littleavengerfics · 2 years
Hiiiii I’m not sure if you’re taking requests but if yes can you do Wanda (mommy) and Nat (Mama) spending their first full day with y/n as their new little. I’m just thinking of The Lion King one you wrote and what their first full day with little y/n would look like. Idk like they’re excited for their new CG/Little dynamic so they play and love on and feed y/n with airplane noises and all three of them are just like wow I have never been happier in my life than now, this is what I was missing. I sowwy I’m getting smaller and big thoughts are getting harder to say🥺
It's okay you did great :) i love this idea.
warnings: age regression, little reader, Mommy Wanda, Mama Nat, unspecified little age.
"Hey y/n." Wanda smiled taking a sip of her coffee. "Oh hey, good morning." Y/n smiled, opening the fridge, trying to find something to eat.
"I can make you something if you'd like." Wanda offered standing up. "Uh thanks, I would do it but I'm still-" Y/n trailed off nervously. "You still feeling little?" Wanda asked softly, y/n gave a slight nod. "I'm on the edge of slipping so I'm still big but I don't think cooking is a great idea right now."
"Well I'm more than happy to do it for you sweetheart." Wanda pulled out the ingredients for y/n's favourite breakfast and began preparing it when Natasha walked in.
"Hey y/n, how are you feeling dorogoy?" Y/n gave them both a worried look as they started to enter their headspace. "It's alright detka you can slip, we'll take care of you."
"Is that what you want, us to be your mommies?" Wanda asked moving your hair out of your face. "Yeah." You whispered reaching out for the Russian.
"Hey little one, why dont you show me all the things you like to do then we can have breakfast when Mommy's done." Nat offered picking you up. "Mhm mama see my stuffies?"
"I would love to meet your stuffies baby." The spy set you down on your bed where you babbled on about each of your stuffed animals and toys you had in your room. You expected the Russian to get bored of your babbles and rambling but she sat through it all with an amazed smile as if it was the most interesting conversation she'd ever had.
"Hey guys breakfast is ready." Wanda smiled at you and Wanda playing on your bed. "Mommy!" You cheered doing grabby hands at the witch. "Hey love." Wanda chuckled lifting you into her arms.
"Oh so you want mommy now?" Nat fake frowned. "Nuh uh wan mama toos." You giggled at the Russian. "Well that's good then."
"Mama can i has toy at bre'fast?" You asked doing the best puppy dog eyes you could muster. "Only if you let mama have one too." She grinned kissing your head. "Only for today though y/n and you still have to eat all your breakfast." Wanda said firmly, Nat grabbed some toys and you headed to the table.
"Tanks mommy." You smiled as she placed you on her lap, where you had requested to sit. "No problem baby."
Half way through eating you stopped and leant back against Wanda, still clutching your toy.
"What's wrong dorogoy?" Nat asked with a worried look. "No wan eat wan snuggles." You didn't like having to sit forward to eat your breakfast you liked being close to Wanda. Nat smiled warmly at your adorableness, grabbing your fork.
"Here comes the aeroplane." She sang bringing the fork to your mouth. You happily ate the forkful of food before she gave you another. "Here comes the Quinjet." She stated, mimicking the hum of the engine. You giggled and carried on eating what she fed you until there was no food left on your plate. "Good job baby." Wanda smiled, kissing your temple.
"What do you want to do next?" Nat asked clearing the plates. "Um color an toons!" You exclaimed, running off to grab your crayons and favourite colouring book.
Wanda watched in confusion as Nat whispered something to you making you giggle. You grabbed the russian's hand before you both took off. "Last one there is a silly monster!" Nat shouted back at the sokovian who chased after you both.
"Mommy's silly." You giggled when Wanda finally caught up. "Oh I'm not just a silly monster... I'm a tickle monster." Wanda smirked stepping closer to you. "Mommy no!" You squealed hiding behind the spy. "I'm gonna get you." Wanda teased before grabbing you and tickling your stomach. You exploded into a fit of giggles wriggling around in her arms. "Mama!" You shouted through the laughter.
"Come here baby I'll protect you." Wanda and Nat could still hear your giggles against the Russian's neck as she lifted you up into the safety of her arms. Wanda gave a content sigh, before collapsing back onto the couch.
"Alright little one what do you want to watch." You had changed your mind from cartoons and decided to watch your favourite movie instead so Natasha pressed play and the two of you got settled on the floor with your colouring books.
Wanda couldn't help but smile at the two of you sprawled out the floor, you with your tongue sticking out and Natasha kicking her legs in concentration.
Once the film, and your masterpieces were done Wanda carried you over to the fridge where they displayed the artwork, even Natasha put hers up, she of course also included a not so friendly reminder to everyone stating to not take them off or even touch them.
"They look beautiful, you did such a good job sweetheart. I love them." Natasha nodded in confirmation however gave Wanda a frown for not appreciating her art. "Yours is perfect too Natasha." Wanda said playfully rolling her eyes. "Thank you Wanda."
"Baby do you want to pick something else to do before we start making lunch?" Wanda asked bouncing you slightly. "Movie!"
"Let's go watch a movie." Wanda smiled carrying you back to the couches. By the time the movie was over you were trying not to fall asleep. "Come on let's get some food then you can have a nap after." Wanda smiled lifting you into her arms, you instantly relax, sleepily resting your head on her shoulder.
"Aw look how cute you are, our little sleepy baby." Nat cooed taking you off Wanda so she could make food whilst you rested. Nat paced around rubbing your back, loving how adorable you were. "Nat, y/n food's ready!" Wanda called out from the kitchen.
"Do you want your own seat or would you like to sit here with me?" Nat asked when you got to the table you clung on to her which she took as the latter so got you comfortable on her lap.
"I decided on sandwiches because they're quick so this little cutie can go to sleep." Wanda chuckled as you all ate the food.
"At least we don't have to worry about planning something for the afternoon it looks like we're taking a nap." Nat smirked as you fought to keep your eyes open once again. "mommy mama stay?" You mumbled against her neck.
"How about we get changed and go to my room and we can take a nap together, it's not very comfy here." Wanda suggested clearing the plates and changing you all into pyjamas with her powers.
"Mama comfy." You mumbled against her neck.
"Aw." Nat chuckled, "I'm sure she is but these chairs aren't very comfy, do you want to go to bed? You can still have cuddles there." You gave a small nod.
The three of you left for Wanda's bedroom for cuddles and naptime.
You cuddled up between the two of them as they stared down at you. All of you thinking about how happy you were in that moment. This was the happiest and the most loved any of you had felt, maybe ever. You all fell asleep tangled up together in a comforting hold, the perfect little family.
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littleavengerfics · 2 years
Little secret
WandaNat x little reader
Summary: The group decide to have a movie night. But what happens when you slip for the first time since you joined the team.
You were sat with Wanda and Natasha watching Carol and Thor having an arm wrestle contest when Tony walked in. 'Hey guys, so Pepper has to go on a business trip so I have to look after the little gremlin tonight. I don't think I can come to movie night.' Thor looked at Tony in shock and disgust Carol quickly pinned his arm to the table.
'I win again.' Carol smirked. 'That is not fair Stark distracted me, I was winning before.' Carol laughed. 'You wish sparky, I was giving you a chance to win since you always act like a cry baby when you lose. But I'm getting bored.' Thor held his hand up. 'One more go, I will win this time, but you are not allowed to cheat.' Carol nodded grabbing Thor's hand.
'They are going to be there for a while, what were you saying Tony?' Nat asked turning away from Carol and Thor. 'um I'm babysitting the little gremlin tonight so I'm not coming to movie night.' Tony sighed, sipping on his coffee. 'First of all, is it really babysitting if it's your kid? Secondly, maybe don't call your daughter a gremlin she's your daughter. Third, I got shot in the shoulder and still had to come to movie night so you are definitely going. You can just bring Morgan here, kids love movies and popcorn.'
'yeah I don't think pepper would approve of all of your movie choices for my four year old, besides she is a gremlin. Her first word was mama, which is fine but do you remember her second word?' Nat and Wanda tried to hold in their laughs.
'Stee!' Tony said angrily, 'she said capsicles name before mine. Wanda and Nat shared a look.
'Yeah we did that.' Nat chuckled Tony's eyes went wide. 'hey we were going to make it a curse word but we figured you would like that too much. Plus being surrounded by you she was bound to learn those sooner or later' Wanda explained playing with her magic as if it was a normal conversation.
'Fine, but we are watching the lion king because it's the only movie she shuts up for.' I panicked that was my favourite movie to watch, it always made me slip. The avengers didn't know that I am a little.
'I can't go.' I blurted out loudly making everyone look at me. I was usually super quiet but i was so panicked I didn't even think about controlling my volume. 'Come on y/n, you were really excited earlier.' Nat gave you a reassuring smile. 'No, I still am.. I just have a lot of work to do.' I mentally facepalmed at my poor excuse.
'Kid we all have work to do, you're going.' Tony said firmly walking out. There was no way for you to argue. 'If I have to sit through the lion king so do you.' Nat patted you on the shoulder before going to make a coffee and train.
'Alright fine, I'll see you later.' You went to your room, throwing yourself on your bed, dreading what was going to happen that night.
*Time skip*
When it was time for the movie you slowly walked to the living room.
"Hey y/n come sit with us!" Wanda called out moving over slightly so I could fit between her and Natasha. "okay." I said nervously sitting down, Nat threw a blanket over the three of us and I took a deep breath to try and ground myself.
'It's okay if you cry by the way, Wanda cried for like three hours the first time she watched it.' Nat said making Wanda hit the back of her head with her powers. 'So if you're worried about crying don't Wanda probably will too.' I smiled at the way she comforted me even thought that wasn't why I was upset.
Not even half way through the movie my brain started to feel fuzzy. 'No no no not now.' I whispered but the two girls obviously heard. 'Y/n, you okay?' Wanda whispered. 'sorry I can't.' You threw the blanket off and ran out with tears running down your face.
Wanda and Natasha followed after you hearing cries echoing down the corridor. 'Y/n can you open the door please.' You heard Wanda's voice but you just hid further into the blankets hoping they would go away. They didn't.
'Y/n we want to check you are okay, let us in or Wanda will open it.' When you didn't respond Wanda opened it with a ball of energy. 'Oh sweetheart.' Wanda cooed walking over to the pile of blankets you were hiding under. She pulled them off revealing your nest of stuffies as you cried against the fur.
"No." you whined not wanting them to see you like that. You sat up to grab the blanket from Wanda but she pulled it back out of your reach. "Weave me alone." You got out as a steady flow of tears ran off your face.
'Y/n baby, are you a little?' Natasha asked softly brushing your hair out of your face. You nodded with tears spilling down your cheeks. 'Aw come here little one.' The name made you feel warm and happy. You watched her hold her arms out, asking permission to pick you up. You nodded soon feeling her arms wrap around you. You took a second to get used to the feeling, wanting to remember this moment forever. Her warmth, her smell... you didn't ever want to forget that feeling you adjusted for a second before collapsing into her.
'y/n do you have someone to take care of you?' Nat asked rubbing your back?' you shook your head. 'You could have two if you want? We could be your caregivers?' Wanda asked and you gave her a big smile. 'ya.' Wanda smiled back at you, 'can i have a hug too?' You nodded, Natasha passed you over to her.
'how old are you cutie?' Wanda asked bouncing you lightly, you held up two fingers. 'Okay, do you want a sippy or bottle?' You pointed to a drawer, when Natasha looked inside it had a sippy cup and a pacifier hid under a blanket.
'Okay lets go get you a drink baby, don't worry they are all to busy watching the movie, they wont come in the kitchen.' You nodded trusting Wanda. Natasha filled up a sippy of warm milk for you. You took it happily as the two women smiled at how adorable you looked.
'Miss Romanoff? Mr stark has had the film on pause for a while, he is coming to check on you. Given the current circumstances I have warned him not to come this way.' Jarvis warned, to be honest Natasha and Wanda seemed more scared than you. You were too distracted to care.
The warm milk combined with Wanda rubbing your back had made you extremely sleepy, you had to fight to keep your eyes open. Natasha swapped the sippy cup for your pacifier and you took it gratefully. Just then Wanda moved you from being on her hip to in front of her. You whined for a second but she guided your head to her neck and you soon relaxed again.
Natasha grabbed your blanket and placed it over you as Wanda swayed you to sleep.
'What the-' Tony started earning a glare from Nat. Nat pushed him out into the hall. 'you better listen to me.' he nodded. 'y/n is a little, if you have a problem with that you have a problem with me and Wanda, got it?' He nodded again to scared to speak.
'Good, now go back to the movie and tell everyone we'll be back in a minute.' Nat walked back into the kitchen. 'It's okay he's gone I made him promise to not say anything bad and he's supposed to be smart so I'm guessing he will listen.'
'Y/n is a little?!' Nat heard a loud voice behind her, she turned to see everyone stood there. (i say everyone I mean; Steve, tony, thor, clint, carol and peter)
You were woken up by Thor's booming, when you saw all the faces staring at you it scared you making you cry for the second time that day, the pacifier dropping out of your mouth.
'Hey shh baby it's okay, you're safe.' Nat stroked y/ns head. Wanda cleaned and pocketed the pacifier for later when you weren't so upset.
'Hey kiddo, it's okay we wont hurt you.' Tony admitted. 'Of course not, you are our family. We can be your family, would you like that?' Steve added, you nodded wiping away the tears. you pointed to the floor so wanda set you down. 'huggy'
You wrapped your arms as much as you could around tony and steve soon everyone joined in the hug. 'You are our little avenger now.' Tony smiled ruffling your hair. 'If anyone hurts you, you tell us okay?' carol asked making you nod. 'Were your aunts and uncles now and we'll protect you. well except the kid he can be your big brother or something.' Peter smiled.
Who knew the lion king would be the answer to your problems?
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littleavengerfics · 2 years
Nat x Wanda x little reader.Wanda finds out your favourite comfort item is "damaged" and she has to fix it with the help of her girlfriend natasha.Warnings: age regression, comfort items, mommy Wanda and mama Nat, mentions alcohol use.
Wanda went to take a load of laundry out the dryer when she noticed something in the bottom. 'Nat? Where's y/n?' Wanda asked nervously. 'Still asleep.' The Russian responded getting up to check what was worrying Wanda. 'Oh gods, how did that get in there?' Wanda shook her head.
'I don't know, I just found it, y/n is going to have a meltdown if they see this.' Nat nodded biting her lip trying to find a solution. 'Well first let's find out how this happened.' Wanda watched the Russian walk off, she quickly got up knowing to follow. Whoever caused this was going to upset y/n. And if there's one thing Nat hates it's when someone upsets her baby, and she would go to extreme lengths to make sure they know that. Wanda was prepared to calm Nat down, or pull her off someone, what? Nat's unpredictable and overprotective sometimes.
'Hey! One of you idiots better start talking.' Nat slammed y/n's blankie on the table Bucky and Tony gulped.
'Y/n came in last night, while we were babysitting. They were holding the blankie as they do, they seemed upset so I sat them on my lap i admit I was a little drunk...' Nat glared at him. 'You got drunk while looking after my baby?!'
'Yes, anyway when they were done having fun with their favourite uncle they were tired so I got Steve to put them back to bed. Me and Bucky stayed in the living room, he was drinking beer. I tried to practice this really cool stunt where I do a flip then call the suit. But uh I may have fired the suit instead of calling it. Bucky's beer was on the table, it got in the way, and uh kind of exploded on impact. There was a puddle of beer on it so we panicked and threw it in with the laundry. If anything it was y/n's fault they left the blanket there.'
Nat looked at Tony in shock. 'You really think blaming y/n is a good idea?' She crossed her arms. 'I did before, not now.'
'I tell you what next time they're screaming and crying inconsolably because of nightmares. You can deal with them.' Wanda stepped in trying to calm her down. 'That blankie is the only thing that calms them  down.' Nat said sadly. You had already lost so much, Nat couldn't bear the thought of you not feeling safe and happy like when she would swaddle you in it, watching the worries fade from your face. She tried smelling it to see if it had any scent left but it smelt overwhelmingly of flowers.
'Bwankie?' You whimpered softly. Nat turned to see your quivering lip as you stared longingly at the blanket in her hand. 'I'm sorry baby, someone gave blankie a bath by accident.' Y/n took the blanket from Nat breathing in its scent instantly wailing. 'No smell wike bwankie.' Nat pulled you in close. 'I know baby I'm so so sorry.'
You cried and screamed until your lungs gave in. Nothing could comfort you, not Nat, Wanda. Nothing. Wanda tried magic to make you smile. Nat sat you on her lap, laid with you, cuddled you but nothing worked. It broke their hearts.
'We can spray it with something else, what do you want on it? Lavender? Strawberry?' You shook your head. 'Mama n mommy.' Wanda looked at Nat who smiled. 'Okay baby can I have blankie a minute.' You whined pulling it to your chest. 'No owie.' Nat rubbed your arm. 'Dorogoy mama would never hurt blankie, I'll be extra extra super duper careful.' You giggled reluctantly handing over the blanket, of course you trusted Nat more than anything but you couldn't help but worry. If an accident cause this in the first place maybe another accident could happen and make it worse.
'Cutie, how about you come with us and you can watch, that way you can protect blankie.' You nodded liking that idea so took Wanda's hand.
Nat sprayed Wanda's perfume on the blanket she was about to do one of hers but you stopped her. 'No bwankie no like that one.' Nat chuckled looking at Wanda before putting it back on the sink. 'Okay you show mama which one blankie likes.' Nat looked at her little knowing full well it was you who didn't like it, 'good to know' she thought. That was definitely going in the trash later.
Nat could tell Wanda looked relieved. 'You don't like it either?' Wanda swallowed. 'I love you in anything. I just like other ones more, that one just doesn't smell like you.' You nodded, it wasn't the same, it also took a while to diffuse so for the first few minutes it was really strong and you couldn't lay against Nat's neck because it hurt your nose.
'I guess I'll just stick to this one then.' Nat smiled picking up her favourite perfume making you and Wanda smile. To be honest she didn't like the other one too much either but the first time she wore it Wanda complimented her. 'You should still keep the other one for special occasions or undercover missions. Maybe on our next date?' Nat chuckled kissing her girlfriend's cheek.
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