#mooonlight speaks
pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Sunshine Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen reader; part 5
"Whose my handsome baby." Y/n smiled as she scratched at Cannibal's chin, him huffing at her calling him a baby.
"You love it don't be so rude." She giggled at him, Cannibal closing his eyes resting his head gently down tilting as to indicate he wanted to be scratched more. No one could understand how the great beast let her claim him, he had slaughtered so many who tried in his long lifespan as well as killing and eating many dragons. And yet everyone watched far away as the princess of only 13 laid against the dragon, scratching the underside of his chin and speaking to him as though he were a house cat. She spent most her days with her dragon now Aemond was preoccupied with his duties, she had learnt her septa would not follow her down to the dragon pit so as long as she stayed there, she could do as she pleased. 
Aemond was learning everything he could to be the best suit for the throne, his brother too busy drowning himself in wine and whores. His older sister pushing out heirs two years after their marriage although everyone knew Aegon only visited when he was drunk and lonely. He sighed as he laid in bed, his mother had scolded him for always sleeping in Y/n's room, it was inappropriate for a young lady and could ruin her for marriage prospects. He did not care for the idea of her being married to some disgusting lord who would pump her full of children and demand more land in return for them. He despised how everyone watched his sister as she grew to be a young woman, she was his twin, they were made for each other not to be shared with those who did not appreciate her. As he began to fall asleep Aegon stumbled into his room.
"Get up brother i have something to show you." He slurred pulling Aemond from his bed. The two walked the streets, Aemond irritated as he was dragged by the older boy but curious as to what he wanted. Approaching a large building Aemond rolled his eyes as Aegon knocked. A lady in sheer clothing smiling at his brother before letting the two in. Aegon requesting their finest woman to attend to his brother, Aemond scowled at two women hung off his arms
"Time to get it wet brother." Aegon laughed as he hurried the three into a room and taking his leave to have his fill of whores. Aemond did not know what to do as the women taught him how to please a woman and himself, his thoughts full of Y/n.
When Aemond finally managed to drag Aegon from the whore house he threatened his brother to never speak of it, Y/n could not find out he did not want her to think of him as she did Aegon. She did not think of him badly, truly she did not see anyone as awful, but she was aware of his activities. Aegon would ask her to join him sometimes in his drunken stare but she would only smile and help him to bed. Whispering sweet things and showing him the love and affection he craved from his mother. The two were not close but she held a pure brotherly love towards him, seeing him much how she saw her dragon, lonely and wanting to be loved. Aemond never understood how she saw him for anything but a drunken fool who wanted her to warm his bed but Aegon had never touched her. 
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