#monsam x reader
vex91 · 11 months
Monsam - Date us
Pairing: Kornkamon x Female Reader x Samanan Anantrakul
Fandom: GAP The Series
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: Can I request a monsam x reader fic, where monsam first met y/n and they're both smitten. Maybe y/n could could be a new business partner to Sam or something like that?
Thank you
Summary: Nothing better could happen to Mon and Sam than finally being able to be together with Sam's grandmother disapproving. That's false, something better could happen to the two of them.....you.
A/N: Finally a GAP The Series request👏👏👏 Thank you for requesting it❤
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3rd's POV
Sam was finally happy.
It seems like Sam's life finally started looking up. Her grandmother accepted her relationship with the love of her life, Mon. They got married. She kept her company which was her happiness, with Mon of course. Everything was going great and she felt like she had everything she needed.
Well that was until that day.
Sam had a meeting planned with you regarding both of your companies future. If you two manage to come to an agreement and sign the contract, it would benefit you both.
Mon was talking with Noi when the footsteps could be heard throughout the whole floor. Every head whipped in the direction of the noise, seeing you walking in confidently but respectfully. Mon and Noi were standing close to the stairs which caused you and Mon to hold an eye contact which caused both of your breaths to hitch before you walked passed her and let one of the workers show you the way to Sam's office.
Mon kept her eyes on you even when your figure disappeared behind the doors. For some reason she had this weird feeling in her stomach and the temperature of the room definitely rise. Noi looked at her and noticed Mon's face getting redder "Oi Mon, I agree that Miss Y/N is really hot but calm down, don't you have a wife already?" Her friends teasing caused Mon to snap out of the trance she was in "Huh? Ah Noi no, it's not like that. I only like Lady Sam and nothing is going to change that" Seeing that Noi wanted to say something else Mon quickly excused herself and ran to her desk in order to work.
Or at least that was the plan but she couldn't really focus on the work, instead she thought about the woman who was right now talking with Sam. She couldn't like her right? She didn't even knew about her existence until their brief meeting today. Though Mon couldn't deny that she was really attractive....and she looked nice and professional.
Mon slapped herself lightly when she noticed that she started daydreaming about you. This was wrong. She was with Lady Sam, how can she be thinking about another woman when Lady Sam cares for her so much and does so much for her?
Little did she know that Sam was doing the same thing at her office. The meeting was going well but it was hard for her to focus. Ever since you walked into her office Sam immediately felt attracted to you. During the whole meeting Sam felt guilty for feeling like that when Mon was literally behind the doors but she couldn't help admiring you. You were so passionate about your company it made her admire you a lot and the fact that you were nice and attractive made her weak for you.
"I'm so happy that we came to an agreement Miss Sam. I hope that our cooperation will benefit both of us" You shooked her hand and Sam's knees nearly stopped working. Your hand was actually really soft and Sam didn't wanted to let go of it.
She watched you walked away from her after she showed you a way out and she couldn't take her eyes off of you. Only after you left she managed to look around the office and see Mon still looking in the direction you walked off to. Said girl felt eyes on her and turned her head, seeing Sam looking at her with furrowed eyebrows causing her to quickly look away and go back to work.
"Interesting" mumbled Sam as she walked back into her office.
5 months passed after that. Your partnership with Sam was going well, benefiting both of your companies. Ever since your last visit both Mon and Sam talked about it and they came to a conclusion that they fell for you and there was no denying it. They always thought about you, what you were doing and with who you were, hoping that you weren't seeing anyone.
After thinking about it for months, they decided to just straight up confess to you. During these 5 months of your partnership, you became quite close to the two women, often hanging out with them for a dinner or a drink together. And that's exactly what they did.
They invited you for a drink together after one of your meetings regarding the future of your companies.
Honestly they didn't had a plan, when they managed to end up in a bar with you, their minds just stopped working. The effect that you had on them was unmatchable to anyone else. One look from you managed to bring them to their knees and one word made them ready to give you the world. Just the thought of someone else doing it for you drove them crazy.
"Why are you guys so tense today? Something happened?" You sipped on your drink, intently watching the pair tense up even more after seeing your gaze on them. Mon looked down on the drink in her hand while Sam chugged it down while nervously looking away. You were surprised by their sudden change of behavior, they were fine earlier.
Yeah you noticed that they always acted a little strange around you but today it seemed to be even more noticeable.
"Nothing, it's nothing really" Mon laughed nervously while Sam poured herself another drink. Yeah, it wasn't nothing. Sam may seem like the type but normally she doesn't drink that much and Mon can be pretty nervous at times but never like that.
"Come on girls, We may know each other for only 5 months but I got to know you enough to know that something's bothering you. You can tell me, we're friends" After hearing your words Sam putted down her glass a little too aggressively. Even she was surprised by her own actions but hearing you call yourself their friend made her sick in her stomach. She wanted something more with you and she knew that Mon wanted the same so when she got your attention with her action just now, Sam decided to be straightforward with you.
She didn't knew if she normally would do this and if it was just the influence of the alcohol (even though she wasn't drunk) but she didn't cared much because no matter what it was, it caused her to do the big first step.
"Date us"
"Huh?" Your surprised voice reached her ears as she looked between yours and Mon's shocked faces. Mon sat there speechless since she didn't expected Sam to just blurt it out suddenly but honestly that sounds like what Sam would do. She looked to the side at you as you were still unable to say anything out of shock, Mon took this as a chance to say something herself.
"What we mean is both of us really like you. We talked together about this and we would want, o-only if you are f-fine with it of course, start dating you. You know, just us three together" A little clumsily, Mon explained what Sam meant a little better than said woman who was still looking straight at you, waiting for your answer.
You on the other hand, were stunned. Now that you thought about it, it was obvious by their every action but despite this, it was still surreal to you. Two amazing women that probably most people would love to have a chance with, wanted to date you out of all people. You don't know how but it seems like you just became God's favorite for some reason.
Sam coughed a little to loudly to show you that she would want an answer as Mon slapped her arm. Sam was women of a lot of things but patience wasn't one of them in situations like these, especially when she was this nervous. She just wanted to know your answer so she could be incredibly happy or to just stare at the ceiling all night in bed.
"I...I-I well...." Mon and Sam quickly looked to you and it made it even harder for you to answer their question but you still managed to do it "I really like you guys. During these 5 months you somehow managed to make me like you more than I probably should as your business partner. So I would love to date you" Mon sighed in relief after hearing your answer while Sam closed her eyes, thanking whoever for your answer.
Both of them moved their chairs closer to you and as Mon leaned her head on your shoulder from one side, on the other Sam leaned on her hand that was on the table and with her other hand she intertwined your fingers together, giving you a sincere smile.
For the rest of the night the three of you drunk more and you spend the night at their house that will soon become also yours.
You were ready to give your all to make this relationship work because you really cared about them and wanted to be with them.
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