#moogs tag 🔮
angelcasendgame · 2 years
omg renu finally someone else who appreciates dean and amara!!! i need to stop being so shocked that you and i share the same opinions so much alskflfl;f but literally i feel like fandom always writes them off as a "weird noncon thing with no chemistry" but like.... regardless of how it started i just think they ended up truly caring about each other in the end!!! and i actually do think it's interesting how they could never really hurt each other and the nature of their bond and what it truly meant. because it's not something as simple as "amara forced a connection onto him" when even in season 15 she thought it was something chuck did to them!! anyway sorry for rambling but i just love them <3
Hello Moogs beloved!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜
I was thinking the EXACT SAME THING!! We are literally one I love that for us 💜💜 yes exactly to what you said!! Like she's this ancient being from before creation whose brother locked her away for the universe to be born!!!! It's more complicated than that which makes it all the harder to figure out!! GOD THE S15 THING AHH. Okay ideally I wish Dean and Amara after the Mary talk would be on better terms and instead of destroying her, they'd recruit her but thats spn for you. Also you have unleashed a beast bc I have so many emotions about Dean and Amara and I'm gonna subject you to them under the cut because you just Get Me <3333
Okay so idk if you're aware of the story, the ones who walk away from omelas but the general premise is this beautiful perfect town, Omelas where people are happy. But then it turns out there's this one single child locked away under the town and as long as they're miserable, the town continues to be okay (and most people, once they find out, can't handle the guilt and walk away, hence the title but that's besides the point)
I can't help but think of both Amara and Dean in this way. Like Amara was literally locked away for creation to exist, all of this, the entire world is here because she was imprisoned and miserable. And Dean was locked to his family to keep all these strangers and his dad and his brother happy. And obviously Sam was abused by John too, this is not Sam crit at all, but from Dean pov, he always felt obligated to stay imprisoned to this life out of wanting to make John happy and Sam happy and these strangers that he saves happy. So we have two beings locked away in their own way for the happiness of others. But the difference here is that their respective "towns" weren't happy. Dean was never enough for John and always made him feel inadequate. Sam literally ran away even though Dean had the opportunity to dip with Sonny but chose to come back for Sam (not Sam crit, I 100% support his decision to gtfo) but he feels that betrayal. Even though Dean keeps killing monsters, there's always more, by season TWO the life was too much for him. Like all this happiness he sacrificed and for what?? The people he loves always leave and he keeps failing the people he can't save. And Amara was literally imprisoned for all of creation, she finally gets to see the world and all she sees is the bad. This is what she was locked up for?? All this misery and hatred? I would also destroy the world the FUCK
This isn't saying that the child in the book doesn't deserve to tear the world up, but I'm just looking at their dynamic
But Dean without John around is learning to have a better place in the world. He's farrrr from perfect (see: the entirety of the show) but like Cas said, Dean has so much love for the world and people. And this is what Amara learns from him too by the end--the thing that stopped her from destroying the world was the literal power of love despite the horribleness that exists in the world
And I think this is the connection she was looking for. Dean and Amara were linked from the moc but I think she latched onto him bc she saw herself in Dean. And all the consumption of souls was yes for power but part of me thinks she was looking for something to fill the void (uh darkness pun not intended). And then yeah, she understood after speaking to the woman feeding the birds and understood what she was missing from Dean which was love for the world
She got her closure with Chuck and then bounced to explore the world (you go girl) and I do think Dean got closure from John in Lebanon when he truly put the idea behind him uh see this post lmao, where he just wants the idea of John but not John himself . And I just WISH s15 would have been them coming together after healing and taking Chuck down together who implemented the whole fucked up system to begin with!!
There's just so much to explore in their relationship and like this doesn't even TOUCH Amara bringing Mary back to life and saying she did that to give Dean the opportunity to know the real her and not the false one John made up (also ahhh Chuck and John as gods and authors, I could go on about this forever too fhskhdkshs)
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angelcasendgame · 2 years
for ship bingo - deanketch <3333
you know me SO well i love you bestie <333
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ketch having one of the biggest cases of winchester derangement syndrome and dean having a soft spot for a good redemption arc godbless <33 (can you believe i started shipping them as a joke and now they're one of the ships that make me so unwell)
ship bingo!!
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angelcasendgame · 2 years
omg renu my beloved HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🥳🥳🥳 ILYSM 💜💜💜
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angelcasendgame · 2 years
HI MOOGS 💜💜💜💜💜
🐷 Junk food you can never get enough of
I have to say sour gummies!! I love me some sour patch kids or the sour cherries!!
☠ Something that angers you
Because it just happened, I'll go with queer as a slur discourse
🌡 Fave season
AUTUMN!!! There's something so !!!!!! about autumn sometimes where you look up at the orange and yellow and red leaves and know that once they all fall, winter will be around the corner but the leaves keep falling and falling and falling and so many have fallen that it blankets the ground but there seems to still be the same amount in the trees, so it feels all timeless in a way as you wait for the last leaf to fall and I just am absolutely obsessed with it
emoji ask game
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angelcasendgame · 2 years
renu beloved. i'm so sorry to break this to you but there are still posts on my blog from OCTOBER where i claimed to not ship destiel :( LMAO
idk why but i was in such denial... and it wasn't just them though, i was saying shit like "i don't have any ships because they're all family to me"
and now i'm one of the biggest multishippers around here alsdldkla
S C R E A MI NG !!! F RO M O C T O B E R
"i don't have any ships because they're all family to me" moogs i want to study you so bad . the denier to multishipper pipeline help fkjhfdkjghs <33 humble beginnings <33
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