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"The cave", painting by Monod
French vintage postcard
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bocadosdefilosofia · 1 month
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«Se sabe que, según Chomsky y su escuela, bajo la extrema diversidad de las lenguas humanas, el análisis lingüístico en profundidad revela una “forma” común a todas ellas. Esta forma debe pues, según Chomsky, ser considerada como innata y característica de la especie. Esta concepción ha escandalizado a algunos filósofos y antropólogos que ven en ella un retorno a la metafísica cartesiana. A condición de aceptar el contenido biológico implícito, esta concepción no me choca en absoluto.»
Jacques Monod: El azar y la necesidad. Ediciones Orbis, S. A, pág. 132. Barcelona, 1985.
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genevieveetguy · 10 months
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Fad'jal, Safi Faye (1979)
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rotgospels · 2 years
I ask myself, can anyone survive the decision to kill their own father? And why did mine place so much importance on his own desires at the expense of ours? What interest did he have in setting the family against him? For here it is, the irony of it all: hatred brings the family together.
Clara Dupont-Monod, The Revolt
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premoderno · 1 year
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Monod architecte | Petit hôtel particulier | Fontenay aux Roses. Francia | 1908-1909
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ragazzoarcano · 1 year
“Nel viaggio c’è un certo sapore di libertà, di semplicità… Un certo fascino dell’orizzonte senza limiti, del percorso senza ritorno, delle notte senza tetto, della vita senza superfluo.”
— Théodore Monod
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Every living being is also a fossil. Within it, all the way down to the microscopic structure of its proteins, it bears the traces if not the stigmata of its ancestry.
Jacques Monod, Chance and Necessity: Essay on the Natural Philosophy of Modern Biology
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mxwhore · 1 year
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Kind of a drabble about adding Miu to my romantic f/os
I've never been so indecisive about adding a (romantic) f/o.
like. I even used to selfship with Wario (even though I never blogged about it. that was one of my earliest selfships).
nggh! on the one hand, Miu is mean, and gross. on the other hand, she's lonely and self-destructive, and I want to make sure she's alright. she's already our friend that we check up on a lot, and got Mikan and Shuichi and Kaede to check up on her too, and we all ended up peer pressuring her to stop turning to drugs or other self-destructive tendencies because she couldn't stop picturing our "sad little faces" (I was touched when Kaz told me she said that. I hadn't asked her to stop doing drugs, the topic makes me feel too awkward, but the others had and I guess with how worried we all were about her, it made her want to work on herself.) But she still seems lonely, and also jealous of a lot of her friends dating each other, especially me and Kaz and Tenko.
so uh, maybe we could fix her with kisses.
(or maybe she'd make us worse? lol)
also, the chaotic potential of adding Miu to the group is hilarious. (in hindsight, the anon that asked me about adding Toko to the group was almost prophesizing 👀).
I've...already got headcanons for her with our kids... I think I trapped myself with this...
like, of all the things to push me to this brink...
(this is so random) have you ever seen Defunctland: The Awful Wiggles Dark Ride?
I found myself thinking about me, Kaz, and Tenko bringing our three kids when they're all still little on this ride (let's pretend it's still in operation, or maybe it got abandoned but it's still there and Kazuichi could get it in working order. So could Miu tbh.)
I couldn't picture us riding this without Miu there as well. We would all enjoy it, mostly because of the kids (I feel like Miu would have the most childlike wonder about it and Kazuichi would still be rambling about the technical stuff an hour later. Especially if it was the broken version where the tvs or rooms would be on/off at the wrong times. Tenko would be the least likely to enjoy the ride itself (which is like me as well, but I've at least got a little nostalgia for the Wiggles), but she's got an excited toddler bouncing on her lap, so she's pretty focused on that.
So after imagining that, I ended up coming up with headcanons about Miu with our kids.
When the first baby (Ren) is born, Miu is the clingiest out of all of us to this baby and keeps saying they're "the spittin' image of me!" (meaning herself). This is false, the baby's bio parents are me and Kaz and they very much look like a combination of us two. Still, we know this is Miu's way of saying she adores this baby. We're not worried about her being unhealthily attached though; she's still pretty busy with invention ideas and always hands the baby back to one of us when she needs to go work on those, or when we ask her to (but only me, Kaz, and Tenko. She glares at anyone else who asks to hold the baby, lol.)
(Pregnancy, and specifically fictional trans woman pregnancy mentioned in next paragraph. Not sure if anyone needs that as a trigger warning, but just in case. I know pregnancy in general can bring up complicated feelings for people).
I was pregnant with the first baby and picked out the name Ren (who later came out as nonbinary). Tenko was pregnant with the second baby, a girl, and picked out the name Aimi. Miu was able to transfer the third pregnancy to herself and become one of the first pregnant trans women in the world (I feel like it is pretty in-character for her to not only try this but end up being successful. Let me dream okay?) She also had a baby girl. We all asked Miu first if she had a name in mind, but Miu didn't want to pick a name and likes most of the names we suggest anyway. Kazuichi picked the name Yoshi. So our kids are Ren, Aimi, and Yoshi.
Not sure when/if I'll draw fanart and write stories for all of this (maybe the Wiggles car ride though), I feel weird about selfshipping with Miu and Tenko even though I'm still writing the fanfic about just me and Kaz (and that fanfic will definitely take a while). But I'm holding myself to ridiculous standards. I can ship with them just because. I also worry about being unfair by focusing on Kazuichi the most, but I know it's okay to have a main f/o.
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pygartheangel · 2 years
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Film Review: "The Tenant" (1976)
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romanbymarta · 10 months
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Roman Polanski, Jacques Monod, Jerzy Kosinski at The Cannes Film Festival 1976
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Roman Polanski and Jerzy Kosinski at The Cannes Film Festival 1976
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unateoriadegliautori · 10 months
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lo straniero (1967)
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iris-in-green · 2 years
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Clara Dupont-Monod, 『S’adapter』
An ill-adapted child, and each sibling's gaze and adaptation surrounding him
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rotgospels · 2 years
[...] anger sustains my mother, whereas it debases my father. 
Clara Dupont-Monod, The Revolt
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bocadosdefilosofia · 2 years
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«Esto es quizás una utopía. Pero no es un sueño incoherente. Es una idea que se impone por la sola fuerza de su coherencia lógica. Es la conclusión a la que conduce necesariamente la búsqueda de la autenticidad. La antigua alianza está rota: el hombre sabe al fin que está solo en la inmensidad indiferente del Universo en donde ha emergido por azar. Igual que su destino, su deber no está escrito en ninguna parte. A él le toca escoger entre el Reino y las tinieblas».
Jacques Monod: El azar y la necesidad. Tusquets Editores, pág. 179. Barcelona, 1993.
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Je fais partie de la race humaine et pourtant je dis : qu'importe si l'homme disparaît du globe. Il l'aura bien mérité ! Sa folie actuelle est telle, tant de stupidités et d'imprudence ! Il existera toujours des relais dans la nature. Dans l'évolution biologique, si une branche disparaît, elle est relayée par une autre. La nature et les animaux existaient avant nous sans avoir à supporter notre rapacité. Et l'évolution peut dessiner un cercle, lequel se refermera sur les origines neuves, c'est à dire préhistoriques.
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Théodore Monod - 9 avril 1902 / 22 novembre 2000 -
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