#mtmte perceptor x sibling
in1-nutshell · 4 months
Can you do one where mtmte bot buddy is perceptor easily scared younger sibling that has a crush on rodimus? Thanks for the help with how to inbox my request.
I've been noticing a trend with request for Rodimus lately. Our Co-Captain is getting some loving hours.
Hope you enjoy!
Perceptor's younger sibling who is scared easily with a crush on Rodimus
SFW, Romantic, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronian reader
Buddy had always been a jumpy bot.
Whether it be in the heat of the moment or in times of peace, something always had Buddy on edge about something.
“What was it this time?”--Perceptor
“I thought I felt something on my pedes.”--Buddy
“Don’t ‘hmm’ me! I’m telling you I felt something on my pede and now its not there!”--Buddy
“Careful, you’re starting to sound like Red Alert.”--Perceptor
“Hey leave Red out of this!”—Buddy
“Yeah leave—”—Red Alert
“AHH!”—Red Alert
That being said, Perceptor is protective of his younger sibling.
He loves them, scaredy bot, and all.
He does try and help Buddy in his own ways by trying to rationalize everything, which helps them a bit, but too much.
Is willing to put a bot in their place if they try to make fun of Buddy for their jumpiness.
Primus forbid that someone does scare them with malicious intent.
He wasn’t a Wrecker for nothing.
Buddy had tried going to Ratchet or any other doctor or nurse to see if it was a medical problem.
“I don’t see anything bout of the ordinary here kid.”--Ratchet
“Perfectly normal frame inside and outside. I think you just get jumpy too often. You can always go see Rung if it gets any worse.”--Ratchet
Whirl barging into the medbay.
“Whirl! Please, you’re—”—Ratchet
Buddy passing out on the med slab with their spark beat going wild.
“Ohhh… Jumpy’s here.”--Whirl
In the lab.
Perceptor looking up from his work.
“Is your Buddy sense tingling?”--Brianstorm
“Stop calling it that.”--Perceptor
“But it is!”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm saw this problem as a challenge and had asked Buddy if they were willing to be tested to see if he could solve the problem.
Buddy had never been raced out of the lab faster than at that moment.
“Is this safe?”--Buddy
Buddy sitting on the lab table with several jumper cables clipped into their frame with a series of wires on their helm.
“Oh Buddy! Of course, it is relatively safe, in theory.”--Brainstorm
“In theory?”--Buddy
“Yes. Everything comes from a theory. Now whether this is a good theory is what we are about to answer now!”--Brainstorm
“Does Percy know?”--Buddy
“What he don’t, know wont hurt Buddy. Now let’s flip this—”--Brainstorm
“He sounds mad! What did you do!?”--Buddy
“… I may have locked him in the closet before I grabbed you from Swerve’s…”--Brainstorm
“…You know, for one of the smartest bots on the ship, you sure can make a dumb decision.”--Buddy
Perceptor kicking down the lab doors with his snipper rifle in his servos.
“AAHHHHH!”—Brainstorm and Buddy
No mercy from Percy.
Their friend group had gotten used to Buddy’s jump scares after the first few times.
Sometimes they were the cause of it.
Buddy would always laugh it up in the end.
They would never take it too far so it was all fun and games.
But there was one thing on board that made their spark run faster than the scares.
Rodimus Prime.
The captain was going to be the death of them, they were sure of it.
The two got along great, which wasn’t the problem.
The problem was that Buddy liked the reckless captain.
“Has anyone seen Rodimus? He should have been here by now.”--Buddy
“Haven’t seen you’re Conjux since this morning.”--Brainstorm
“Conjux?! Brainstorm!”--Buddy
“Don’t lie to me Buddy I’ve seen how you two look at each other. Everyone on the ship practically knows about it.”--Brainstorm
“Oh don’t tease them Brainstorm.”--Chromedome
“thank you—”--Buddy
“Its not their fault that they are both oblivious to each others feelings.”--Rewind
“You too Rewind?”--Buddy
“I’m getting sick and tired of watch you two pine over each other.”--Rewind
“Who’s pining?”--Rodimus
“GAH! Roddy, don’t do that!”--Buddy
“Hahaha! You know you can’t be mad at me.”--Rodimus
“…One of these days I’m going to get a spark attack because of you.”--Buddy
With their friendship the amount of reckless stunts had gone down.
Something Ultra Magnus was grateful for.
Buddy the ever worry wart always tried to talk their captain from doing many reckless activities.
Most times they would work, but that would usually mean that he would try to do another activity that was less of a threat without Buddy looking.
Rodimus trying to get off the ship to go meteor surfing.
“Shh! Megs will hear you!”--Rodimus
“And? You are in no condition to go meteor surfing! You just got out of the medbay from last expedition.”--Buddy
“And I’m fine!”--Rodimus
“…Fine. But you have to help me with some of the reports.”--Rodimus
“After I go and flip over the captains chair!”--Rodimus
Rodimus jumping and failing to do a flip landing on his faceplate.
“Hang on I’m bringing you to Ratchet.”--Buddy
“Nooo… I don’t wanna.”--Rodimus
Buddy throwing him over their shoulder like a sack of potatotes.
“Too bad Captain.”--Buddy
Key word try.
Buddy watched him sometimes like a hawk.
The other times that Buddy wouldn’t be able to talk him out of the activity ended up with Buddy joining.
Those time Rodimus would smile that smile of his that could literally light up a room.
“How did I end up here?”--Buddy
“What do you mean?”--Rodimus
Buddy latched on a cord dangling from the ceiling by their chassis.
Rodimus on the ground with his arms wide open.
“I must have my circuits fired to even say yes to this!”--Buddy
“Nope, I just asked, and you said ‘yes’.”--Rodimus
“I know!”--Buddy
“Relax Buddy its just a trust fall!”--Rodimus
“Yeah! But I didn’t think it was going to be from this height!”--Buddy
“It’ll be okay! Just let go!”--Rodimus
“Let go?!”--Buddy
“Trust me Buddy! You’ll be all right! Just trust me!”--Rodimus
Buddy saying one more pray to Primus before detaching from the chord, screaming on the way down.
Rodimus catching them nearly falling on the floor too.
“See! I gotcha—Buddy?”--Rodimus
Buddy passing out.
Perceptor knew about Buddy’s little crush on the Captain.
While he would have wish it be on another crew member, he supposed that Rodimus wasn’t the worst of them all.
After talking it over with Drift, Perceptor decided that it would be a good idea to actually talk to Buddy about it.
“What’s going on? We don’t usually have private talks like these. Wait! Did something bad happen to you?”--Buddy
“No, no, I asked you to meet me here to talk.”--Perceptor
“To… talk?”--Buddy
“Okay, I’ll bite what did you want to talk to me about?”--Buddy
“Its about Rodimus.”--Perceptor
“What about him? Did some—”--Buddy
“Nothing happened to him…yet.”--Perceptor
“I noticed you and the Captain have been spending more and more time with each other. And if my theory proves me correst, you like him.”--Perceptor
“Umm… where did you—I mean, me and Roddy—I mean—”--Buddy
“Its okay.”--Perceptor
“I’m fine with you dating Rodimus.”--Perceptor
“Really! But doesn’t he annoy you? Especcially two days ago when he said ‘science is magic’. You nearly grabbed your riffle and made him into Swiss cheese.”--Buddy
“… Yes. I have taken that into account, but you are mainly going to be spending time with him. He wont be my Conjux, he’ll be yours.”--Perceptor
“That was a joke.”--Perceptor
“It didn’t sound like it!”--Buddy
“How do you intend on telling him?”--Perceptor
“You’re just filled with questions aren’t you?”--Buddy
“I’m a scientist Buddy.”--Perceptor
“Yeah, but its not that simple Percy.”--Buddy
“How so?”--Perceptor
“I can’t just go up to him and say ‘Hey Roddy, I like you a lot. You want to go out with me? We can go to Swerve’s for our first date. We can drink, dance, and watch movies all night long’.”--Buddy
“Don’t sound like that Percy—”--Buddy
“That wasn’t me.”--Perceptor
“Then who—”--Buddy
Rodimus standing in front of the door way.
Buddy’s fans kicking in before passing out.
“How long where you there?”--Perceptor
“Long enough to know Buddy already beat me to the chase and already had a date night planned.”--Rodimus
“…If you ever think or try to hurt them in anyway, I know how to shoot in between your seams and make you go through the worse pain imaginable before any medic comes to help you. Do I make myself clear?”--Perceptor
“Clear. And the thought of hurting them is the last thing I would want to do.”--Rodimus
“We should probably get Buddy to Ratchet.”--Rodimus
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
This is the last time I request percy easily scared younger sibling
Buddy is a lot easer to scare now and probably needs therapy after been kidnapped
Percy and rodimus visit them more to make sure there safe and ok scared of anything happening to them again
Roddy and percey blame themselves for buddy getting kidnapped so they try to make it up to buddy by giving them gifts or roddy taking buddy on dates or just doing nice things for buddy
I really enjoy your writing
Buddy needs all the hugs they can get.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy Perceptor's younger sibling recovering from the DJD Kidnapping
SFW, Platonic, Slight angst, Romance, Familial, Cybertronain reader
It took a while for Buddy to get back on their pedes.
Both figuratively and literally.
The DJD torture session and the near-death experience did leave some scaring on Buddy.
They were surprised at how many bots had left a vial of inner most energon or gift by their berthside and room.
It was almost unheard of a bot escaping the DJD and living to tell the tale. Especially from a bot like Buddy.
However, Buddy didn’t feel lucky.
In fact, they felt even more terrified than before.
Before they could walk around the ship with no problem doing their everyday chores around.
Now they barely went out of their habsuite and if they did, it was usually accompanied by someone or with an array of weapons in their subspace.
Before they could uphold a conversation with almost anyone on board.
Now they barely looked at anyone in the optic anymore.
And no one could blame them.
They had an increase in visits with Rung happening almost every day.
Rung is just thankful that these meetings haven’t been as bad as when he first started with Red Alert. Though now, they were arguably the same or worse than how Red was.
Buddy refused to talk about what happened with the DJD or the escape pod.
The only one who knew was Rung.
Not even Perceptor or Rodimus knew what really happened.
Buddy’s jumpy personality turned from 0 to 1000.
The flight, fight, or freeze responses were much more noticeable with them now.
From completely booking it, to taking out their blasters and shooting, to completely freezing and feeling the rapid pulsing of their spark.
Some visiting bots who clearly had too much to drink thought it was a good idea to scare Buddy a bit.
Buddy had to get sent to the med bay again.
The mechs walking back to their ship laughing.
Whirl turning the corner.
“What are you laughing about?”--Whirl
“That scaredy bot! Oh! You should have seen their face when we scared them! HAHAHAHAH! Absolutely golden!”—Mech 1
Whirl looks up from his claws.
“Ah… So, let me get this straight. You numb nuts decided to scar Jumpy over there? The same bot who’s in the med bay right now?”--Whirl
One of the bots starts laughing harder.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Are you kidding me! That is just great! Bet they nearly had a spark attack!”—Mech 2
“Are you sorry?”--Chromedome
Tailgate, Cyclonus, Rewind and Chromedome come from behind Whirl.
“Psh! Why would we? We just got the drop on them and that’s it. They’re just faking it for attention.”—Mech 3
Skids and Brainstorm come from behind the bots.
Brainstorm looks extra furious.
“Attention!? That bot you decided to scare half to death went up against the DJD AND THEY ESCAPED! Are you even aware of the amount of damage you just did with your sick party trick?!”--Brainstorm
The bot pushes Brainstorm back.
Rung holds his arm while also looking angrily at the bots.
“You hurt them, and you aren’t even sorry about that? A bot who faced every Autobot and former Decepticon’s worst nightmare, and you decided to PLAY THE EMPERAN SUITE AND TASE THEM!”--Skids
The bots look more annoyed.
They don’t realize the bots growing numbers around them.
“And?”—Mech 1
One of the bots goes up to Skids and pushes him into Nightbeat and Nautica.
“We would do it again in a sparkbeat. Why don’t you just run back to your lab Pal.”—Mech 1
“Who uses pal anymore?”—Tailgate
“Not now Tailgate.”--Rewind
Brainstorm steps forward with malicious intent in his optics.
“Good to hear that then. You see the minibot over there.”--Brainstorm
Points at Rewind who was being held back by Chromedome.
“He’s got a camera bolted to his helm that has been livestreaming straight to the main brigde and the entire Lost Light. Now, my dear ‘pal’ you are going to get exactly what you deserve.”--Brainstorm
A furious Rodimus and neutral faced Perceptor armed with his rifle slowly walked to the group.
Brainstorm looks at the mechs behind him.
“Did you also forget that the bot you just put in the med bay was the Co-captain’s partner and Perceptor’s sibling? Hmm?”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm steps aside letting Rodimus closer while Perceptor took his distance with his rifle ready.
Rodimus flaming up his fists.
“Perceptor? Would you do the honors of starting?”--Rodimus
Two of the mech were shot down.
“Your turn Captain.”--Perceptor
Most of the Lost Light were ready to raise the pits on the bots.
Ultra Magnus took a blind eye when the mechs left the ship filled with dents, holes, and slightly melted frames. Even for him, that was a line crossed too far.
Buddy was surprised to see how many members of the crew had come to their aid and how many did want to help them deal with… this.
Buddy coming out of their habsuite a bit surprised to see Natica and Velocity at the door.
“Oh! Nautica? Velocity? Is there something wrong?”--Buddy
“Nope! We just wanted to take a walk with you.”—Velocity
“Oh, you don’t have to…”—Buddy
“Nonsene! We’re all heading the same place and we have so much to catch up on. C’mon!”—Nautica
Nautica extends her servo.
Buddy hesitates but takes it.
Nautica and Velocity flank their sides.
They have a nice chat until they reach Swerve’s.
Buddy’s servos start shaking a bit.
Nautica squeezes their servo while Velocity places one on their shoulder.
They gently guide Buddy through the bar until they reach a quieter place in the bar.
Tailgate, Rewind and Swerve wave over to Buddy from the booth.
“Hey Buddy! We saved you a seat!”--Tailgate
Buddy looks at Nautica and Velocity who nod encouragingly.
Buddy goes to sit down with the mini’s as Nautica and Velocity go on to another part of the bar.
Swerve slides them a drink.
“Your favorite. Don’t worry this one on the house.”--Swerve
“What’s the celebration?”--Buddy
“It’s been an entire week since you’ve finally gotten out of your habsuite. I think that’s something to celebrate.”--Swerve
Buddy looks down a bit.
Tailgate grabs their servo.
“It’s a great day Buddy.”--Tailgate
“And we’re all glad you’re here with us.”--Rewind
Buddy gives a small smile.
“Have I ever told you about how I met some local racers before the war?”--Swerve
Buddy knowing this story fully just shakes their helm.
“No, I don’t think so, do you mind…”--Buddy
“Oh! Well, it was a pretty drafty day if I do say so myself…”--Swerve
Rewind and Tailgate sandwich Buddy in a side hug while Swerve goes on with his story.
Little by little the Old Buddy slowly came back.
It was a bit, but it was progress.
Perceptor and Rodimus were two of the biggest helps Buddy had.
Both in their minds felt guilty for not knowing Buddy was taken and how they could have helped them somehow.
After Buddy was released from the med bay, Perceptor took some time off to be with them. Even when he went back to work, he started taking his breaks more seriously and started spending time with Buddy or trying to bring them to friendly outings.
“Brainstorm invited us to Swerve’s for a drink. Care to go?”--Perceptor
Perceptor offers his servo to Buddy.
Buddy thinks about it then grabs his servo.
They both walk down the hallway.
Every so often Perceptor would squeeze their servo gently as if to say: ‘I’m here.’
Buddy would give a weaker squeeze in response.
While he wasn’t exactly good at telling his feelings or expressing them in general, he made sure to let Buddy know that he was there for them.
Whatever they needed from him, he was going to do everything he could to do it.
There was an increase in servo holding between the two, especially in more crowded places.
Perceptor found out quickly that his talking and slight touches grounded Buddy whenever they looked particularly anxious.
He is developing a tracker for Buddy and an array of rescue devices for them.
If Buddy ever broke down with him around, he would first ask if it was okay to touch them. He doesn’t want to accidentally trigger them. If they don’t want to be touched, then he is going to sit right next to them while they let it all out. Then he’ll quietly tell them some stories of what happened in the lab that week. It usually gets Buddy’s mind off things.
If they do want touch, Perceptor is going to hug Buddy in a secure hold. He read that sometimes pressure was good in hugs. He might cry too if he feels like it. He won’t let go until Buddy tells him to.
He’ll end up letting go of the hug but will keep his servo in theirs.
Buddy sobbing on his shoulder.
Perceptor calmly soothing their back.
“Do you want to visit Rung now?”--Perceptor
Buddy shakes their helm.
“Do you want me to let go?”--Perceptor
Buddy shakes their helm quicker and hugs tighter.
“Okay… do you want to know what happened in the lab with Brainstorm today?”--Perceptor
Buddy pauses before nodding a bit.
“Well, Brainstorm had the ‘brilliant’ idea of hanging upside down again, but he forgot to latch on to his chassis and ended up falling straight on his face.”--Perceptor
Buddy weakly chuckles as they loosen their grip but continue hugging their brother.
Rodimus stayed by Buddy’s side any chance he got.
Magnus and Megatron allowed him some leave time to be with Buddy.
He found out that his touch and voice were also ways to ground Buddy from their thoughts.
He is pulling out jokes and sweet words of affection left and right.
He is going to make sure his partner knows that they are loved. Which led to many laughable and cute moments.
Rodimus slipped his servo into Buddy’s.
“And how is the prettiest bot on board doing today?”--Rodimus
Buddy is still trying to wake up from this morning.
“I don’t really know Captain…”--Buddy
“Aww Buddy don’t be—”--Rodimus
“I wouldn’t know how you’d be feeling unless I was sleeping beside you…”--Buddy
Rodimus just stops in place.
Rodimus ex has stopped working please reset your bot.
Buddy blinks sleepily.
“Roddy? Is something wrong?”--Buddy
“no—I mean—Nope! Nothing, nothing at all!”--Rodimus
“…If you say so…”--Buddy
“Did I mention you’re looking particularly radioactive this morning?”--Rodimus
“… I look what?”--Buddy
Rodimus’s mind is going ‘ABORT MISSION! ABORT MISSION!’.
Rodimus hugs Buddy.
Buddy is a bit surprised by the sudden hug but welcomes it anyway.
“Thanks Roddy.”--Buddy
Rodimus’s mind ‘MISSION SUCCESSFUL… kind of…’
It takes him a bit to realize that something’s wrong with Buddy being in crowded places at first. But when he does, he puts a stop to it.
Rodimus lets Buddy pick the date night activities and he is down for anything.
Cuddle? He is already on the berth.
Movie marathon? He has some earth films, and he can ask swerve for some movie suggestions.
He slowly gets Buddy to come back to their normal self.
If Buddy does break down around him, he is going to immediately go for a hug.
If Buddy doesn’t want to touch, he is going to sit by them and keep quiet for a bit. After most of the crying is done, he is going to try and tell a funny story to get them to smile a bit. After that he is going to whisper words of affirmation and affection to them while telling them everything is okay.
If Buddy does want to touch, he is going for it. Hugging them tightly and bring them in as close as he can. Most likely to act as the big spoon and tell them everything is going to be okay even when things don’t feel like it.
He isn’t going to let go anytime soon.
Buddy burying their helm into Rodimus’s neck cables.
Rodimus fighting some tears himself.
“Is this, okay?”--Rodimus
He hugs tighter.
Buddy nods.
Rodimus softly traces Buddy’s frame.
“Everythings okay… I’m here… Your brother’s here… the crews here… You’re here Buddy. I know it doesn’t look too bright right now, but I promise, you’re going to get out of this and your going to kick whatever nightmares you have in the afterburner.”--Rodimus
Buddy chuckles a bit at this.
“Thank you… love you.”--Buddy
Rodimus’s frame heats up a bit.
“Y-yeah… Love you too.”--Rodimus
Buddy is safe now.
They have a whole crew and family there to catch them if they ever fall again.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Me again I loved the peceptore easily scared younger sibling can you do another one where buddy gets kidnapped by decepticons and they get really almost have a spark attack please if you don't want to that's fine
How to give someone a spark attack? Simple. Just call the DJD.
Hope you enjoy!
Perceptor's younger sibling gets kidnapped by the DJD
SFW, Mention of injury, nothing too graphic, Angst, Familial, Almost death but everyone is fine, Romance, Cybertronain reader
The DJD had invaded the ship.
Thankfully it wasn’t the whole team, just a small party.
That was probably why the Lost Light managed to get them off the ship so quickly.
“What’s our status?”--Rodimus
Megatron flinching a bit at the damaged control board.
“So far, no casualties reported. But also, no injured, but the numbers will probably show up once everyone has been accounted for.”--Megatron
Rodimus looks a bit miffed.
“What about communications within the ship?”--Rodimus
“They are still in repairs Rodimus.”--Magnus
Rodimus looks even more sulky.
Drift notices this.
“Do you want to go see Buddy?”--Drift
“…Probably not the best idea so far. Anyways they’d try and kick my tailpipe if I tried to see them with the crew still in disarray, not to mention they still need to report the damages and injured. They are probably with Perceptor too.”--Rodimus
Drift nods knowingly, but a bit proud of how much Rodimus has started taking his responsibilities as Co-captain over his significant other.
Primus knows what Drift would have done if he didn’t get a chance to go see Ratchet right after the attack.
Perceptor in the meantime had a sinking feeling as he helped with the ship’s internal repairs.
Something was wrong.
Something was very, very wrong and he couldn’t lay his digit on it.
“How about we take you to Swerve’s for a drink? Or even go see Buddy?”--Brainstorm
Perceptor shakes his helm.
“There’s still much to do, not to mention communications are still down and Buddy still hasn’t reported back the injured or if there were any casualties—”--Perceptor
“But this is about something else.”--Brianstorm
“…I do not know how to explain it Brainstorm. But something horrible has happened and I don’t know what it is.”--Perceptor
Brainstorm pats Perceptor’s back in sympathy.
“We just came back from an invasion of part of the DJD, I think that having your nerves still winded up is justifiable. Let’s just go to Swerve’s to get some of the edge off. Anyways the diagnostics still need time to work, which leaves us plenty of time to drink.”--Brainstorm
“…One drink.”--Perceptor
Brainstorm pats his back a bit more enthusiastically.
“Well then, let’s go!”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm and Perceptor walk to Swerve’s.
“How much you want to bet that Buddy is clinging onto Rodimus?”--Brainstorm
By the time Perceptor made it to Swerve’s he saw Rodimus chatting with Drift and Ratchet.
The scene felt wrong without Buddy standing by Rodimus.
Where was Buddy?
Maybe they were somewhere else in the bar? Or getting some drinks for them and Rodimus?
The feeling in his tanks didn’t go away with the drink.
Brainstorm noticed too as he saw him constantly looking around.
Rodimus looked puzzled when he finally saw the two scientists at the bar.
Where was Buddy?
Perceptor turns to see Rodimus with Drift and Ratchet behind him.
“Where’s Buddy?”--Perceptor
“Buddy? I thought they were with you?”--Rodimus
“I thought they were with you?”--Perceptor
“Somethings not right.”--Drift
“It isn’t. And Buddy’s at the center of it.”--Ratchet
“Buddy was supposed to send in the injury report an hour ago. They still haven’t done that yet. They aren’t usually this late either, extremely punctual.”--Ratchet
“…Do you think something…”--Drift
Perceptor and Rodimus share a worried look.
“Rodimus! Perceptor!”--Nautica
Nautica, Whirl, and Swerve part their way through the crowd looking worried.
“You might want to look at this. Its Buddy.”—Swerve
“And you’re not gonna like it. Jumpy’s gone.”--Whirl
It isn’t until they see the CCTV footage that they realize what happened to Buddy.
One of the members of the DJD had overwhelmed them and had taken them to their ship.
Buddy had been kidnapped.
It was all servos on deck to try and locate them.
Rodimus made sure that every resource was being used to find Buddy. On the outside he was much more steely than usual, he was on a mission that he was not going to fail.
On the inside, however, he was a mess.
How long had Buddy been missing and he hadn’t noticed?
He didn’t even go visit them to see if they were okay!
What kind of partner was he!?
Rodimus vows to make it up to Buddy when they find them.
They will find them.
Perceptor had holed himself in the lab making sure every single scanner was working to their full potential.
He didn’t look too indifferent from the outside.
But his closest friends could tell otherwise.
He was overdoing things again and the nervous shake in his servos was noticeable.
Brainstorm did have to talk him into taking a break before he blew a gasket.
Percy just wanted his younger sibling back.
But knowing the survival rate of anyone caught by the DJD…
He knew that he needed to prepare… in case…
They eventually locked in on Buddy’s energon signature.
The Lost Light eventually found a sole damaged escape pod.
That’s where Buddy’s energon signature was coming from.
Rodimus and Perceptor quickly banded into a small team to get inside the pod.
Rodimus melted the door ripping it off its hinges.
Perceptor quickly ran inside.
He found Buddy lying motionless on the ground in front of the control panels. They were heavily injured.
Perceptor drops his rifle when he sees Buddy.
Perceptor falls to his knees and quickly looks for any sign of a spark pulse.
He’s nearly stops when he doesn’t feel anything.
Ratchet and First Aid come racing in.
Perceptor gets pulled away from Buddy by Brainstorm.
His optics don’t leave Buddy’s body even as it gets covered by Ratchet’s.
Rodimus is being held back by Drift who looks equally distraught.
“Perceptor! Perceptor what—”--Rodimus
Rodimus nearly drops when he hears the sound of the energy pulse.
Perceptor starts shaking a bit in Brainstorm’s hold.
Brainstorm is trying hard not to shake too as he squeezes Perceptor closer.
Drift had to physically hold up Rodimus while Brainstorm held a fainted Perceptor in his arms.
Buddy was quickly admitted into the med bay as patient number one.
When Perceptor came back, Rodimus, Drift and Brainstorm told him what the medics thought of what happened.
From the looks of the other injuries, it was clear they had been in a torture session. There were clear signs of burns, melted metal and tears in the armor.
But by some miracle they made it into an escape pod.
The suspicion from the medics was that as soon as Buddy had finally gotten out of the DJD’s radar, their spark gave out.
They had that spark attack that they warned everyone they would have one day.
They were going to be out for a while.
Percy couldn’t bear to stay in the med bay after seeing their state.
Rodimus had no problem with it and promised to let him know if anything happened to Buddy’s health.
For once Perceptor was glad to not receive anything from Rodimus.
Many bots had come to visit Buddy in the med bay even to leave bits of inner most energon.
They were one of the lucky ones to have survived the DJD in relatively one piece.
It wouldn’t be until a few weeks that Rodimus would comm Perceptor in.
Buddy was finally awake.
Perceptor bursting into the med bay.
“Where are they?”--Perceptor
Velocity points to the far end of the med bay.
“They are in one of the private rooms.”--Velocity
Perceptor speed walks over and opens the door.
Buddy was there.
They were crying, frame shaking a bit holding onto Rodimus servo like a lifeline while burrying part of their face into his neck cables.
Rodimus was doing his best to not cry and soothe them.
“Oh Roddy, Roddy, Roddy. My Roddy…”--Buddy
“Shhh… its okay now… you’re safe now…”--Rodimus
“My Roddy…”--Buddy
Buddy slowly peaks out of Rodimus neck cables and bursts into another wave of tears.
Perceptor quickly moves to the other side of the berth and holds their servo gently in his.
“Oh Buddy…”--Perceptor
“…Your servos are shaking Percy.”--Buddy
Perceptor gives them a watery smile and presses their servo on the side of his faceplate.
“First time for everything correct?”--Perceptor
Buddy smiles weakly.
They gently rub their thumb on their big brother’s cheek.
“I’m really safe? Or did I not make it?”--Buddy
Rodimus squeezes their servo a bit.
“You’re safe. You made it. You’re home.”--Rodimus
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