#momoirs diary autobio
hoomansareshait Β· 2 years
chapter two
Where was I ?
Oh yeah. The Burglar.
She was a skinny little blonde girl with huge dadcomplex. My dad at the time was in his early 30s. No wonder she fell for him. He looked like the protagonist in a quentin tarantino film. Its not like he just happend to look like a mix between Jon Bon Jovi, Mick Jagger and Sylvester Stallone. He was extremly full of himself and his Hollywood looks. Sporting long wavy dark hair, a tan, white jeans and a knife in the back of his belt. Preferly he was shirtless too at any giving time. Yeah, he was vain. He was the type of man that had hundreds of comicbooks, drove a white 60`s Mercedez Benz, smoked sigarette. Loved being handy, greasy and loved looking at women.
My mom on the other hand did not love grease on her fingers. But she loved reading, painting, sitting in the shade on the beach, riding horses and she really loved my dad.
Cudos to her for leaving him when he was unfaithful instead of just staying like many women do, including myself. She could of had so many boyfriends after the breakup, but choose to stay single, be with friends and family. She was beautiful and had a very lively personality once you got to know her.
Here we have two sorry ass grownups that NEVER should of put kids into this world.
It was not like my dad didnt want us anymore. He tried to be with us and fought hard to stay in contact. But my mom worked endlessly to punish him for what he did to her. She didnt want us being with him permanently or longer than a weekend, she bought Barbies for us for chrismas and labeled those gifts "from Dad". Because of religious beliefs he did not celibrate xmas and birthdays. I can see looking back from my moms pov that she did not want us being to much with our dad since he also had a belif system they did not share.
I was only 3 plus a few month when my little (half) brother was born. The soon to be 17 year old Burglar had a spawn with my dad. Now looking back. That child could of been anyones kid. And come to think of it non of the kids she had with him later look anywhere like him. You see, all of his kids has a very distinct look. Me and my sister, you can see it very clearly that we are of his heritage. I will get back to that later in my autobio.
A tragic accident happened. I wont go into the details. It was the death of two adorable children whom were my dearest friends. They where close friends with my mom and her sister.
Back in the day we didnt have cellphones like now and in order to actually see each other we had to go to each others houses. Our parents gossiped, smoked and drank norwegian nasty coffee for HOURS! What a life. So the bonds, In my opinion, were much closer than we see now.
The death of those two kids haunted everyone.
I look at the timeline of this horrid event. And I can see that the catastrophe made my mom and dad real close for a minute after it. So close that my dearest mom and dad joined in some sad greaving sexual intercourse.
I cant blame them. This is a normal reaction.
It resulted in mom getting pregnant though. And dad hated it.
He was not keen on having kids here and there. He was obviously not with the child he knocked up. Her parents banned him and her to be together. Understandably. The burglars mom called him the "cribrobber"
One thing you need to know about my dad. He recorded and filmed everything. He was a real life David Attenborough just with people. He had this huge impressive camera on his shoulder. Ive seen so much footage from my childhood with him on TV. And Ive seen The Burglar sing Dolly Parton Songs to my dad through the camera lense. Ive seen the way my babysitter suduced him. And how he fell for her.
I will end the second chapter here.
Getting this off my chest is both emotional and liberating.
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