#most of the Mitch and Jamie analysis is yet to come
televinita · 7 years
Zoo 3.11, “Cradles and Graves”
Maybe, you’re gonna be the one that saves me
I don't know if I'm more upset that this show had the gall to unironically use (a cover of)“Wonderwall” for dramatic effect, or that after 3 days of my inability to stop watching this episode, it's actually working for me.
I distinctly remember bursting out laughing when the first lyrics hit my ears, and now I'm like, teary eyed and nodding sagely through that whole montage. "Wow. So deep. So profound and meaningful."
A list of things I did not care for this week: the IADG bullpen unless Tessa was talking. Now that we've got that out of the way... Some things I like about the first 5 minutes -Imagining the Darkest Timeline version where they are all already dead by the time Clem finds them. -The (unintentional?) hilarity of the fact that Jackson's blood waits for the exactly perfect moment to ooze under the door for maximum dramatic effect -The fact that Mitch is found on the stairs instead of where he was shot, which suggests to me that he got to feel the full horror of seeing both Max and Jamie on the ground before he succumbed to his own wound (which is probably just an irresponsible directing choice because if he had, I'd think he'd be a little more grateful about the whole them-not-being-dead part, but it's fun to think about! Otherwise I just get bogged down again in wondering about the logistics of GSW injuries.) Ctrl + Z I loved it, but my parents and I could not stop laughing during the entire resurrection scene. "So I guess everybody's actively dying and no one can help us, but it's cool. Just gimme some of that tank serum (totally valid medical term) and mix it with water (just your basic home remedy recipe), and then we'll suffocate them back to life and five minutes later their mortal wounds will be fine and we can get on with the real problems." A.K.A. So there's example 57 or so of an entire episode's worth of possible plot being pushed aside because this show refuses to take a breath. We could have wrung so much more emotion out of Clementine, whilst ignoring her own signs of labor, trying to triage her father, grandfather, adoptive mother, surrogate uncle I'm pretending she is already attached to more than I'm sure she is, and other surrogate uncle who is also her best chance of saving her baby, the most important of all, if something goes wrong in delivery. ...and GDI now I gotta go find a special episode of Grey's Anatomy to get my mass tragedy fix. But I'm grateful that even at Zoo speed, they still gave me a little taste (in two flavors!) of people suffering the after-effects of injuries the serum couldn't fully fix. You're Responsible, You're the One to Blame, It's Your Fault :( to everyone being too busy hating her to notice Jamie cradling a clearly injured arm. But I love absolutely every sentence in this 7-way argument, including but not limited to Mitch's strangled "are you full term? how long was I out?!", the group-wide reveal of when exactly Mr. Duncan disappeared, Jackson's deadly-quiet anger, Jamie's valid defense of her actions, Mitch trying to take his daughter and blow this popsicle stand at a doubled-over limp, Clem taking her sweet time mentioning the quarantine, Max and Jamie's "oh" realizations about the plane, and Mitch's fabulously cranky echo and "what now" attitude. Last but far from least, the disgusted "I can't even look at you" was kind of my favorite part? I dig it when one member of an OTP is that intensely furious at the other out of hurt. (see also: Castle at the end of season 4)
A+ Comic Relief Laughing for 1 million years at Clem hopping off the exam table pantsless while all the men in the vicinity double take and look away* (except for Sam, whom Mitch hilariously whacks on the arm for his impudence, in my favorite sight gag since "Special Consultant") *the fact that Abe also does this, while understandably instinctive and appropriately respectful, is also kind of hilarious given where he just was 
Oh My Darling(s, Sam &) Clementine (who can't make a good shipmanteau to save their life) I don't have enough interest to do it myself, but it sure sounds like the story of how they met would make a pretty great YA novel plot. Anyone who doesn't actually want to spend the month trying to be a paid author need a NaNoWriMo prompt? Particularly someone who likes world-building, because this show leaves things wide open to fill in the details of U.S. society outside New York and the plane. Speaking of which! Did Clem happen to share with him the part of her backstory about being raised as an orphan basically the same way for the same reason? Because that seems like it would decently bond them. I like this parallel. Also update, I am getting a lot fonder of his face, mostly because he shut up and stayed out of the way except when I needed him to chime in to be sweet and supportive of Clementine (or side with her dad about ranking her over the baby on the priority list). He seems like he's really tried/is trying to be a good partner, and I'm impressed that he holds his ground despite a faceful of largely unwarranted hostility from her. I might actually be okay with him being the head of his family, even though up until now my head has danced with visions of Clem raising her baby under Mitch (and Jamie)'s purview and/or roof, Last Man Standing style. (although I guess there's always Reba-style, where both young parents are under that roof) (I realize I'm making a lot of assumptions about everyone's ability to stay alive and/or live a semi-normal life)
Beta Ship 2.0 / My Wonderwall** There's something immensely funny to me about the juxtaposition of Jackson being in his Brooding Cave Of Isolated Despair while Tessa is in a brightly ilt location, in the middle of the hustle and bustle and basically being like, "Buck up and stop being so melodramatic." (Jackson: The prophecies have spoken. Food turns to dust in my mouth. A great wave shall fall upon us all. // Tessa: is your plane out of groceries again?) But on a serious note, I love so much that he's thisclose to broken until she pulls him out of it that I'm not even gonna whine about him asking Tessa to do the same thing he's punishing Jamie for. Though in his defense, he did say "stop" her and not "kill her,” which is an important distinction for him. **My friend once wrote a Jim/Pam (The Office) parody of Jim/Pam stories using this title, and that is at least 50% of why I can't take this song seriously even though I actually have always loved it. 
I Don't Know What To Do My Whole Brain is Celebrating "How do you know the name of Jamie's scorpion?" "Because my son and Jamie have, uh, very lively pillow talk."** !!!!!!!!!! NO BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE.
The fact that Abe pipes up despite a sucking chest wound just so he can help take the mick out of Mitch is glorious. The cranky and ineffectual "shut up" in response is THE BEST. I love that Mitch has just always blatantly refused to publicly acknowledge how he feels about Jamie, despite the fact that everyone and their mother is like,  "Oh yeah, I know Mitch. Snarky scientist, walks around with hearts in his eyes to match the one on his sleeve?" (Mitch, in the distance: I do not LOVE her, okay, I just...miss her when she's not around, think about her all the time, and I imagine us one day running towards each other in slow motion and I'm wearing a brown suede vest.) I doubly appreciate this exchange because I was wondering when the hell these people actually sleep and I was getting worried there was no recognizable place in canon that they might have both had a chance to go to bed at the same time. **This writer could not have more clearly been flagging us with a fic prompt. Max Morgan, Love Doctor My very favorite of the small moments in this ep is Max insisting that Mitch let him patch him up. I was all on board for some serious injury, but I loved the subversion of his attention being caught by the scars I thought the show had forgotten about instead. "Oh, Mitch."
That just kills me. I want to unpack their relationship right here so much more, but also, it's 7pm on the night of new Zoo. Suffice to say Mitch isn't the only parent who suffers over the thought of his kid being in pain tonight, and that's beautiful. And gosh do I love him quietly, individually, nudging Mitch and Jamie back towards each other. The promise that Mitch will understand eventually was an immediate balm upon my soul. If Max says a thing about my ship, it must be true! Mitch + Being A Mess of Emotions About His Daughter (if anyone wanted to make a gifset off of this theme I would not be opposed) Words cannot express how thrilled I am that Mitch gives zero bothers about Sam's baby daddy rights and takes up prime positioning to stroke Clementine's hair nonstop throughout the whole labor,* even stealing the requisite final "you can do this" encouragement. He also gets to be the first one to hold the baby and it's amazing.
* and makes some pretty wonderful faces over how hard it is to see her in pain and not be able to do anything about it -- and remind me I've got either some meta or a story scrap about how this is what Audra was on the front lines for all those years he selfishly hid away, telling himself it was for the best P.S. As much as I love that Mitch just falls apart in full Worried Dad mode and can't seem to process a single medical term or physical symptom as it pertains to pregnancy, you know that if Abe weren't a sex doctor and the writers weren't butts, Mitch would absolutely be whipping out the stethoscopes and telling us all about the time he delivered a baby gorilla so this is basically the same thing -- I imagine Clem would take loud offense here -- while roping in Jamie as a delivery nurse to follow his instructions to the letter (because there are some things fathers just should not do no matter how brilliant they are). Things I would like to know Why Mitch -- who apparently had a through and through -- is the only one whose gunshot wound is still bothering him Why Clementine didn't once ask where Jamie was. (at which point I'd really like to see Mitch try and explain that one.)
It is straight up ridiculous to me that 19-year-old girl in labor, surrounded by men, would not want a woman with her, particularly one she loves. This is the most "what...man...[wrote] this" moment I have ever had about TV.
Did I just miss it, or is it kinda weird that Sam doesn't bat an eye upon finding out Charles Duncan is actually a different person and his girlfriend's father? 
Leftover Thoughts
This show is so nuts, I am just now realizing I didn't even stop to wonder how the hell Abigail reanimated herself last week before now.
Mitch being a testy bitch @ Abe is a thing that just does not get old. ("You put hybrid goo in my daughter? Was that not worth a little chat?")
Aww @ Mitch's mini pep-talk about being a good parent, followed by the "OK time to go" and the sweet "I'm having this baby?" / "You are having this baby."
I also really enjoy Mitch deciding to be cranky about Sam just because he's there and he can. It's kinda like sniping at Logan, but more fun and with way better reasons. (Which I hope is exactly what Mitch says when Clementine inevitably tells him to knock it off)
"Goodbye frequent flyer miles" lmao
I love that instead of shutting down the beacon by cutting the wire, they multiplied its effect by a thousand and destroyed a city, to which the response is basically, "Whoops."
"You've been good for my son. Take care of him for me." So I LOVE THIS, but also: dammit Max that is not what "die for our ship" means.
But I love the moment where Jamie and Max, individually, hear the baby crying. The joy dawning on their faces is so pure it actually makes it worthwhile that they're not present at the birth itself.
(I know we're especially mad about Jamie. But honestly, if it means All Mitch All The Time, that's an OK trade to me.)
tl;dr if something is not mentioned please assume I loved it
(will be links shortly) Mini essays analyzing Jamie V. Jackson, Mitch/Jamie and Max's death.
In conclusion: I spent my entire night writing this, but it was worth it. Future Me is gonna love looking back.
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jobsearchtips02 · 5 years
Alternative Equities Fund 3Q19 Investor Letter
Alternative Equities Fund letter to traders for the third quarter ended September 30, 2019.
Q3 2019 hedge fund letters, conferences and extra
Pricey Investor:
Markets have been up and down in Q3. The massive caps once more continued their outperformance over small caps, because the S&P 500 added +1.7% to year-to-date beneficial properties whereas the Russell 2000 gave again -2.four% for the quarter. Our portfolio was up +5.5% within the quarter. This newest replace now means $1 invested in our portfolio since turning into unbiased in 2017 is value $1.58 versus our Small/Giant blended benchmark of $1.22.
Govt Abstract
On this letter, we spotlight Bluelinx (BXC) and The Rubicon Challenge (RUBI) because the notable efficiency drivers for the quarter. We then focus on new portfolio additions At Residence (HOME) and Quantum Corp. (QMCO) earlier than closing with just a few ideas on our funding outlook.
Notable Efficiency Drivers
This quarter’s optimistic efficiency got here from a portfolio that seemed slightly lopsided at occasions. At one level, our largest place was an nearly 30% holding in money, adopted in measurement by our place in The Rubicon Challenge. Mixed with three different “core” positions sized round ~10%, a number of smaller ones and some small hedges, our internet publicity touched as little as ~60% for some stretches of the quarter. So, for the very transient 90-day interval that was Q3, this posture mixed to create the supposed consequence: our portfolio returns have been largely pushed by our chosen shares and fewer so by the markets through which they commerce.
Bluelinx shares carried out properly within the third quarter as the corporate continues to make regular progress integrating their extremely accretive Cedar Creek acquisition. Final winter’s lull in housing market exercise is proving to be simply that, as single-family begins are once more rising attributable to regular structural demand and the current impetus from decrease rates of interest. As we prompt in our prior letter, the corporate seems to be at an inflection level. Administration appears to agree, with CEO Mitch Lewis stating on their final earnings name that they count on “the second quarter will prove to have been an inflection point for our company.” Continued tailwinds from a rising housing market ought to do wonders for the corporate to allow their sturdy money movement technology means to shine via. With continued regular execution on the synergy case, we expect it’s potential traders will see as a lot as $9/share of annualized free money movement within the coming quarters.
The Rubicon Challenge can be performing properly. The 2Q report was the third consecutive quarter to function 30%-plus topline progress and got here with a equally sturdy outlook for the upcoming quarter. The above market progress has been pushed by continued share beneficial properties from smaller subscale supply-side platforms in each desktop and cell verticals. Rubicon has additionally had essential wins in excessive progress codecs like video and audio. Current product introductions like nToggle and Estimated Market Charge have made their environment friendly platform extra engaging to publishers, and the corporate seems to have yet one more share-winning product within the pipeline. In September, I had the pleasure of attending the corporate’s demo occasion for its new Demand Supervisor providing at their New York workplaces. The product is a brand new suite of analytical instruments that overlay the Prebid open-source software program platform the corporate was instrumental in constructing. The user-friendly product lowers the associated fee for publishers to judge and analyze the ROI related to their advert stock throughout all promoting codecs. Although it’s early, suggestions has been fairly optimistic, and the providing appears to have been a contributor to new buyer wins. With continued iterative enhancements in product choices and scale benefits over smaller friends, the corporate seems properly positioned to meet ’s want for a powerful unbiased, omnichannel, international supply-side trade.
Portfolio Exercise
Within the quarter, we exited Chipotle, one among our core positions, and changed it with At Residence as a brand new core place. We additionally added Quantum within the particular scenario bucket.
CMG – After practically tripling in just below the final two years since we initiated our place, we accomplished our exit of Chipotle in Q3. CEO Brian Niccol has the corporate firing on all cylinders. Improved advertising and marketing, supply growth, digital initiatives and continued new retailer progress have enabled the corporate to efficiently full its turnaround. Chipotle is now again to taking part in offense. Buyers appear to agree the longer term is shiny and have rewarded the sturdy execution by bidding shares as much as a degree that now not meets our margin of security or anticipated return thresholds. Accordingly, we exited the place.
HOME – Little greater than a 12 months in the past, At Residence was thought to be a high-quality progress inventory with a profitable and differentiated method to brick and mortar retailing. The furnishings and décor retailer had garnered investor favor for its differentiated enterprise mannequin that received over shoppers with its large breadth of merchandise (usually 50,000 SKUs per retailer) and engaging value factors (usually 15 – 25% decrease than friends like Wal-Mart or Wayfair). Good sourcing of personal label merchandise and a lean low-cost working mannequin serving clients from large field shops (usually ~100,000 sq. ft) generated sturdy unit economics and engaging returns on capital. The corporate’s sturdy share beneficial properties and rising retailer base positioned the retailer as one thing of a category-killer. Since coming public in 2015, the corporate was one among only a handful of shops to put up uninterrupted optimistic comps and an earnings CAGR within the mid-20s proportion degree for the final three years.
However occasions and sentiment modified swiftly this previous 12 months. The brief model of the story is that this: first progress investments, then tariffs and subsequently softening comp developments all culminated in a nasty confluence of occasions that wreaked havoc on the corporate’s near-term earnings progress trajectory. Attributable to these components and another one-time occasions, GAAP financials now paint the image of progress interrupted, with a extreme dent impaled into the corporate’s rising earnings stream. Development traders would subsequently abandon this one-time darling, sending shares to ranges that appear to counsel these points are totally everlasting.
Our analysis suggests in any other case. We consider most of those unfavorable developments are non permanent and sure parts of the corporate’s enterprise mannequin are merely misunderstood. After a deep dive bolstered by a gathering with administration at their Plano, TX headquarters and conversations with a number of former staff, we consider the corporate’s current course correction and downshift in close to time period unit progress targets presents a beautiful shopping for alternative, very like we now have seen in different progress retailers in prior durations of comp softness. At current costs, traders are paying little for shares of an organization with a profitable idea that has a possibility to triple their retailer base. With continued regular execution and a medium-term honest worth estimate within the $40s, we see a possibility to earn multiples on our funding over a multiyear time horizon. For traders within the lengthy model of the story, please see our full write-up which you will discover on our web site right here.
QMCO – Once I first began Quantum Corp within the spring of 2018, I couldn’t assist however suppose it was one of many extra fascinating conditions I had seen in someday. After all, there was greater than slightly hair on it. With a market cap underneath $200M, shares had simply skilled what could possibly be described as a misplaced decade of types. Revenues and the inventory value had executed little however fall, with gross sales shriveling to ~$400M from a previous run charge of ~$1B in 2008. Although the corporate nonetheless maintained a powerful aggressive place in some essential product areas and continued to personal a stake in a helpful royalty-paying expertise consortium, it appeared of little comfort as these finish markets drifted listlessly into secular decline. Quite a few adjustments in management would observe, together with a virtually unprecedented 5 CEOs in underneath six months, in the end resulting in nasty headlines like this one: Quantum appears to undergo CEOs like a sizzling knife via butter. As a final and remaining straw, the corporate would incur accusations of impropriety within the submitting of their financials with the SEC. With the accuracy of the financials in query, the corporate would stop reporting quarterly ends in early 2018, and later that 12 months, shares could be delisted from the NYSE. The corporate would successfully go radio silent.
Indiscriminate promoting would observe, as investor views would default to the worst given the knowledge vacuum. However a better looker would present there have been some good issues creating. In Could of 2018 the corporate would rent Mike Dodson, a CFO with sturdy expertise in turnarounds and SEC investigations. Two months later, a well-regarded information storage veteran would be a part of the staff as CEO. Our contacts gave the incoming Jamie Lerner excessive marks for his in-depth product data and strategic rationale, significantly for his work in rapidly turning across the Cloud and Methods Expertise Group of Cisco by repositioning their go-to-market technique. With a formidable staff coming collectively, shareholders had purpose for slightly optimism. However there was maybe extra excellent news on the horizon as rumors started swirling that tape – the means of knowledge storage round which a lot of the firm’s merchandise are oriented – is perhaps making a comeback.
There have been loads of doubters. In spite of everything, as an affordable and clunky means of knowledge storage, tape had executed nothing however lose share to sooner and extra environment friendly choices like arduous disk drive, flash and the cloud for the final ten years. Given all of the skepticism round this potential tape renaissance, I made a decision I needed to go see for myself. That July, I went to a commerce present the Sports activities Video Group hosted in New York referred to as Sports activities Content material Administration and Storage. Anticipating to come across the kind of down-and-out feeling of nostalgia one would possibly discover at a Betamax conference, I discovered one thing totally different.
Quantum reps gave the impression to be of their aspect. They have been optimistic and speaking excitedly about upcoming next-generation merchandise on the best way. Trade gamers have been additionally speaking about new use circumstances for tape. Storage of sporting and gaming occasions was turning into a problem as tens of hundreds of high-definition clips from a number of video angles have been creating immense quantities of knowledge. On prime of that, video surveillance was much more of a priority, with some forecasts suggesting it might be accountable for as a lot as 80% of the information created on this planet by the 12 months 2025. Storing all of this information was getting costly, particularly when utilizing the current improvements which had positioned a premium on fast retrieval. However tape was low-cost. And although it nonetheless took a minute or two to entry, its ~5:1 price benefit over different mediums in a world of quickly increasing information was turning into too nice to disregard. Tape was making a comeback.
Regardless of these creating positives and a gentle stream of press releases from Quantum about new merchandise and buyer wins, so far as quarterly financials have been involved, the corporate nonetheless had little to say. Administration did exhibit they have been making progress in an 8k filed this spring. They confirmed they’d remoted the difficulty right down to recognizing solely the timing of a sure set of historic revenues, thus eliminating any unfavorable implications round historic or future money flows. However few observed. With shares depressed, draw back safety out there from the excessive margin royalty stream and finish markets doubtlessly turning of their favor, we initiated a small place this summer season.
This August the corporate would lastly converse. As anticipated, their financials required little in the best way of a restatement of something of consequence. As an alternative, what they confirmed was that new administration had made a substantial amount of progress with the corporate whereas away from the highlight. The staff had modified the gross sales rep compensation scheme to reward earnings over gross sales and equally applied a streamlined go-to-market technique targeted on solely its strongest product choices. The consequence: in a 12 months and a half, administration had reduce some $70M of annualized prices and pushed gross margins 400 bps increased. The EBITDA run charge had practically doubled to ~$51M from the prior 12 months, and administration would focus on expectations for high-single-digit annual income progress from the secular beneficial properties of a rising tape market going ahead. The outlook was enhancing.
Apparently, this income outlook contemplates little in the best way of latest enterprise from fulfilling the information wants of the hyperscalers. These are the enormous firms like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Fb and Apple who’re storing the world’s information and accordingly have massively increasing information storage wants of their very own because the chart on the fitting from IDC exhibits. Although any contract wins right here shall be episodic in nature and include lengthy promoting cycles, they are often materials, doubtlessly to the tune of $30M or extra in annual revenues. There are in fact no ensures Quantum will land any of this enterprise. However because of the corporate’s legacy place within the trade, they give the impression of being properly positioned. They have already got an current relationship with one of many largest hyperscalers, and a minimum of in the interim, look to be preventing primarily with only one different participant to win the remainder.
Although Silicon Valley character Gavin Belson’s views of knowledge shortages and information rationing from an impending datageddon are in fact a bit hyperbolic, the purpose, because the IDC forecast suggests, is identical: the world will quickly be awash in information and it’s going to have be saved someplace. At 8x this 12 months’s FY20 EBITDA, little progress or additional enchancment in operations seems to be priced in, regardless of an outlook that seems to be enhancing. Within the brief time period, we see coming catalysts with an up-listing again onto the Nasdaq on the horizon, a rising royalty stream and new buyer wins. Over the medium to long run, we consider Quantum is poised to profit from the secular pattern of rising information storage wants and see a possibility to earn multiples on our funding over a a number of 12 months time horizon with continued regular execution.
2019 Outlook
Our home financial system seems to proceed to run at two speeds. Development in lots of industrial companies is sluggish or stalling out. Whereas an enter for the speed of progress of the financial system at giant, at ~11% of exercise in the present day, the manufacturing financial system doesn’t carry the identical ramifications for the remainder of the financial system it as soon as did. However, most areas of the financial system reliant on client spending proceed to indicate resilience. A number of rate of interest delicate areas of the financial system appear to be perking up, as information collection like current dwelling gross sales and furnishings gross sales at the moment are rising once more after a pair quarters of weak spot.
In opposition to this uneven backdrop, markets at the moment are usually flat with their ranges from a 12 months in the past, with each the extent of earnings and the a number of paid for them largely static over this era. Present indications counsel we proceed to flirt with one other transient earnings recession, although its worst results could also be transferring to the rearview mirror in the interim.
Whatever the market’s gyrations within the brief time period, I consider our eclectic portfolio seems to supply better worth and seems set to carry out properly on this atmosphere. Although our holdings will assuredly be influenced by the market route within the brief time period, within the medium to long run, our efficiency shall be pushed by the enterprise outcomes of those particular firms and the unfolding catalysts that lie forward.
In closing, whereas I do know our method is not going to yield outperformance each quarter, I proceed to consider it will likely be properly value our whereas over the lengthy haul. Maybe extra importantly, given the overwhelming majority of our investable belongings are invested alongside yours, we might by no means ask traders to imagine dangers we ourselves is not going to.
Thanks in your continued assist as we work to develop our capital collectively. As all the time, we’re completely happy to debate our funding outlook with you at your comfort. Please attain out any time.
Finest regards,
Mitchell Scott, CFA
Portfolio Supervisor
All market and firm information is sourced from Factset and firm filings and is present as of 9/31/19. CEF makes use of the S&P 500, Russell 2000, a customized Blended Small/Giant Benchmark and the Barclays Hedged Lengthy/Quick indices as its major benchmarks. The S&P 500 and Russell 2000 are widespread giant and small cap US equities-based indices. The customized Blended Small/Giant Benchmark is supplied to seize a bigger proportion of small cap efficiency versus giant cap efficiency (at a three:1 ratio) as a result of equally excessive proportion of small caps discovered on the Good Companies Focus Checklist in addition to the technique’s basic choice of getting an funding combine extra closely weighted in direction of funding in small caps. The Barclays Hedged Lengthy/Quick index (an index of equities-based hedge funds) serves as an applicable benchmark over the long-term given the index has an identical long-term objective of capital appreciation via equities investing. CEF Internet Returns are hypothetical outcomes calculated from precise gross ends in a fashion according to the 1% administration price and 18% efficiency price provided to shoppers.
GOALS – We search to generate market-beating returns over any rolling multiyear funding horizon whereas minimizing the danger of everlasting impairment of capital. Moreover, we search to speak with our traders in a clear and simple method and ask solely that they settle for funding dangers that we ourselves are prepared to take. Given the vast majority of our investable capital is invested alongside theirs, we make investments our restricted companions’ capital as if it have been our personal, as a result of it’s.
PHILOSOPHY – We method investing in public equities as an opportunistic businessman would. We spend most of our time learning companies and constructing circles of competence in areas prone to provide engaging funding prospects and put money into solely our most compelling alternatives. We view danger primarily because the probability of a everlasting impairment of capital and pursue a fastidiously balanced willingness to commerce some short-term portfolio fluctuations for the chance to earn increased returns over the long-term. We give attention to rising, comprehensible companies and search to purchase them at a considerable low cost to our estimate of their intrinsic worth. After we discover them buying and selling at engaging costs, we regularly act in measurement and weight our greatest concepts accordingly. And all issues being equal, we desire to dedicate extra of our efforts to small shares the place we consider better value/informational inefficiencies can usually be discovered.
APPROACH – We make investments through a long-bias hedge fund construction and focus our lengthy investments in our greatest 10 to 15 concepts. Our work begins with a two or three-year outlook, and we solely pursue investments we consider are prone to provide us an affordable probability to generate an annualized return of 20% or higher. Whereas we pursue long-term oriented investments and search to compound capital in a tax environment friendly method, we readily acknowledge the often-turbulent markets don’t all the time match neatly into this framework and know some buying and selling exercise is bound to observe because of this. Within the brief e book, we search to generate absolute earnings in just a few shares the place we now have uncovered an organization getting into monetary duress or an excessively optimistic valuation the place we really feel their earnings outlook is prone to worsen materially. We may also use trade or market particular ETFs to mitigate market danger and can look to make use of choices and different opportunistic hedges when situations seem favorable.
ALIGNMENT – We consider applicable alignment of pursuits is the bedrock upon which all profitable partnerships are constructed. Our major technique of guaranteeing correct incentive alignment is thru vital co-investment of our private wealth alongside our restricted companions. Secondarily, we provide an investor pleasant price construction. We cost a modest administration price to assist funding operations and cost an annual incentive price on new earnings solely. Lastly, commensurate with our price construction which is deliberately structured such that almost all of fund earnings shall be earned provided that we generate compelling funding outcomes, we decide to working the fund as a boutique store with a restricted asset measurement. As a lot of our greatest investments usually come from small shares, we consider it is very important protect our means to take concentrated positions in our greatest concepts. Our measurement and construction guarantee we’re incentivized to generate compelling returns, not collect belongings.
Consider it this fashion. On the one hand, we’re incentivized to generate the very best funding outcomes potential. However, we’re unwilling to put money into a approach we really feel is prone to end in a significant lack of our personal funding capital. What extra might one need from an funding supervisor?
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/alternative-equities-fund-3q19-investor-letter/
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vileart · 7 years
Our Christian Dramaturgy: Joe Janes @ edfringe 2017
Our Christian Nation Finds Paradise at Edinburgh Fringe 35 Characters Played by 11 Actors in Joe Janes' Cultural Satire About America Erasing the Line Separating Church and State CHICAGO (July 20, 2017)— What would the USA look like if the extreme Christian right got everything they wanted?  In this slightly alternate present just before the rapture, Reverend President Robert (Jamie Buell) has eliminated the “fake news” and homosexuality is outlawed.  A young family is torn apart when Mitch (Adam Ston), the breadwinner, loses his job and is arrested for not being able to pay his bills, while his pregnant wife, Louise (Lauren Fisher) is thrown into a hospital/jail as the state takes ownership of her “fetus.”
Meanwhile, the couple’s daughter, Nipper (Bethany Schmieder) is indoctrinated in various “Biblical” texts by a couple that run a gay conversion therapy camp.
What was the inspiration for this performance? Anger. I was angry about how Republicans and the Tea Party were treating the Obama administration and I was angry at the constant attempts to erase the separation of church and state, especially when it comes to women rights and gay rights. I’m a comedy writer. Comedy is my weapon.
Is performance still a good space for the public discussion of ideas?  Absolutely! Especially, now. We have a president who is an egomaniac with a thin skin. Satire gets to him. When we did a run of our show earlier this year, I invited some local conservative on-line magazines to review us. They declined and in our e-mail exchanges admitted “We don’t do humor well.” How did you become interested in making performance? When I was a kid, my uncle would play comedy
albums for me. Notably, Stan Freberg’s The United States of America, Vol 1: The Early Years, which had a definite influence on this show. Our play is full of revised history lessons. I was hooked and started putting on shows for my classmates starting in the fourth grade.  Is there any particular approach to the making of the show? I wrote the the first draft very quickly. I pitched the idea of the play to 3 Brothers Theatre north of Chicago. They loved it and wanted to feature it in a staged reading during their summer festival in 2015. They told me this at the end of March when I had yet to write a single word of the play!  They loved it so much, they produced it the following summer and my director and I put it up in Chicago earlier this year. The play has a lot to do with current events, which can be scary for a writer. There’s a concern that things can become dated. Fortunately for the production and unfortunately for the world, it has not. 
We check the news everyday and, quite often, we’re able to reference the latest dumb thing Trump or someone in his administration has said.  Does the show fit with your usual productions? Many of my plays are epic with large casts and people playing multiple roles, so, yes. My plays tend to be like sketch comedy revues spinning out of control.  What do you hope that the audience will experience? Laughter! Where there’s laughter, there's hope. I hope it gives them a thing or two to think about regarding politics and religion.  One thing I also appreciate about satire is that it
often makes me feel like I’m not alone. There’s relief in discovering there are other people who are reasonably sane who also think this thing or that thing is bonkers.  What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience? I tried to be very clear that it wasn’t an attack on Christianity or anyone’s particular religion. It’s an attack on people who take it to the extreme and impose their beliefs on others and also the hypocrisy that inevitably gets intwined. 
Welcome to Our Christian Nation, an epic satirical one-act play written by Emmy award-winning writer and Second City instructor Joe Janes and directed by Andrea J. Dymond. 
Our Christian Nation is partially funded by a Part-Time Faculty Development Grant from Columbia College Chicago. Janes originally wrote the full-length version of the play for the Three Brothers Waukegan Theatre Festival in Illinois, where it received a staged reading in 2015. Three Brothers Theatre produced the show for their festival in 2016.
Earlier this year, the play received a full six-week run at Chicago’s veteran comedy institution The Cornservatory.
There are 35 characters performed by 11 actors in Our Christian Nation covering a wide range of Christian revised story lessons that include: God creating the world (but he rushed and is sorry about that cancer thing), the founding fathers signing the Declaration of Independence along with founding father Moses and help from a dinosaur, the Civil War occurring because God was mad at Lincoln, Goldilocks being an abortion-loving intruder, and a worldview that has the US as #1 and Australia being as if England and Mississippi had a baby and left it in a dumpster.
Entertaining as well as educational, Our Christian Nation takes place in a world Janes envisions as a kind of nightmare quickly becoming a daymare, i.e. in which the ultra-Christian right wing get everything their hearts desire.
“I wrote the play because I was angry about the Republican and Tea Party response to the Obama administration. I’m sad to report it is still pertinent today. Even more so given our current Whitehouse interloper,” said Janes.
“Our Christian Nation is a world where children only get church-approved homeschool lessons, privatization is rampant, being poor is a crime, insurance is only for those who can afford it, women have very few rights, and conversion therapy camps are as normal as the boy scouts. The Bible has become a textbook in history and science classes.”
“Satire is the best weapon I know of to shed light on absurdities. There’s a lot of work to be done in the states, right now. We’re bringing the show to Edinburgh to show the rest of the world that we’re not all crazy here and we’re doing our best to reverse the tide,” said Janes.
Joe Janes Joe Janes is an Emmy award-winning writer who teaches comedy writing and improvisation at The Second City and in Columbia College's new Comedy Writing and Performance major.  He has written for Jellyvision's video game series You Don't Know Jack and Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update. He has published three books, including 365 Sketches, 50 Plays and Seven Deadly Plays.  Other full-length plays include Metaluna and the Science of the Mind Revue, A Hard Day's Journey into Night, OtherSchool and Always Never.  His fake Twitter account is @futurepreztrump that he started over a year ago. He tried to warn you. Andrea J. Dymond A Chicago-based freelance director specializing in new work, Andrea J. Dymond has been a resident director at Victory Gardens Theater, where she directed 11 productions, including 7 world premieres.  Selected Chicago credits include: Tree, Year Zero, Blue Door, Free Man of Color, Shoes, and I Have Before Me a Remarkable Document, Helen, and Keep a Song in Your Soul, which she directed and developed with the Grammy award-winning band Carolina Chocolate Drops.  Most recently, Andrea directed A Lesson Before Dying by Clarence Brown, Shepsu Aahku’s Softly Blue and Lynn Nottage’s Mud River Stone. Andrea’s experience includes research and production dramaturgy, directing at new works festivals nationally; serving as thesis play advisor for MFA playwrights at Carnegie Mellon; and directing at NNPN’s MFA Playwrights Workshops at the Kennedy Center.  Andrea teaches directing, collaboration, text analysis, acting and new play development at Columbia College Chicago, where she recently directed Blues for an Alabama Sky by Pearl Cleage and Euripides’s Hecuba. Cast Lauren Fisher (Louise, Abigail) Adam Ston (Mitch, various) Bethany Schmieder (Nipper) Jamie Buell (Rev. President Robert) Robin Mina (Shrug, Evelyn, various) Adrian Garcia (Pastor Mooney, Carlos, various) Garrett Hanson (Mr. Looney, Michael, various) Nicholas Polk (Tim Harfington, Brian, various) Aidan O'Connor (Mrs. Kennedy, Dr. Harley, various) Joe Janes (Cal, Sam, various) Andrea J. Dymond (God)
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