short moral stories in hindi
short moral stories in hindi
short moral stories in hindi  Once upon a time, in a quiet forest, there lived a wise old owl. The owl was known throughout the forest for its wisdom and knowledge. All the animals would come to the owl seeking advice and answers to their questions.
One day, a young rabbit approached the owl with a question. “O Wise Owl,” the rabbit said, “Can you tell me what the secret to happiness is?”
The owl thought for a moment and replied, “The secret to happiness, dear rabbit, lies in two simple things: gratitude and contentment. Be grateful for what you have, no matter how little it may seem, and learn to be content with it.”
The rabbit was puzzled. “But Wise Owl,” it said, “I have so little compared to others. How can I be happy with so little?”
The owl nodded and said, “Happiness is not measured by how much you have, but by how much you appreciate what you have. There will always be those who have more and those who have less. But true happiness comes from being content with the present moment and finding joy in the simple things.”
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