toucantokhan · 7 years
Making ourself pretty for the coming back home. . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #ulanude #finishline #mongolrallyphotocomp
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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The last 1000km till the finish line in Ulan Ude! In a rush to catch our flights, with our Ascona with a broken suspension, an unreliable steering and a cutted floor, we're ready to reach Ulaanbaatar! The last 1000km till the finish line in Ulan Ude! In a rush to catch our flights, with our Ascona with a broken suspension, an unreliable steering and a cutted floor, we're ready to reach Ulaanbaatar! . . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #mongolia #millenniumroad #mongolrallyphotocomp (at Asia/Ulaanbaatar)
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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What about jet lag and post Mongol Rally trauma? . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #ulanude #finishline #mongolrallyphotocomp
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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The Adventurists say stupidity, Toucans put a smoke bomb inside engine for the finish line photo. By the way it was worth it! . . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #ulanude #finishline #mongolrallyphotocomp (at Ulan-Ude)
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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At the end, we made it. Finish line in Ulan Ude! After 17500km, 54 days, 20 borders, 14 mechanics and tons and tons of crazy stories. We can't even believe it! Thanks to our Opel Ascona. She is the real hero! Sorry, if we put you on fire for the finish line picture! --- ITA --- Dobbiamo essere sinceri, amici. C'è stato un momento in cui abbiamo pensato di non potercela fare. È stato 54 giorni fa, e lasciavamo Milano con un auto che fino ad allora ci aveva sempre dato problemi per lo più inspiegabili. Eravamo euforici, ma è stato il primo momento (di tanti) in cui abbiamo viaggiato con le chiappe strette, preparandoci al peggio. Poi abbiamo attraversato l'Europa e la Manica, e partiti da Goodwood abbiamo iniziato a pensare l'opposto: che ce ne sarebbero capitate tante e brutte, ma al traguardo ci saremmo arrivati. Sono passati 54 giorni, 17500 chilometri, 20 confini, 12 piacevolissime dogane, 14 soste da meccanici (2 volte alla settimana). C'è stata tanta bellezza, un'alta frequenza di scelte rischiose, qualche momento di sconforto e molti momenti grotteschi, di spavento e di meraviglia che non ci dimenticheremo mai. E alla fine dopo aver fatto cose come mettere su una pasta nei paraggi del confine dell'Iraq, dormire di fronte all'Afghanistan e mettere un piede in Cina, ce l'abbiamo fatta. Ci siamo spinti ai nostri limiti e abbiamo spinto oltre i suoi limiti anche la nostra amata Opel Ascona, che ferita da eroe non ha mai mollato, arrivata stremata, esausta ma intera fino al traguardo, quando per scattare la foto finale abbiamo avuto la grandiosa idea di mettere un fumogeno nel vano motore. Come tante altre scelte idiote, ne è valsa comunque la pena. Per chi è interessato, ci vediamo tra pochissime ore, ancora puzzolenti di capra 🐑🐑🐑🐑❤️ . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #ulanude #finishline #mongolrallyphotocomp (at Ulan-Ude)
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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Finally the Toucan met Genghis Khan. It was a majestic moment and we were ready to take a photo, when a woman asked us if Toucan could fly. If he was a drone. Ok lady. . . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #mongolia #genghiskhan #mongolrallyphotocomp (at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
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toucantokhan · 7 years
This is what a main road in Mongolia can look like . . . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #mongolia #millenniumroad #mongolrallyphotocomp (at Bayankhongor Province)
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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Ascona riding free in the Mongolian Steppe 😍😭🇲🇳 . . . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #mongolia #millenniumroad #mongolrallyphotocomp
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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4 Mongol Ralliers che si sono conosciuti in una scuola di fotografia potevano trovare sponsor migliori? Ringraziamo @django_management per averci fornito una quantità di pellicole da rendere sospettosi i doganieri di mezza Asia Centrale. E grazie di cuore a tutte le persone degli @errecistudios che oltre ad essere uno dei nostri sponsor principali, sono stati nostri instancabili fan sin dall'inizio! ❤️❤️❤️ . . . . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #errecistudios #djangomanagement #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #tajikistan #pamirhighway #m41 #pamir #mongolrallyphotocomp
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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Kulob, Tajikistan 🇹🇯 16 th August Pamir Day #1 These guys and their mom hosted us when we were lost in the first night of Pamir, just in front of Afghanistan. They were great, as the food, as the place. Amazing ❤️ . . . . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #tajikistan #pamirhighway #m41 #pamir #mongolrallyphotocomp (at Khirmanjoy, Khatlon, Tajikistan)
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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Kulob, Tajikistan 🇹🇯 16 th August Pamir Day #1 We were fresh, we were health, the car was still a car. We were ready to start the M41! . . . . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #tajikistan #pamirhighway #m41 #pamir #mongolrallyphotocomp (at Tajikistan)
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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In the middle of the Kazakh steppe we found ourself in a giant endless fire. It was the perfect location for the resurrection of our Ascona from the ashes. After the injuries of the Pamir, its time for our Toucan to drive us till Mongolia! . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #kazakhstan #steppe #fire #mongolrallyphotocomp (at Kazakhstan)
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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Abbiamo superato i 4600m di altezza. Abbiamo passato 6 giorni senza lavarci. Abbiamo affiancato l'Afghanistan e abbiamo messo un piede in Cina. Abbiamo affrontato temperature sotto zero e pure la neve. Abbiamo spinto l'Ascona a dei limiti che forse neanche una delle nostre auto a casa avrebbe superato in queste condizioni. E' l'altopiano del Pamir: il tetto del mondo, con i suoi ghiacciai e delle vette alte fino a 7500 metri. Questa strada, la M41 ha lasciato senza auto tanti altri team, e abbiamo scommesso tutto il successo del nostro Mongol Rally per percorrerla. E nonostante le fatiche, i guasti, i cagotti e tanta pazienza abbiamo vinto anche questa scommessa. Oggi siamo ad Osh, in Kirghizistan. Ancora vivi anche dopo esserci messi i nostri outfit ufficiali a 0 gradi centigradi. --- We thought hit the Ak-Baital was a good stupid excuse to dress again our official Goodwood Launch outfit we kept in luggages all this 10000km, despite the (0 degrees) chilling wind. . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #OpelAscona #opel #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Europe #Asia #faremounpolverone #tajikistan #pamir #pamirhighway #m41 #akbaital #mongolrallyphotocomp (at Ak-Baital Pass)
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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3 August Zanjan, Iran Our Opel in the middle of nowhere in Iran. Just us and a bunch of angry dogs who tought we were on their land or we were bone cookies . . . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #crazy #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Kazakhstan #Turkey #Europe #Asia #Russia #Mongolia #Iran #faremounpolverone #mongolrallyphotocomp (at Zanjan Province)
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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We can say that Ascona can take our breath away also in a positive way. Not just when she lost some pieces in the middle of desert. We love you little baby 😘 . . . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #crazy #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Kazakhstan #Turkey #Europe #Asia #Russia #Mongolia #Iran #faremounpolverone #mongolrallyphotocomp (at Naghadeh)
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toucantokhan · 7 years
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6 August Golestan Park The Team of Red Crescent in east Iran who gave us a place to sleep. In any team is thinking to stop in their base in Golestan, watch out. These guys are really good at Volleyball! They smashed us 🙈🏐🇮🇷 Thanks to @theadventurists for the extra mugs 😘 . . . . #mongolrally #mongolrally2017 #toucantokhan #theadventurists #adventure #trip #travel #globetrotter #world #travelblogger #travelasia #travelingram #travelgram #travelers #crazy #crazycars #crazytravel #charity #passport #borders #Kazakhstan #Turkey #Europe #Asia #Russia #Mongolia #Iran #faremounpolverone #mongolrallyphotocomp (at Besh Evli, Mazandaran, Iran)
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