#more of my trainersona who i still have not named yet
goldensunset · 1 year
procrastination brain is insane. sick brain is insane. so the combination of the two is being reeeeeeaaaaaaaaal deadly
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Leaf Green part 2: The Forgotten Source Reborn
I frequently say I’m a Squirtle fan.  Squirtle is my starter of choice and in nearly every Pokemon game since, I have chosen a water starter.  The exception is in 4th gen, where I picked Turtwig, specifically because it is a turtle.  When Sword and Shield released and we found out that Squirtle was not in the game (although Charmander was) I was genuinely upset.  When Squirtle (and Bulbasaur) was added back in with the DLC I was relieved.
I have a very cringe personal mythos for my Blastoise.  He is strong and brave and loyal and absolutely the best.  If Blastoise was my dad, things would be different.  His name is Tortoise, because I was ten years old and uncreative, and he was the solo powerhouse of my Blue version.  I actually remember very few of the Pokemon in my original file, because I didn’t need them.  I just overleveled Tortoise and had him Mega Punch literally everything to death.
Tragically, my Blue must have had a faulty battery or something, because one day my file was gone.  I was still ten or maybe eleven, I don’t think Gold and Silver were even out yet, this was incredibly early in Pokemon’s history and I was already experiencing accidental file death.  I tried starting over, with Tortoise Two, but the cartridge simply wouldn’t hold a save anymore.  I wasn’t TOO distraught, but I was definitely a little buttmad.  I would come up with dramatic fanfiction where my beloved Blastoise was killed by Team Rocket, as a tragic backstory for my Mary Sue trainersona who was also Ash’s girlfriend and James’s cousin.
When Fire Red and Leaf Green were released, of course I started with Squirtle.  Tortoise was reborn, and in my personal headworld he’s literally the same one.  I revived him, summoned him from a banished reality, reconstructed him from memories and love and Game Boy Advance magic.  He has continued to live a long and happy life, still in Fire Red, but maybe he’ll get to migrate up soon.  He’ll finally get to meet my Torterra, Tortoise Jr, named so because turtle starters are the best.
Because I’ve been working on my 3rd and 4th gen Pokemon games so much lately (completing as much as possible before migrating up, possibly up to 6th gen) I’ve remembered a dark little point in my history.  If I can justify Tortoise through imaginary necromancy, there’s someone else I should bring back.  Her name was Eliza.
When my dad first came home with Pokemon Blue for me, I ran straight up to my room to start the game.  Mom said I was hyperventilating and should calm down.  I did not.  I started my file, and picked a starter based on the cuteness of the sprites.  I actually picked Charmander.  Her name was Eliza, because it has ‘liz’ in the middle and she’s e liz...ard.  I took her as far as Brock’s gym and lost hard.  I reset the game, chose Squirtle instead, and cruised through the early game on type advantage.
I didn’t speak about Eliza, but not because it was a forbidden secret about my past.  I hadn’t built a personal mythos around my video games yet.  I was much more pragmatic as a ten-year-old than I am now, as a sad 32-year-old who is writing long Tumblr posts about necromantic turtle dads.  I just didn’t want to let the other kids at school know I sucked at training a Charmander.  I had been reading up on Pokemon in Nintendo Power for most of the year before getting the game, and I should have known better.  I knew the type chart, I should have known to train a little more.  As an adult, I also now know about the other various Pokemon available at that point in the game that could’ve made the fight easier.  But as a ten-year-old I was dumb as hell and pushed that file reset to the back of my mind.  Squirtle is my starter.
As a side note, at some point I had a copy of Red as well, and did have a Charmander in that one.  I shared that cartridge with my siblings and straight up do not remember anything about that file.  I don’t think anything was nicknamed.  That whole experience is walled off in my brain as non-canon.
Now, in my new Fire Red I have reconstructed Eliza.  I did some resetting to get a female Charmander and she’s doing well.  I decided to make it a goal in this file to catch all female Pokemon whenever possible, with exceptions made for that sacrificial Machop and for any gift Pokemon with randomized genders.  They’re going to have normal-person names that tie into their species in some cutesy way whenever possible.  I named my character ‘Rose’ (my middle name) in this file to distinguish it from all the ‘Megan’ OTs on my other Pokemon, and that will be the surname for this group.  Eliza Rose and her sisters.  They’re coming home.
It was VERY WEIRD to do the first rival fight, by the way!  I never experience the Gary battle with the Squirtle on his side instead of mine.  I never see the front sprite for Squirtle because I have the Squirtle.  I named my rival ‘Josh’ as a joke, and I laid in bed with the real Josh while I played.
“This feels so weird,” I said, “He has my Squirtle.”
“It’s my Squirtle,” said Josh.
“No it’s my Squirtle.  I pick Squirtle, I always have Squirtle.”
“Nope, I have Squirtle.  My Squirtle.”
“My Squirtle!”
“Nah, my Squirtle.”
How dare he, he doesn’t appreciate Squirtle.  Josh is a Bulbasaur picker, he has no business taking my Squirtle.
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epicspheal · 3 years
ok this may be a weird question but like,, what's the difference between using the canon game protag and using an oc protag, besides the name? the canon protag rarely has any backstory besides maybe "just moved here" or "friends with rival" so you have to make up any further backstory/personality for them anyways. as a creator I feel like it's easier to just use the canon protag than to replace them with their own oc protag, so it's always puzzled me why it's so common to see people replacing the canon protags with ocs.
Hi there @mala-sadas! It's not a weird question at all! I think there's a couple of ways to look at why people use OCs instead of canon protagonists.
Probably one of the biggest reasons involves the appearance of the canon protagonist. Many, but not all, OCs used in Pokemon stories are indeed self inserts/trainersonas and most people playing the games do not resemble the canon protagonist at all. Even with customization offered in later generations there is still a base look for the protagonists
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Like take my trainersona, Terra (my Hoenn protag, sugimori style artwork of her made by @roseltheteacup). Vastly different appearance to May and it'd just be a lot easier on my sanity and the readers to just make up a whole OC named Terra, with the physical descriptors I wanted rather than saying "Okay this girl's name is May but [insert descriptors because I know when the audience reads "May" they're going to automatically assume the girl on the right and not the woman on the left]" Also, age may be a factor as well. Most of the canon protags are children and a lot of people have expressed desire to have grown up protagonists doing these journeys as they lend themselves for more interesting stories. For example my first Alolan champion protag isn't an adult when she starts her journey (as that breaks the established canon of the island challenge being for kids), but she is in her late teens. This allows her to have more mature insight on the Aether family plot, and allow for me to write more realistically punching the crap out of Lusamine like we all wanted to. Like sure, could Marsha (my OC) punched Lusamine out as an 11 year old (the canon ages of Elio/Selene)? Sure...but it's much more believable that a 17 year old with no f*cks to give would throw hands and actually knock Lusamine's teeth out.
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(I do not yet have art of Marsha wrecking Lusamine, but take this Lilo and Stitch gif and you get the gist of what went down)
Backstory and Personality is another factor. I know the canon protagonists like you stated technically don't have a set personality (outside of Pokespe and Masters), however that hasn't stopped fanon from coming up with personalities that just seem to stick like Tomboy!Hilda and Scottish!Gloria. Remember how some people got really upset that White in Pokespe wasn't as rough and tumble (at first) as how fanon portrayed her in game counterpart? Well, if someone has an idea for the protag that doesn't fit the fanon personality, rather than potentially endure comments complaining about the personality switch. Same thing if you didn't want to make the Hoenn protag Norman's child, or the Sinnoh protag having a mom who was a master coordinator. Sure you can change it, but that still takes away from the protags (limited) backstory and some people would just prefer to make an OC at that point.
I've seen people get hit with comments like that when they try to tell a game story using the canon protagonists but they differ slightly in appearance, age, background and personality. The comments usually end up saying something around "you should've just made an OC with how much you changed". And those comments aren't fun, so some people would rather avoid that by making an OC (of course OCs also come with their own backlash).
At the end of the day, it all comes down to the comfort of the writer. I know some who only use the canon protags, others who only use OCs and some who do a mix of both. I'm a writer who likes to use a mix of both. Hoenn, Kalos, Alola, and Galar all have OCs for protags whereas I keep the canon protags for Kanto, Johto, Sinnoh and Unova. There's pros and cons in each approach!
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cloudbatcave · 3 years
Cloud Plays White: Finale
This is a long one, folks, since I realized I had a bit in my notes I had forgotten about and only found after I posted this, lol, so I have now edited it in.
when we last left off I was criticizing Alder for being useless in apprehending Ghetsis and Iris for not just taking me to Drayden’s house herself when it is Right Fucking There. 
So I’m still futzing around Opelucid here.
“No way, without pokemon, I’ll be lonely and sad! …but am I just using my pokemon, then?”
wow, seems there’s some brain cells there after all. you keep exercising those, brah.
I run into a guy who thinks that it’s okay for team plasma to take pokemon from weak trainers, even though he considers himself one and feels bad for the people they rob.
There’s another dude in the same room who used to be part of team plasma but left because it was weird for him that everyone thought the same way.
See, I appreciate this part of the game’s writing - I wish there was more stuff like this, people who are conflicted and their viewpoints being front and center instead of the simplistic garbage we’re fed by Iris and Alder and company.
Though there’s an absolute nut job who says that despite the years he’s trained with his pokemon he’ll let it go if it makes it a perfect being and I am just not even gonna unpack all the lunacy there.
There’s a kid who thinks that just because N has the legendary pokemon, he must be the hero.
I am very concerned about everyone in Unova being so gullible.
“Your Scrafty looks like it can try a little harder.”
I finally go to Drayden’s and get told how the original dragon performed mitosis and now we have two dragons and also they once destroyed the region with fire and lightning but it’s chill.
“People may hurt pokemon even more by imposing their selfish thoughts on them. But no matter what, Pokemon and people believe in each other, need each other, and will continue to live together…”
Drayden is smarter and more nuanced than like, anyone else, why is he not a main character.
Iris chips in about how much she can’t forgive Plasma and Drayden mentions they don’t know how to wake up Zekrom.
Well, to be fair, I’d be very surprised if they did.
Off to the gym, this’ll be interesting since I have no ice or dragon moves on my team.
I get through the trainers okay, now time to fight Daffodil.
Her Haxorus was a bit tricky but nothing I couldn’t handle, and when I walk out Juniper shows up.
And somehow she knows how to resurrect Zekrom. Cool!
She blahs about how it’ll wake up when it deems someone worthy and talks about how much I’ve changed and shows me to the gate where the route to the pokemon league is.
“Chirae? Do you regret setting out on your pokemon journey?”
mmm, that’s not fair to my pokemon though - nigh everyone around me may be looney tunes or incompetent, but they’ve been good pals.
So I hit “no” after all.
and she gives me a master ball. dope.
I make it to the gates of victory road and I honestly really like the bit where each section of them is themed after the badges! That’s a nice touch, I think that was only also done in the FRLG remakes if I recall correctly. It makes it feel a lot more ceremonious and important.
Ah here come my two idiots.
Bianca asks Cheren to smile and he’d probably implode if he did. He finally isn’t an asshole though, good for him.
The bug badge guard tells me to “fight valiantly like an insect” which is funny but I guess does make sense. Ants can fuck some stuff up, man.
Honestly I want to be a badge gate guard, seems like a fun job.
Also, I caught an excadrill in a raid the day I wrote this, and caught an excadrill in this game. Their pokedex entry includes this gem:
“Their tunnels can be destructive to subway systems”
Given the battle subway exists in this game, their insurance payments must be obscene. Imagine getting your match interrupted by a giant mole with metal fists that doesn’t give a fuck.
I named her Beans. She looks like a Beans.
I also caught a Deino. The Irate Pokémon that can’t see and tackles people to learn about its surroundings. I feel a kinship with this creature.
I named him Mezzo for laughs.
And I managed to get myself back to the beginning of victory road. Good job, cloud.
Okay I think I’ve found the right path, found a new dude to beat up which is a good sign. Apparently he’s lost too.
Love when a trainer switches out to a Pokémon mine doesn’t have a type advantage against and it gets wiped in two hits anyway. Death is inevitable.
“I’ve thought about what I can do to help my Pokémon win and I finally figured out the answer!”
Is it git gud?
Flame charge raises my speed, opponent’s klang uses automotize to prove it can do that too, dies because it’s too busy trying to go fast.
Then I get nailed by a flare blitz. Darmanitan is toxic to gen 5 nuzlocke runs, I swear. Especially since I have no one on my hodgepodge team resistant to fire. At least my unfezant is faster.
“Read what your opponent wants to do. Your opponent is human and may change plans from moment to moment. Be careful!”
There’s some meta joke to be made there but I’m not thinking of anything witty. Something something AI having a point even if not in this context.
Back to the beginning again but I think I know what I need to do now.
I looked at a walkthrough to check, tho, lmfao. Was tired of climbing up there only to fall down the wrong spot.
“There’s an item at the bottom! Do you want to slide all the way down?”
You’re the devil talking and you tempt me but I will ignore your silver tongue for now.
So I’m at the league and I thought Cheran would pop out of the bushes before I got here. That’s weird. I could swear he fights me one last time before I challenge the elite four.
I guess not! Huh.
All right then. Time to try and see if I can win with my very unbalanced team.
Lmfao yeah my first attempt against the ghost trainer crashed and burned. Literally, thanks to her Chandelure. Very glad I saved on the outside. TIME TO GO TRAIN MORE.
No Marty, you may not learn wild charge, this is a no recoil moves household, self harm is bad.
Some grinding later, I am ready to try again.
Shauntal gave me a little trouble but was much more manageable. Grimsley was easy, only his Krookodile gave me issues.
I really like the elite four battle areas in this gen, I do admit. Very aesthetic.
Ah shit I know that Musharna is coming.
Never mind, that pink and purple snoozeball went down easy. I didn’t have a single Pokémon faint.
Unless Marshal breaks the trend the fights have actually gotten easier as I went.
He actually was a bit tricky, gave me a good show.
Hello endless stairs, hello N and Alder, hello giant random castle that just explodes out of the ground somehow.
“What has just appeared is team plasma’s castle”
Thanks mate, never would’ve figured that out without you. Why do you need a castle. 
Oh wow, the gym leaders finally decided to be useful and fight the sages for me instead of letting extremists wander around unchecked.
Thanks y’all! Trying not being pointless more often!
“Ignoring team plasma...that would be a terrible thing for us gym leaders to do.”
You all already did that, Elena. I watched as Clay and Iris let these assholes go. We could have avoided this whole plot if literally any of you had done more earlier.
So the game says the castle was built by the Pokémon team plasma took but how the fuck did they like...work underground...you know what I’m not gonna even think about it too hard because it makes no sense and I know that. I must make my peace.
I also like how the castle is nonsensical and yet there’s a line of dialogue about how they’ll liberate the Pokémon in PCs too for their Master Plan(TM), which is surprisingly thoughtful. This game is so inconsistent with how much sense its lore makes. It’ll come up with something clever and then wear its underwear on its head the next minute.
“Will you go the Pokémon league?”
Well at least there’s someone there to randomly teleport me back too.
Hi Reshiram, convenient how that mini fire tornado you made didn’t burn me or N.
Hi Zekrom, convenient how your lightning didn’t hurt us either, you’re a considerate chap
Aight, let’s see if I can catch this bastard
...I did and it only took me like five balls. Okay then.
N gave me a good fight, so there’s that.
Love how Ghetsis’s bouffalant kills itself via recoil from its own move and my scrafty’s rocky helmet.
He gave me a good fight too though.
I do like the ending, despite my issues with how the game presents its message. N is a great character and I appreciate what Nintendo was trying to do with the game’s plot, they just...didn’t really delve into it like they should have.
I’m glad I replayed it. I still have my issues with gen 5 but I see a lot more of its positives now.
We’ll see if I do any post-game content, I have gotten kind of attached to my grump-ass trainersona and his weird team.
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tumblunni · 6 years
What do you guys think about the names Dustin and Darcy for my protagonists in Let's Go?
Cos i really wanted to play the co op mode thing by myself, just so i can pretend this role in the plot is filled by two siblings and have a bit of fun roleplaying that. But i dunno yet how the co-op works and whether you'd be able to customize the avatar of the second player or if its just the default trainer? Or can you only play co-op if you have two separate games? Im planning to buy the other version anyway once i get more money, so it could be fun to play my first version with sibling one and then the second playthru is sibling two's turn to shine!
Oh and the whole reason i wanted to do this is cos i wanna try out the customization features to make some ocs now that there's no competitive online stuff unless you pay a subscription fee (LOL NO THANKS). Like..i always felt like i HAD to make my character me in xy/sumo/usum, otherwise its like lying online? But of course i cant actually make me because theres no nonbinary option or even remotely ambiguous outfits for either gender. And you cant have wild hair colours while i dye my hair 24/7 irl lol. Its silly cos like 95% of the gym leaders and other characters ingame have anime hair colours yet the player has to be normal? So yeah i cpuldnt really enjoy making this innacurate defanged version of myself yet i didnt feel like i was allowed to just make up a new character either. Closest i could do was give myself white hair like my old trainersona when i was 12, lol. I mean i guess thats my 'real hair colour' underneath the dye right now, if you think about it that way?
okay where was i
Yeah! I think sibling trainers could be a good and unique way to handle a rival! Like having them be your sibling already establishes that rivalry. But it can be a soft and nice rivalry! I wanna go with that fun version rather than the full on angry exaggerated sibling rivalries you often see in kids media. Like i know that some people legit dont get on with their siblings and some people can even have a very gary esque full on rivalry thats sorta 'love to hate' or like..tsundere pretending you hate them. But personally i never had experience with that, i can never relate to those 'tfw u hate ur sibling and theyre always an asshole but lolll u love them anyway' posts. I only got to live with my little sister for a little while due to the catastrophe of abusive parenthood that was my childhood, and i lost contact with her forever when she was very young so i doubt she'd even remember me. *sigh* But like i don't think i only love her so much because i miss her! People say newborns and toddlers are the most bratty so like you'd think if i was gonna ever find her 'annoying' i would have done it back then. I was always just mega proud of her and whenever she'd be 'bratty' i'd be cheering her on and trying to protect her from mom. And when she'd try and pull pranks on me or practise play-fighting or whatever i was just like 'lol thats legit funny' and taking play-falls so she felt better about herself. Like we didnt have much power in that household so i felt like encouraging her pretending to be a wrestler would help her feel like she had some sort of control in some part of her life i guess? And just i wished i was allowed to roughhouse and run around and be all 'unladylike' and just enjoy BEING A KID when i was a kid, yknow? I always had legit fun being with her and legit enjoyed it and was legit proud and legit never annoyed. I just dont understand 'yeah she's annoying but i love her anyway'. I was only ever her rival as a play-rival to help encourage her to like.. Enjoy the things she enjoyed. Feel like someone else cared. I only ever acted like 'ha ha baby stuff yeah sure i hate hanging out with my sister" cos i thought i was SUPPOSED TO. I always felt so guilty doing it and so dissappointed cos id rather hang out with her than be a boring stereotypical teen tbh. I dunno, maybe this isnt typical for siblings and its just a sign of how badly we were raised? I was just real fuckin lonely and absolutely loved having a family member who loved me for the first time since my grandma died. Same reason i always used to act all 'i am too cool i totally am not soft for my lil sister' around my lil sister's dad. I really wanted him to love me too! I used to say swear words at him cos i thougjt he would thibk i was Cool And Adult?? I have soooo many cringe moments from that phase of my childhood. Man it hurts to think that i never actually did get to become that positive influence that protected my sister from my mum and let her know she was loved. Cos i was sent to live with my dad when she was like 5ish? And never saw her again and now im too scared to try and reach out to her again because 1: she probably doesnt even remember me, 2: theres a chance she believes my mum saying i was some horrible asshole who abandoned the family, 3: even bigger chance that contacting her could mean my mum finding me again and big fuckin risk of further abuse. Plus the awkwardness of introducing my trans self when she'd remember me as her sister and all. Sigh! All i can do is hope that her cool dad eventually got custody of her, and that he didnt turn out to be a secret bastard like when i met my own dad. He seemed good, but then again i was just a lil kid and my dad seemed good at first. Sighhhhhh...
Anyway the point is that whenever i write siblings i'd rather write 100% unapologetic super loving love cos its wish fullfillment for me. This is also why in/cest shipping is a massive beserk button for me, good wholesome family relationships are REAL FUCKIN IMPORTANT and how DARE you corrupt that shit! Some people would fuckin KILL to have that wholesome family!!
Anyway lol thats why i'd like a Wholesome Rivalry for these sibling ocs! Like they challenge each other to contests along the way just for fun, and they react all 'wow my sis is the BEST' when you beat them, so hard feelings at all. And you dont JUST do rival stuff but also sometimes just hang out and have fun cos you missed each other. And if anyone threatens your sibling then THAT is the only time you see the Serious Sibling Power! Rival moments: ha ha lol bet ya cant beat me ooo im a scary villain LOL I CANT KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE HAHA! Giovanni punches your brother: *stony cold death glare from hell as tricksy prank sis turns into an unstoppable vengeance engine* Oh, but also the only other time they'd be serious is in their final battle together! Like most of the 'rivalry' is just competing to make the adventure fun and to help each other get stronger. But if sis/bro ever actually legit said they really want to fight to find out who's the best, and its like..important to help their self confidence, then i think bro/sis would respect that and go all out. Taking a fall and letting them win would be the most disrespectful thing of all! Oh, but i do think there would be one kind of battle like that during the story? Like in one of the more low stakes faux-rival fights the sibling actually does try and let you win, and the challenge is to try and lose against all odds. High stakes super failure battle!!! Imagine the evil team in the background like 'wtf' as these two run the most aggressively slow race of all time! XD
Oh and i kinda thought about different personalities for the two of them based on who you pick? Like i did like that aspect about brendan/may in RSE compared to other 'unpicked option becomes rival' characters in later games that didnt even have one personality let alone two. It just sucks that the personalities they decided to give them were 'female rival is super self concious and thinks youre better than her because youre a boy' and 'male rival is super ego and thinks he's better than you because he's a boy'. Boooo!
So instead of that the personalities i was thinking for these two would be less sexist lol. Male sibling Dustin is basically Wally so far? I need to develop him a bit more to make him a bit distinct, i mean its not like every single shy dude is identical. I'm thinking maybe mix him with all the wasted potential in Brendan? Like in the game they slightly hint at him having the ONE non stereotypical trait of liking cute teddy bears, and that made me think about how much better his whole plot would have been if it actually criticized his sexism and said that he only behaves that way cos he's overcompensating for being bullied for being 'feminine', yknow? And then in the manga they actually DO write him as super feminine, and even as a contest star who loves fashion and dressing up his pokemon! But then GAHHH they present it as some sort of fuckin 'character flaw', like he's shown to be selfish and superficial because of it. And the backstory is that him and the female protagonist used to be 'normal' until a traumatic event. Brendan was a Natural Fighting Prodigy until he saved his female friend from a wild pokemon and was so traumatized that he never wanted to fight again, while she wanted to learn to fight so she'd never need to be protected again. But this is not only presented as Wrong Ways To Be Gender but also like.. Fighting their natural instinct which still comes through?? Like male protag hasnt fought in YEARS yet whenever he's forced to fight he's just magically better at it than female protag who's been practising all these years to become his equal. Ha ha silly girl you can never achieve that! All you get is this patronizing 'well if you just tryyyyy girly things im sure you'll like it' plot and then you get rescued by him in the end because OF COURSE you do. Sigh! I cant believe they made me hate that pairing even more than the games did! So yeah i dont really wanna write Dustin as a jerkass who's secretly got synpathetic motives of internalized homophobia/sexism, cos i feel thats a plot very specific to my perceptuons of Brendan and id basically just have to make Dustin a clone of him and he wouldnt be able to shine on his own merits. Instead i'm just thinking of writing him as a 100% sensitive soul, and he still faces predjudice for not being that bigoted idea of an 'ideal man' but really the fact he doesnt bow down to their demands proves that he's the bravest person here.
And then I'm thinking maybe the female sibling Darcy is the older one and is a bit "gary ish"? Like eitjer way you still have a friendly and loving siblingness, but she's a bit more of a sass who is tsundere about admitting she loves her bro. But i dont think she's the cold or grumpy sort of tsundere, more like a trickstery tomboy? Bombastic loki jock sis! She can only be a bit abrasive with her bro cos she wants to teach him to be tough even when she's not there to protect him. But sometimes she can mess it up and make him feel like he has to change his personality in order to be tough, rather than letting him know she supports him in being "unmasculine" and just wants to help him find the confidence to stand up to people who bully him for it. Like she feels like she is 'weaker' than him in the sense that she worries too much about what people will think if she expresses her real emotions, yknow? Like theyre both suffering from toxic masculinity! He's suffering from the standard form where men who are too 'soft' are beaten down into that mould. Ans she's suffering from the problem where 'masculine' girls feel like they have to be '100% masculine' in order to be allowed to be themselves at all. Like back when i was a kid and before i came out as trans i always used to try and pretend to like sports ans like..cliche macho shit where you Cant Admit You Care About Your Friends and also i wasnt allowed to like ANY feminine things at all. I had to either follow the stereotype of femininity entirely or follow the opposite stereotype, i wasnt allowed to just reject stereotypes and like what i actually like. So yeah me realizing i wasnt really a girl has led to me embracing more 'girly' things than back when i thought i was one! So i think Darcy would have a similar arc but like..the cis equivelant? Just finds people who arent such judgmental pricks and stops having to conform to either of those stereotypes in order to keep fake friends who dont really give a shit about her. She can have a plot about both forced feminine and masculine stereotypes being equally limiting, rather than that shitty 'being masculine is a prison uwu every woman will be happier embracing her love of makeup' shit. That dominant narrative just made me feel like i was somehow wrong about myself whenever i didnt like 100% Of Sports All The Time, i must be somehow girly if i liked even ONE girly thing yet i needed hundreds of proofs if i wanted to be masculine. And like i wasnt just allowed to be neither! I wasnt allowed to like parts of both! I wasnt allowed to BE GODDAMN TRANS!!! So yeah i dunno if i'd go whole hog and make this character a trans man or a nonbinary person tho? I think she's just actually a cis girl who happens to be sporty and brash and likes a lot of 'masculine' fashion and hobbies. And she's just been made to feel self concious about it, as if she cant possibly REALLY be that unless she likes Every Single Boy Thing and wins at Every Single Challenge. Does anyone else remember that shit too? The girls have to win Every sports game against the boys in order to be 'one of the boys' but if you lose even one of them it somehow proves that you're inferior. Even though the boys lost 50 billion games to you and that doesnt prove theyre inferior! Like man she has sooooo many 'gary rivals' in her school life, thats why she loves going on this adventure with a kind brother rival who actually respects her! So her resolution would just be her staying the same but being more confident about it and saying fuk u to those fake friends. Same as her brother's plot, just they both face different specifics to the way this sexism affects them, yknow?
Oh but yeah when i did finally learn about LGBT stuff and realize i was trans it was Big Amazing cos even in the rare stories about Its Okay To Be Yourself it still left me feeling weirdly empty when the girl decides that yes she does wanna be a girl in the end. So i get that these plots might come off as queerbaiting if i write them badly? I need to make sure to make it clear that these characters 100% want to be seen as this gender and its just other people being fuckfaces and trying to define what their gender has to mean. I think maybe i'll try and mitigate this potential misunderstanding by adding different sorts of lgbt content. And, well, also cos i just want lgbt content in all of my stories because i am lgbt, of course! I'm 100% sure that Darcy is gay, and i think also maybe possibly Dustin is trans? Like, his plot is about being mocked for being a 'feminine' boy, but its also even more personal for him because he's a trans boy and he feels like he needs to change his personality in order to pass/he isnt really real because his personality doesnt fit the stereotypical image of a man. Like if you'd looked at the two of them back when they were identical twins, you probably would have expected Darcy to end up being trans if you were the sort of person who believes those basic ass stereotypes about 'boys who play with barbies and girls who play with trucks'. Or i mean maybe its the other way around and Darcy is a trans girl who still has a 'masculine' personality according to stereotypes? Or even both of them are trans and both face being told that they arent real because they dont fit the perfect stereotype of a trans person according to cis perceptions? Or maybe i'm overcomplicating things with all of this and it'd just muddy the message i guess. I might just keep it to them both being cis but also both of them like girls. And i can always apply my trans and other LGBT headcanons to other characters along their adventure.
Anyway LOL im rambling too much!
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