#mortal kombat 11
iliketangerines · 16 hours
Fujin with a reader who’s one of Raidens students- like they’re secretly seeing each other. Maybe one day he expresses how badly he wants the warmth of a family ((actually canon- he totally has a breeding kink- no joke)) and reader and him get to talking. It leads to things and when reader starts showing signs of pregnancy- like throwing up and a baby bump..they have to tell Raiden-
a family of my own
a/n: i'm feeling very hurt/no comfort right now. not proofread
pairing: fujin x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), brief and suggestive
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you give Fujin a glance from the corner of your eye before going back to focus on whatever Lord Raiden was talking about, and Fujin smiles, wind sweeping up around him in an effort to cool his warming body
he passes by your group idly, checking on their form as they move through the basic stances, and his eyes rove over yours especially
you are strong no doubt, the effort of your training clear on your body, and it was something that Fujin greatly liked to indulge in
Fujin walks through the group, quickly fixing any bad posture and improper gestures, before making his way to stand by his brother
Lord Raiden still drones on about how energy should flow through you, not against you, and only gives the briefest of nods to Fujin before continuing on with his lecture
the wind god stands by his brother as expected and chimes in with his own opinions that roughly align with Raiden’s at times
he is mostly stuck watching you however, how you flow with the movements, your body precise and agile, and how you make not one single mistake
by the end, most of the other students are breathless and exhausted, but you are as still as a leaf on a calm lake, barely even breaking a sweat
Lord Raiden calls for the end of the training session, and the students bow and take their leave with you doing the same
you give Fujin a slow blink before leaving, and Fujin knows that you want him to come to your bedroom tonight
and he will gladly oblige to your demands
for a second, he muses on the fact that he is the god, one who could control the wind and bring down trees and houses and lives with just a flick of his finger, but he bends so easily to your will
he supposes it’s worth it, he enjoys your warmth, your strength, your kindness, and it is quite the treat to work for you
you are quite picky, always the one choosing when to bed and when not, sometimes he will come and you decide he was too late or too early and send him away
it makes the chase all that much better
Fujin waits for the moon to just barely peek over the horizon and checks that Lord Raiden was not looking before he walks to your room
his footsteps make no sound, light as a breeze in the cavernous walls, and the only sound of his entrance is the slight creak of the sliding door to your room
your back is turned to the door, baggy clothes on as you face the window, only the slight tilt of your head indicates that you know that he’s entered the room
Fujin steps in lightly, closing the door behind him with the soft sound of a thump, and he goes and sits next to you
you don’t move a single muscle as he sits down next to you, not even a peep, and Fujin knows it’s a night where you do not want physical intimacy but emotional intimacy instead
or at least, you wanted the emotional intimacy first before the physical one
you don’t say a single word to Fujin for a while, but he waits patiently, closing his eyes to meditate as he waits
it’s a loud silence, the sound of the flame in the corner, the crickets singing outside the window, and Fujin can hear the beginnings of a rainstorm forming
minutes pass by quickly, but he does not forget why he is here in your bedroom and only opens his eyes slowly when you finally start to speak
it’s a light simple conversation, cordial questions about his day and what he did, and he does the same for you, asking about your training and the other initiates
and then it quickly takes a turn when you ask what future plans that Fujin has after you, just as the god expected, and he answers that he will keep you close to his heart
your question is vague and so is his answer, and it seems to satisfy you because you open your eyes and turn to look at Fujin, your eyes half-lidded and slightly hazy
but then the haziness clears, and you ask what he wants for, what he craves
the question makes Fujin pause, he could easily answer it wrong and be sent from your room back to his
a few seconds pass, and he can see you shift in your spot, relaxing into your mat
Fujin takes it as a sign to take his time with his answer
there were many things he wished for, a world without death, a world where Mortal Kombat did not exist but only as a nightmare, a world where his champions had lived
all of them die in his throat as he thinks of them, and the god has to close his eyes and concentrate on what he truly wants, what his soul flickers and roars for
something warm, something firm, something of hard work but great reward, and Fujin opens his eyes to find your staring at his with a cold stare
a family, that is what Fujin craves, and you tilt your head at the question, mouth still as you think about your answer
neither of you move from your spot, and Fujin waits for you to formulate your answer, to answer from the depths of your soul
there is no rush, the moon is now high in the sky from the time he had entered your room, and you are still silent as you stare at him with those dark eyes
then you agree, voice firm, strong, unwavering, and you move from your mat to straddle Fujin’s lap, pressing your lips to his with resolve
the god melts into your kiss, hands coming up carefully to hold onto your hips and lightly squeeze them as to not scare you away
you hum in approval, grinding your hips down on him, and Fujin sighs into your mouth, at your softness, your taste, your hand on his body
your fingers are relentless, tugging at his braid and pulling strands loose from his tight braid, and you groan into his mouth as your hips move against his
and then you stop, looking down at him with those eyes of yours, those eyes that captured Fujin’s soul and expressed yours so deeply
he can see you are unsure, and he stops, pressing his lips and willing himself to concentrate as he asks if you are okay
you purse your lips as well and ask if he’s sure he wants a family, if he wants a family with you especially because you know you are high maintenance
you know that you are hard work and many others had given up because they did not want to try and keep up with your standards
Fujin nods, sure and firm and without hesitation, and he gently pushes you off his lap to hold your hands in his
he asks for just a night of talking, to quell your thoughts and to think things through, and you furrow your brows but agree
the both of you lay down on the mat, and Fujin buries his nose into your hair, breathing in your sweet scent
it’s a slow conversation, one of feelings and thought, and Fujin thinks and words every answer and question carefully and you do the same
the night passes, sun peeking over the ridge of the landscape, and you are fast asleep in Fujin’s arms, smiling and cuddling in closer to him
the next few nights you invite him to your room, and he accepts every time
on the last night, you initiate more than just touches and conversation, and Fujin sighs into your hair at the sight of you so pliant and needy for him as he thrusts into you
he kisses every inch of your skin, your neck, your chest, your stomach, your thighs, every possible part he could, worshiping you as best he could
you are lovely, little whimpers and pants into the air, the wind carrying them and dispersing them to only his ears
your fingernails are blunt and dig into his muscle as he cums in you, but he doesn’t mind because it was your way of marking him as yours just as he marks you as his
the next few months you invite him to his room every weekend, and he stays the night every time, leaving only right before the sun rises and giving you soft kisses to indicate his leave
finally, one night you invite him to your room, and you hand him the pregnancy test, shoulders tense, eyes hard, fingers white with how hard you clench them
Fujin nearly pulls you in to him hard to give you a breathless kiss, but he collects himself and opens his arms for you to walk in and hug him
it’s a gentle one, where you just cup his back, and holds you tightly to him as you cry tears of joy
but then there is the matter of his brother, stern, adamant on the relations between god and human as a strictly professional one
your mentor would not be happy
as his best student and role models for the others, he would certainly be displeased with your pregnancy
Fujin had confidence he would not throw you out, and if he did, he would battle his brother until he let you
the days come, where Fujin stays in later than the sunrise, helps you out of your bed to the bathroom as you retch up dinner
his presence around you becomes more pronounced, and your body becomes sluggish, tired
Raiden takes notice and finds you after training, looking down at your figure and asking what was happening with his best student
Fujin takes stand next to you, arm on your shoulder, and Raiden narrows his eyes at the sight, lips twitching downward
you say that you are expecting a child with Fujin, point blank and simple, and you stare up at him with a determined expression
the god lets out an irritated grunt, then a more pronounced word of surprise as his eyes flick between the two of you
and then there’s an angrier word, and Fujin can feel the telltale electrical sparks sounding around his brother
stepping in front of you, the wind god glares at the thunder god, and no words are spoken as they bare their teeth at each other
you don’t step in between them either, not in the mood to calm a tornado or bear the brunt of a thunderstorm, and you roll your eyes and move away from them to the kitchens
the baby was feeling peckish and so were you
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sketchy-doge1 · 23 hours
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Something Stupid
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ash-shark · 1 day
Strykabal but Pretty Blood style 💕🩸
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mediocreshake08 · 2 days
List of things why I hate Sindel
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Stupid ass Twindel piece of shit
She killed Kabal
She killed Smoke
She killed Smoke
She killed Smoke
She killed Smoke
She killed Smoke
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10. This bastard
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mrstsung · 1 day
Omfg these shang tsung pics be sending me
Cw: mini vent in there. Srry bout that.
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Especially this last one. Omfg the face and reaction is how i feel about mk12/mk1
* (and personal vent here but the fact people just seems to me,never liked or truly appreciated shang until he was turned way younger and it pisses me off and grosses me out that people are obsessed with alan lees shang tsung's appearance,yet don't appreciate shang tsung as a character truly. Like honey i find shang hot young or old,but especially that dilf look,and love his complex character as well,we are not the fucking same,like i feel so much more can be done with his character yet people are too damn scaredy cat on it to do it properly. Also plz be normal about mr.alan lee,he doesn't deserve to be hounded by horny fangirls/guys like that,plz be normal about his shang tsung at least try to. He has amazing talent,he's a cool dude it seems,but damn man. Chill. I could say the same for Mr.Tagawa, tho that man has earned his dues and deserves rest and respect. I dunno man i just feel nobody truly loves the character and if they cant love him at his dilf and gilf look. Then they don't deserve him young,scholarly, and college guy age. Also it concerns me they gotta make everyone so young. It's disturbing. More so cuz there's no natural facelines or wrinkles or anything. It feel fake and airbrushed. Mk12/mk1 is so gross on the faces to me. Mk11 felt like fucking real people because they actually used face models. And it was better. Because maybe it's me but when they go freehand,it feels fake,wonky,and grossly dated and it's supposed to be a "new" game? Like i dunno maybe it's just me. But there's no shame in using actual references. But they dont wanna pay them and they wanna use them without giving them body autonomy. That's the problem. And that's where this becomes an issue. If they learned,they'd actually give the characters face lines and not make them so young and babyfaced and maybe im tired of games having people look like they are going thru a midlife crisis? I just feel mk11 didn't deserve the hate it got. And i am guilty i admit for harsh judgment. And i apologize. But i never knew the mk12/mk1 game was gonna be THAT bad. But it did,and it is,and for that i gotta say on a final note. Fuck 12.) *
But mk11 shang tsung,mk11 aftermath especially. His facial expressions are priceless.
And i feel it needs to be talked about more the charisma shang has in mk11. (Again not saying he never had it. He does. But nobody does sassy,rizz worthy,bad guy swagger lioe cary hiroyuki tagawa. Im sorry.)
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yougyattabekidding · 2 days
domesticated Casqui but they’re mothers….
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Save me mk yuri…save me….mk1 yuri….
(Takqui and Jinkeda coming soon maybe Frosie)
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Kano: I have the guns! The brawn! Hell, I've got enough goverment suits in my pocket to keep me out of whatever you've got planned!
Jax: You know what we have?
Kano: Enlighten me
Jax: A 24 year old genius with a sword
Takeda waves
Jax: A lesbian with a smartphone and a gun
Cassie grins
Jax: A sharpshooter with a problem with authority
Jin does a mocking salute
Jax: And a three time national mma champion fueled by caffeine and spite
Jacqui cracks her knuckles
Jax: You don't stand a chance
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hiroeghjj · 1 day
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mileena but in hsr verse
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skillzaaa18 · 3 days
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piyat-tidaaaa · 2 days
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Practicing faces a lot XD I really need to work on drawing more diverse facial features so ppl stop saying my art looks like helluva 💔🤧 Threw in a couple of Daryls cuz why not
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vampire-cave · 1 day
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Тут возникли трудности...... Шао, а может договоримся?
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veradia · 7 months
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Mileena in red im losing my mindddd 🥀🩸💄
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quozacheese · 9 months
extra doodles from yesterday
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ash-shark · 2 days
wife reveal💕
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Kotal doesn't love her, so she started to date with his ex
(Everything is fan made, calm down)
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How bad do you think his deja vu is?
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arinqiart · 4 months
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Brother's Betrayal :(
Maskles ver below!
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