#morroco mole
froskii · 7 months
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secret squirrel and morroco mole if was competing for a bfdi
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cartooongasm · 2 years
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Secret Squirrel
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awlwren · 6 years
I was tagged by @shieldmaidenofsherwood.  Thanks! *waves*
Rules: Tag 21 peoplesome people (21 is ridiculous) you’d like to know better!
Nickname: Mostly variations of my name (and most variations of my name, at that), but my brother calls me Mole for refusing to turn on lights unless I have to, and Wren was my camp name, so I guess that counts? (And Alouette that one year) Zodiac: Aries. Height: 5′7″ Last movie I saw: The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Last thing I googled: phaleristics, which is the study of awards, medals and the like, apparently. Favorite Musician: Ugh.  A plague on questions that ask for favorites.  Too many of them this week.  I guess...Billy Joel, Pat Benetar, and the Eagles, because I'm wearing and Eagles shirt right now. Song Stuck In My Head: Titanium (because I'm playing Mass Effect: Andromeda and just mined a bunch of it) Other blogs: uhh... I have one for venting, but it’s strictly for venting what I don't want to actually talk about, so I'm not telling. :P Do I get asks: Nope! Blogs following: 48, which is enough.  I’m amazed any of y'all get anything done! Amount of sleep: Never enough.  Like 6 hours a night.  I always get distracted by reading something - books, fics, assignments - and there never seems to be enough time. Lucky number: 44, 5, 11.  The latter two were my jersey numbers in various sports. What I’m wearing: Jeans, the aforementioned Eagles concert shirt, and a pea coat I got for Christmas a few years back that may be my favorite all-time Christmas gift.  In fact, now that I think about it, I think everything on that list was a gift, and I'm happy about all of them.  I feel old, but unashamed. Dream job(s): Working on discernment for that atm.  Teacher, church history professor, editor for some sort of Archaeology magazine, curator or even docent at any of the museums in town. Dream trip: A month-long trip around the Mediterranian - start with Morroco, Algeria, Lybia, dive down into the interior of Egypt a bit, the Holy Land, Turkey, Greece, the Balkans, Italy, Southern France and end it Spain - Granada and Córdoba.  So many places of deep history.  Go as part of a class or special tour, get the good tours. Favorite food: Butter Spritz cookies - good taste, easy to decorate, good memories.  Can't eat just one. Play any instrument: I play piano, cello, and sing well enough to enjoy them all, but not well enough for solos. Languages: English, slow French, very slow reading of Koine Greek, smattering of Spanish, Latin, and Japanese, sign. Favorite songs: Nope.  Enough.  Already had to try favorite hymn for class this week.  I refuse to subject myself to this any more.  You get genres: country, rock, musicals, folk, oldies and very oldies, Renaissance, etc. Pretty much anything I can sing or play along to. Okay, you know what.  After filling out the aesthetics, I'm going to go with “In Western Lands” from “The Road Goes Ever On” song cycle. Random fact: I have a scar on my cheek that looks like an arrow pointing at the bridge of my nose from being (accidentally) attacked by Boy Scouts.  Really just one of them, but they were all there and responsible for the situation in the first place and it sounds cooler that way. Describe yourself with aesthetics: villages of slogan/joke mugs, piles of books set like a labyrinth, technical maps and drawings, window seats, crochet blankets, forest paths, trailing your fingers along spines of familiar books, paths through tall grasses, stars through the trees, sunbeams I tag @fangirls-gotta-fangirl, @sanzochan, @flaggermousse
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nin10do-gamer · 11 years
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This is what happens when I get bored and Boomerang is left on at 2 am.
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