#msch x reader
glitchedtravel · 1 year
TRAVERSE - Chapter ²
(manhwas x reader)
Your first meeting with Bak Yerim is honestly not that exciting. Let's rewind back.
As it turns out, you were at the part of the story where Han Yoojin is trying to search for the girl, Bak Yerim to become his bodyguard so he could escape his brother from trapping him on house arrest.
While following the two men, pretending to not know who these two are, Han Yoojin offers you to try food from different stalls to which you, want to agree but pretend you're not hungry. Crying on the inside that you have to refuse free food murmuring, ''System, you're so cruel... How does not eating play a damn part of the story..!'' The System send secret messages to you even though the both of them can't even see it, "Have you forgotten? You'll get to eat more meat later." "Oh shit, you're right," you immediately recover, worrying the two men.
Suddenly, as Han Yoojin tried to convince you to try the corn dog in his hand once more, someone burst out of the building beside you three. Yells erupted from a girl with messy shoulder length hair as well as from the older man in front her. The girl took of her apron and throw it somewhere, dashing away quickly from the man. You grab the protagonist's arm firmly to pull him back from the girl accidentally bumping into him, hoping this simple action doesn't affect much.
Luckily, you noticed his gaze on his her so that means that he still saw who it is. Letting go of his arm, Han Yoojin tried to reach out towards her - politely calling out to her even though she had zoom past him and is now far away. "Sorry but please hold on to this!" He didn't have time to look back at who he hand over the corn dog to, before he immediately dash after her. Leaving you with the bodyguard and with a corn dog in hand.
Your brain tries to process the fast pacing before it clicked and you realise something. 'Wait, I'm not getting any barbecue!!' Your figure slumped in disappointment at that. 'Damn you system!!' You yell in your head, munching on the corn dog in your hand sadly. "I didn't expect you to not run after him?!" The system merely retorted in panic and disbelief. Kim Sunghan saw your sad figure tries to pat your back awkwardly to comfort you even though he doesn't know why you're sad. Maybe it's because you're separated from Han Yoojin? Are you that attached to him?, is the question that ran around his mind when looking at you - sweat dropping.
Soon you both started to went the way he went to catch up to him. Unfortunately as soon as you reach there, there's a monster outbreak. While, even if you expected this, experiencing it in the flesh is more terrifying than when you saw it when the story got implemented into your head. 'No! This is not the time to get scary!' You stand your ground while Kim Sunghan entered the barbecue joint of where Han Yoojin and Bak Yerim to warned him and get him somewhere safe. 'This isn't your first dangerous story so don't you fucking get scared now!' You clenched your first, glaring at the monster before turning around to follow the three characters when you noticed them leaving.
That's the 'new task' notification as soon as Kim Sunghan activated his skill, [Terra Shield] which created a wall. In the midst of it all with everyone panicking and Kim Sunghan trying to save everyone by trying to attack the monster, you glanced at the screen beside you to look at your task;
You're fucking kidding me, you sneered. Looking around in panic, trying to think of a plan, you saw the girl from before tripped. Seeing the opportunity, you were going to replace Han Yoojin and shield her instead without a shield that is and with your body. You immediately rushed towards her but when you saw the protagonist running towards her to help, you secretly kicked a rock towards him to make him fall and slide to a crouch beside the girl who is still on the floor, looking at you in shock.
Unfortunately for you, because of your need to finish your task impulsively without planning ahead quickly, the monster's tendrils had hit your back so hard that it created wounds and almost made you stagger forward, falling onto the girl. "Run! Get to a shelter now!" You yell as you picked the girl off her feet.
You can feel your arm change into the same tendril of the monster, an itching pain struck all of your being but you couldn't scratch the itch because it felt like the itch is inside you. You want to scratch your skin off the unpleasant feeling. It's disgusting. DisgustingDisgustingIt'sDisgustingDISGUSTINGGETITOUTOFME—
Your tendril arm impulsively grabbed the shock Han Yoojin by the waist and pull him into you. You finally snapped out of your discomfort when you saw the incoming man towards you and immediately booked it with the girl in one hand and the protagonist in your monster arm. Not giving any attention towards both of their reaction.
You reached the shelter in time frantically asking the girl, "That's an underground shopping centre is a shelter right?!" "T-that's right!" The girl stammered as you dropped the man off, letting him go from your monster grip. As your arm morphed back into your human arm, ordering the girl to, "Get down there!" The protagonist seemed to be lost in thought, to which you assume is him trying to think of a plan. The girl retorted - concerned, "What about the both of you?!" "I..." your words died down on you. What are you doing? Why are you even contemplating this? This isn't your place or right to intervene. You weren't supposed to intervene so why did you do that?
"I need to get back there!" Han Yoojin interrupt your spiraling thoughts. "I.. I will help as well!" Your shaky voice called out to him. You can worry later, you still have a story to continue. "No! [Name], you're injured and I can't have you in any more danger than now! I know you got your awakening but you can't seem to fight or control your skill yet!" He scolded you, grabbing you by the shoulders to stop you from forcing yourself to keep up with him and making you sit down on the floor, leaning against a wall. He lets go and tries to turn to run back towards the scene before Bak Yerim grabbed his his forearm exclaiming, "Let me come with you! Help me awaken my powers! Then I can fight with you!" Han Yoojin denied her, "What? No! You haven't even signed the contract." You silently grimaced at the pain on your back and hearing his words, 'THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT?!'
You couldn't listen for too long as your brain turns to mush and all your hear are static buzzings. You could barely even hear the conversation anymore.
"----- awakening -------- fighter? ------ just ----- at [Name]! ------"
Your vision is starting to blur but you still managed to grip on the last bit of your conscience.
"What --------- chance ------------ not to ------- battle ------------! ------ never forgive ---------- fight -------! Let ------ take care -------- safety ------- ?!"
With that, you see how Han Yoojin dashed back towards the danger and how Bak Yerim seems to feel saddened by his words that you cannot hear but you know what he has said. After all, the system has implemented the story into your head. Coughing, you called out to the girl, "Hey kid..." She looked at you, remembering you were there and crouched down to check on you while asking you if you are okay and if you can still move and hide in the shelter. You stop her rambling with a week chuckle. You weren't going to die anyways so you said to her, "Leave me here and go..." "W-what?! But I can't just leave you here!" The girl yelled in disbelief at your words.
You look up into her eyes and determinedly say, "Go and show him how strong you can be at moments like these... prove him- prove everyone wrong..!" I feel disgusting, you thought. The girl hesitated before she immediately nodded. However not before she managed to get you to safety and hidden well from the monster, she rushed off towards where the protagonist have went.
'I'm sorry that I don't feel genuine for you but I know you'll do great,' With that final thought directed to her, you finally fell unconscious.
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glitchedtravel · 1 year
TRAVERSE - Chapter ¹
(manhwas x reader)
"Remind me what I have to do again?" You asked the system while changing your clothes to something more simple and ragged.
"You will pretend to be an E slash F rank with a 'hidden' SS skill that has yet to be unlocked to catch the attention of the main character, Han Yoojin. To add the extra effort, you'll be dressed up like one!" The screen repeated. You raise an eyebrow, "And what is this so called hidden skill?"
"Morph. Or preferably said, shapeshift."
You finish your dress up by changing the appearance of your bag into a duffel bag. "Shapeshift? What does the main character would see in an shapeshifting skill?" You questioned, pondering over the decision of the chosen skill. "Think of it as being the bait. And also if you manage to get very close with the main character, you will hear his secrets by the man himself!" The screen exploded a holographic party popper with extra sound effects. You roll your eyes, "What good does that come out of?" The system managed to shrug, "You get extra points—" "I'm in."
As you now walk through the busy street, looking around while waiting to get stopped by Han Yoojin, the main character of the story you're in. "Are you sure this is the right place?" You whispered. "Are you doubting me?" The system childishly question back. You sigh in exasperation, "No.." Before the system had a chance to confirm, you were suddenly stopped by someone tapping your shoulder. 'Must be him,' You thought, turning around to see who it actually was. Turns out, you were wrong! It was instead - a creepy man.
"Hey there pretty~ Would you like to come with me and my buddies? It doesn't seem like you have a job~" The creepy man disgustingly flirted while licking his lips, obviously not really looking at your face but instead glancing down at your chest/thighs. Your nose scrunched up in disgust and backed away from him. The man saw your action and grab you by the arm, "Come on~ don't be shy~ we're friendly~" You sneered, "Get away from me, you-"
"Stop right there!" Someone yelled. 'FINALLY!' You felt relieved that the actual man that you were searching and waiting for, finally came to save you. The creepy man throws you down the ground when the protagonist runs towards the both of you. "Get your hands off of them." Han yoojin, stand in between the both of you and tries to shield you away from the creepy man. Said man simply sneered at the shorter, about to hit him until someone else stopped him.
The someone else in question turns out to be a big buff man that looks to be someone's bodyguard. That man is Kim Sunghan, currently at this point of the story, is an A rank. Just by his sheer size and terrifying facial expression, he managed to scare the creepy man off. "Tch! Whatever, bitch!" The creepy man spit and scurry away with his tail between his legs. You glared at his back for a moment before quickly putting up a weak facade when Han Yoojin turn towards you asking, "Are you okay?" He offers his hand towards you who is still on the ground. Kim Sunghan behind him, 'I can feel his judging eyes.' You sweat dropped.
"Y-yes.. I'm fine.. thank you, mister..!" 'I want to die.' You mentally cringed at your acting but work's work you guessed. You grab his hand and weakly tries to stand up, keeping up the pathetic wet cat act to convince them both. You noticed how Han Yoojin's eyes seemed to widen a bit and you immediately know he had use his skill and saw the locked hidden skill the system gave you. The protagonist regain his posture and rubbed his nape bashfully , "I know this might seem weird but... would you like to work under me?"
"I'm sorry I don't do that stuff," even if what you say is technically scripted, you, with common sense, will say that exact same thing when someone asks you that. Kim Sunghan raise an eyebrow as Han Yoojin animated move his hands in panicked motion and tried to clear things up, "N-no! That's not what I mean!! I mean as in like a helper!" Han Yoojin stopped his movements and calmly tried to explain more, "I-I promise it's nothing bad! You just have to clean and cook if you can do that!—" 'I feel offended.' "—And I'll offer you a home, food and training!"
"Training...?" You murmured loud enough for him to hear as part of the act. You know he's going to spit some bullshit that is technically true but still, "Yes! Training! I sense great potential in you and I can help you unlocked that potential!" Han Yoojin beamed at you confidently, as if he doesn't sound crazy if it weren't for the fact that you knew his intentions. However, you continued on with your facade and smiled hopefully at him, "You really think so...?" He nods at your question. "Oh thank you so much mister! I am at your care! I owe you my life!" Okay maybe that's a little far, you thought. "No need, I'm just glad you're okay and accepted my offer! Oh, before I forget, I'm Han Yoojin! This guy right here," he points to the buff guy, "is Kim Sunghan, my bodyguard! So don't be too intimidated..." he laughs nervously when he saw your 'scared' expression at the buff man. "What's your name?"
You smile softly, "I'm [Name]. It's a pleasure to meet you, Han Yoojin."
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