#most if not all trolls around Tyrians will probs be pretty high up though
clockworkreapers · 5 months
question! you mentioned that purplebloods can be assistants to tyrians and that’s is a fairly recent thing; would an indigo/purple cusp also be eligible or would they be considered too low on the spectrum?
I did? (if I did I can’t remember where tbh that sounds too specific to single out one blood color) sure purples can, so can violets or indigos or cerulians even as low as teal. Depends what type of assistant though and what the individual trolls actual job is.
Domestics are always given to trolls lower down the spectrum and might not actually do much in the sense of interacting with Tyrians other than being servants or hive keepers.
Little bit higher up you could be in security or organization or doing more hands on things for them like styling or scheduling events.
Then if you have the background and prior knowledge for it you could be an assistant like an advisor or one that helps handles the governmental and corporate side of things. Those are usually the highest bloods since that usually is their neich in the social structure and what jobs the majority of them are already set up to do.
Either way you need the right skills and background to be able to be in a Tyrians inner circle when it comes to an actual job position under imperial. That and well you need to be loyal and actually good at your job and even then you might not be interacting with them 95% of the time, only when they need you.
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