unhelpful-y0da · 6 years
Guess who’s back, BACK AGAIN
I know i’ve been gone for a loooong time but omg guys i just saw the first episode from the new season and i’m more back then ever!!! There are so much crazy things going to happen i can feel it!!!
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kneedeepinfandoms · 5 years
what the fuck is up with me and falling in love with with bad boys/bullies from fandoms?
like theres:
-henry bowers from it (2017)
-draco malfoy from Harry potter
-montgomery de la cruz from 13rwy (does he count as a bad boy)
and more.
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unhelpful-y0da · 7 years
If I kiss you will you shut up? - Montgomery de la Cruz
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Request: Prompts 6 and 21 with Monty at a party and he’s hella drunk
Word count: 1130
Prompts: 6: the forecast said there is 99% chance on me in your pants tonight. 21: If I kiss you will you shut up?
You were searching for your favourite pair of heals while Jeff was blowing up your phone to let you know he was waiting for you in his car outside. You finally found them, picked them up and ran barefoot out the door with your shoes still in your hand so Jeff didn’t have to wait much longer.
“Finally, I thought you died in there!”
“Couldn’t find my shoes.” You said while trying to put them on in a way to small space.
“But at least you look mind blowing, again.”
“Cute Atkins.” you said finally getting up from putting your shoes on being a little out of breath.
“Soo guess who’s going to be there tonight?”
“Nope, but I feel like you’re going to tell me right now.”
“Montgomery de la cruz.” Jeff told you with a wink.
“Jeff get over it, as much as you want us to be together it’s not happening.”
“But why notttt! He likes you, a lot, you like him. I don’t see the problem.”
“Just.. just let it go Jeff.” you said starting to get a little moody. The thing with you and Montgomery was difficult, very difficult, way more difficult then Jeff could ever imagine. Every time you guys finally found a way to be together something or someone screwed it up for the two of you. Then Monty tried getting over you with many other girls, you tried getting over him with a couple guys but nobody seemed to even come close to how you felt about Montgomery. It felt like something you both wanted so bad but the universe just couldn’t let it happen. Jeff quickly changed the topic when he saw you started to look a little down. The two of you finally arrived at the party and got inside quickly. You were walking inside with Jeff when he got stopped by some people, Jeff was pretty popular so you were used to it. You continued your way to the kitchen, fixed yourself a drink and decided to make a walk around to see who all came. The first people you saw when you got outside were Hannah and Clay, you walked over to them and decided to have a little talk. You were in the middle of the conversation when your attention suddenly fell on what was happening behind Clay. You saw a very attractive looking Montgomery taking shot after shot after shot, probably for a bet. After the last shot his gaze suddenly met yours and he threw you one of his incredibly confident winks with a cute grin. Just that made you already go crazy inside so you decided to fled back inside. You got back in the kitchen and fixed yourself a drink that was a little stronger then the previous one since your nerves were going crazy, when you  felt a strong arm wrap around your shoulders. When you looked next to you you saw a heavily intoxicated Montgomery who probably had followed you.
“Hey sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart? You never say something like that.” You laughed at Monty’s appearance, you had never seen him this drunk before. Rational you knew you just had to push of his arm and go on with what you were doing but emotional you just couldn’t do it.  
“Of course I call you sweetheart, you are my sweetheart! And by the way guess what the forecast said tonight.”
“Oh god here we go, what did it say?”
“The forecast said there is 99% chance on me in your pants tonight.” He winked but almost fell from drunkness.
“You know what my forecast said? That you need to go laydown because you’re way to drunk, come on I’ll help you upstairs.” You said while supporting him and trying to get him upstairs.
“I’ll go with you, but we both know you just want me in a room alone with you.” Monty whispered in your ear. You just laughed and helped him upstairs to the first spare room you could find. You tried to lay him down but he pulled you with him so you were laying on top of him.
“Mont let go I’m going to get you some water.”
“But I don’t want to let go, you’re so warm and huggable.” He said while hugging you tighter. You felt your cheeks started to blush and your heart beating faster. In all these years you knew Montgomery he had been drunk many times but not so cheesy drunk as he got right now. To be honest you loved Montgomery, you always had and if nothing had stand in your way you probably would be the most happy couple ever right now but it wasn’t like that. You had been caught up in your thoughts and you had been laying there on top of Montgomery in his arms for a couple minutes now in complete silence.
“You now y/n you’re really something different, I really like you. All these girls I tried to date to get over you and they were all just so boring and then they caught me looking at you and then they always start to whine. Like with you I always feel like myself, it’s not my fault you’re so great, and you just accept me. And your prettiness! God you’re just the most beautiful creature I have even seen in my life! I have to thank your parents for those great genes. Do your parents still like me? I feel like they must hate after all the times I must have made you cry. I’m such a dick for that. But at least you still look pretty when you cry. Do you know you have this amazing sparkle in your eyes? And..” you were were blown away by all the honesty that was coming from Monty’s mouth. He had never told you things like this, maybe to make things a little easier for you. While you were still blown away by all his words he was still going on and on about you and you had to shut him up.
“If I kiss you will you shut up?”
And before you Monty could blink you were already kissing him and god you had to admit it felt like you were in heaven. You broke the kiss and looked straight in the beautiful, but still very drunk, eyes of Montgomery.
“We should try again y/n.”
Monty said
“You should get sober first, maybe then we can talk.” You said and got up to finally get Monty the water he needed.
Leave me some feedback loves! 
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unhelpful-y0da · 7 years
Let’s continue - Montgomery de la Cruz
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A/N: Sorry that i’ve been so absent lately but I’ve been focusing on myself a little more since it was preatty necessary but I really try to write as fast and good as possible i promisee
Request: Hey I love your writing and I was wondering if you could please write a Montgomery imagine where he has a secret crush on you and asks you to go to prom with him. And even though you have nothing in common since you are the shy and qiuet books and band loving geek you agree to go with him and it's just really cute and lots of fluff! Please and thank you so much
Word count: 1305
Finally some quiet time you thought by yourself when you entered the library. To be honest it was your favourite place of the whole school. It was quiet and you felt like all those popular kids who judged you all the time would never step foot in there so you were safe. You sat yourself down picked out the books you needed, plugged your earphones in and in a matter of time you were sucked in your cloud of concentration and solving your math and statistics problems like they were nothing. Suddenly you were woken up from problem 8c by someone who sat down next to you with a lot of noise. When you looked up you were shocked to see Montgomery de la Cruz sit next to you. You were probably staring awkwardly when you saw confusion come on his face.
“I thought this place was free, is it not maybe?” he said looking around already searching for a new spot.
“Oh eumh yeah it’s free.” You said awkwardly fast and stuttering. Your safe spot wasn’t a safe spot anymore you thought by yourself. As much as you hated to admit it the library was also you hiding place from Montgomery. You hated jocks, you really really did, but Montgomery had something, he had something that made you blush, something that made your knees weak and made you stare awkwardly cause you couldn’t get your eyes of him. But the past months you had caught him already staring when you were going to and now he was sitting here next to you looking like a god.
“What are you studying?” he suddenly asked bringing you out of your thoughts for the second time.
“I’m doing statistics, I’m at problem 8c, it’s about hypothese testing.”
“Oh what a coincidence I just have this hypotheses and I’ve been thinking about it a really long time now and I really need to know the possibility from it. Can you maybe help me?”
“I’ll try? What is it?” you said while taking a fresh sheet of paper.
“So if I would ask you to prom what is the possibility you are going to say yes?” you were focusing on your paper to write the details down when you fastly looked back up. You immediately started to look around.
“Where are they? Is this a joke? How much are you getting if I say yes?”
“Wowowow chill. I promise you this is not a joke or a bet or anything like that. I honestly like you.” Montgomery said while laying  his hand on yours making your heart almost jump out of your chest. You always wondered how his touch would feel. His hand was big covering yours completely, they were warm and his palms even were a little sweaty. Was he nervous? You were staring at his hand on yours.
“So are you in or?”
“I guess so.” You said with some hesitation
That was 5 weeks ago and now here you were standing in your room in front of your mirror. You chose a red dress with cross over on the back showing mostly all of your back, you took your sisters black strap on heels and channel purse and also some earrings that matched. Your hair was in loose long curls and you had a dark smokey eye as make up and for the first time in 18 years you went with lenses instead of your glasses. You were checking every detail a last time when you heard the doorbell ring. You walked out of your room to hear Montgomery talk to your mom. He was telling such sweet things about you it made you calm down immediately, you were mostly calmed down by the softness of his voice but he also made your heart melt a little by the compliments. You were starting to walk down slowly when his gaze suddenly met yours. Montgomery was wearing a plain black suit with a with button down, the first 2 buttons still open. He had this small red rose in his pocket matching the colour of your dress perfectly. He checked you out from head to toe, his mouth agape. You finally got down and stood in front of him.
“Are you ready to go?” you asked with a small smile, Montgomery was still stunned by your looks.
“You look absolutely mind blowing.” He said.
“The boy is right about that sweetheart. Have a fun night and stay as long as you want just keep me up to date.” Your mom said. The time went by fast and you were having the time of your life. You were dancing like you never danced before and by the looks Montgomery was giving you you weren’t bad at it, at all. Through out the night you became aware of Monty coming closer and closer to you but you didn’t mind. Suddenly the Dj started to play a slower song. Like a real gentleman Montgomery picked your hand and asked you to dance with him. You blushed a little before you nodded affirmatively. You laid your arms around his neck while he pulled you closer, his hands on your lower back. You were on cloud nine enjoying every second when Montgomery whispered in your ear.
“Let’s go somewhere more quiet.” You heard before he took your hand and guided you out. You were confused at first but you decided to just go with the flow tonight and see where the night brought the two of you. You were walking towards his car.
“Where are we going?” you asked
“You’ll see.” Montgomery said before he got in himself and started the car. After a short drive of 20 minutes Monty stopped the car on a dark place and helped you out of the car since it was a little hard with your heels. Before you could ask something Montgomery told you to jump on his back and walked with you through some bushes, making sure you wouldn’t get a single scratch on your legs. When you finally got through, what felt like a jungle, you were looking at the most beautiful view you had ever seen. You were looking over the whole town, with all the beautiful city lights shimmering and the stars shining above you, you were mesmerised when you suddenly heard music play again.
“Let’s continue our dance here?” Montgomery said while walking closer to you.
“We came all the way here to continue our dance?” you asked while laying your arms gain around his neck followed by his hands on your lower back.
“Yeah I kind of was done with all these guys eyeing you up and down, you’re my date not theirs.”
“There was no-“
“Yes they were y/n.” You giggled at Montgomery’s response blushing a little and looking at the ground.
“Do you have any idea how cute you are when you giggle like that?”
“You know I can only handle a certain amount of compliments per day, you’re already way over that limit.”
“Then make me shut up.” Montgomery said confident. You were caught a little by his smoothness and looked with wide eyes in his beautiful brown eyes. You smiled softly before Montgomery cupped your face with both hands and slowly brought your lips closer to his. When your lips finally met his it felt like 10 000 fireworks went off and not just butterflies but a full zoo was released in your belly making you smile against his lips. Suddenly Montgomery picked you up and spinned you around after breaking the kiss.
“You just made me the happiest person alive, I’ve been waiting for this for 6 months already.”
“The feeling is mutual.” You said before kissing him again, you tasted him once and you already couldn’t get enough of Montgomery de la Cruz.
Leave some feedback loves
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unhelpful-y0da · 7 years
That’s the beauty of a secret - Montgomery de la Cruz
A/N: I’m going to do this one a little different than my previous one based on a song (wild thoughts – rihanna). I don’t know this song pretty good ( but damn I love it!) so I’m going to use my interpretation of it. So the way I see it is that the reader has a secret relationship with Montgomery and her friends know there is something going on and they know she is seeing someone and she tells them little things to keep them happy but not who he is because that’s the agreement she and Monty made. Hope you still like it like this!
Request: Heeey! Could you write a monty imagine based on ‘strange love’ by halaey?
Word count: 1077
You were sitting at the lunch table with your friends when you felt you phone buzz. You picked  it out of your pocket to see Montgomery’s name appear on the display making your heart skip a beat. The two of you started dating like a month ago. You both decided to keep it a secret, for now. Then you two had the chance to get to know each other properly without your friends pushing you or rumours spreading and ruining everything, and of course because secrets were a little exciting. You opened the text to read how he was telling you you were looking incredibly beautiful today and how he loved your smile causing you to blush and smile like crazy. Montgomery always send you text like these knowing you blushed easily. The last time he did it Jessica noticed your reaction causing her and the rest of your friends to interrogate you like crazy. So you told them you had met someone but that they didn’t know him so a name wasn’t important. Jess kept looking a little suspicious but she went with it but she was watching your reactions closely since then.
“Is that him again?” she asked on a excited tone.
“Maybe.” You said while trying to hide your reaction a little, which seemed impossible since your cheeks were burning like hell.
“Why won’t you just tell us who it is?” she asked pouting her lip a little and making her eyes big so she would look like a cute, lost puppy.
“Who who is?” Montgomery asked while he sat down in the only free spot left at the table, which appeared to be next to you. You felt him squeezing your upper thigh slightly when he sat down making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
“y/n has been seeing someone and she won’t tell us who he is! Don’t you think she should tell!” you looked over to Monty to see his typical grin appear on his face. In contrary to you he was really good with secrets and improvising things on moments like these so you were holding your heart for what was coming next.
“ Y/N? Dating?” he said surprised. You rolled your eyes at his reaction, maybe Montgomery should quit baseball and join the drama club you thought by yourself.
“Well you just broke my heart girl I always thought I would be the one for you.” he said while throwing his arm around you. As much as you wanted it to stay there you understood you had to play along. You shrugged his arm of trying to look annoyed, you had to admit that was a hard mission.
“I don’t see why you guys can’t let it go.”
“I Just want to know who makes you this happy, it’s been a long time since I saw you smile like that y/n. I just want to share your happiness.” Jess says now causing Montgomery to look away hiding his blush. He knew you felt good with him but the things Jess was saying right now made him over the moon. He knew he had built up a reputation over the years but you still managed to look past that and see the real person behind his façade. No one ever understood him like you did. He felt really happy that he had found someone like you and he really didn’t want to loose you over some stupid rumour.
“Let’s just give it a rest.” You said before standing up and walking out of the cafeteria. It seemed a little dramatic but it was all part of your plan. You searched for an empty janitor’s closet and texted Montgomery you expected him there. It didn’t take long for him to finish his lunch and almost run to you. He walked in with this contagious smile making you smile immediately too. He walked straight towards you and cupped your face.
“Sooo you haven’t been this happy since?” he said on a teasing tone.
“Yeah yeah less talking more making out.” You say before crashing your lips on Montgomery’s. Not telling others that you were dating wasn’t that hardest part it was the not touching him that seemed impossible for you. Every time he touched you in these sneaky ways all you wanted was to kiss him. You intertwined your finger with his hair tugging slightly at it. You felt his right hand moving from your cheek downwards to your butt squeezing it making you want him more and more. Not long after his other hand followed pulling you up slightly to make clear you had to jump and so you did. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck still exchanging deep, passionate kisses. He started to kiss your neck, leaving wet kisses and slowly going down too your collarbone. He already knew your weak spot. You were breathing heavy when he suddenly broke the kisses.
“Don’t you have a class in like 10 minutes?”
“Oh fuck!” you said while Monty put you back on your feet.
“But we have to continue this tonight! You can’t leave me hanging here like this.” You saw leaving a last kiss on his lips.
“I share that idea babe.” He winked before you left the closet. You walked quickly to your next class sitting down next to Jess who saved a seat for you. You were 30 minutes into English class when she suddenly poked you and whispered .
“y/n?” you just looked over to listen what she had to say.
“Have you already noticed how Montgomery changed for the better? Like not punching kids anymore, playing outstanding in the baseball games and all that?”
“Did he? I didn’t notice.” You said while staring down at your books not letting her investigate your facial expression.
“Really? Because it coincidental happened at the same time you started to get this happy.” She winked. You looked up a little too fast because of the panic with your eyes growing wide. You were caught and you knew it.
“I knew it!”
“Shht Jess not so loud. Just keep it for yourself pleaseee.” You said with the same pouting lip and big eyes as she always used.
“Okay okay fine I will, but we need to have a serious conversation about this later!” You nodded affirmatively in response.
“But seriously Jess you better join the FBI or something you’re too good at this.”
Thanks for reading and please let me know what you think! 
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unhelpful-y0da · 7 years
On a night we won’t remember - Montgomery de la Cruz (part 5)
Word count: 841
A/N: I’m sorry for a short version but there is a lottt coming and little sidenote if you have a good idea for the story message me!!
Hope you like it!
“I have to go, here are your books.” You say on a quiet tone after you bumped into to the person you really really really didn’t want to see. You tried so hard but still there he was, standing in front of you with a grin on his face. Normally his grin made you smile but right now you couldn’t feel anything else than disgust. Montgomery placed himself in front of you, not letting you walk passed him. Getting home was going to be way more difficult than you thought.
“Not so fast, what happened? Two days ago we were talking again, laughing even flirting a little and now you can’t even look at me?” Montgomery says holding you at you upper arms so you can’t run of making you more and more angry.
“Okay Mont I’m asking you one time, please let me go I want to go home.”
“No just tell me, what happened.” Okay you gave him a chance to let you go home and just ignore each other for the rest of your lives but he had to be persisted.  
“Okay fine Mont, let’s begin with you telling me what happened.” You said while crossing your arms and giving him a very serious look. If he really wanted to know you wouldn’t mind helping him refresh his memories.
“What are you talking about, you were the one bailing on me?”
“And there is no possible thing that happened during our relationship that I could have discovered so  I had a reason to bail one you? You’ve always been loyal to me, am I right?” You said raising an eyebrow. That’s when you saw Montgomery’s look change. He was looking at you with wide eyes and nothing but panic left in them.
“Exactly.” You said before walking passed by him. You were walking towards the parkinglot when you realised you came here with Justin. You left out a loud sigh trying to ventilate your emotions, you really weren’t looking forward for a 30 minute walk but what had to be done had to be done. You turned around to see Montgomery running up to you making you sigh a second time.
“Y/N listen, I don’t know what you heard but it’s not what you think.”
“Don’t waste your breathe on it Mont, there’s no chance you are going to make it better anyway.”
“y/n I was drunk and I-“
“No Mont stop it. See that’s the thing you always have an explanation for everything but being drunk isn’t a good explanation to cheat on someone. I did everything for you, I supported you through everything and I’ve been nothing but loyal. So saying you were drunk isn’t going to make things better. I gave you multiple chances to tell me yourself what you’ve done but you never did. You gave me a weak explanation saying I was the one who cheated while you were the one who couldn’t keep it in his pants. The thing is I really thought we had something good and I still think we are so fucking good together but there is not an inch of you I can still trust. We’ve been together for so long and right now I’m questioning every single second of it. It really feels like you just used me so please believe me if I say that I’m done and I don’t want to see you ever again. Bye” and with that you left Montgomery speechless and started to walk home. This was the right thing to do, but if it was then why did you feel so broken inside. As much as you wanted to turn around run towards him and say you’ll forget everything and start over you knew you just can’t. You knew that was the worst idea ever so you decided to just keep walking. You felt the your eyes well up but you decided you weren’t going to let one tear out of your eyes for him. You knew you loved him but this situation just wasn’t healthy. You were already halfway when a car stopped next to you. When you looked over you saw Bryce Walker.
“Hey y/n what are you doing here by yourself?”
“I could ask you the same.”
“You have a point. Do you feel like joining me?”
“Why not.” You said before getting in his car.
“So I heard what happened between you and Mont?”
“Does everyone know?”
“I think. But to be honest I always thought you deserved way better. You’re such a catch. You’re incredibly beautiful ,you’re super smart and an amazing athlete and what’s Monty? Exept from baseball he’s not much.”
“That’s nice Bryce, really but that doesn’t take away the pain right now.”
“I think I have something to take away your pain. I’m planning on a little get together after school. Some of the friends are coming over, you can have something to drink, forget a little? What do you think?”
“As long as I don’t have to face fucking Montgomery I’m fine.”
Let me know what you think and if you have ideas for the rest of the story! Thanks for reading!
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unhelpful-y0da · 7 years
Maybe I am nice - Montgomery de la Cruz ( part 1/?)
a/n: I would love to make a new Montgomery series since I didn’t really liked my previous one, let me know what you think about it and if I should continue. I really love all the feedback you guys give me! Every reaction makes my heart melt. I love you all so much! 
word count:  777
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You put on your sneakers and left your house. It was another party at Bryce’s house, like every Saturday and you never skipped any. You loved the atmosphere there, all the jocks being hyped about winning their game and everybody loosened up a little. You walked to the pool house and fixed yourself a drink before you decided to join a couple boys in the sofa including your best friend, Jeff Atkins. You never understood how the two of you became friends, he was so kind and sweet and you were, let’s say, the opposite of that. It was like Jeff was the only one who could see through your façade, he understood you had enough pain in your life to build 5 walls around you. He understood without you even telling him.
“Well look who we have here, the one and only Atkins.” You said while sitting in an empty spot next to Montgomery de la Cruz. Jeff sat at a table together with some other jocks like Zach Dempsey, Justin Foley and the others. You liked his friends but you didn’t really knew them, you heard some things about them like you heard things about everyone, some things better than the others but they seemed okay. You interfered in their conversation pretty quickly and had a lot of fun. You got some more drinks, you felt pretty comfortable next to Montgomery. Out of the blue you got in a conversation with him alone, ignoring the others around you. During all the talking Jeff had already left, he asked if  you were joining since you planned on sleeping at his place but you liked someone’s company a little too much. Montgomery seemed way less superficial than you thought he was. He told you about why baseball meant so much for him and what his future plans were. You didn’t notice that the others around you went outside. The two of you were lost in each others stories. You kept fixing each other drinks and you started to feel a little drunk.
“I really like this but after all the drinks I really need to go to the bathroom.” You tried to stand up but stumbled a little.
“Are you okay?” Montgomery stood up and gave you a shoulder to lean on.
“Why are you so nice Montgomery?” You asked in a very sincere tone. The only times you saw him, he was pushing other kids against lockers or fighting. You never saw him being nice but it gave you a good feeling.
“Maybe I am nice.” He laughed “We should probably get you home, where are you sleeping?” he asked.
“I was going to spend the night at Jeff’s but since I stayed with someone else when he left I don’t know.”  You laughed, you knew Jeff was going to interrogate you for 10 hours tomorrow.
“You’re staying at my place let’s go.” He said before he made you jump on his back and walked home with you like that. You laid your head on his shoulder. What was happening? Where was your hard façade.
“You know I really liked the talking y/n.”
“Me too Montgomery, but now I’m starting to get very sleepy. This movement makes me pretty calm, or maybe yeah you know, it’s you.” What are you saying? You should tape your mouth shut you stupid idiot. You knew him for 5 hours. What was your problem?
He dropped you at his front door. Let you walk in before and closing the door behind you. Only now you felt how drunk you were. You tried to walk to the couch but walking in a straight line was hard.
“Wowowow racing machine, you’re sleeping in my bed. I’ll crash on the couch.”
“Why don’t you join me? But don’t get your hopes up high de la cruz.” You laughed, not that you were in a state to do something but you made sure he knew.
“If you don’t mind? And I would never take advantage of a drunk girl.” He helped you up the stairs, gave you a large shirt of his and let you alone in his room to change. You already laid down under the sheets when he came back in. He climbed over you and laid down next to you. You were drowning into sleep when you heard Montgomery whisper.
“I wish I met you before y/n, maybe then I would have been a better person, I know it sounds weird but I got a good feeling about you..” you turned around seeing a shocked expression on his face. He probably thought you were sleeping already.
“I wish I met you earlier too.” Letting out a soft, drunk, giggle before finally falling asleep.  
Let me know what you think and thanks for reading! xxx
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unhelpful-y0da · 7 years
On a night we won’t remember - Montgomery de la cruz part 2
<< Part 1 I Part 3 >>
Enjoy it, I worked hard on this one! 
Word count: 989
You were filling your fourth cup when Montgomery was already heading to number six of the evening. I was drunk but Monty, he was on another planet. It seems like he needed it even more than you did. You didn’t think he would be so hurt by seeing you, you thought he was okay. After filling the cups you went back outside and gave Monty his cup. He was drowned in his thoughts when he suddenly asked:
“Do you remember the game you scored 3 goals and the team became champion?” with little hick ups in between. I saw in his eyes he was really drunk and he wouldn’t remember a thing tomorrow so I went with him, down the good old memory lane.
“Of course I do! It was one of the best games I’ve ever played, I still remember my thirth goal in the 81th minute it was a 2-2 tie and I was sprinting from the midfield passing by 2 defenders and kicking the ball in the right upper corner! And after I heard you scream THAT’S MY GIRLLLL! Why do you ask?”
“ I was so proud of you, I’ve always been proud of you. I never understood how the best player of the soccer team could be my girlfriend. I never understood why you even bothered talking to me in the first place, you could have anyone you want and you picked me. You’re honestly the most caring, sweet and loving person I know.”
And with that Montgomery brought up the most delicate subject he could. You stared at Montgomery, you had no idea what you had to answer. Why did he bring this up? The break up was still fresh but he was the one who ended it, you thought he was just done with you that. You thought he got tired of you or something like that and that he just moved on. Your eyes started to fill with tears but you weren’t going to cry in front of him.
“Why don’t you answer me?” he asked
“Because you never told me you felt that way and because I’m drunk my processing goes a little slower okay. “
There was an awkward silence between the two of you. He just gave you a piece of his feelings and you couldn’t answer. You could imagine he felt a little uncomfortable right now. When you look at Monty you see him drowning is his thoughts for the second time tonight, when suddenly he said:
“Let’s get out of here” on a demanding tone while he took my hand “My parents are gone for the week, you know there stupid business thing.”
Monty’s parents were gone 80% of the time. Monty always have been convinced he was an accident, that his parents never wanted a child. They never told him but he always told me it was a feeling he couldn’t explain, it was the way they talked and forget everything by accident about him or something like that.
On the way to Monty’s house and between the drunk stumbles in you felt Monty walking closer and closer to you. When he slowly intertwined his finger with yours. You felt a little weird at first, why all this comforting moves and talking about how proud he was when he didn’t want you in his life anymore. You were so confused.
He opened the front door and you both get in the house. Suddenly Monty turned you around and you felt his lips crash on yours. Only now you realise how much you missed those lips, they were so soft. His kisses were so gentle but so loving at the same time. You felt his hands going from your neck to your butt. You intertwined you fingers with his perfect brown hair. Suddenly Monty pulls back and looks you straight in the eyes.
“This isn’t a good idea, is it?”
“I didn’t know drunk Monty thought about what’s good and what’s bad?” Of course you knew this was the worst idea ever but his lips made you crave for more. You were drunk, you didn’t think straight and you missed him so much.
Monty put a smirk on his face and started kissing you again.
“oh god I missed you so much” he told you between kisses.
Monty missed me? You were probably thinking too much and you should enjoy the moment but he missed me? Why didn’t he tell you?
“That dress makes you even hotter than you already are.” He moaned when he squeezed your butt.
Suddenly Monty started to move the two of you upstairs to his room when you phone started to buzz heavily, it was Justin. You signed at Monty he should already go upstairs.
“(Y/N) where are you? I’ve been searching everywhere for you!”
“Well.. eumh… so it’s kind of a funny story..”
“You’re with Monty aren’t you?”
“Yes, I’m at his place.. I’ll tell you everything tomorrow Justin, but it all went so fast but don’t worry about me I’ll take care of myself.” You said in one breath
“Are you sleeping at his place?”
“Justin I think I have to go, but honestly I have no idea what is happening and where I’m going to sleep.”
“Call me if you need a ride home, and be safe babe, don’t let him wreck you a second time.”
“Thanks Justin.”
Monty was already in his room, when you entered you found a shirtless Montgomery resting on his bed looking at you with eyes full of lust, he wanted you badly and he wanted you now. He got up and placed himself behind you, he slowly started to unzip your dress while he kissed your neck. Monty knew your neck was your soft spot, it turned you on in a second.
You knew you were going to regret this in the morning but right now you needed every inch of Monty.
Let me know what you think in the comments! thanks for reading xxx
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unhelpful-y0da · 7 years
On a night we won't remember part 2
I’m already writing my montgomery de la cruz part 2 during my study breaks, i will post it on one of the upcoming days!
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