little-mouse-gardens · 2 months
Some random incorrect quotes with my rise ocs and the turtles
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Generated some random quotes for my rise ocs and turtles that I found funny.
My rise ocs are : sunny, Marcy, Skye and Angie
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Marcy, answering the phone: Hello?
Donnie: It’s Donnie.
Marcy: What did he do this time?
Donnie: No, it’s me, Donnie. It’s actually me.
Marcy: What did you do this time?
Marcy: Donnie, no.
Donnie: Donnie, yes.
Marcy: I can’t tell if you’re a genius or just incredibly arrogant.
Donnie: Well, on a good day, I’m both.
Marcy : and I adore you for it
Skye, handing out popsicles: Which flavor do you want?
Leonardo: Blue flavor!
Skye: Uh, you mean Blue Raspberry?
Leonardo: Blue flavor! Blue flavor!
Skye: Blue is not a flavor!
Leonardo: BLUE FLAVOR!
Leonardo: According to the footage here, you shook the vending machine and when the shake alarm went off, you punched the glass and broke it.
Skye: …I was hungry.
Skye: When's the last time you slept?
Leonardo: Uh... a few days ago, I think.
Skye: A few- how many?!
Leonardo: Uh... *starts counting on fingers* I need more fingers...
Skye: What you need is sleep!
Raph: *walking around disappointed after visiting an aquarium*
Sunny: Raph, what did you think a tiger shark was?
Sunny: Raph... you've been cuddling with me for over and hour now.
Raph: *muffled* mm hmmm :)
Sunny: dammit, work can wait you're adorable :3
Sunny walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Raph, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
Raph, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
Angie , throwing their head into Mikey's lap: Tell me I'm pretty!
Mikey, lovingly stroking their hair: you are the prettiest, love. ^W^
Angie : remind me to make you those bunny shaped cinnamon rolls later ^W^
Mikey, internally : I AM WINNING TODAY
Mikey: What are your three best qualities?
Angie : I love to bake and paint, I have soft hair, and sometimes I cry because I love my friends.
Angie : Happy October 32nd! Second Halloween!
Mikey: but That doesn't exist angie-
Angie : Not with that attitude.
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mouseinthecastle · 1 year
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nezumidoodle · 2 years
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Helloooooo~ ✨ wait I think tumblr is gonna squish this….🤔
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nezumichan · 3 years
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Got the chance to wear a kimono at Osaka’s first plus size kimono shop. 🥺💕💕💕💕
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robthebot-blog1 · 6 years
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Or Ray could have been saying, “Help me bury this heart somewhere no one ever finds it.” I guess no one truly understands mousespeak 🐁
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little-mouse-gardens · 4 months
A compilation of art I did of my rise ocs
Some random art I’ve done of my four rise ocs sunny, Marcy, Skye and Angie. I Mostly shared these on discord but I decided to go ahead and post them here as well.
Starting off with this set of art of my girls! This is for @breadcrumbeatingman au!
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Then two chibis of sunny I did (my fav is the retro themed one), a cute outfit and hairstyle I saw on Pinterest that reminded me of Angie, and Two chibis of Skye wearing outfits that saw on Pinterest.
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Now I shall scurry back into my blanket nest to work on Angie’s head cannons and some one-shot’s I have in store
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😓 downcast face with sweat
Akdjdak thank you for the ask! ^W^ gonna pick one of my dnd/one piece oc’s
Specifically picking my character Kairel.
Kairel I’d say is definitely a very inquisitive and open minded person.
She loves learning about knew things, that inventor side of brain that was so used to gaining knew knowledge in her own world is practically just over the moon when she lands in the world of one piece with her crew. The excitement of seeing something new and adding new little entries to her journal about things she’s seen and things she has learned literally makes her so happy.
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little-mouse-gardens · 9 months
I did some more art with the inks I got while I was having some writers block (kind of still having writers block but some inspiration is coming back to me)
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I was actually listening to the portals album while sketching this one. I kind of wanna do a whole set of these based on all the songs in the album
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Then I did another two of the pervious drawings. I messed up on the third one because I forget to tape it down while I was inking it. The fourth was made while listening to Conan grey and crying over family line.
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Was gonna post so more stardew valley au future donnie headcannons tonight but my head and throat are kind of hurting, so I’m gonna try and get them posted tomorrow instead
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little-mouse-gardens · 2 months
Me, screeching at my brain to let me get some writing done : PLEASE JUST A ONESHOT OR A RANDOM POST!?
My brain, sipping tea : hmmmmm nope >:/
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Me, trying to make dinner and hearing a buzzing sound : ….where the hell is that coming from???
immediately spots a huge wasp in the corner
Me : ……
Me the second I realize what it is :
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Me : I’m gonna get a bunch of my wip’s and projects done :D
My brain : nap, nap, nap, nap, nap, you don’t need another nap but take one anyways because why not-
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Me, noticing it’s storming outside : hmm, I gotta wash my hair today….maybe washing it over the sink won’t be so bad???
My back :
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me : imma take a quick nap, let’s see what dream I have this time-
*goes to sleep and immediately dreams about cuddling with Donnie on a front porch swing in the most cottagecore themed cabin known to man*
Me : perfect. Absolutely perfect
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I swear everytime I go to write or make bots something random happens??
Like I went to sit down on my bed and somehow I found just a random crushed lipstick there???? When my makeup is literally on the other side of the house and never enters my room??
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Cue me questioning for the next ten minutes if I have a ghost in my house or not-
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Me : I’m gonna clean my closet out today-
*immediately spots a huge spider just chilling in the corner of it*
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