#mostly just read this if u wanna understand angel's psyche better
ofangelos-archive · 6 years
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╰☆╮ SHAWN MENDES ─ ANGELOS ALESANDRO ALMEIDA identifies as CIS MALE and uses HE/HIM pronouns. they’re an OLYMPIAN / SINGER / RAPPER and they’re only TWENTY ! they’re said to be AMBITIOUS, but also DISHONEST. i guess that’s why they’re known as THE BLACK HOLE in the tabloids.
ahhh yes … my son … angel DSJAIADS angel wasn’t meant to be this goofy and willing to change and willing to try and be a nice person. so he’s not gonna be :)
he was born in mykonos, greece to the ceo of the philip-morris tobacco distribution company. when i say angel is rich, i mean angel is riiiiich. his family is worth over 120 billion dollars. angel grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, and has never ever ever dreamed of having anything less.
to better understand angel, u guys need to better understand the almeidas as a family. in my first intro, i sorta??? brushed over the fact but i’ve come to realize that they’ve had a huge impact on his psyche and his morals and everything??
to put it in short…  have y’all seen dynasty on netflix? blake carrington is basically just… angel’s father. the carrington dynamic is the almeida’s dynamic to a t.
okay, being in charge of such a huge company that not only ruled tobacco distribution, but own 6 major cigarette brands that reach every single continent in the world meant that angel’s father hardly had time for him. it was only business with him. if he wasn’t at the office, he was cheating on angel’s mother - it was a habit the whole family knew about. it was no surprise. angel’s never been good at relationships because he experienced infidelity his whole life. his idea of love was really messed up at a young age.
tw: drug abuse but yes ! his parents never paid him any mind. his father was far too busy with work, and his mother was far too busy passing out on narcotics to bring some feeling back into her dull life and her awful marriage to take care of angel.
angel was essentially just raised by nannies, and they weren’t awful to him at all. they were dope and super nice to him? but he still managed to build up a resentment towards them because he didn’t have enough time to experience his parents and build up a resentment towards the people who actually deserved it
angel had a lot of pressure for him to do well in school - he was supposed to step up and be the ceo of one of the most powerful companies in the world one day, after all - so he constantly had tutors rolling in and out of his house to make sure he was the best and brightest he could be! he never got to go have play-dates and be a normal kid because his father was so focused on prepping 7-year-old angel to be a ceo. that’s all he was to his father - another him.
because of this inability to hang out with the other kids outside of school, angel had a really really hard time making friends??? he was a very lonely kid. he just couldn’t relate to any of them because he was constantly being prepped for public appearances and learning 7 other languages so he’d be useful by the time he was old enough to put on a suit.
angel’s father actually hired someone to have their kid be angel’s friend - and also lowkey a body guard that would take any hit and any bullet for angel, but angel didn’t know this and just thought he had a loyal friend dsjioad
but yeaaaa not having the opportunity to talk to people his age is what causes him to be so stand-offish and say such rude things sometimes?? because he didn’t get the chance to develop useful social skills at a young age? the only things he knew how to do were 1) demand things 2) speak an absurd amount of languages and 3) charm the press
when angel’s father did make the time to see angel, it was never for good reason.
angel used to be?? so upset about not being able to spend time with his father?? but as time went on, it clicked in his head that he was only relevant to his father when he was doing something wrong / bad, so he hated when his father made meetings with him
u read that correctly – meetings. angel stopped seeing daddy dearest at home when he was about 11. after that, it was pure business. he’d have to schedule an appointment with him just like anyone else. because being his father’s son was just a title - it didn’t actually mean anything. he was just another person.
tw: mental abuse anyways ! these meeting never went well for angel because all they were was an opportunity for his father to let out his pent-up frustrations about everything on his son. angel could miss one question on an exam, and boom – meeting ! he was essentially his father’s outlet. and at first it was just mental abuse - yelling at angel about how stupid he was, or how he’d never amount to anything, or how he was ruining the almeida legacy
which made angel feel terrible about himself?? i mean… duh … but like… he couldn’t do the /one thing/ he’s basically been trained like a fucking dog to do his entire life ??? he couldn’t just be perfect and it killed him??? because he tried so, so, so, so, so hard to come as close as possible
it’s not the typical acted-out-for-attention. eventually, angel learned that he didn’t want the attention because it was only ever negative. he acted wonderfully and tried to be the best he could possibly be to keep his father away from him
tw: domestic abuse, tw: abuse eventually, just yelling at angel wasn’t enough to express his anger, and his father fell into an awful awful habit where, whenever angel did anything to piss him off, he’d light a cigarette and then jab it onto angel’s arm and let it burn. angel has little circle scars up and down his arms that he’s tried to cover up with tattoos from this
angel always read in books or saw on tv that families were supposed to love and support each other, so he just assumed ??? that this was what love was like?? that it was tough all the time and sometimes cruel??? so he had a very twisted image of family and relationships and love and all of that
he has a very inflated perspective of self-importance because, in greece, he just is that important. he’s as close to royalty as you can get without actually being a king or a prince. his family essentially has a monopoly over the entire country when it comes to property and business, so, of course, the almeidas are well known. they’re the kardashians of greece without the hit tv show. they never showed their lives because they put up a beautiful facade of a happy family running a billion dollar business, when really, they were as messed up as they came
great that’s all terrible! let’s talk about his career
angel went to the rio olympics when he was 16. and i know that doesnt fit the timeline of his actual age being 20 but we’re gonna deal with it ok? ok. he was a track star. he won two silver medals and one gold medal in short-distance sprints. he was on top of the world because, for once, his father didn’t have shit on him. he was one of the most celebrated athletes around the globe… tw: domestic abuse, tw: abuse, tw: violence that was until his dad did have shit to say though. he was not happy that angel was ‘wasting his time’ with such an activity that didn’t make him any better of a business man. he wasn’t happy that angel wasn’t fitting into the mold of the person he wanted him to be. so he beat him to a pulp. and all angel could do was smile for the cameras and tell them the bruises on his face were from him celebrating his wins a little too much and tumbling off a table… or down the stairs… his stories changed a lot, but he never ever spoke about that night to anyone.
tw: drugs, tw: alcohol, tw: addiction so he turned to drugs and booze. just like his mother did. he turned into an absolute shell of himself. he was terrible. the absolute worst person he could possibly be. he raised hell anywhere and everywhere he went. completely gave up on his dreams of ever going back to the olympics.
tw: drug use examples of things he did while being so terrible: was in a terribly toxic relationship with tahnee where he convinced her to skip out on meet and greets / performances to lay up with him and do drugs, was manipulative and awful to margo while they were in a relationship because he figured out she’d do anything for him and he wanted everything, slept with his father’s secretary… and the next one after that one got fired… and the one after that too :/ , showed up to his cousin’s funeral high as a kite with not a clue in the world about where the fuck he was, snorted coke in the middle of wren’s first starring ballet recital and got the cops to shut the whole thing down to come and arrest him
when i say he was bad i mean he was big bad, okay? like genuinely. and he didn’t give a fuck
he moved to new york when he was 18 because then his father was harping on him about being a mess, and he didn’t want to hear about it or risk getting himself hurt. so he just left with nothing but his black amex and his private jet.
he was just fucking around in new york for a long while, ruining people’s lives for a long while before he finally decided to get sober after meeting marnie. it was not love at first sight, to say the very least, but to put a long story short, they realized that they could actually help each other and grow as people together, and so they both helped each other get clean and better themselves as people ???
and even longer story short, after many arguments and engagements and calling off engagements, marnie and angel are in a stable relationship and have a son named xander theo almeida. angel is…. absolute mush for him and loves him so sososososo much. more than he ever thought it was possible. he’s very soft when it comes to marnie and xander. he considers them to be his real family because they showed him what real, true love was like and fixed his twisted view on things like that
which is great and all honestly good for him !!! but he’s literally still a bitch to everyone else. it’s that trope where he’s bad to everybody except his girl :/ sorry bout it :/ :/
he’s a better person in the fact that he’s sober now, not that he suddenly cares about people. because his viewpoint and social skills are still completely fucked so he’s just??? not a nice person ?? he’s not gonna automatically fight you or anything, but he’s just perpetually grumpy and pessimistic and likes to ruin people’s moods
overall, not a nice person. isn’t completely batshit crazy like he was before but ! unless ur his bro, he’s not gonna be all smiley and polite with you.
also ! what also helped him get / stay clean ( at least for a while ) was ??? music ? he learned to play guitar because it looked cool and he wanted to be cool, and he sorta just had a natural affinity for it ??? and he ran a demo for eden and she was like … talent ! so now he’s signed to her. he released his first album “angel” which has songs by one of his vcs… shawn mendes .. duh … dajdiffhf and then while him and marnie were warring with each other he released his second album, “bomb: back on my bullshit” with his other vc g-eazy, so he’s kinda in a limbo between the two genres of music and figuring out what he wants to do
ok i think that’s all ihave to say about that
also he’s chuck bass sorrynotsorry he does that “i’m chuck bass” thing with the look … u know … but “i’m angelos almeida.”
ok im gonna shut up if u want to replot lmk otherwise im jus gonna assume we’re keeping the same shit goin
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