runaway90s · 7 months
1. God First 2. Then You 3. Then Your Twin 4. Soul Family 5. Everyone Else
Major imbalance on planet earth due to this not being upheld.
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In the recent update, Karkat asks Hussie, "how the fuck did you make me say the shit you made me say to people like you last night?"
(This is a reference to "Moral Disaster" TvTropes.org and other Moral Disasters, e.g. Comics/MoralDisaster)
This seems like it has significance for the whole situation in general, which is what I'm trying to get at with all this
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christopherjdowdy · 12 years
(Video via Andrew Sullivan)
Today will mark the beginning of efforts to quantify just how bad Sandy has been. This will mean turning to all kinds of numbers and anecdotes; insurance claims, days without power, feet of water, landmarks destroyed. We'll recognize an egalitarian dimension to this explosion of damage. That's right and good. The catastrophic throws a lot of people together, upends conventions, structures, boundaries. Certain levels of misery just throw us onto each other's mercy. 
But it is still crucial to remind ourselves that disaster has a regressive aspect. It hurts in exponential proportion to the degree that you are poor. A car is not always just a car; a microwave is not always just a microwave.
Anyway, pictures, and notes, and settled itineraries, and in the worst case our loved ones--in our grief a lot of loss converges, looks the same, has the same texture. But disaster takes other irreplaceable things from the slender store of already stricken people. It takes away a disproportionate number of their chances. 
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