#most of my fics really have just been runaway 'what-if' scenarios aksdjfkdsj
sensitiveheartless · 4 months
Every once in a while I am compelled to read your anon fic from beginning to end, and I love it as much as the first time! For what could have just been a smutty crack fic, you’ve put in so much angst and feels and I love that the most about it. Even though the smut is really fun, I read it solely for the hurt/comfort sometimes. It feels like a slightly divergent AU of the skyline pigeon fic, if you get what i’m saying. Dazai trying to stop Chuuya from destroying himself at the PM… will you update it soon? Im really looking forward to the thrilling conclusion!
(For anyone unsure of what this is referring to, I mentioned the anon fic in the middle of this ask from a while back)
Awwh!! Thank you, that's so nice! Yeah that fic really got away from me and turned into a way more sincere and emotion-heavy plot than I initially intended — I guess that's kind of inevitable with all Chuuya-leaves-the-PM fics, because it canonically takes a LOT to pry Chuuya away from protecting people he cares about (see the "he never stopped trying to protect the Sheep even after they literally stabbed him in the back" part of canon). Also you're right on with it being a divergent version of the Skyline Pigeon fic — I tend to think of the pigeon fic as the "what if Dazai didn't get Chuuya out before he fully broke" version of the anon fic :0
But yeah the anon fic initially started as a thought of "I want to write skk being domestic and goofy but I kind of want it to be in Dazai's dorm room because the idea of Chuuya settling in there is very fun and soft to me" which led to "Okay but why would Chuuya be living with Dazai and not in his own apartment?" which led to "What if Chuuya left the Port Mafia" which led to "but how the heck would he be convinced to do that" which led to "what if Dazai tried to seduce Chuuya into leaving" and then that thought was so funny to me that I had to write it
And then it grew ✨a lot of emotions✨
Anyway! All that said, I do plan on updating it soon! Along with the Skyline Pigeon fic — I've been able to work on both fics a lot more recently, after having a massive mental block on them for a while aksfjksdjf (And after that I may actually write the intended domestic fluff of skk living together lol)
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