#most normal hierophile of all time? me
deux-shipping · 1 year
Imagine your priest f/o giving a sermon on temptation, while you sit in the church pews reveling in the ironic fact that he gave into that very thing he's preaching against last night.
Imagine your priest f/o feeding you communion wafers, and while he treats you like any other of his flock, you, of course, tease him by wrapping your mouth around his fingers.
Imagine your priest f/o giving you his rosary, because he wants you to feel watched and protected, not just by The Lord, but him as well.
Imagine your priest f/o softly singing to you one of the church's hymns, as you fall asleep on his lap. Whether his singing voice is beautiful or not, it comforts you regardless.
Imagine your priest f/o taking you into the confessional booth not because you yourself have sinned, but because he feels that he has done wrong by falling in love with you.
Imagine your priest f/o praying to his God that he won't make a mistake that will cost him his good graces with you. He loves you, just like Lot did his wife, and would weep if you were to come to harm.
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