#mr. horrible gemini who gives gemini's a bad name
xfindingtrouble · 1 year
ellis as king would have been one of the worst things to ever happen to ferelden
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elencelebrindal · 5 years
Saint Seiya - Legend Of Sanctuary
Ok, I need to rant a little bit about this. This movie, as amazing as it looked, could have been way better than it is. 
And the worst thing is, it started off really well!
The opening scene with the fight between Aiolos, Shura and Saga was absolutely amazing, captivating even. A perfect way to introduce the story, instead of jumping straight to the present day like the Classic Series does. 
Arles then appears, and the visuals of Athena’s colossus are stunning, but when the Bronze Saints are introduced... well, I have to say I was disappointed in how they decided to represent the Cloths.  On their own, all the Cloths are amazing. But, if you ask me about them while keeping them in the Saint Seiya universe, I can only say they were wrong. Instead of, I don’t know, sacred and whatnot, the seemed technological, much more like the Steel Saints from the 80′s series. The same goes for the Gold Cloths, with the added damage of being so damn full of stuff it’s too much for one armor. 
Looks aside, we then get to know their personalities, and to me they seemed a bit... off. I don’t know, but I had a hard time recognizing Seiya & co as the characters I loved in the original. They were weird.  Seiya, especially, was a damn dumbass, and I hated him. I already don’t like his character a whole lot, being full of bullshit and protagonist luck more than actual skill, but this made everything worse for me. 
Then, Phtolemy (listen, I don’t know how to call this excuse of a man, in Italy he has a different name so I hope I got it right) appeared out of nowhere with a friggin crossbow and shot Athena, who is fine?! I mean, yeah, we then learn it was a mean for Saga to get her cosmos (a bullshit on its own), but come on!  Thank goodness for Ikki, the only character who I genuinely loved from start to finish (ok, maybe Shiryu gets the silver medal, but whatever).
And now, everyone off to the Sanctuary, that is some floating stuff coming straight from a crossover between Marvel’s Asgard, futuristic architecture, ancient architecture and egyptian references.  What a mess. What a horrible mess.  Again, on its own, the Sanctuary is amazing. The visuals are perfect, the idea fascinating, but my goodness it’s so wrong in this context!
You don’t understand how happy that scene with Shiryu talking and no one listening made me, a little bit of good humor in this movie after Seiya acting like an idiot. 
And now, onto the 12 Temples.  Aries, the first one, met my expectations. I didn’t like how they designed Mu, but I enjoyed every second of this part. They got his character right, they got Shiryu knowing him right, and that’s enough for me.  Taurus, the second. I absolutely loved it. Aldebaran had an amazing personality, which they got right from the original series, and the fight scene was really good. I don’t like Seiya, but what’s there is there.  They straight up avoided Gemini’s Temple, so... that’s a strike for me. Cancer. My god, Cancer. I don’t even know how I felt during that. They took one of the best bastards of the Sanctuary and turned him into... a singing diva with murderous tendencies? Yeah, no. Cool, but not for him. Moreover, the Italian dub of the movie added another pearl to the string of irony, with his voice actor being the same one who voices Mr. Crab (a crab, got it?). I cringed so much during that part, I was grateful for Shiryu to the point of tears.  Aquarius, because for whatever damn reason, the order got completely ignored. But fine, this was the best of them all. The characters were perfect, the fight scene was cool, and I only felt bad for how little screen time Camus received. All in all, a good part. Leo started as a good one, but then got lost in whatever plot device they chose to have Shaka intervene instead of him being faithful to the Grand Pope’s orders like he should have been. Visuals and fight scene get a 10/10 from me, but that’s it.  We didn’t get to see two Temples after this, so straight to the Scorpio Temple. Only for Seiya and Shun to be yeeted away to the next house, because apparently Milo (who for some reason is a woman but fine, at this point I don’t care, and besides she was good for being wrong) hates people ruining her Temple. I loved her fighting style, the Scarlett Needle was the best part of this movie I swear.  But yeah, the Sagittarius Temple is perfect for Shura too, right? Another Temple we’re not going to see, since Capricorn decided to fight there. No reason explained. But, oh well, Excalibur wasn’t bad.  Ikki’s entrance best arrival of the century? Hell yeah. Too bad he gets wrecked by Shura three seconds later. 
And what happens during all this?  Athena, who’s still able to use her cosmos, saves the situation and BOOM, everyone is happy and an ally after five seconds of talking. What a miracle. 
And let me tell you, poor Aphrodite. He gets less than a minute of screentime (and how many? 16 words spoken in the Italian dub) before being sent to the Shadow Realm Another Dimension. That was the worst, for me. He deserved so much better than that crap and less than a pained word for him from Mu. So. Much. Better. He was one of the best designed Saints too! 
At this point, the story only felt rushed. There was no logic anymore, no sense of plot, nothing.  Arles revealed himself as Saga (oh what a surprise), and... what? I mean, up to him wrecking Seiya I followed, but after? What the hell was that? What the hell was everything that happened!? And, on top of that, why in the Seven Hells would the Sagittarius Cloth work like that on Seiya, but normally on Aiolos? It made no fucking sense! None!
But yeah, Seiya saves the day because why do you even need the other Saints when you’re the most bullshitted protagonist out there, and the movie ends with Athena giving a speech? And a hidden scene of her birthday party?
I was so done with this movie.  Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate it. Taken on its own, it’s good. The problem is, this movie cannot be taken on its own.  You need background knowledge to understand what’s happening with the plot, and that background knowledge is what ruins everything. You can’t make a movie that requires you to know about the original series, only to take the original series and warp it in every which way possible. 
Anyways, kudos to designers and animators, they’re the real heroes out there.  Maybe I’ll rant more specifically on the Cloths on another day, maybe I won’t. But I needed to get this out of my system.  Really needed to. 
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mynameisdreartblog · 5 years
Romantic Composers 1
Aries: Amy Beach. Instigation is such an amazing concept: there can be absolutely no why behind any of your actions. For instance, I could pick up this turd out of my toilet and throw it against the bathroom wall. «Yes, but will you? Heaven knows you can’t commit.» Ah, you see, that’s the point: I don’t have to commit. The mere thought of it is already changing the circumstances we reside in. «I can agree: I went from thinking your weird to thinking you’re incredibly weird: The turd-slinger lifestyle took a hold of you.» Mór, I’ll toss as much shit as I desire. […]  <The setting shifts towards a misty field, where there is a howling wind blowing the red fumes of a nearby cauldron. They lead back to a druid’s cave, known as such because there’s a sign that says there’s a druid in it.> «Ha ha ha! What lies instore for our duo? I sense irrational actions and grievous misfortune.» <A stereotypically timed lighting strike occurs in the background.> […]  «Réa, what’s up with you? You’re looking out at nothing with your hands on the toilet seat.» …Fucking hell, I think I sensed something devilish among here. <Réamonn takes their other hand out of the toilet, still soaked from the toilet water. Mór grabs their hand and shoves it back into the toilet bowl with an angry expression.> «What? No. If you’re gonna be here, you should commit to the bit!» <An argumentative feud erupts between the two.> Aye, you fucking cunt! I know when to stop, and you’re the one taking this too far. «Not to be a joker, but you’re far too deep in the shite to quit now.» […] <We return back to the mist of the druid’s cave, and here we can see him cackling at the recent misfortune he brewed.> «Ha ha ha! I’m the mastermind behind all of the world’s divisive pitifulness! So much that I killed my previous assistant over scratching my rings!» <The druid’s crow squawks at him, because druid’s have birds now.> «Right, I know that’s a horrible tale, but nobody’s around to hear it!» […] <We cut back to Réamonn and Mór fighting.> «What’s gotten into you?» That’s, argh, what I’m, humph, trying to f-figure out! <Toilet water begins to splash all over the room.> «Right, next thing you’re gonna tell me that you decided that you’re the plumber.» <So, the two mess around in the bathroom for what seems like an hour until Réa’s mum comes in to yell at both of them.> «What the fuck are the both of you doing? I’ve been trying to take a shower in the other bathroom this whole time, and the only thing that’s been running is water colder than the farmer’s bog in November!»
Gemini: Louis Gottschalk. I smell someone, someone fishy here. It smells like someone here has a recent history of being too comfortable with colonialist apologia for French actions. Hmm, who is this person? I guess we’ll never know: We may never be able to find the baguette. Mmm, I can just smell the sweet, delectable French bread from here. Mmm, mmm, mmm… <Heavy sniffing starts to occur, with it rampantly becoming more violent.>  Damn, it just smells SO GOOD. The French did nothing wrong except make these beignets way too damn mouth-watering: Mmm, mmm, mmm. Damn, I’d love me some of them right now to fill up my gullet. I just can’t control myself around that sweet French bread: I haven’t harmed anyone yet, but if they got in the way of my French bread, you’d have no idea what I’d do to get it. MMM, MMM, MMM. That French bread just makes me wanna <scronch>, and then <freerf>, and then <sus>. Mmm, mmm, mmm, I can smell it from here: It tastes so good; I need it in my tummy immediately. I never had a full piece of French bread before. FREERF, YEERF, SLUUURP, GADORF, MEONG, PADOOK, GURK LURP, SCHLIPPITY SCHLURP, PUHTAW, OOKARH, MEONG, DING DONG, KALOOKA, NOISOME, MMM. I love bread a lot, more than I loved my own family: My own family was turned into bead and sliced up by this maniac who loved pizza as much as I loved bread. I am a yeast of my own parts, I denounce my citizenship and move to France, I am now the one sane person left in this world. GAJOINK, BREKKIE, LOLISH, NAMBODE, ANGKOR WATT, MIRANDA WARNING, ZOOMIES, BOOMIES. I love bread. […] As you know, I’m quite the fan of bread, and I have a loaf of it right now. I think it’s time to "dive right in" as they say. [,] PUHTAW, that was awful! I took may too much bread in my mouth, but that was my favorite onomatopoeia to describe how this bread came out of my mouth. TIGERS JAW, SHOSPEL COLUPIS, SWOOCE, FUNNY BREAD, BREAD FUNNY, WOO, YAY, HURRAY FOR BREAD. ’Cause if you don’t <freerf>, then you can’t <swooce>, so how are you gonna <sus> or <jodge>? It just doesn’t make <se-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ns.> Hamburger: You make a hamburger with bread. Can’t have a hamburger with no bread! MMM, MMM, MMM, I love hamburgers. <jodge.>  […] But seriously, we all know that defending empires is bad? I don’t care if that empire gives you as much bread as you want, you’re still a slave and only through that empire can you get measly bread: Not the fulfilling kind of bread, the crumbs of the crumbs.
Scorpio: Giuseppe Verdi. <We’re greeted to a bustling city scene, there are many people on the street: Some wacky, some not so wacky. Here, we see Juyeon walking with her mom to the local market because she’s short of cabbage.> Mom, why are we here? «Your father always eats an absurd amount of cabbage, sweetie. And he gets very grumpy and resistant to doing chores when he doesn’t have it, so that’s why we’re here.» <Juyeon never believed that story; she never saw her dad eat a single piece of lettuce before.> Okay <she says in a very unsatisfied voice. All the while, the bustling of the urbanity dominates the atmosphere. Somehow, in the midst of this crowd, Juyeon’s ears pick up on a particular voice.> «I’m a lost adventurer, looking for the rest of my forgotten crew! Who wants to volunteer to be the child character in the middle of an adventure group that has to travel through hell and back? We’re looking for any psychic children to help aid us on our journey.» <The lost adventurer kept yelling this ad from the cat-corner, and in the midst of those words, the term "psychic children" caught Juyeon’s ear.> Say, mister! <Juyeon notices her mom eyeing cabbage, and takes this opportunity to investigate something her mom would normally disagree with. Hesitantly, the adventurer noticed Juyeon wobbling towards them.> You said something about psychic children, mister? «Why, yes! You must know that, prior to this, I was part of a band of four with the guts like me: We travelled many lands many dimensions even. We were all so young and filled with a look of wonder towards all we did.» Lots of kids have done what you said, but you’re trying to say there was something special about yours? Also, this must’ve been a long time ago ’cause you look like you’re my mom’s age. [,] «What you never knew is that we were all blessed with psychic powers… Long story short: They ended up being a burden to ourselves after our journey was done, and we tore each other apart spiritually.»  [,] All of that sounds cool, but I feel like it’s a bit too, uh…  «Hamfisted?» It has nothing to do with ham, but I kinda get the "fist" part. [,] It’s a bit… «Ominous?» Isn’t that like, a fruit? I don’t get it is what I’m saying. Where does the psychic stuff come from? Why did you end up here out of all places? Why did you grow out of it? Like, ugh, I don’t know… I thought this would be cool, but now I’m not sure. [,] «Hmm, I can tell, whenever you came into my line-of-sight, that there was something whimsical about you: A part of you that has yet to transcend into regression with age. You’re asking where the psychic energy comes from not out of cynicism but curiosity… I might as well demonstrate to you where it comes from.» <The lost adventurer points their fingers up into the air, channels an energy, and a bolt of technicolor light courses through it from above. As soon as Juyeon would be able to understand the demonstration, her mother angrily grabs her and pulls her back into the market.> «Don’t run off like that!»
Capricorn: Hector Berlioz. <There’s a grand trunk that spikes out from the rest of the wetlands: It towers over all the other ghostly trees. It seems to represent a glimpse into the future: One emphasized by its continued existence over the temporariness of the other woods around it.> «Are those wetlands, Mr. Robichaux?» You know, I like to say there’s no dumb questions, but that’s a dumb question: We are miles away from any wetlands. <The shuttle-bus hops up a bit as it goes over a bit of uneven road, causing Ikto to lose their hold on the window.> «I don’t know, it looks pretty swampy to me.» All swamps are wetlands, but not all wetlands are swamps. You learned this in third-grade science, c’mon now. <The shuttle-bus full of the band kids rolls over yet another snag in the road, causing turbulence that allows a mic-stand in the back to fall over.> Oof, that sounded like it was expensive: Good thing it’s not coming out of my paycheck and I can still afford ravioli. <As soon as that sound was created, the neglected oak remarked about earlier had water vapor gravitating towards it, an unusual sign in nature for sure. We cut back to Vinnie attempting to fill out a crossword puzzle about sewing terms: Something far out of his purview and a task made only more difficult by the rocking of the bus.> Itko, er, <Vinnie forgets the real name of the student.> Do you know what they call the machine involved in all yarn production processes? «That’s called a spinneret, Mr. Robichaux.» Is that spelled with two Ts and an E? Because that doesn’t fit in the boxes given. «There’s only one T with no extra E at the end.» Ah, perfect. <The water vapor condenses more and more around the grand trunk to the point where, despite the bus being two miles away from it, has already spawned storm clouds around its natural base. We cut back to Vinnie filling out #9 on the crossword puzzle.> «Nobody told us it was gonna rain outside today. Look, there’s already grey clouds in the sky!» <That could be heard from another student in the back of the bus: Vinnie either didn’t hear this or he willfully ignored it. He begins to whisper angrily to himself:> What kinda question is that: "Disengages all but the bobbin weaver?" Like I’m supposed to know any of this! <The collected water formed around the tree stump brings upon a ferocious storm: One with a name and a vengeance. Immediately, the storm moved at unreal speeds towards the bus. «It’s really windy right now!» How do you know that? Is it because you’re sticking your hands out the window, like you shouldn’t be doing‽ «I wasn’t sticking any of my limbs out the window!» Yeah, right. <Audible thunder edges closer to the bus, prompting the bus-driver, Elm, to push harder on the pedal. Ikto speaks up again.> «Mr. Robichaux, I’m scared of that tree.» Relax, it’s only the sign of a story before heading onto the highway: It means nothing and it’s distracting you. <A beam of concentrated lighting zooms past Vinnie’s window, likely a missed shot from the vengeful oak. Vinnie is too busy focusing on the puzzle to even notice.> Why are you all being so loud?
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sweetshadcw · 5 years
Tumblr media
i’m  angry  as  HECK  because  my  laptop  decided  to  shutdown  halfway  through  me  writing  this  so  i  gotta  write  it  all  over  again  but  hello  it’s  your  local  garbage  can  e  back  with  another  muse  —  a  mans  this  time  because  i  really  needed  to  channel  my  overwhelming  love  for  sebastian  stan  into  something  sjhsjg  ANYWAY  u  know  what  to  do,  hit  the  like  or  dm  me  for  all  the  plots  !
[   MUSE   85   ]   ●●   is  that  SEBASTIAN  STAN  ?  no,  that’s  just  OLIVER  SINCLAIR,  the  38  year  old  CISMALE  who  is  a  HIGH  SCHOOL  PHYSICS  TEACHER.  some  say  they’re  FICKLE  AND  SELF - INDULGENT,  but  their  family  and  friends  will  swear  they’re  CHARMING  AND  ADROIT.  when  i  think  of  them,  i  think  of  blasting  music  on  full  volume,  leather  bomber  jackets,  getting  drunk  on  a  friday  night,  glow  in  the  dark  stars,  making  bad  decisions.  i  wonder  if  HIS  family  knows  that  HE  HAD  AN  AFFAIR  WITH  HIS  BROTHER’S  EX - WIFE.   ●●
full name: oliver henry sinclair
nickname(s): ollie (but don’t call him that if you’re not family)
age: thirty-eight
date of birth: june 18th
zodiac sign: gemini
place of birth: ashcroft, ma
gender: cismale
sexual orientation:  bisexual
romantic orientation: biromantic
occupation: high school physics teacher
hogwarts house: slytherin
okie dokie, so oliver henry sinclair is the younger of the two sinclairs (actually.... idk how many siblings there are but for now let’s just say they’re two. he’s still the youngest tho) being born into a wealthy family, it’s no surprise that he grew up to be a little bit spoiled.
as a teenager (and even throughout his college years) he was quite the delinquent, constantly getting into and causing trouble with his friends. despite that, he excelled in his academics, especially in stem subjects. he wasn’t a genius, but he’s up there in terms of intelligence.
he !! loves space !! this boy is a literal space nerd ok he actually screamed when he saw the black hole photo but won’t admit it to anyone jskjd he DEFINITELY wanted to be an astronaut when he was younger and if his was ambitious enough, he could’ve been an astrophysicist.
unlike the rest of his family, he was never interested in business. so instead of working with his family, he decided to teach physics at ashcroft high school. he didn’t expect to love it so much, but he just gets along with his students so well ?? oliver is literally a 17 y/o boy in a 38 y/o man’s body.
AIGHT time for the spiciest part of intros: the secret. so around 17/18ish years ago, oliver had an affair with ariana sinclair bryson oakley who, at the time, was married to her older brother. definitely not one of his proudest moments, but you can’t really turn back time, can you? especially not when you end up conceiving a child (that to this day you’re not even sure is yours)
tbh oliver just wants to be in a committed relationship with someone he actually loves but he won’t even let himself have that considering the amount of ppl he’s hooked up with since college. lmao help him.
( 1/1 ) best friend: bonus points if they’re childhood friends, but this person is basically oliver’s ride or die. they’d do anything for each other and they just !! love each other a lot !! they’re probably each other’s platonic soulmate ok give me this connection thanks
( 0/?? ) past hookups: oliver,,,,, gets around ok. any gender because he doesn’t care but tbh this could go so many ways !! is it angsty ?? akward ?? are they somehow still friends ?? who knows ??
( 0/?? ) fwb: i mean ?? come on what else can you expect from Mr I Can’t Commit srjsg it’s just a suggestion tho bc *luna ward-lowell vc* i’m a child and i can’t do nsfw threads sgfng
( 0/?? ) exes: he’s got a lot, i’ll tell you that akjrsg i mean it’s probably because he was a horrible boyfriend throughout high school and college but whether it’s angsty or they’re still friends or there are some lingering feelings on either end i will take them ALL
( 0/?? ) friends: generic but like,,,, pls. my boy needs friends. he grew up in ashcroft so maybe childhood friends ?? pals from high school/college ?? he’s a teacher too so maybe teacher friends ?? anything goes my dudes
( 0/?? ) students: at this point i’m just spitballing ok ?? but oliver is a p chill teacher and i kind of want that to reflect in his relationships with his students ?? just them being close n shit ?? or maybe they’re annoyed with him for some reason ?? i’ve typed so many question marks in this whole intro am i ok
literally anything pls love me and my baby !!
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nordictwin · 7 years
Meeting Her - A TittM AU
This is a little something for @tsume-yuki, to both wish you (late) happy birthday and thank you for adding my ideas for the father-daughter reunion in TittM ^_^ And also just because you're a nice person. (As a fellow May child I would, however, like to point out that I’ve clearly got the better zodiac that this month offers - Gemini ftw).
I sent you an ask awhile back, concerning what would've happened if Ri had just grown up on Melring and Raowl never died. After doing some thinking, I decided to write my idea for it.
Melring is hot.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s certainly not a bad thing, Ace thinks, compared to the Winter islands he’s encountered. And now that he’s a living furnace, he really doesn’t care too much for the heat.
The only problem is the humidity. It’s horrible. It’s like breathing honey, not air.
Why in the name of all that was holy Pops had wanted to stop by this little patch of land, he had no idea. And right in the middle of its summer, too.
At least there are no Marines here, and the people seem friendly towards pirates. Almost as if it’s normal for them. Maybe it is. Ace doesn’t really care. All he worries about is whether or not the little restaurant he and Thatch have sought out will run out of food.
That’s where he meets her for the first time.
The serving girl is clad in a variety of browns and whites. A skirt, a short-sleeved shirt and sandals. An apron is tied around her waist, and her red hair is twisted into a messy bun. Oddly enough, her bangs go well past her eyes, so you’d think it’d obstruct her vision, but no. She expertly weaves in and out between the tables and chairs and pirates, trays full of plates and mugs stacked high on her arms and shoulders, like she doesn’t have a care in the world.
She’s kind of pretty, he thinks. Certainly unlike any girl he’s ever seen before.
She stops briefly and look at them for a moment. Then she nods in the direction of the bar. “No tables left, go sit and I’ll be right over. Oi, Hudson! Got two more customers over here!”
She off, then, back into the crowd.
He sees her again a little later, when she stops to take his and Thatch’s orders. “So, Whitebeard pirates, huh?” She says as she quickly scribbles down their orders on her little notepad. “That’s not something we’d expect to see around here”.
“That’s right, Sweetheart,” Thatch grins at her. “The strongest crew out there”.
The girl just smirks and grabs the trayful of drinks the bartender hands her. “I don’t know. More of a fan of the Red Hairs myself”.
She leaves and returns with food several times throughout the course of the evening. He spots her chatting it up with both locals and pirates alike, like it’s second nature to her. Just another day at work.
He shrugs it off. Assumes Melring is some kind of safe-haven for pirates, what with the sparse Marine influence.
Melring isn’t a safe-haven for pirates. That’s what Marco tells him the next day. It’s too far out of the way of any points of interest for many people, and the oceans around it are risky to cross. Only a few merchant vessels frequently visit the island, and mostly for one thing only.
“I assume you’ve heard of Dracule Mihawk? Hawk-Eyes?” Marco asks him, while they’re making their way up a hill on the outskirts of the town. “His sister, Dracule Raowl, lives here. She makes log poses. And pops is looking to get a specific one made”.
That kind of makes sense, Ace thinks. He doesn’t quite get why this woman has to live this far away from ordinary routes, but if he had wanted a life in peace... yeah, then it’d probably make sense to him, too, to find a hidden place like Melring to live on.
The house is a small construction, but well kept. There’s a big tree, from which a rope, that is strangely covered in rocks, hangs. There are no decorations, like he’d have expected, no flowers in the windows or by the door.
They go and knock on the door. It’s almost immediately opened by a dark haired woman with the most creepy, yellow eyes Ace has ever seen. She looks at him and Marco for a few moments, then raises a critical eyebrow.
“Now, what could possibly bring two of Whitebeards’ commanders to my doorstep?” She asks, although the tone of her voice implies that she knows exactly what they’re there for.
“Our Captain wishes to do business with you, Madam,” Marco says politely. Maybe even more than he usually would. Ace understands. This woman and her poison-eyes scream danger.
She sighs and shakes her head. “Very well. Just a moment,” she turns around and yells, “Riskua! Chickadee, come keep our guests company while I get the gear - we’ve got work to do!”
The woman disappears into the little house, and Ace looks at Marco and Marco looks at Ace, confused as hell. Who is she-
That’s when he meets her for the second time.
Red hair pulled out of the way by a dusty brown bandana, revealing identical, startling eyes, the serving girl from the day before appears in front of them, her skirt and shirt replaced by a tanktop and shorts. She looks at the in much the same way as her... sister? Mother? and smiles.
“Hello again,” she greets him. “It’s good to see you again, Mr. Fire Fist”.
Ace swallows, trying to figure out how words work. She’s showing off a lot more skin than the day before, and while her eyes are just as piercing, they somehow seem milder than those of the other woman. He blames it on her darker tan - the lightness of Dracule Raowl’s skin must be what makes them all the more creepy.
As if summoned, said woman appears. She looks between Ace and the girl, a hint of dry amusement in her eyes. “Have you met this person before, Chickadee?” She asks. Next to him, Marco smirks and Ace doesn’t know what it means, but he swears he’s going to feel his wrath at some later point.
Not in front of the short girl with ruby hair and eyes of sunlight.
“I served him and a lot of other Whitebeard pirates at the restaurant yesterday,” she explains. “But I never got around to introducing myself, did I?” She tilts her head to the side, then smiles and sticks out her hand in greeting. “As Mama just said, my name’s Riskua. Dracule Riskua”:
“Well shit,” Ace thinks. Pretty girl just got a little more dangerous than expected.
Dracule Riskua is interesting, and he finds himself getting more and more intrigued by her throughout the week or so they spend on Melring, while her mother (a mildly terrifying individual who used to be a pirate, but quit for unexplained reasons years prior - reasons that were suddenly explained to the Whitebeard pirates at the introduction of her only daughter) goes about making some of the most intricate and accurate Log Poses that has ever existed.
Supposedly, at least. Raowl herself claims to doing it just for the money, but Ace is convinced it’s some sort of artform to her by this point.
Riskua isn’t around all that much, in contrast to her mother spending almost all daylight hours upon the Moby. At least not mentally. When she’s not working at the restaurant he’d first met her at, she’s either training (Pops had given her permission to practice her combat and something called Haki against a few of his brothers as an added bonus to what he’ll pay Raowl) or scribbling away in one of the many notebooks she carries around. She engages in conversations with Marco and Thatch about things that are utterly foreign to him, but he still finds himself listening, because, you know, her voice is kind of nice and she’s intriguing, but whenever his eyes stay on her for too long he finds himself on the receiving end of Thatch’s teasing, and that’s kind of annoying.
For what it’s worth, however, she seems to find him interesting, too. Once a day while they’re there, she approaches him for a spar, and he finds himself engaged in conversations with her for hours on the hill by her house, talking about nothing and everything, while she waits for her mother to come home. (Ace isn’t too happy about leaving her in the house all alone. YES Melring might be one of the safest places, and YES she’s more than capable of taking care of herself, but... better safe than sorry).
She sees hi-them, them - the entire crew - off on the morning they’re leaving.
He wants her to go with them. She just shakes her head, no - she’s already got plans for when and how she’s setting out, she says - but presses her familiar bandana into his hands.
“You can use it as a scarf or something, though I don’t think you’ll ever need it,” she says. The grins she gives him is warm and beaming. “Off you go, Human Torch. We’ll meet again someday soon, I’m sure”.
She stands back down on the island, waving as the Moby sails away. Later Thatch all but assaults him, teasing him about his summer island sweetheart, and Haruta calls him brave for getting with Mihawk’s niece of all people.
He’s wearing that bandana around his neck when he meets her for the third time, about 6 months later.
Aka the day he realizes just how dangerous she is, and not just through her own power.
(It is also the day he understands why, upon meeting Riskua for the first time, Pops had just shaken his head and said, “Really, you went and had a child with him? You disappoint me, Dracule, I thought you had higher standards than that”. He’d promptly been punched in the arm for it).
Out of all the places he could possibly meet Dracule Riskua again, he did not expect it to be aboard the Red Force - vessel of one Red Hair Shanks.
And yet, there she is, now sporting a wide-brimmed sunhat of pale straw, grinning and waving at him from where the other ship is anchored right next to the Moby. 
Fuck, he’s screwed. He can tell, just by looking at Red Hair (the glare he’s getting is withering) that he’s officially on his shit-list. And he was doing so well with the man Luffy idolizes.
Fuck his life. Honestly, fuck it.
Because now that they’re side-by-side, the resemblance is uncanny. It couldn’t be more obvious, really. If it weren’t for the eyes, you’d think Riskua was just a female copy of the other Yonko.
No wonder she was a bigger fan of the Red Hairs than the Whitebeards, like she’d told him the first time he saw her, he should’ve known. But he didn’t, and he got involved, and now he’s in so much trouble. Thatch puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Or he thinks it’s supposed to be comforting, until he says, “Well, it was nice knowing you, little brother!”
Ace is going to hurt him. Thatch is in for a world of hurt. That is, if Red Hair doesn’t hurt him first.
Shanks goes off to have a chat with Pops, and the crews take the time to mingle politely. Riskua immediately seeks him out, smiling warmly.
“It’s good to see you guys again,” she bows her head in greeting.
“You’re Red Hair’s daughter and Hawk-Eyes niece,” Thatch states, more or less in awe. She nods. “How in the world did that happen?”
Ace splutters and hits Thatch in the shoulder. “Don’t ask a lady that sort of questions!”
To his great embarrassment (and hers, it seems) she actually answers the question.
“I don’t know, I’m really not interested in knowing my parents’ sex-life,” she coughs into her fist awkwardly, trying to hide what Ace assumes is blush behind the brim of that hat. “I’m just the result of a happy little accident, I guess”.
Thatch is then called away to have a chat with the Red Hairs’ cook, leaving Ace with the fucking daughter of Red Hair Shanks. He suddenly realizes where a lot of her skill and strength comes from - not just her mother and uncle, but very intimidating father, as well.
“So you were referring to setting out with Red Hair, back then?” He asks casually. They’re strolling around the deck, she looking around in wonder, and she laughs.
“Nah, not really,” her smile is brilliant and her eyes shine like the sun. “You see, Papa used to tell me stories of this kid he met in East Blue. Wanted to be Pirate King, he said. And he’s convinced he can do it, too. And I thought to myself: that sounds like a man I want to follow - trying to be Pirate King, just for the freedom of it. Then, not too long ago, he told me met the brother of that little boy - a brother who told him of a promise made to set out at age 17″.
Age feels his heart halt, then beat even faster than he thought possible. Did she...?
“So I decided to do something similar. Papa was more than happy to take me on as a temporary crewmember - just until I get the hang on things. Learn about life at sea and such. And when that boy sets out, I’m going to go look for him,” her grin is wide and happy.
Ace finds himself grinning back. She’s going to sail with Luffy. She’s going to join forces with his brother.
Red Hair’s daughter has just endeared herself more to him than before, without even realizing it.
She touches the cloth around his neck.
“I didn’t think you’d actually keep this,” she says. “I’m flattered, Fire Fist”.
He gives her his necklace in exchange. Something to remember him by, he explains - both to her and to himself.
Though he wonders why he’d even think she might want to remember him.
Shanks leaves and takes his pretty daughter with him, but not before staring him down and threatening him with all kinds of pain if he touches so much as a hair upon his “darling little princess”.
Coincidentally, the next time Ace sees her (technically), is on a bounty poster. The picture shows her standing tall and proud, daggers in her hands, and his necklace hanging proudly around her throat. The brim of her hat covers half of her face so only one eye is visible, making her look proud and menacing. 
The text identifies her as Riskua, Princess of the Red Hair Pirates. Ace thinks it suits her.
Thatch, the bastard, won’t stop asking about “his princess” after that, though.
Time moves on and a lot of things change. His world shifts in an incredibly short amount of time.
Riskua’s bounty poster changes a lot, from what he catches in brief glimpses, and not just in the amount they promise to give for her head. At some point a “Dracule” is added, when the Marines realize her maternal heritage. Later on, it simply says “Dracule Riskua”, after she’s left her father’s crew.
For awhile there’s no info on her. Like she’s disappeared. And he worries, even though he doesn’t know why. She’s just a girl - an incredibly pretty and nice and strong and clever girl, but just another girl in the long run. (That’s what he tries to convince himself of, anyways).
So he’s incredibly happy (happier than he should be) that when he finally meets up with Luffy again, there’s a girl with ruby hair and eyes of sunshine with him, a happy smile on her face. Hat still in place, his necklace still hanging from that slender neck. 
He’s lost a lot. A lot of the time, he thinks he deserves it.
But he allows himself to be happy that she’s okay. That she still wants to associate with him, even through something as simple as wearing something that was precious to him, but given freely to her.
Maybe... maybe he can allow himself to love this girl.
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devilsknotrp · 5 years
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Congratulations, Kris! You have been accepted for the role of Heather Wheeler (FC change: Zendaya). Heather is such an overachiever who’s been completely wrapped up in Kelly’s grasp and you nailed her! You’ve added so much depth to her backstory and I can’t wait to see her on the dash!  Please have a look at this page prior to sending in your account.
Name: Kris Age:  20 Pronouns: She/Her Timezone: EST Activity estimation: I can commit to around an hour or two of activity a night on weekdays. However, my weekends aren’t ever planned and I cannot give a completely accurate estimate of what those will look like in terms of activity. Triggers: N/A
Full name: Heather Lucille Wheeler Age (DD/MM/YYY): (03/07/1978); Cancer Sun, Gemini Moon, Virgo Rising Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual. Occupation: High school senior. Connection to Victim: Heather doesn’t really know them. Sure, she had seen Beth around school a couple of times but it’s not like they were friends. Her aunt isn’t very active in the community, so she wouldn’t have met Mrs. Goode; therefore, this whole case is pretty distant from her. She does feel incredibly bad that Brian has gone missing, and has devoted just as much time as everyone else to making sure that he comes home safely. Alibi: “Kelly was hosting one of her Saturday practices. Yes, it was horrible, and freezing cold. I mean – who takes cheerleading that seriously? The only reason why I showed up was because we have a huge competition coming up, and even considering that I was still skeptical.” Faceclaim: Zendaya
I fucking hate my life. Heather thought as she rounded the track for the third time. It was a Thursday afternoon, and school had just let out. Track practice was in full swing and she was reconsidering her decision to join. She had participated in four extracurricular activities today: the debate club which met before school, a student council meeting that took the place of her study hall period, an impromptu cheerleading practice during lunch because Kelly felt like they still weren’t ready for the competition on Friday, and now track practice. She was fucking drained.
It was exhausting living her life. Somehow, her aunt had thrown her into this mindset that the only way to be successful was to be involved in everything. Of course, by default Heather barely wanted to be included in anything. Yes, she was a part of every club you could think of, but her role in each was pretty mediocre. There was nothing about Heather that stuck out, or made her anymore noticeably than anyone else. This was definitely done on purpose. In all actuality, she just wanted to get the fuck out of this place. All of her hard work was finally paying off, and she knew that she would get into her dream school on the west coast. As far away from Devil’s Knot, Michigan that a 4.0 grade point average, and stellar class activity involvement could get her.
She was focusing intently on the head bobbing in front of her as her thoughts wondered to the pack of cigarettes hanging out in her bag. She had gone through a pack already this week, and it was only Wednesday. At this point she either had a raging nicotine addiction, or was stressed the fuck out. She’d prefer to claim it was the latter. Her life wasn’t completely horrible. She was generally okay most days, just not living her best life. However, after four years of being you it was hard to change. Sometimes she just wanted to pop out of her shell and scream – “I’m only one person, I can’t do everything!” …. But then again, the thought of screaming anything gave her crippling anxiety, so that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon.
A slight giggle escaped her lips as she pondered over this fact, and relief flooded throughout her body as she reached the fence. Finally, her pre-practice conditioning was done, and she could escape for a ‘bathroom’ break. “Hey coach, I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be back,” she called out, leaning down to rummage through her backpack, settling on her toiletry bag and starting across the grass and towards the field restrooms. Her beloved bike sheds were only a few steps past those small concrete buildings, covered by a few trees. Her mouth had begun to twitch as she anticipated placing a cigarette between her lips. “Thank goodness,” she sighed aloud as she rounded the last tree. A cigarette already in her mind as she couldn’t help rummaging through her bag to retrieve one on her way over here.
It was only a few seconds before she had it between her lips and lit, a long pull following. She tried to keep her smoking habit a secret, but she had been caught a couple of times by various people. It was a disgusting habit, and she really wanted to stop, but it was hard to find the willpower. She had control of everything in her life, and it was nice even if it sounded crazy to let something take control of her for once.
Heather is a closeted bisexual. Not in a hide in the bathroom, and kiss inside a stall type of way… more so a “I don’t even know that I really like girls” type of way. She’s had a few moments when she’s looked at Kelly and thought “Wow, she’s fucking hot,” but everyone finds people of their same gender attractive right? It’s almost like finding yourself attractive in a way.
In reality, Heather only finds Kelly attractive because she’s just as high strung as she is. In Heather’s eyes it comes across as determined… but the both of them are just batshit crazy. 
When she’s not participating in one of her many after school activities she likes to sit out in the woods. It’s quiet, and sometimes it’s nice to be alone. She’ll take a couple of schoolbooks, a snack, and just hide behind the trees watching the road. Only a few cars pass by, and the rumbling of the engines mixing with the hum of nature is soothing. Now that Brian has gone missing, she’s strayed from that spot, not from fear directly – she just hasn’t had the opportunity to return just yet.
She doesn’t listen to much music, it’s distracting. Especially when she’s trying to study; which is more times than not. When she hangs out with Julie, she’s more open to doing ‘fun’ things, but only so she’ll shut up about it. 
Heather takes pride in the fact that she is dependable. She gets things done correctly the first time. Wasting time isn’t something she’s fond of, and she would rather take her time to get it right rather than rush and do a mediocre job.
Her parents were both alcoholics. She was hiding in her bedroom closet during one of their routine arguments when her father shot her mother, and then turned the gun on himself. Heather was only five. She moved to Devil’s Knot with her aunt soon after, and pushed the memory to the back of her head. Even the appearance of alcohol seems to trigger her, so she stays as far away from it as she can. She absolutely refuses to drink it, and will freak out at anyone drinking in her presence.
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gemini-62-blog · 7 years
A different post
Hey babes! Thought I wouldn’t be back? So did I, but after y’all were all over my dm’s asking for a comeback, I decided to be a nice beach (wrote this way on purpose, I’m not dumb, okay?) and not only post again but also give my blog a fresh, still classy new look. Here’s the thing, it is hard to stick with my famous person’s life and all of this work. But my manager said it would be a good thing for me to share a little bit with my loyal fans, and you know what? I missed you guys! And I had my birthday less than a month ago, so yeah, for those who are interested, contact me and I’ll give you my P.O. box so you can send me jewelery (and yes, it can be written jewelry, jewellery ot jewelery I have told I ain’t dumb!).
All jokes aside, if you remember my last post I said it was hard to stick with something, and it is! But I actually ended up watching 13 Reasons Why. I really liked it, and it made me be a little less of a beach towards other people, because you really don’t know what they are going through. Just kidding, I am not that bad, I can be a massive beach, one of those next to the dead sea, because I can also be as salty as it gets, but that is usually when I am facing someone who is full of themselves. “Try me, try me.” That usually the vibe I give to those people, but don’t think I can’t attack, you know. I bite, I am not an annoying pinsher, that only barks. Anyway, even with those people I have started to calm down and understand how much they just hate themselves, which is pretty sad. The best way to win while fighting those people is to understand that no one really wins unless both of you win. Get to their heart and try to make them understand that they don’t need to have that barrier. I hate when people have barriers to make their insecurities less visible, to be honest, it will only makes them even more noticeable. If you really aren’t in the mood to make a good action, just walk away without fighting and show them how little you care. Their victory won’t taste the same. I think if you believe in karma you will end up being way happier. Feeling that whatever force you believe in, (universe, god, etc.) sooner or later will make everyone pay for what they did wrong, makes you face life with good positive energy that will help you being more successful and happy, therefore, succeed over those who do not behave in a correct way. Having morals is the most valuable thing in someone. So, if you kinda stayed away from 13 Reasons Why because of all the attention it got on the media (which I don’t blame you) I really think you should go for it and binge watch the motherfricker. Things won’t make much sense until around episode 10, but it will still be awesome. But get one thing in your mind, there are no reasons that can justify a suicide. I once heard that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, but the thing is that suicide isn’t even a solution under any circumstance. I don’t think that was the message of the show, or the book that inspired the show, but I know they got a ton of backlash for representing Hannah as a hero, which I don’t think they did, but I can understand what people mean when they say that. By the way, am I the only one who doesn’t really like Tony? I think the character was annoying, and the actor absolutely sucked, but everyone seemed to love him. And Clay isn’t hot, please people! It is like when Tom Hiddleston (who? I know, right?) started “dating” (#mymanagerisbetterthanyours) Tay Tay (or should I say miss Cray Cray?) and everyone was saying he was super hot. He is a 7/10 at most. There are a bunch of people considered hot specially here on tumblr and they are just okay, in my opinion. I think what people see as beautiful is easily manipulated. I do have a image of what makes a woman pretty, and what makes the perfect woman body, but I have no idea when it comes to men. Weird, right? And it is my own preference, it isn’t something manipulated, at least I don’t think so. Whatever, I think overall everything can be attractive as long as you rock it (back to this expression since slay is so 2016). And listen, I thought personality played a big role in attraction, but only recently I realized how huge of a role it really plays. I had a very interesting conversation with someone, interesting to a level that I don’t think I had even experienced, and it made me realize that I am not weird for not falling in love, I just need someone who can be interesting to me. Basically I am super picky, but it isn’t on purpose, I guess it just happens, and I am not particularly mad about it. When it happens, it happens, no pressure. 
Before going into some things that really have no value, like discussing pop culture as usual, I wanna talk a little bit more about me. (ASTROLOGY TALK ALERT) I have already mentioned how I can be a beach. And I feel like that is one of the downsides of being a gemini. I have a ton of planets in gemini, and that makes me a bit of an unbalanced person. But hey, I think that is what makes me special. I do have my ascendent in virgo which does help me and keeps my feat on the ground, kinda balancing me, but still. Being a gemini helps me being great with words and, therefore, with people, since I know how to choose my words, and the right attitude to approach them. It also is the sign of intelligence. My greatest gift is my mind, my thoughts, my ideas. While some people have a huge will power and balance and some others have the ability to turn a plan into reality, geminis are usually behind all of that, we represent the idea, a mind that moves at the speed of light not to create an actual object but rather an idea, a plan. That is overall a characteristic of air signs (gemini, aquarius and libra) but mostly of geminis, other signs a have other “powers”. But it is not for no reason that a lot of people don’t really love geminis. It is not like we are some kind of magical creatures, well, we are, just like any other human being. There are amazing and horrible people from all zodiac signs, and don’t forget we are all a mix of signs, we have a bit of different signs, and it is kinda like different ingredients that melt into a final result. Some ingredients mix well, while some others don’t. We all have some flaws and some gifts, and it is our job to work on our flaws throughout our existence. For example, Donald Trump is a gemini. I know, it sucks.. But so is Angelina Jolie, Prince, Johnny Deep, Troye Sivan, Daniel Howell and Morgan Freeman. But if you look at some of those people, you see some common characteristics. A lot of the time they are very talented, or very good at something, but they definitely have an a*shole side to their personality. An arrogance, this sense of superiority, this beachy attitude and the characteristic I wanted to refer, they play mind games. I will give you some names so you can kind of see what I’m talking about. As I have already mentioned, Donald Trump, Angelina Jolie, Johnny Deep, but also others like Marilyn Monroe, Naomi Campbell, Emily Ratajkowski and what better example than Mr. Kanye West himself? All of this to say that people are easily manipulated, and since geminis can be quite good at this, we do have a tendency to play mind games. For what reason? Simply because it can be fun for us. Sometimes I (I am not gonna keep on talking about all geminis, because we are all different, but I do identify with these characteristics; keep in mind that you can be a gemini and not be like this at all, since your birth chart can balance this kind of behavior, or even intensify it. Same logic applies in the opposite way, even if gemini isn’t your sun sign, you may experience some of this zodiac’s characteristics) do find myself falling into this darker side of my personality. Sometimes I see people as toys I can play, and my emotions really disappear. I am a machine. An arrogant machine that plays people and so on. All of this just to say that we do have to work on ourselves and focus on trying to be better people and use our gifts in the best way possible. Usually I use my ability of getting inside people’s minds by simply trying to get people I truly like to open up to me. Not like trying to get them to tell me their darkest secrets, but rather to create a mood that makes us both very open with each other. Make them trust me, while trusting them. All of that aside, I hope you are having a great great day and let’s get into the pop bullsh*t we kinda love kinda hate, with some music mixed in, basically all of that stuff that you know I love to talk about. By the way, if you have been having some bad non productive days, try meditation, it is the best thing I have ever done o myself. A few times meditating and my life is much better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vx8iUvfyCY&t=235s here is a great channel and this is actually one of the best meditations to start off with. Try not to fall asleep, it is so relaxing! But I’ll write a full post on how to be more productive and don’t feel worthless. Now getting to our usual topics.
To be continued in a post coming soon..............
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