qceensofkings · 2 years
@mr-j-saliar challenged for a starter
There’s hardly ever a time she’s not relieved to be back at school though the reality that graduation is fast approaching isn’t exactly a comfort. Though, at least she can still get away from home for now. She’ll have to worry about what she’s going to do about post-graduation later. 
For now, she retreats to her usual train car and awaits her usual crowd, a smile greeting her lips when she spots her partner in crime. She eagerly pulls him into the car with her and kisses his cheek. 
“Hi there, stranger.”
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
"Hey, you okay? Call me." Message deleted.
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"Hey, this is Vigil. You alright? Text me." Message deleted.
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"Hello, this the Vigil-babe calling for Johnny boy at-- god, no, what the fu--" Message deleted.
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"I'm sorry. I bought drinks. Made too much food. Baked too much sweets. If you wanna catch up, I'm here. Love you. God, I sound fucking clin--." Message deleted.
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"Sorry, if you're busy. This is Vigil. If you're not busy, let's go somewhere? Anywhere you like. Spa, sauna, volcano. Miss you. Love you. Kisses." Message sent.
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The Vigilante was worried. Still worried. She wasn't good at fretting. Rather shite at it, she would say. It was the leaving messages bit that always tripped her up. She could text and keep her side filled, but voice mail was her foil. She had already felt she fucked up - on what or where, she hadn't known which bit to start - with him. With what she said.
She hadn't worried before - it was reassuring the last times. Key word: times. At least there was a location to investigate, but this time? Genuinely, she was scared. Devastated, sad, but really scared. For all she knew, that message could be put in a cube and float there for anybody to find it. As some joke and with her none the wiser.
Still, her pacing for almost eight hours straight was enough to raise any concern.
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qceensofkings · 1 year
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@mr-j-saliar asked: ❛  i'm trying to pay attention, but you're just too sexy.  ❜ -Johnathan bc you know he has been trying to stay respectful, as always, but also like how can he?
Isabelle swats at him with a paper she's lifted off someone else after they were done with it, "You need to focus. You can undress me with your eyes later," She scolds him playfully.
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
Not John seeing those Diary of a Call girl gifs and going "Mine. *grabby hands* MINE."
"Always in all the ways."
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qceensofkings · 2 years
continued from x.  @mr-j-saliar​
A soft breath as she takes in the sight of him, shifting a little, unsure of what she’s meant to do in this moment. She assesses for a moment, wondering what’s the worst that could happen. He could be an imposter, could even be here to kill her. But she wonders if that would really even matter to her at this point. Just seeing him... it makes her heart flutter.
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“... Hi.”
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qceensofkings · 2 years
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@mr-j-saliar asked: Johnathan rubbed at the back of his neck and shyly held out one rose, smiling a bit, "Happy Birthday, Iz..I'm...not sure what the protocol is for us anymore after all this time. But I'm so happy to be a part of your life."
Isabelle smiles a little when Johnathan holds out a rose for her. She takes it gently before giving him a hug and pecks his cheek gently, "We'll figure it out," She murmurs, "Thank you."
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thebadtimewolf · 5 years
"I've been away but this has always been truth." 🌹
Send a “🌹” if Your Muse thinks Mine is Beautiful/Handsome
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thebadtimewolf · 5 years
"Open your eyes and say my name."
Sentence meme || Fever edition (some nsfw)
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thebadtimewolf · 5 years
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Tell us your favorite quotes from your character. Give us an idea of who they are by listing five ( or more ) things they’ve said.
“You can tell me to hack them off when you stop making Little Orphan Potters and Annies’ across the state of New York wee themselves.”
“Is your suit is just fancy pajamas? Because they feel like pajamas but the tie makes it fancy.”
“Y-y-you, ahem, you look like you’re in a chocolate commercial.”
a tie between “Kind of gives me a god complex the more I look at it, like a king looking over his kingdom that can crumble or rise by his hand alone. His kingdom to control, to please himself no matter who was willing to do his bidding or not, to be brought to their knees and worship him and only him.” and “Well, I think you’re a walking, ‘fuckable’ paradox.”
“Not wander off, like you said. I…just…simply explored my surroundings.”
“I’m real, I’m here.” 
“No one deserves that, drunk or not. Ever. Whoever did this to you, I’ll throw them in a burning supernova if you like me to?” 
“Hypotheticals and talking about dreams. It just gets out of hand. I always feel like I’ve fumbled it up somehow later on.”
“Well, I take out my frustration of being tortured by humans on top of losing my own home in a war by baking sweets. And eating those feelings away.”
“We had to. They threatened to kill you, we couldn’t just give up on you. Saving you was worth it. A bit over the top but, still worth it.”
“This child owes you nothing. If I see any of you, hear of or about any you, sense you even or dare breathe in her and others like her general direction: I will personally castrate the rest of you and shove your own embarrassingly pathetic excuse of a cock so deep down your throats, you’ll choke and die from it. Understood?”
Tagged by: @incrediblechange​ (because i saw it on my dash)
Tagging: anyone that sees this and wants to.
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thebadtimewolf · 7 years
Dark eyes flickered as the man watch the Vigilante walk down the sidewalk, shoulder pressed against the wall of a building he leaned on. When he saw her head into a building a little further down, he moved quickly to follow her through, so as not to lose sight of her. Following her through the lobby and down the hall, he noticed her slowing, realizing she was being followed, no doubt. Stopping in his tracks, he took a deep breath and spoke softly in the quiet hall, "Vi..."
She didn’t feel she was being watched, let alone followed, until she smelled something familiar. The Vigilante turned only when she reached her floor, only slowing down then. She heard his voice but couldn’t believe it and that was when she turned to see him. She tucked loose blonde strands behind her ear, tongue in cheek as she thought about what to say. What to do.
“Want something to drink?”
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thebadtimewolf · 7 years
Send 📱 To Find Out About My Muse’s Phone
What ringtone my muse has set for yours: Bigmouth Strikes Again by The Smiths
What contact photo my muse has set for yours:
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What my muse thinks of the way yours texts: almost paragraph based when excited, way more intelligible than her own when drunk. 
How quickly my muse responds to your texts: immediately unless it’s a telemarketer…
How often our muses text: all the time….if the other isn’t busy at the moment
How often our muses call: as much as they can
Does my muse purposefully miss calls from yours: never. not unless there’s a text before it. she won’t answer if it’s a new number.
Last text sent from my muse to yours: r u still on earth? if so, when?
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thebadtimewolf · 7 years
Just A Peek! Meme
Send “oh”  and I will generate one of the following scenarios where your Muse stumbles upon… [[ alternatively, send a number! ]] (Reverse version of this meme!)
10. My Muse wearing a top that’s too big for them, showing off their collarbone / shoulders
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“Is something wrong?”
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thebadtimewolf · 7 years
Send ‘!!’ and I’ll write a para description of your muse from mine’s perspective, including:
Their looks, their personality, and who they are to my muse + etc!
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She could bury herself in his dark amber eyes whenever he would get excited over showing her someplace she hasn’t gone to or never had the time to go to. The Vigilante couldn’t help herself. The way the same fingers that was tracing little messages in Gallifreyan that morning was now combing back brown, lush strands of hair across his scalp as a force of habit. Those same lips she could feel pressed against her skin soft and slow with every lingering breath were now going at a mile every minute he spoke with quick, excited breaths the faster he spoke. 
There were times like this where she would notice that no matter what she kept him busy with sex, adventure, or anything else in between; he seemed like there was still this weight of guilt on his shoulders. The childlike excitement to hide the tiredness and the pain: something she was all too familiar with experiencing and seeing it first hand towards other species. She would actually have to remind herself that she wasn’t alone when their planet was gone, she didn’t lose everyone related to her, she didn’t travel by herself with no hope or idea that there was someone else like him. Someone that was like him that saw the beauty in Earth and felt the same when losing hope in some humans and have no restrictions on doing whatever it needed to be done without caring if they themselves get caught in the crossfire. 
Finally, someone like her and still, not like herself. He didn’t experience what she did and he was exiled to the planet he protected, she crash landed there minutes after her home –their home– exploded. And she loved him still. Even when he showed how dark he could be, wanted to be behind false smiles and cheeky attitudes. Though, the Vigilante thinks that he’s holding back and it shows even how he drives his ship. He’s hesitant when he chooses somewhere, avoids certain switches that would remind of that and she noticed. She couldn’t help herself but notice. That she could help him with, let his emotions out instead of keeping it in. She doesn’t want him to be like her. Not like her at all.
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thebadtimewolf · 7 years
Don't you dare leave if you left I would miss you so much and Johnathan would die 3
reblog if you'd truly miss me if I deleted.
i ain’t leaving
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and vigilante’s too stubborn to let me leave even if i decided to. she’s tiny like a growing child but strong like a boa constrictor
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thebadtimewolf · 6 years
"Can't even tell if this is a dream"
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The Vigilante went over to him and took his hands, placing them on the sides of her face practically instinctively just to prove it to him. “I’m real, I’m here.” She whispered then, knowing that how she reacted to seeing him and then to do that, it was brash but, she didn’t care.
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She missed him and she needed him to know that if her words didn’t hold a truth that he would believe.
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thebadtimewolf · 8 years
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“You alright? You looked a little shook...”
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