#more pics at da link i just chose these 2
kyuushi · 6 months
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2021 Megaman Valentine’s Day Contest - Rules Thread *CLOSED*
Welcome to year #14 of my mostly-annual Megaman Valentine’s Day Fanart Contest!
Two categories, in which you are allowed to submit one entry for each category, if you would like. If you place in one category, you will be automatically disqualified from the other, for reasons of fairness, and to give other people a chance to win a prize.
CATEGORY 1:  Kiss From a Rosered (Talent)
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Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a Rosered on Nebula Grey Ooh, the more I think of it, the stranger it feels, yeah And now here to give a rose to Split Mushroom A light hits the room on Jet Stingraaaaayyyyy~
Ba-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da
For this category, your goal is to create a scene between the Megaman characters of your choice involving roses being given to one's Valentine. Simple enough, right? But there is a little twist. For those who don't know, the color of the rose actually has some meaning behind it. We are all used to the standard red rose as a symbol of love more than anything. But just as there are different forms of love, there are different concepts these various colors can represent, when giving someone you love flowers.
The other part of the challenge for this talent category will be your use of color in your pic. Just as you choose a color to convey meaning with this rose, and theme your scene in a similar manner, I'd also like to see you utilize this color as the strongest within your piece. 
So, while I don't expect all of these submissions to be purely monochromatic, or a single hue when coloring, your goal will be to try to make your art have your rose color as the dominant color in your piece. Whether that means the characters you choose are predominantly that color too, or, they have a pallette change with their outfit/armor/etc. to echo or help contrast the color theme. 
Content Requirements: 
* Megaman characters of your choice giving roses to their special someone on Valentine's Day
* Utilizing the symbolism of specific rose colors within your artwork (see a list with examples here: https://www.proflowers.com/blog/rose-color-meanings) to help set the scene. 
       For example, if you are using purple roses, it often represents love at first sight. Your artwork should convey characters involved in a love at first sight scene.  
* When coloring your art, keeping the color of the rose you chose to also be the predominant color of the piece. (This does not mean you have to stick to a single hue when coloring. You are free to be as creative as you can with this in mind!)
* Judging will take all of these content requirements into consideration, and how well you are able to mesh all of them together in your piece. 
CATEGORY 2: Kawaai-rimi (Humor)
From lining store shelves this time of year, to carnival prizes, or even life-size 30th Anniversary editions, there's nothing that says love like a soft, cuddly plush character to snuggle. 
One of the more memorable Mega Man plushes comes from the Battle Network series, specifically the kawarimi/anti-damage doll of Megaman.EXE. So, using that as the basis for this category, your job will be to create a Valentine's Day-themed plush of a Megaman character. But again, with a little twist.
The Megaman character of your choice is in a scenario where they need to give a gift to their sweetheart, and they need one very quick. Who pops up to help? Why, it's Shadow Man (or any ninja character from any Megaman series of your choice)! To help this character in a bind, your ninja character instantaneously produces a specially-made Valentine's kawarimi plush. Your character can then give this plush doll to his or her Valentine. 
For example, a cute little Sir Crescent Grizzly bear, who just wants to hug-a-lot with his sharp claws, or a charming Toad prince, who wants to give kisses with a little tongue. Have fun thinking of funny, but cute plush concepts!
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Content Requirements:
* A Megaman-related character created in Valentine's Day plush form. Draw the most clever, unique and hilarious design for this plush
* A ninja character in the scene, who can instantly produce this plush for your character who is in a bind to give a gift to his crush
* As this is the humor category, judging will be based primarily on how funny your piece is. Creativity, concept and execution may get you some points, but the focus of this category is how you make us laugh! 
Due to Covid still causing havoc around the world, physical prizes are going to be a little tougher, with some regions still seeing postal restrictions. So the main prizes for winners will still likely be cash, sent via Paypal.
The winners for both the Talent and Humor categories will receive the following:
1st Place: $100 USD  2nd Place: $75 USD  3rd Place: $50 USD 
(...as long as I don't bankrupt myself helping with a certain auction before this...*ahem*)
However, I am still going to try to give away 2 cels in another participation prize raffle this year. I don't want to limit this to US entrants only, although given the circumstances, it might be hard to send to certain countries. I will certainly try to send either of these worldwide. But just know it may depend on postal regulations, as the ripple effects of this awful virus continue into the following months.
In any case, when you submit, please mention which cel you would like to be entered into the raffle for.
If you draw a pic for both the Humor and the Talent Categories, you can double your chances to win! (Odds of course, depending on how many others enter and also draw two pics.) You will be able to add your name into the drawing a second time for the prize you are most interested in, or have a chance at both!
Raffle Prize #1 – Captain N Mega Man with genie lamp
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Raffle Prize #2 – Captain N 'Cuts Man'
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When you submit, I would prefer you to include the following information in this format, along with your entry:
• (Your name/preferred alias) – As much as I usually know who you are, there’s always someone new or somebody who has a different preference from what their email name says. 
• (Category this entry is for) – You can either say 1 or 2, or Talent/Humor
• (Participation Prize Eligibility) – Again, you can say either 1 or 2, or Mega Man/Cut Man
In the event you are submitting your second entry, please specify which cel you would like your bonus chance in the raffle to be put towards. 
Only submit your own work, as usual. Any character, major or minor, from any series is allowed. Pairing characters from different series is totally allowed. Same-gender pairings are completely fine. OCs are allowed, as long as your art contains at least one canon Megaman character.
As always, participants are allowed to submit from all over the world. 
Paypal is still the preferred method for cash prize payouts. Please have a valid account to receive your winnings. 
Youngin's, get your parents permission before entering.
Entries do not need to be fully colored, but it is preferred. The more effort put into things, as always, the better chance you have!
Entries can either be e-mailed to me at rock2125[at]hotmail[dot]com, or you can just PM/note me a link to your pic. 
DO NOT post your pics in this journal, your dA galleries, Twitter, tumblr blogs, other sites, etc. until the contest is over. This is the fairest way for competitive reasons. I prefer to keep them all secret until the deadline has passed. 
I'll edit a confirmed entry list in this thread when I receive them. So you won't be in the dark about whether or not I've received your entry. 
The deadline for this contest will be Saturday, February 13th, 2021 by 11:59PM (global end of the day). This gives you a little more than 5 weeks to finish your entry! 
- As usual, If you don't plan to enter, but would like to help me judge, please let me know through DM or mention so here. Never hurts to have extra opinions on all the entries.
Bug me with questions if you have any. Please join in, and good luck to everyone who enters! 
Confirmed Entries:  
Cat. 1 - Forceway, @dragonmarquise, @digitallyfanged, donnie, abilityfield, @aw-colorcat, Mattasaurs, Dark-Dullahan, Sapphire Cat. 2 - Mattasaurs, ColeManX, @destinywillowleaf​
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frost-skyder · 4 years
This person started the stalking on deviantArt, but has also posted the stolen artwork on here, and has harassed a fellow artist for about 3 years. The original beware is on dA and is linked above, but I’ll share a few examples below and under a readmore, I will show the beware as it is written on dA.
This is beware is about the tumblr user @pipermccloud / @the-sly-fox-artist / @stefano-and-obscura​ / @oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap / @ask-albert-vanderboom​
Not only did they trace, copy, and color-pick designs from another artist, but they stalked him, harassed him, tried to frame him for various things, emotionally manipulate him and others, and continually block-evaded when he made it very clear he no longer wanted any contact.
Some Examples of tracing/theft before the Readmore:
Stolen (Traced & Color-Picked): https://pipermccloud.tumblr.com/post/168634706953
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Orignal: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/OTA-frisky-pirahna-700430168
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Stolen/Traced: https://oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap.tumblr.com/post/190797235061/
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Custom-662483238
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Stolen Character:
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The Full Beware Below
Disclaimer: The purpose of this journal is for awareness purposes only. It is to make the community aware of activity happening that is harmful and causing someone harm. This journal is not to be used to bait or harm others; only to spread awareness. If I see others using this journal to perpetuate harm, they will be blocked and no longer have access to this journal.
This is unfortunately a continuing issue, which I had tried to be resolved privately, but has been going on for years. Paper-Piper / TheOneWhoInks / lil-ol-cricket-bug (also known as oka-and-kokona-against-bullcrap, pipermccloud, ask-albert-vanderboom, the-sly-fox-artist, and stefano-and-obscura on tumblr) has been stalking another user, a friend of mine named Elias here, best known as LambRot. 
Due to the fact that this stalking, harassment, and purposeful theft, I'm going to have to break this journal down into segments. I'm going to try to go into chronological order, but this has been an issue going on for years, so apologies if I make some minor mistakes. This is going to be a long journal, and I apologize for that, but it has been years of harassment and stalking.
1. The Start of Harassment
The character was reposted due to the rude comment deterring from the art, and them throwing a fit.
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The comment chain is no longer attached to the art, but the comment chain remains:
 •  www.deviantart.com/comments/1/…
They chose to not leave it at that, and tried to play it off, despite several people telling them what they did was inappropriate. Warning that some of the comments on the journal are also innappropriate, and not the best way to react to the situation:
  In Case of Removal: archive.is/cickf
After this, to harass him further, Piper went on to actually copy his character designs despite their criticism of his style.
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Changeling-Adoptable-617044276
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Serene-ota-582682563
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Stolen (Forgot to save a close-up all that long ago, so need to show two pics to point out the white horse with blue hair): 
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Cloud-Duster-682526649
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Piper got caught, and their response was to once again, blame the original artist for not being able to take "criticism" instead of acknowledging that they purposely copied and harassed the user. 
In Case of Removal: archive.ph/VJ5WM
They chose to contact me on my previous account, the one I had confronted them on in the past, acting as though nothing had happened.
The stash links in the notes went to this, which just shows that I had originally discussed with them that it was evident that they had mimicked designs.
 •  sta.sh/2bjcy1jfz7k
They admitted to stalking and harassing Elias, to doing this out of a sick enjoyment on their Quotev. They denied being this user previously, but were unable to prove themselves innocent, refused to report identity theft to Quotev, or do anything to actually show that this wasn't them. Not to mention their other multiple accounts, the personal info their shared on this account, and others, it was obvious that this was in fact them. 
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Them lying on another account:
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Proof of the previous account belonging to them, because it links to their tumblr, and the post exists before the other Quotev was created:
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Linking to their dA:
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Linking to their dA:
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(During the time the screenshot was taken, they had renamed the account, hence why it was now called sugar)
Admitting to having a Quotev account before the Tataina one existed:  • www.deviantart.com/comments/4/…
2. Continuous Stalking
The harassment initially started Sep 21, 2017. Unfortunately, it did not end even that year. Piper went on to continue to steal/mimic/reference designs from Elias. The journal is old and unfortunately, because the deviations were removed, it is missing the pictures Piper made, but I have screenshots to show what they were. The journal is for proper timestamp purposes.
Some of these designs were stolen a whole year later. They were obviously still watching Elias and what content he was making. It was discovered later that they used an alt account of theirs to follow him and stalk him.
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Neon-Bitch-sold-764528076
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Oktober-765720469
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Banana-Bread-ota-764524791
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Sweet-Sweet-Candy-746615778
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Stolen (forgot to save original image, but saved them lying about it):
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(In this case, the drop tool was even used and the hex codes copied, so the exact same color was used)
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Pumpkin-761615110
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There were even more, but I didn't think to save all the evidence at the time. I thought that would be the last time this person was going to copy and harass Elias. They had been caught twice, I thought this was over with.
Not only were they trying to copy and reference his designs, but they were reposting his art on Quotev, still criticizing his work despite their trying to get away with copying him.
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Adoptable-sonic-character-395008883
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When we found it on Quotev:
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It happened more than once sadly.
The Quotev, one of many: 
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This doesn't even take into account the various comments they made on tumblr, prolonging drama. If I find more screenshots of that in either my archives or in the archives of someone else affected, I will add them.
Also chose to use their alt accounts to bait Lambrot into action, trying to get him to react to their harassment:
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They also went on to impersonate him on ponytown. There were a few messages like this sent to Lambrot, and Piper denied being the one, but even before he started getting messages, the same day Piper was seen continuously getting on and trying to see his account for activity, which is highly suspicious, like they obviously knew what was going on.
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3. Continual and Consistent Theft
Fast forward to now, 2020, this user is still an issue. There is more traced, referenced, and blatantly stolen characters. It is obvious that they have been still trying to stalk/watch Lambrot, after 3 years.
Here's a few found from just this new year
Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Hentai-758479481
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Trace, submitted Feb. 10th, 2020: https://sta.sh/028vup6l0ak7
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Wo-ve-yo-u-409663027
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Trace, submitted Feb. 10th, 2020: https://sta.sh/0181esrllez7
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Orignal: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Custom-662483238
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Trace, submitted Feb. 10th, 2020: https://sta.sh/027m0cnozkpl
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The Character They Keep Referencing and Taking (Will be more evident in the stash linked below): https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Pretty-In-Pink-780234661
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Original: https://www.deviantart.com/lambrot/art/Liar-436104299
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Heavily Referenced, submitted Feb. 12th, 2020:
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Heavily Referenced/Traced, on one of their tumblrs: oka-and-kokona-against-bullcra… 
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Ranting about his journals/polls, further proof of stalking...  • www.deviantart.com/lambrot/jou…
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Yes, these happened right after his poll. No, it's not a coincidence.
And now stating they are going to be doing a gallery purge, most likely to hide the evidence:
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Piper has been a stalker, emotionally abusive, and even went so far as to impersonate him on ponytown and harass people to try and make him appear hostile.
There's much, much more theft of characters, more traced images, more color-picked and copied designs, but at this point the journal has gotten long and I think the point has been made clear. I've made a stash with more evidence of copied characters, tracing, and overall proof of stalking: 
-- sta.sh/21crbhj20uqn --
This person has gone out of their way to harass Lambrot for years, stalked him continuously, obsess over him and block-evade multiple times. The worst part isn't that they've been stealing this long, but that they've made it a mission to purposely try to harm someone. This isn't some off the cuff petty act; this is premeditated at this point, calculated, and Piper has gone out of their way to try to defame Lambrot not only on this site, but on tumblr as well.
To Note:
Lambrot wants nothing to do with Piper. He wants no connection with Piper, he does not want to talk to Piper at all. Piper was blocked for a reason that exact day they chose to be rude on one of his pieces, and he has every right to block someone and not interact with them. Their behavior towards him, the copying, the stalking, and the continued baiting has given him no reason to ever want to make amends or speak to them ever again.
I had at one point offered to be Lambrot's representative and speak to Piper to try to reach a resolution, and Piper continued to ignore that invitation even at the request of a "friend" of theirs.
Blocking has not resolved this, reporting to dA has not resolved this, privately trying to resolve this did nothing. This has been going on for years and isn't acceptable.
Please do not cherry pick images and state "poses aren't under copyright," "you can't own colors," or that these are just "coincidence." It's obvious that you can't own colors or positions, and not the argument. These are not coincidence; this person has color-picked and stalked Lambrot for years. If it were not a stalking situation, maybe there would be more room to consider this. 
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fab-bladesmith · 6 years
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A Burgundian Arming Sword – late XVth century
 Hand-forged spring steel blade, historically-dyed silk thread over velvet over hemp cord and wood core grip, hand-forged steel cross and pommel plated with 24 k gold.
 And I think this one deserves a bit of an explanation…
 Here’s a excerpt of the text I sent as a presentation for my lecture of November 2015 at the Klingesmuseum Solingen for the exhibition « Das Schwert – Gestalt und Gedanke » :
“Swords presenting a ricasso narrower than the blade are known – if somewhat rare – in the European Late Middle Ages and Early Renaissance. Literature however seems to be lacking concerning the subject – Oakeshott only acknowledging them as part of his XVIIIe sub-type, however with a long grip, and attributing them to the North of Europe (with other dubious example of possible Italian origin, one being in the Burrell Collection in Glasgow). Iconography regarding these types is also quite scarce.”
 As a matter of fact, the only artwork I know of depicting such a sword is on the back panel of the Martyrdom of Saint Lucy (by an unnamed Flemish master known as the Master of the Figdor deposition) now kept in the Rijkmuseum in Amsterdam.
But over the course of my PhD I had the chance to document up close a sword with such a distinctive feature, that could not be related to any of the sub-types mentioned above. Kept in the Musée Vivant Denon in Châlon-sur-Saône, we unfortunately lack any information regarding the provenance of the CA 817 sword ; also,  a non-neglectible part of the blade has corroded away.
And while I was helping preparing a temporary display of artifacts at the Musée Archéologique de Dijon to celebrate the publishing of the book “1513, l’année terrible”, the curator told me about another sword they kept in the storage rooms that had similar features – mainly a long, long ricasso (of course, far too late for me to include in in my dissertation)…but this time, the sword Arb.1437 had a provenance : it was found in the grave of Hélion II of Grandson (died 1505), Lord of La Marche, in 1853, the son of Hélion of Grandson, Seneschal to the Dukes of Burgundy. Weapon deposits in graves are a rare thing in late Mediaeval France, but another example in Burgundy is known.
All the while a third sword existed – and still exists, kept in the museum in Karlsruhe – displaying a similar, elongated ricasso (inv. n° G 60).
But all three swords have more in common than this peculiar, specific feature. The ricasso of the Karlsruhe sword bears the words “ME FIE / EN DIEU” in gold on a gold background (while the caption in the museum attributes this sword to Duke Philip III of Burgundy, this motto was not one of his however). Close examination of the remains of the La Marche sword revealed gold chips still adhering to the surface of the pommel and cross. And the Châlon sword not only bears three circular, undecipherable marks on its ricasso, the massive, cylindrical pommel still shows a silver inlay in its middle, and traces of silver-plated surface. Futhermore, it appears that the Karlsruhe sword bears a maker's mark of a Maltese cross over three dots (barely visible on the pics I got of the sword, unfortunately). Or this very same mark appears on knife A881 of the Wallace Collection, but also on a pair of knives at the Rüstkammer in Vienna (D 260).......and on the pollaxe kept in Mâcon (223) that I documented in my PhD ! The Karlsruhe sword itself was possibly a present from Philip the Good to the Margrave Karl I of Trier, who later gave it to his brother, the Archbishop Johann II von Baden.
There *was* definitely a pattern here : swords, linked to noblemen associated with the Court of the Dukes of Burgundy (either before 1477 or after the exile to Austria), with massive pommels and long ricassos – and precious metal.
 This sword is a mix of all of them.
Its proportions are based on what I could deduce from comparing all three swords, though it is rather on the upper side of things : the Châlon sword is 1054 mm long (albeit with a longer ricasso) – and still a hefty 1100g in spite of the heavily corroded blade. The cross and pommel are inspired by the La Marche sword : flaring quillons (also a common feature of all three swords) and a small écusson, and a large cylinder with concave front and back. And gold. I elected to use electroplating as fire gilding is strictly regulated in this country (for very good reasons).
The grip was strongly inspired by a surviving example of the fabric-and-thread covered grips of the late XVth century also visible in paintings of the time : the D9 sword of the Viennese Armouries, itself strongly associated with the successors of the Court of Burgundy as it was a hunting sword made for Philip the Fair; the fun part was to faithfully reconstruct  and tie all the knots in silk thread. The grip is quite short, but the hand sits quite tightly between the pommel and cross – and allows for a nice fingering of the latter.
I also chose to give the blade a finish inspired by the Karlsruhe sword, wich also occurs on a lot of surviving blade surfaces : abrasive marks running crosswise to the length of the blade.
 This sword, in spite of its fancy appearance and the precious materials used, is definitely not just a fashion accessory : it is meant for serious use, as, I believe, were all the original three swords that served as inspiration.
  Velvet kindly provided by Wyte Phantom, silk thread by L’Atelier de Micky.
  Dimensions : OAL 1030 mm for a 887 mm blade (and 90 mm ricasso), 45 mm at its widest. Point of Balance is 2 cm down the blade from the ricasso. Weight is 1641 g
COGNOT Fabrice : L'armement médiéval : les armes blanches dans les collections bourguignonnes. Xe - XVe siècles, PhD dissertation under the supervision of Professor Paul Benoit, 711 pages, 2013.
OAKESHOTT Robert Ewart : Records of the Medieval Sword, Woodbridge : Boydell Press, 1991, 320 pages.
OAKESHOTT Robert  Ewart :  The  sword in  the  Age of  Chivalry  (revised edition), Woodbridge : Boydell Press, 1994, 204 pages.
  Apologies for the mistypes.
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