#most of yall on here are demons btw aka skam fandom and it has not been a pleasure in this demonic fandom
hxrryspotter · 7 years
tbh if i could make this blog private like u can on twitter, i would. only bc i dont actually want more ppl followin bc really.. truthfully.. i dont want to interact im so tired and this is a mess of just thoughts and things i like. its not gonna be neat, my tagging is sloppy af and im gonna post abt whatever I want. yall must have noticed anon is off, sometimes I forget lmao. but yeah, i turned it off abt a wk ago only bc i felt bad that i couldn’t give you guys better replies when you sent love my way during my bad times. its hard to respond and show my appreciation when i do appreciate your thoughts, but at the same time, cant really believe any positive words. does that make sense idk??
anyways a bit of an official announcement for anyone who cares… this blog consists of: gay stuff, fandom stuff (hp, tw, got, skam, memes) mental health/depressing stuff, personal stuff/venting (its my blog im allowed), ummm music, aesthetic stuff, random stuff, pretty words, that’s abt it. basically just a big mess of jumbled things and half the time i wont exactly tag properly but ill try and tag most stuff! so really, yall can unfollow me i have Changed and i am boring and Sad now
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