ren1327 · 1 year
How cute would it be if Millie surprised him with a date going to see his favorite musical?
Look how happy he looks!
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hotacid · 3 months
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and one more illustration
- what's this
- wow...people get wifi????
- uh... put your finger away
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cipher-club · 4 years
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Moxxie and millie being sweet together compilation 🥰😍🥰😍
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ren1327 · 3 years
Still not over how Blitzø stood up for Moxxie and Millie, but no one stood up for him.
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cipher-club · 3 years
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Awwww 😍😍😍
I wonder if they kiss before every mission 😆
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ren1327 · 3 years
Close to Me
A Huskerdust/Angelhusk tumblr exclusive fic based on Ellie Goulding's "Close to Me" feat. Diplo and Swae Lee.
Part of the Light up the Night storyline
CW: Lots of cussing, mentions of sex and bullying Moxxie
Charlie jumped when she heard a door upstairs slam, then a hard pounding on wood before a frustrated yell had her on her feet.
She nearly ran into Husk as he stalked to the bar, grabbing a bottle off the shelf and uncorking it, taking several large gulps.
“Um…Everything good, Husk?” She asked.
Niffty suddenly hopped past, whining softly to herself as she leapt into the kitchen, hearing pots and pans banging.
Charlie looked at Husk, who had started on a second bottle and quickly followed the cyclops girl.
“Hey, Niffty?” Charlie asked.
Niffty was quickly measuring out flour and muttering to herself as she grabbed some eggs.
“Sad brownies?” Charlie asked as Niffty grabbed a block of fudge, then turned a grabbed a second.
“Sad brownies.” She said and turned to tie her hair in two short pigtails and wash her hands.
“What happened?” Charlie asked when Niffty gave her a bowl and whisk.
“Oh, Miss Charlie…” Niffty sighed and started chopping nuts. “It was awful!”
“Dance with me, Husk.” Angel teased as they walked past a club, Niffty peeking inside and grinning.
“We gotta get this stuff back to the hotel, Ang.” Husk said. “Some other time, okay?”
“Fiiiiine!” Angel huffed and reached for Husk’s hand.
Husk pulled his fingers away and crossed his arms.
Angel blinked. “The fuck?”
“Not here, Angel.” Husk said and looked at an old poster of Angel in drag.
Angel’s eyes followed his and he scoffed.
“Are ya serious?” He asked and stalked ahead, Niffty looking from Husk to Angel before hopping to the former’s side.
“Husky, what’s going on?” She asked.
“Nothin’, Niff.” He grumbled.
The walk back was tense and silent as they all made it back into the hotel.
Angel dropped his things on the counter and went up to his room, Husk cursing and following after his boyfriend once the groceries had been put away.
Niffty cocked her head and leapt up the stairs, hearing muffled shouting.
“…fuckin’ scared to be seen with me?”
“…know damn well I don’t give a shit!”
“Be honest Husk!” Angel yelled as Niffty placed her ear near the door. “Ya think I’m disgusting or somethin’? Think I’m too much of a slu—”
“Shut up!” Husk yelled. “I just…I don’t think…Ang…we’re…not good enough to been seen together…”
Niffty squinted her eye, Husk voice very low.
“Good en---Good enough?!” Angel yelled and there was the sound of glass breaking.
Niffty ran behind a plant as Husk ran out, a perfume bottle smashing behind his feet as he turned.
“Angel…I didn’t mean it like that…Angel!” Husk yelled as the door slammed. He pounded on the door before yelling in frustration and going down the stairs.
Niffty sighed. “I think I get what Husk meant. I hear him talking with Mimzy when she’s over."
“Oh?” Charlie asked as they waited for the brownies to bake.
“It’s not Angel isn’t good enough.” She looked up at Charlie. “It’s Husk. He thinks he’s not good enough to be seen with Angel.”
“And so Angel…oooooh.” Charlie said. “What should we do?”
“Brownies and milk.”
“Right! Any alcohol will make Angel spiral!” Charlie said. “He’ll lose all his progress!”
“…No, milk just taste better with brownies….” Niffty said with a frown.
“Right, right, right…” Charlie laughed awkwardly. “Sorry.”
Niffty huffed and heard the oven ding, taking the brownies out and letting them cool as she set up a tray.
“Ya know, Miss Charlie, sometimes we just gotta do what’s best for people in their own way.”
“But Angel staying clean is best for him—”
“Angel, not the hotel.”
“I…I think I have an idea. But I might need some help.”
She grimaced as she took out her phone and shot a text.
“Okay, Niffty, we might need a few more batches of brownies…” Charlie said. “And some of the good liquor I know you stowed away for this kind of situation. Let’s move all this to the home theater. And make sure the front room is clear.”
“Why both rooms?”
“That’s such bull!” Loona said as she downed another shot.
“How can he imply he’s better than you?” Octavia added.
“Yeah, Angie, you’re like, the fucking best!” Cherri said and stuffed another brownie in her mouth.
“Thanks gals.” Angel said, sniffing and taking another tissue from Millie. Then another shot.
Niffty sat on one of the sofas, a weird cartoon playing on the screen no one was paying attention to. She quietly excused herself and hopped to the other side of the hotel where Husk was drinking from another bottle as Blitzo chattered away.
“Listen, they all throw fits, but just have really rough angry se—”
“Sir!” Moxxie interrupted. “The best response is proper communication. As a happily married man, I can say with confidence—”
“No one cares about your boring married life!” Blitzo said and pushed Moxxie off his stool.
“Blitzy Dear…” Stolas cooed. “Aren’t we in a committed relationship?”
“Well I mean, yes.” Blitz said with a blush. “But! Marriage makes it less…sexy.”
“I see. But being my consort is much more…enticing?” Stolas purred, leaning against his partner.
“Fellas!” Mimzy chided. “This isn’t helping.”
Husk was sobbing now. “I fucked up again…”
“Oh, Husker…” Mimzy said and rubbed his shoulders. “Alastor! Can’t you help us?”
The Radio Demon looked up from his drink, cocking his head. “Oh, I’m trying, my Love.”
“Tryin—Alastor! What are you up to?” The shorter demon asked her lover.
Niffty chirped and gasped, running back to the theater.
She burst in to see the same scene she had just escaped from.
Husk blubbered.
“He’s so fuckin’ beautiful, Mimz!” He said. “Like, look at ‘im! Hic! ‘Den look at me! He’s too good fa’ me and I hate…”
Angel’s eyes were transfixed on the screen.
“Hate how people look at us. ‘Dis tall fuckin’ babe and his shlubby boyfriend!”
“You’re not shlubby—” Mimzy said.
“Yes, I am!” Husk said and hiccupped. “I’m an ugly old man and he’s just! Just!”
“Just what?” Mimzy asked, side eying Blitzo and Stolas escaping into the hall to a bedroom.
“He’s fuckin’ perfect! He’s pretty an’, an’ has a nice voice…His cute widdle snore an’ man! Can he shoot, Mimz! He’s so fuckin’ vicious when he wanna be!” Husk said, waving his bottle around. “He looks so happy when he’s mowing down fuckers! Yeah, I snap at ‘im. But he can always tell when I’m bullshitting ‘im. We get in our little back and forths an’…he does dis little pout that melt me, ya know?”
Angel chuckled.
“His laugh…” Husk continued Mimzy carefully took the bottle. He mixed his drink with a smile. “Fuckin’ infectious. An’ he always smells so fuckin’ good. He looks at me like…like I’m da best damn ting in da world, ya know?”
He smiled into his glass.
“When Angel is…well, if anyone makes it outta here…I hope it’s Angel…I want ‘im happy.” Husk said. “I love him—”
Angel tackled him on screen, and everyone was shocked to see Angel had sprinted down the halls to kiss Husk's face.
“Love ya too, Husky!” Angel yelled happily, kissing the cat demon's cheeks and lips over and over.
Husk clutched him tight in a hug. “I’m sorry, Baby.”
“I know, I know, Husky.” Angel whispered. “Let’s get ya sobered up, Baby. Then we can cuddle with Nuggs.”
“Love Nuggs.” Husk mumbled as Angel picked him up, his wings dragging behind them.
“Aw~” Millie cooed as the girls joined the rest of the group in the front.
“Well, it’s late.” Charlie said.
Vaggie placed her hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “Feel free to stay the night.”
They suddenly heard pounding from Blitzo and Stolas’s room.
“Ew.” Loona and Octavia said.
“I just fixed that damn wall!” Vaggie huffed and shook her head.
Niffty offered her the last brownie, the taller demon smiling at her as they dispersed.
Angel rubbed the base of Husk’s ears as he purred into his chest fluff.
“Ya wrong, Baby.” Angel said.
Husk moaned sleepily.
“We good.” Angel said, pulling the other into a kiss. “Together.”
“Shut up.” Angel chuckled. “Just stay close to me. And love me like ya do, okay?”
“Love ya, Angel...” Husk agreed.
“Love ya too, Husky~”
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cipher-club · 4 years
I finally made a video about them 😍😍😍
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