migila · 5 years
It’s not Levi’s time, but it’s fic time!
It’s Not Your Time Yet
Levi saw the light and, instinctively, started to walk towards it. Seeing the shapes of people as the light grew brighter, he started to walk a little faster. Those forms looked familiar, so familiar…
“Ah, of course” he thought as the forms became clearer. Isabel and Farlan. They were waiting for him, probably had been doing so for years. He’d missed them, he’d missed them so much. And not just them; behind the two were Petra, Oruo, Eld and Gunther. As great as his current squad was, it couldn’t take away his longing for the four of them. Not that he wanted it to; he wanted to protect the memory of those who had fallen.
They were saying something, all of them. Isabel seemed to be screaming even, yet he couldn’t make out the words. But he would soon; all he had to do was to get closer. He’d hear them then. Closer, closer, closer-
“Captain, no!” Levi froze, recognizing the voice of a person he had been unable to protect not too long ago. Squinting his eyes, he saw Sasha push through his old squad. Ah yes, even his current one had started to fall apart. He really couldn’t protect anyone, could he?
“Captain, you can’t come here” Sasha said “Eldia still needs you!”
Did it? Hadn’t he done enough? Or better yet, what use was he, really? He couldn’t protect anyone; everyone around him just kept dying. It’d be for the best if he just joined them.
With that in mind, Levi started to walk again. Now he started to hear a bit more, not just Sasha’s loud voice. He could hear the voices of his old squad, welcoming hi-
“Turn back, captain!” Petra yelled, startling him as he stopped in his tracks “It’s not your time yet!”
“You have to go back, captain” Gunther said “You mustn’t join us yet.”
“Well, it’s really up to you what you do” said Oruo “In case you don’t want to trust us.”
“Trust us, captain” Eld said “Turning back is the right choice.”
Well, maybe not welcoming him, but they were still happy to see him, he was sure. And it’s not like they had to agree on everything; he had the right for rest-
“Levi, you need to go back” Farlan said “Back to freedom.”
He could be free here, couldn’t he?
“I’ve had enough of that freedom” Levi said “It’s time to- “
“Time to do what?” Levi turned around to face the new voice. Erwin, with Mike by his side and, one by one, their other dead comrades started forming behind the two “To set everyone free? People have yet to achieve freedom, no?”
“People can achieve it on their own” Levi said. He was starting to get tired “I’ve done my share of work and more.”
“You’ll leave her alone?” Levi looked between Mike and Erwin in confusion. Moblit “You’ll leave Hanji to handle everything on her own?”
Those words hit Levi like a bullet.
That’s right, Hanji was still alive out there, dealing with the whole mess to the best of her ability. As capable as the woman was, the situation was hard for her to handle alone.
“Well?” Erwin asked, an all-knowing smirk on his face “What will it be?”
Levi looked at them, all of his comrades one by one. Unlike some might think, he remembered them all, all of their faces, all of their names. He hadn’t forgotten a single one. He missed them, he had apologies to make, but even so…
“I have to go back” he said.
“Damn right you do!” Isabel cheered “There are still tons of things for you to do!”
“And delicious food for you to eat!” Sasha added “So take your time; no need to hurry back!”
He wouldn’t. At least, he would try not to. He still had a lot to do. But-
“I’ll see you all again when the time is right” he said “Clean this place up while waiting, why don’t you.”
“…” that sure silenced them. Well, whatever.
With one last look over his shoulder, Levi walked back towards the dark tunnel he’d come from. It was time to find Hanji and go monkey hunting.
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hlpd · 5 years
For the record, I love that on your list of "people who know about Daniel and Steven's relationship," Sonic is on that list. Like what sort of domestic shit would the two of them be going through, only to look down and see this freakin monkey staring at them with his big ol eyes.
i love the thought of sonic fucking around with leo’s camera and then running into steven&daniel while they’re in the middle of doing eachother something  , then it spirals into a monkeyhunt or ends in blackmail & a lot of bananas
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changoblanco · 5 years
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#vintageillustration #monkeyhunt #monkey #monkeybag https://www.instagram.com/p/BsDYu3jhqJd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m9el3a9l2y0
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