#moraypower 04
darkenforcer · 11 months
@moraypower || 🍭🍭🍭
aha! there's the inkling he'd been searching for, all happy as a clam after raiding the dessert table! hiding in the shadows, yuri waits for his moment to strike...
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"trick or treat, smallfrye," a tap on her shoulder and yoink! he plucks a giant lollipop from her hand in one swift motion. quite the greeting after who-knows-how-long, but he hopes a bit of mischief will prevent any reunion-type convos altogether.
the sweet's in his mouth before his friend can get a word in. muffled, he drives his treachery home with a cheeky "that is how the tradition goes, right?" he isn't even attempting to act innocent -- this candy thief knows exactly what he's doing.
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wolfofthewisps · 2 years
@moraypower // MISTIFIED
The thick mists draped over the city created an uncomfortable, ethereal atmosphere. It was as if they had been dropped into a strange dream, the familiar streets and buildings seeming alien and otherworldly. Even more bizarre was the shift in environment in some areas, affected by the very lives and memories of the cities’ extradimensional residents. The city and some who lived here were no stranger to this phenomenon, but it was still enough to put anyone on-edge.
Such was the case with the lone figure that was pacing through the streets of Cotes. Their silhouette betrayed an alert nature, head kept on a swivel as they moved about, hardly able to see five feet in front of themselves clearly. Any groups of people were actively avoided so as to avoid any trouble. Their surroundings were unknown to them, after all, and it’d be best to keep to themselves while they were searching for their objective.
Of course, fortune can’t always be in one’s favor. They’d ducked between two buildings to try and take a shortcut, but as they rounded the corner out of the path between them, they nearly collided with somebody. A quick step was taken back to avoid the impact and fall into a combative stance. Though vision was a bit hazy all around, their face would be familiar to the other party, and the voice they spoke in as well. 
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“Watch where you’re going. It’s easy to bump into people in conditions like this.”
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