was still certain little passion projecty systems, like archaeology and armor trims. 1.20 is an outlier though, TBH. it was a really good update because it didnt try to market Wow Cool content, not even a little bit really. it just said yo we got cherry trees and that was that
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exiledelle · 6 months
this is going to be an off-the-cuff, kind of rambley and ranty post that i might regret posting in a day or two, sorry, but also its a minecraft rant so i guess who really cares but.
its already a massive pet peeve of mine that people have been spouting "nothing update" "lazy dev" jokes for basically every update since 1.16, just flat out downplaying or ignoring half of the update in question and instead judging it based off a surface level face value image that only takes the physical features like blocks, and throws the technical and functional side of things to the side. (not giving names cuz its not actually their fault and even if my blogs small i dont want to risk spreading harassment)
minecraft and mojang can definitely be criticized, to be clear, neither are perfect, but it annoys me that these people present it like they arent even criticizing the game, theyre just upset that an updates small. thats it.
but its even worse imo that april fools happens to be a joke snapshot and it suddenly erupts even more
"LOOK SEE THEY CAN ADD ALL THIS BUT THEY CHOOSE TO DO NOTHING" where is this nothing. is it behind the new gimmicky weapon everyone seemed to love for being new, unique, and powerful? is it next to the new structure with 2 new hostile mobs and a rework to bad omen that opens the doors to a lot of interesting events in the future? maybe its buried underneath the technical features we've gotten that change everything for datapacks and map makers? cuz none of that sounds like nothing.
and thats not even mentioning that not only do the april fools snapshots have absolutely zero quality control which is how theyre able to dump it out with so much so fast, but ALSO not every april fools joke is a snapshot. this years was but in other years theyve done screensavers, lit the launcher on fire...
i dunno im just really sick of seeing the whole "haha minecraft bad lol they cant even wedge 3 mobs into the update" (which is a different rant for a different time) sorts of nothing jokes for the 400 millionth time. everytime i see it im genuinely "find some new material, actually criticize the game beyond demanding EVERY update try to be the scale of minecons version of 1.17, or just leave and play games you actually enjoy"
1.15 happened and nobody batted an eye, which really makes you think honestly. just saying. i loved 1.16 and still do but some people really just want that to be the standard, especially after 1.17 minecon, despite both of those updates being a bit bad on the devs by the end from my understanding. theres a reason caves and cliffs was split into 4 smaller updates and i genuinely think we got way better updates as a result. i do hope we get another big update but id rather have 5 smaller updates than them trying to cram 5 large ones back to back
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