hassedah · 3 months
Do you write character x character? If so could you write some Ethan x Beliath nsfw stuff? I absolutely adore your work, you're doing amazing, keep doing what you do
NSFW EthanxBeliath :
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well? ^^
Thank you, I'm glad you like my headcanons. ^^
Here's the headcanons you requested! I don't mind writing headcanons between characters. I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
If you asked Vladimir what he thought, he'd tell you that the worst idea Beliath and Ethan could have had was to get together. They fight and bicker even more than before. It's not because they don't love each other, it's because they really love to bicker over small things. Their relationship has become a kind of show on which others speculate and debate (yes, even Vladimir who complains though).
Ethan, especially, leaves, slamming the door dramatically after every argument, and Beliath happily goes off to win back his ex-partner's heart (it's his ex-partner for the next 15 minutes, despite his best efforts Ethan finds it very hard to be truly angry with the incubus).
They used to stick together when they were friends, but it's only got worse. Because despite their argument, they still agree to disagree with the rest of the mansion. It drives Vladimir and Aaron completely mad.
When they're not arguing, they like to take time for themselves. Beliath invites Ethan to restaurants and Ethan insists on taking a holiday away from the manor at least once a year.
They always like to flirt together at the Moondance, which sometimes creates a bit of conflict between them because Ethan can be slightly jealous, either because Beliath doesn't pay him enough attention or because Beliath has managed to hit on someone he wanted before him.
They had sex together because they wanted the same person at the Moondance and that person was totally willing to have them both. They enjoyed this relationship much more than they thought they would and they both did it again later. At first, there was always a human to share the moment with them, then gradually, there were no more humans.
Ethan is a tracker, and there's nothing he loves more than chasing his partner through the forest. What makes it even more exciting with Beliath is that he's also pretty good at hunting. Although Ethan never admits it, he loves being caught at his own game and realising at the last minute that he was the prey and not the hunter.
They're noisy, noisy in a way you can't imagine, and it's mainly Beliath's fault. He doesn't know how to be quiet and doesn't like being quiet. For his part, Ethan tries to be a little bit more discreet, really a little bit more, but Beliath always does a very good job of blackmailing his partner and he always feels a great sense of satisfaction when he finally manages to make Ethan incoherent.
Ethan likes to dominate and Beliath is happy to let him. He knows that Ethan has a great need to control the situation to feel comfortable and he wants his partner to have a good time. As their relationship develops, Beliath sometimes reverses the situation from time to time when he thinks it might be fun for them together.
Any surface and any room is a good place to have sex. For them, there's nothing more exciting than taking the risk of being surprised.
Beliath loves to tease Ethan during meetings. His hands always end up under the table to caress the doctor, who manages to remain silent most of the time. The looks he gives him never convince the incubus to stop his little game, even though he knows that his partner will take revenge later in a devious manner.
It's Beliath who bites the most, so Ethan often ends up with a lot of bite marks, and he always complains a bit about this, before insisting that Beliath do more, however, although Ethan enjoys being bitten, he prefers to keep the bite marks hidden. For his part, Béliath loves to have bite marks on him, and he certainly doesn't hide them. He prefers them to be clearly visible, and he doesn't hesitate to wear light clothing to ensure this is the case.
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hassedah · 2 months
Polyrelationship BéliathxMCxVladimir :
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
As with some requests, it's in my word file, but I can't find it in my inbox. I'm posting it anyway. I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Have a nice day and take care of yourself. ^^
You didn't think the relationship would work out in the first place. You were in a couple with Beliath long before you added Vladimir to your relationship. And you still don't really know how it happened. Beliath had already told you that he found Vladimir handsome and that he wouldn't mind inviting him into your bed one night, and you couldn't deny your attraction to the aristocrat. Vladimir's attraction, however, whether to you or to Beliath, you both had no idea.
Sometimes there were little clues, glances from Vladimir that made you doubt, but that's Vladimir, he'd stammer and blush as soon as you suggested something before running off, so you might as well say that you didn't push too hard so as not to make him feel uncomfortable.
The relationship only worked because you made the first move towards him. Did you both dance with him at a party that Beliath was organising? Yes, absolutely. Did you do it several times? Well, that evening, the aristocrat received the full attention of both of you and you treated him like a prince. He can't deny it and say he didn't appreciate it, you couldn't miss all his smiles as you both tried to win him over.
Once the restrictive mores of his time were forgotten, he began to relax. He still avoids being tactile in public as it still makes him uncomfortable, but Vladimir no longer hesitates to introduce the two of you as his partners. As for Beliath, he's still as tactile as ever and takes great pleasure in carrying Vladimir like a princess just for the pleasure of hearing him protest (especially as Vladimir complains but never tries to get off his arms).
When the three of you sleep together, it's never complicated. Beliath particularly likes to sleep in the middle like a starfish, holding the two of you to him with his arms, and Vladimir is fine with anything as long as he can snuggle up to one of you.
The three of you sometimes go out on the town, especially to restaurants. It has to be said that Vladimir and Beliath share the same love of great chic restaurants. You and Béliath have even managed to convince Vladimir to go to the cinema a few times, although it's always to see period dramas, but it's still a romantic trip to the cinema.
Vladimir is not the most sexually active of the three of you. Sometimes he participates, but most of the time there's little sex with him, especially compared to Beliath. Vladimir is mainly there for the romantic part of your relationship and most of the time that's more than enough for him. But that doesn't mean he never participates.
Sometimes Vladimir likes to be temperamental and unpleasant. Just to get one of you to put him in his place, he's very imaginative when it comes to that. And that's just as well, because Beliath knows how to put brats in their place, and Vladimir is always a little ashamed of how much it turns him on.
On the occasions when Vladimir agrees to take part in your lovemaking, he lets you and Beliath decide everything. He trusts you, there's a good chance you're more experienced than he is and even if you're not, Beliath is more than experienced enough for the two of you.
Beliath always tries to make Vladimir as incoherent as possible, seeing the aristocrat, usually so authoritative, unable to string three coherent words together because his mind is so muddled with pleasure is something Beliath thinks he can't get enough of. What's more, it's perfectly capable of putting you in the same state at the same time. It's not an incubus for nothing.
Beliath loves strutting around with the marks of the two of you on his body, even if he makes a few efforts to hide the marks that Vladimir makes, because he knows it makes him uncomfortable. If you don't mind, he won't hesitate to wear light clothes when he has them. After all, it's important that everyone can see how much his partners appreciate him. He doesn't just give himself to anyone.
It likes to make marks on your skin almost as much, he'll be careful to make them for you in discreet places if you don't like them being visible, but if you don't care, Beliath will have a field day. He might even try to arrange for you both to have them in the same place.
Beliath is not at all discreet. The fact that everyone in the manor knows what he does is not a problem for him, after all, you treat him so well, it would be a shame if everyone didn't know that his partners are exceptional. He screams and moans until he loses his voice, and it's hard for you not to understand that you're doing him good.
Beliath is not bothered by the idea of being surprised either, of course, he knows how to adapt and he is careful not to let anyone see him with Vladimir, the aristocrat would probably faint with shame if they did. But if you don't have a problem with the risk of getting caught, he'll pull you against him in any room in the manor, or even outside.
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hassedah · 1 year
Polyrelationship VladimirxMCxRaphael :
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
This headcanon was requested under the headcanon polyrelationship AaronxMCxNeil ^^
I hope you enjoy it ^^
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
It was a bit complicated at first. Not because they didn't get on, but because Vladimir found it very difficult to come to terms with the relationship. He constantly expected someone to come along and criticise his debauched and dirty lifestyle. You and Raphaël found it very hard to make him understand that no one was going to come and judge you, least of all at the manor house. It wasn't dirty or debauched, but Vladimir couldn't get it out of his head that if someone from his time saw it, they would judge him harshly.
Little by little, things have got better. Vladimir finds it very hard to make affectionate gestures with you both when you're in public, but as soon as no-one's there to watch you, he likes to give you a hug and demand his cuddle. Raphaël, on the other hand, is much more tactile and although he avoids hugging you in public if you don't like it, he still demands more attention and the simple fact of holding his hand while reading is already enough to make him happy. Raphaël also loves surprise hugs.
Sleeping is not very complicated: sometimes you sleep in the middle, because they both want to stay next to you, sometimes it's Vladimir, because he wants you both to hug him, and more rarely it's Raphaël, when he's had a bad night and wants you to look after him gently.
Your nights are not always restful, however, because your partners suffer from recurring nightmares. But both of you find that there's nothing more pleasant than waking up from a nightmare to be immediately reassured by both your partners.
You don't go out on the town for romantic meals because neither Vladimir nor Raphaël feel safe outside the manor, but you do have regular candlelit dinners in the manor.
Raphaël loves it when you or Vladimir ask him to dance. Of course, he can ask you to dance himself. But he finds there's something much more romantic about being asked. On the other hand, if he has the slightest opportunity to ask you or Vladimir to dance a waltz, he'll do it without hesitation. He doesn't care who leads the dance - the only thing he wants is to spend a little time with one of you.
Vladimir is careful not to let anyone notice him because he doesn't want to get comments from other people, but he loves to come and join you or Raphaël in the bathroom and snuggle up to you in the bath.
There's very little chance of Vladimir even trying to be dominant in this situation. After all, if you don't like to dominate, Raphaël can keep you both happy - he's experienced enough to know what he's doing. On the other hand, Raphaël is not a hard dom, he likes to kiss and caress you gently and while he easily accepts dominating you both, he also appreciates letting you get the upper hand on him so that you treat him like a poor little precious thing.
Vladimir really likes to annoy you at times. Especially if you start arguing with him or threatening to spank him. He always reacts in a sulky way, telling you that he doesn't need it and that you're not being very nice to him. But in reality, he's just waiting for you or Raphaël to carry out your threat. Which can happen quite easily, as long as he understands how to tease Raphael to get a reaction.
Vladimir prefers to be between the two of you. It reassures him and means he has less to do, he quickly feels incapable of thinking once he's overwhelmed. it's even better for him if you guide him.
Raphaël isn't bothered by the idea of ending up with marks from both of you. Of course, Vladimir avoids biting him in places that will be visible because he really doesn't like it, but if that's something you enjoy you can have a field day on Raphaël. He likes to show how much he belongs to just the two of you.
Raphaël is very good at oral sex, whether it's cunnis or blow jobs. The first time he suggested it to Vladimir, the vampire blushed violently and hesitated for a long time before accepting. Raphaël listens carefully to his partner and quickly understands how to please him. it's something he's quite proud of. Vladimir, for his part, has no idea how to perform oral sex, so he's not against the idea of learning, but it will probably be a while before he really dares.
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hassedah · 1 year
Hello, anon. I love toyr headcanons. May I ask request a headcanon of Aaron x MC x Neil polyrelationship, SFW and NSFW? Please.
Polyrelationship AaronxMCxNeil :
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
Here's the headcanon you asked for. I hope you enjoy it. ^^
Have a nice day and take care of yourself. ^^
At first, you were worried that it wouldn't work. Neil and Aaron both have strong personalities and they didn't get on very well, there was a bit of a rivalry between them as to who was the best, who was the strongest, you more often had the impression that you were facing two deer fighting than two adult men. So it wasn't the easiest of times, with everyone having to find their place in the relationship, which made everything a bit chaotic.
However, you soon started sleeping together, after all Neil really doesn't like sleeping in the cellar and Aaron doesn't mind having people sleeping with him. At first, it was a bit difficult to get everyone into the same bed. Mainly because they both want to sleep on the same side of the bed (that's the side closest to the door), Neil doesn't want to sleep between you two (he wants to be able to get out of bed easily if there's a problem) and Aaron doesn't want to turn his back to the empty space behind him. You'd had the impression that you'd never manage to all be in the same bed, but in the end you've found a solution. You sleep closest to the door, Aaron sleeps in the middle and Neil at the other end of the bed.
When you all sleep together, Neil is often the first to fall asleep and Aaron is the last. Neil is also a heavier sleeper when he sleeps with both of you. But he wakes up at the slightest noise if he's only sleeping with one of you, as much to keep an eye on your arrival or Aaron's as to make sure no one attacks the partner he's sleeping with while he's asleep. Aaron is a light sleeper no matter what.
The three of you regularly go out on the town, whether it's to visit castles, go to the cinema or have dinner in a restaurant (the choice of restaurant is often a bone of contention between Aaron and Neil). The three of you also go out for a walk in the woods at least once a night, except on nights when Neil is too tired to spend much time in the woods.
At such times, you stay in the bedroom to rest with him.
You referee their training. Basically, you were supposed to train with them, but as soon as they start fighting each other they tend to forget about it. At first it was mostly Neil who was winning, but now Aaron has figured out Neil's fighting techniques and he's winning more and more often. This tends to upset the older man, despite the fact that he's totally supportive of the opposite.
One of you is always helping Neil style his hair, which is something Neil really enjoys, as much because he loves having his long hair perfectly styled as the fact that you're looking after him.
Neil prefers to dominate, especially at the beginning of your relationship. He doesn't feel confident enough not to be in total control of his body. Over time, he may change his mind and let you both take a little more control over him.
Whatever happens, Neil will never be sandwiched between the two of you. The very idea of it is enough to make him anxious, he needs to be able to get away quickly if something goes wrong and that's clearly not possible if he's stuck between you two.
Neil talks a lot during sex. He always has something to say about what's going on or a comment to make, often compliments as he loves to tell you when you're doing it right.
Aaron doesn't really have any criteria, dominant or dominated, up or down, between you or to one side. The only thing he wants is for the three of you to have a good time. The rest is detail and he adapts to what you and Neil want.
Aaron likes to leave marks on both of you. He'd prefer them to be in places where everyone can see that you're his, but he'll adapt if you don't like the marks to show. As Neil also likes to leave marks on his partners you sometimes get the impression that they're fighting more than anything else.
Unlike Neil, Aaron barely speaks during sex. However, he does love to hear you talk, no matter what you say. But what he enjoys most is making you and Neil loud and incoherent enough that what you're saying no longer makes sense. Aaron assumes that if he's managed to get you heard all over the mansion, he's done a very good job.
It's quite difficult to over-stimulate Aaron, but it's a challenge that you and Neil enjoy. Eventually, you figure out what you need to do to get there faster, but that doesn't mean it's easy.
Aaron discovered that pulling on Neil's hair during sex made him incoherent very quickly. Since then, he's done it every time. Neil's only demand afterwards is that you help him comb his hair back.
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hassedah · 9 months
Whtat would the boys be like as the fem!MC's Sugar Baby? Mc inherited a lot of money from her parents, and has a stable source of money that pays very well.
Fem!MC is a Sugar Mommy :
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
Here is the headcanon you requested, I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
Vladimir :
Vladimir immediately noticed your self-confidence, whether it was the way you held yourself or the ease with which you expressed yourself and your point of view in public. That was the first thing he noticed about you. You seem to know how to assert yourself with disconcerting ease whatever the situation, but that's also what intimidated him a little, he has to admit.
You didn't hesitate to put him in his place when he disrespected you, and at the same time you looked after him and made sure he was OK. It was strangely comforting for him to know that he could always count on you if anything went wrong and that you wouldn't let his bad temper get the better of you.
He doesn't really know how it happened, but it was quite naturally that you ended up as a couple. He really likes this because he feels that he is very precious to you. You spend a lot of time spoiling him and taking care of him, as if he were the most wonderful person on the planet, and that's very comforting.
He doesn't know how you do it, but the gifts you give him always make him happy. He knows that they are also very expensive gifts. After all, not just anyone can give him the three volumes of the first edition of Pride and Prejudice. His hands were shaking when you gave it to him, he was so happy, no one could have given him a better present.
The first time Beliath told him that you were his Sugar Mommy, he didn't understand what that meant, but he knew very well that coming from him it couldn't be something he wanted to know the definition of… He ended up asking you anyway. He babbled and blushed so much that you were afraid he'd faint. You hadn't even slept together at the time. He really doesn't know how that idea got into Beliath's head.
Because that's what stresses him the most about this idea. Have sex with you. He didn't even dare tell you that he'd never had a partner before you and he's still afraid you'll laugh at him because of it. Of course, seeing his stress and not really understanding what it was all about, you told him that a simple romantic relationship suited you perfectly, which seemed to reassure him straight away. He'll probably be ready to have sex with you later on in the relationship.
Béliath :
He's always liked women with a lot of confidence and the ease with which you imposed yourself on the manor was impressive. He's as keen to obey you without argument as he is to give you a bit of a hard time to see what you'll do to put him in his place.
He quickly noticed that he was getting lots of presents from you. He feels spoilt and precious and the more gifts you give him, the more he feels he could melt with happiness. You even gave him clothes from the biggest luxury brands. He was so happy when you told him he could take any clothes he wanted from the shop. You spent an astronomical amount of money in a single evening. He even showed off what you'd bought him to everyone in the manor.
He feels horribly charmed when you invite him to eat in a fancy restaurant. He spends a lot of time making himself look good before every date. Of course, he doesn't doubt that he's naturally beautiful, but a little make-up and perfume can only make him even more so.
He clearly doesn't mind being so spoilt, and there's no doubt he's taking advantage of it when he insists you take him shopping in the city's most chic boutiques, or when he tells you with an unhappy expression that he'd love to have that pretty gemstone bracelet. Can you resist those pretty eyes? It's very hard to resist, because Beliath is totally into you and has very quickly understood how to make you give in to his every whim.
He's always simpering in front of you, giving you longing looks and playing with his hair as he looks at you. Is he ready to dance for you? Of course he is! He'll do the most sensual and sexy dances for you. He knows his body inside out and knows how to show it off to your advantage - after all, he's not half an incubus for nothing.
He brags a little (a lot) about your relationship and when Ethan points out that you're his Sugar Mommy, he doesn't even deny it. You totally are, and he's proud to be your Sugar baby. And who wouldn't be, you look absolutely perfect together.
Ivan :
Your self-confidence and assertiveness frightened him. He was always under the impression that you were going to argue with him about something, especially at the beginning. You express yourself well and with confidence and you manage to impose yourself with disconcerting ease, it seems so easy and obvious to you. Whereas he stammers and finds it very difficult to give his opinion without lowering his eyes. When he met you, he was so afraid of contradicting you that he simply nodded his head at everything you said.
However, he was really surprised when he saw how kindly you treated him. You seem to believe in him much more than he believes in himself. You buy him nice things, from video games to new clothes, and you've even taken him to several concerts in VIP seats with the chance to meet his favourite singers at the end of the concert. He's never felt so pampered by anyone.
He wouldn't be able to explain how the two of you ended up as a couple. He really appreciates it though. You always take care of him, the gifts you give him are always just right, as if you knew him by heart, you don't criticise him when he makes mistakes and you even encourage him to do what he wants. You manage to make him regain his self-confidence in a way he wouldn't have thought possible.
At first, he'll just flirt with you, which he always does with a blush, even more so when he sees that it's working on you. The slightest compliment you might make at a time like this makes him drop his eyes in embarrassment. He still doesn't dare believe it when he realises that you're really interested in him.
When it comes to sex. He's a bit afraid of disappointing you at first, so he's reluctant to have sex with you. It's true, you seem to know how to handle everything and he… he doesn't have much experience in this area and he's afraid you won't like it. Once he's reassured, he's much more confident, even if he often needs you to assure him that he's doing things right.
When Beliath tells him that you're his Sugar Mommy, Ivan stammers and blushes before sending Beliath packing. He'd never seen your relationship in this light, but it's quite logical. You offer him everything he asks for and sometimes even things he hasn't dared ask you for. However, it takes him a little time to accept the idea without blushing every time he thinks about it.
Aaron :
You're an impressive woman. You've established yourself in the manor without the slightest difficulty and you've even managed to enforce the housekeeping rota, which can be seen as a miracle in this manor. Aaron is impressed by you; there aren't many people who would dare to stand up to him or contradict him, and yet you dare. There's something seductive about your self-confidence that he finds hard to resist.
He's really surprised at first when you start giving him presents and taking care of him. He's not used to either, but Aaron has to admit that he finds it really nice to be the one being taken care of rather than the one taking care of everyone else. However, he doesn't dare take advantage of it at first, he likes it yes, but he feels a bit guilty about letting you give him such expensive gifts.
The first time you gave him a present it was a magnificent two-handed sword, it was old and in perfect condition, which only made it even more precious. He hesitated for a moment to refuse it, a sword like this is so expensive and he felt a little uncomfortable that you were giving him a gift like this when he had nothing equivalent to give you in return. However, in the end he accepted it like all your other gifts.
The gifts that please him most are never the most extraordinary. More often than not, he enjoys taking a holiday with you, whether it's in a chalet in the mountains or a little hut by the sea.
He's not the most seductive man in the manor, it's not that he doesn't know how to seduce, it's just that he never or rarely thinks about it. So you're always surprised when he hits on you or makes a pass at you, because you've got into the habit of making passes yourself when you want something.
The first time he hears Beliath refer to you as his Sugar Mommy he has no idea what Beliath is talking about, you're neither made of sugar nor are you his mother… He needs a bit more explanation from Beliath to understand what the incubus is getting at. Aaron may have had partners before you, but he's never had a relationship like this one. But he appreciates it because he's never had the impression of being so precious and wanted by anyone.
Raphaël :
Raphaël was very impressed by your self-confidence and your ability to assert yourself whatever the situation. He knows that it's not always easy to give your opinion, especially when it runs counter to that of others. But you've quickly managed to get everyone to respect you, even Vladimir, which given his character is no mean feat.
He was quickly charmed by you. You have to admit that Raphaël loves being the centre of attention. So when he sees that you seem only interested in him and that you shower him with gifts and little attentions, he's ecstatic. After all, you give him the most beautiful works of art on the market without the slightest hesitation, and you take him to the opera so often. How could he not be happy?
The only thing that matters is that you look after him, whether by buying him gifts or giving him your time. He enjoys it, of course, he's the centre of all your attention, so why shouldn't he? This even makes him a little fussy sometimes when he wants something, not enough to be unpleasant but enough to look like a sulky princess. He comes to you looking unhappy, mumbles a bit, until you ask him what he wants or what's wrong.
Raphaël knows how to be seductive and doesn't hesitate to use his charms to please you after all, he also likes to please you. He gives you his most charming smiles, clings to you whenever he gets the chance and kisses your hands. What's more, he knows his body pretty well, which is a considerable advantage, and he knows exactly what to do to satisfy his partner.
He needs a bit of an explanation when Ethan teases him that you're his Sugar Mommy (and he even manages to make Ethan uncomfortable by asking him questions with an innocent air). He's very happy with your relationship and he wouldn't trade it for the world, after all, he loves being treated like a precious little thing and he's not going to complain about that with you.
Ethan :
Your assurance and self-confidence have thrown him off balance. Usually, he scares people a bit with his abrupt way of speaking and his aggressiveness. But not you, it didn't affect you in the slightest and you never hesitated to put him in his place when he crossed the line with you. It was impressive and he appreciated it in a way, even if he wouldn't venture to say it out loud.
He soon noticed that you were behaving differently towards him. You gave him gifts, often expensive ones, without even considering what Vladimir wanted. For example, you gave him a powerful computer so he could play all the video games he wanted, a portable phone and a big television. You've even subscribed him to the best scientific medical journals in existence.
At first, he felt a little embarrassed by the whole thing. Like, what do you want? Not everyone gives presents without asking for anything in return. But you didn't ask for anything, you just told him that you loved him a lot and that you were happy to show it by giving him presents.
Little by little, he gets used to it and tries to flirt with you and seduce you too. He has to admit that it's not unpleasant to be the centre of someone's attention. He's still sometimes a bit uncomfortable, especially when you give him a magnificent gift in front of others. It's not that he doesn't like it, but he'd prefer to keep it between the two of you.
He knows how to use his body to please you and he's pretty confident in himself and his abilities in this regard. He always wants to please you when you have sex. That's important to him.
When Beliath jokes that you're his Sugar Mommy, Ethan denies everything. It's not really the case, is it?… Well, maybe a little. He finds it hard to accept the idea, he really likes your relationship, but he feels a bit embarrassed whenever he thinks about it. He certainly didn't get into a relationship with you for all the presents you give him, of course he's happy to receive presents. He'd never felt so precious and loved by someone before, but even without a gift from you, he'd treasure the relationship.
Neil :
He was quickly attracted by your self-confidence, without really understanding why or where this feeling came from. You always seem to know what you want, you impose yourself in discussions with disconcerting ease and you even manage to convince your interlocutors without using your vampire powers. It's impressive and seductive for him.
In a way it's rather strange for him, as much as he appreciates being showered with gifts and getting everything he wants easily, he doesn't really understand why you're doing this and he's a bit suspicious. After all, people rarely give things without asking for something in return. It takes a little time for him to let his guard down with you and no longer have the impression that you're going to try to trick him in one way or another. However, it works little by little and he accepts the gifts you give him more and more.
For years he was used to being treated like a god, he was a king after all and he easily had everything he wanted, but it's not the same with you. Before, people gave him gifts just to get back into his good graces… or because they didn't really have a choice, it wasn't him as a person that mattered but the things people could get from him. You give him what he wants just to please him.
Even though he was very much surrounded as king, he never felt that he really mattered to anyone. Your attentions to him and your gifts give him the impression that you really mean something to him, after all you seem to know him and listen to him well enough to always manage to give him gifts that he likes.
Little by little, he will also try to seduce and please you. It's not something he's very good at, he's never really a flirt and he doesn't normally feel comfortable doing that. However, it's different with you, he really wants to please you and really wants you to find him attractive.
The first time someone refers to you as his Sugar Mommy, he has no idea what the other person means. So he asks you as soon as he gets the chance. Your explanation makes him feel a bit uncomfortable but doesn't really bother him, after all, he feels really comfortable with you and if that's what people really think, he doesn't really want to change their minds.
Léandra :
Your assurance and self-confidence won her over immediately. It's a type of personality that she really appreciates. You know how to impose yourself and impress everyone you talk to. Your wealth also tends to open doors for you without the slightest effort and she finds it almost frightening to see what a human being can do with money.
All the gifts and attention you give her flatter her enormously. It's not something she's used to, well… the humans she flirts with offer her a lot of attention but it's not like you. She has the impression that you're really interested in her and it's the first time it's happened to her.
The first time you got her something you simply went to the fanciest, most expensive clothing shop in town and told her to choose whatever she wanted inside. You didn't have to tell her twice and you spent a lot of money in one night just for her.
She feels really happy to be the centre of your attention all the time, and she doesn't hesitate to seduce you to keep it that way. Léandra knows exactly how to seduce you, she's been doing it for centuries and it's become second nature to her to be seductive and attractive. She always makes sure that your gaze never leaves her, so that you only have eyes for her.
When it comes to sex, Léandra knows exactly how to satisfy you. She doesn't want to brag, but she is a succubus after all. She doesn't hesitate to do most of the things you want, there isn't much that bothers her or makes her uncomfortable.
The first time she hears someone refer to you as her Sugar Mommy, it's Ethan who jokes about it. But she didn't hesitate for a second to confirm it. You're totally her Sugar Mommy and she's proud of that. You make a wonderful couple after all and she loves that.
Farah :
Your confidence and self-assurance made a big impression on her the first time she met you. You've managed to integrate yourself into the pack with disconcerting ease and you've easily endeared yourself to everyone. She can't deny that she finds that very attractive in a way, and what's more, you often use your money to keep her pack safe and she appreciates you even more for that.
Farah isn't really attracted by material gifts. However, she won't turn them down, especially when you offer her new shoes for hiking or a new rucksack that's sturdier and more comfortable to carry than her previous one. Nor will she turn down every restaurant date you organise with her, especially if the restaurants are small country inns where she particularly loves to eat.
She's not very good at seduction. Admittedly, it's never been something she's really interested in, and subtlety isn't usually her strong point, when she likes someone, she tells them straight out. However, she does try to be more subtle and more seductive for yourself, but that's rare enough. For example, she'll always dress up when you take her out to dinner, she'll give you flirtatious smiles and playfully run her fingers up and down your arms when you sit down next to her.
She has no idea what it means the first time she hears someone refer to you as her Sugar Mommy. When you explain it to her she finds it a bit strange, but she won't complain. After all, she appreciates that you take care of her and that you try to please her. She doesn't mind that people think it's only in exchange for sex, she can't stop them thinking anyway and she knows very well how you both really feel about each other.
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hassedah · 11 months
Hi, I was wondering if you could do a hc of Ivan x MC x Ethan in a relationship. SFW and NSFW please. Have a great day!
Polyrelationship IvanxMCxEthan :
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
Here's the headcanon you asked, I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
It was really complicated at first. More than once, you've walked into your bedroom, cup of tea or coffee in hand, to see them throwing knick-knacks and pillows at each other. It was impossible to understand what they were arguing about, yet… You even thought that your relationship would never work, you love them both. But they, although they loved you without the slightest doubt, didn't seem to love each other. You were even prepared to give them both up if it would stop them constantly arguing.
But the situation calmed down as the time passed between the three of you. At first you acted mainly as a mediator to keep them from arguing, then they needed you less and less in that role. They still bicker now, but much more like an old couple than two people who hate each other. Sometimes they even stand up for each other to the other boys in the manor, something you'd never have thought possible before.
The three of you often go to the cinema together, and the vast majority of the time the choice of film is easy, as your partners have fairly similar tastes in cinema. But when there's a new Marvel or DC film, the situation gets complicated and there's a bit of a war going on in the cinema. You solve the problem by promising to come back quickly to see the film that hasn't been seen that night, and usually it's the following night. They also squabble over the packet of popcorn, because despite the fact that Ethan has his own packet of salty popcorn and constantly tells you he doesn't like sweet popcorn, he can't seem to stop himself dipping into Ivan's packet of sweet popcorn (he does this just to get the two of you's attention).
Finding a sleeping position was surprisingly easy, even at the beginning of your relationship. Most of the time, you sleep in Ethan's room. He's happy as long as he can sleep against the wall with you next to him and Ivan doesn't care where he sleeps as long as it's next to you. The few times you sleep in Ivan's room, you've only had to push his mattress up against one of the walls to keep everyone happy.
Although Ethan is very reluctant to tell you, he's had a lot fewer nightmares since he's been sleeping with you both, and he's also been sleeping more soundly, which means he's finally not waking up with a start at the slightest noise.
Ethan finds it very difficult to be simply affectionate in public, let alone with Ivan. He's never considered himself a romantic, so he doesn't often know how to react to show you his affection. He's trying to improve though, because he knows that Ivan needs a clear gesture of affection and compliments to feel loved.
Ivan lets you deal with Ethan's flashbacks because he's far too scared of making a mistake that might hurt Ethan in that moment. That's not to say he's not worried though, once Ethan's better he's very careful with him and he's memorised everything that could trigger Ethan's flashbacks to help him avoid them.
Ivan and Ethan are quite open to discovery. The three of you often try out new things whether it's new places, new positions, new sex toys or even new kink. Ethan is willing to try just about anything you suggest, Ivan is less confident, however he's willing to try anything you might suggest as long as it's not too painful.
There's always a little rivalry between the two of them. They fight to be the one who manages to satisfy you the best, and each time they get a great deal of satisfaction when they manage to do it better than the other. Since Ethan is more experienced, it's a bit easier for him, but Ivan learns very quickly how to satisfy you in order to compete. Sometimes, when they reach an agreement, they work together to try and over-stimulate you.
Sex is quite fun with them. Ethan is very talkative and jokes a lot, even at the most surprising times. Because of him, you and Ivan have had several laughs, and Ivan's laughter is contagious, so it's sometimes hard for the three of you to stop laughing.
Ethan prefers to dominate at the beginning of your relationship. He feels safer when he's in total control of the situation. Since Ivan has no preference between dominating and being dominated, this won't be a problem. If you like to dominate, you can dominate Ivan with Ethan. But if you want to dominate Ethan, you'll have to wait until he feels more confident with the two of you before letting you get the better of him.
Ivan doesn't normally like the other members of the manor knowing what he's doing with you two, it makes him a bit uncomfortable. However, he regularly ignores his discomfort to have sex with Ethan in the living room or library after an argument (it's mostly angry sex) when you bump into them in that moment, they offer to join them if you're not uncomfortable about being potentially surprised by someone.
Ethan really enjoys tracking. He told you for the first time several months into your relationship because he wasn't really sure how you or Ivan would react. He much prefers to be the one hunting you in the forest, there's something very exciting about that for him. However, he may also accept being the prey from time to time, especially if you show a particular talent for hunting.
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hassedah · 2 years
Neil’s kinks pls 👀🔥
Neil's Kinks :
Hi ! ^^
Here are the Headcanons for Neil. It took me a little while to write it because NSFW is not my favourite thing to write. I hope you enjoy the headcanons. Have a nice day and take care of yourself! ^^
  NSFW all under the cut.
In general :
In general, Neil is rather classic. Sex was never something he was particularly interested in, except for having heirs when he was king. If he can have it with you, so much the better, if not, too bad, he's not worse off. He will therefore adapt to you and to what you want, even if he keeps some preferences.
He greatly appreciates being praised and complimented during sex.  This is one of the reasons why he might even want to do it. He is desperate to know how good and exceptional he is. 
He almost never uses sextoys, especially the modern ones. It's not because he doesn't like them but because he simply never remembers they exist. If you have them, he won't mind using them but you'll have to think about it for him as he's much more used to doing without.
He pays a lot of attention to the aftercare of his partner. Especially because he knows that the sessions can sometimes be exhausting for the body. He will take care of you as best he can. He will bring you drinks, food, help you take a bath if you wish or you can just lie there in silence or chat. On the other hand, if you are the dominant one, he is also very keen the aftercare. His body is not as strong as it used to be and even if he is not weak, he will never mind a massage or a hot bath to relax his aching muscles. He may also appreciate it if you bring him something to drink, not necessarily blood, but at least a glass of water. He also likes to lie down and just talk.
Dominant :
When he dominates, he is usually quite sadistic. He will discuss with you of course how far he can go and he will adapt to your request.
He may like to leave some marks. But he will prefer it to be visible only to himself. Mainly because he enjoys being the only one who can admire them and doesn't really like anyone else to look at them.
He doesn't really like exhibitionism. It would even make him uncomfortable, not because he doesn't feel he's performing well enough. He knows that he is exceptional. But rather because he considers sex to be something intimate that he doesn't want to share with anyone other than his partner. On the other hand, he is not bothered by the idea that both of you can be heard.
He also likes to bite you, not surprisingly for a vampire, but he tends never to warn you before doing so. This is because he really enjoys feeling your body suddenly tense up.
He particularly likes to spank, his eyes light up mischievously just thinking about it  He often looks for a reason, sometimes a very flimsy one, to spank before innocently telling you that he wouldn't have to if you were wiser.
Dominated :
He will need a great deal of trust in his partner to accept being dominated. But this is not something that bothers him.  It is even something he enjoys with a trusted partner 
He doesn't like being tied up. At least, he could appreciate that before his sequestration in the cellar. Now he doesn't want to hear about it anymore, seeing his movements being restricted makes him extremely anxious.
He doesn't mind marks on his skin, as long as they are not visible to others. However, he prefers not to have them on his wrists at all, as it brings back too many bad memories.
If you ever manage to get him at his own game when it comes to spanking. He may find it as sexy as he will be offended. He protests a little, so as not to give you the impression of giving in too easily, but he would not really resist you.
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hassedah · 2 years
Request are open !
Hi ! I decided to put some rules for requests here ^-^ !
Headcanons Moonlight lovers.
I write about :
I write headcanons for Moonlight lovers. (Vladimir, Béliath, Ivan, Aaron, Raphaël, Neil, Léandra et Farah) 
Maybe I'll write NSFW. So you can always request about it and I'll see if I feel capable to writing it. (They will be tagged as : MoonlightLoversNSFW which you can block if you don't want to see NSFW content.) Of course, NSFW is forbidden to minors.
I do not write :
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