#muge layouts
waterrr · 2 months
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— the lovecats ( 🐾 )
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l-egionaire · 1 year
Portal To Perim Beyon: Kiru City Beyond
After getting into Chaotic again, and reading the Lore for Cardfight Vanguard Overdress, it got me into thinking about what Perim might be like in the future. So, I decided to start posting bios and the like on my ideas in the form of Portal to Perim style bios. If this gets some attention, I’ll post more
In the 100 years since the reign of Maxxor, the Overworld capital has undergone massive changes in both size and population. The Overworlders were always known as trying to keep close relationships with other tribes, but after the war with the M'arrillians, many Overworlders formed long lasting friendships with creatures from other tribes and this led to many outsiders coming to Kiru City for battle training, diplomatic missions, educations and even just to live lives of their own. The integration of other cultures grew more and more until, forty years ago, the then queen of the Overworld decreed to allow any creature of any tribe the ability to come to Kiru City and claim Overworld citizenship. This led to Kiru city becoming a massive hub for immigrants of other tribes. Mipedians, Danians, M’arrillians, and even Underworlders all live within the Overworld capital.The influx of new citizens from around Perim has helped grow Kiru’s prosperity, but some high ranking Overworlders decry the idea of allowing outsiders into their tribe and see the cities non-Overworlder population as a stain on Kiru’s history.
And it’s not just the city's people that have changed over the years. The physical layout of the capitol has also drastically shifted. Instead of just the one wall that was used to protect the city, Kiru has now been split into three separated sections, each one surrounded by its own mugically reinforced stone wall. The first section of the city acts as the so-called “peoples area”. This is where the majority of Kiru city's population lives. This area is even more split into several sections to reflect the city's diversity, with there being different districts primarily populated by Underworlders, Mipedian’s and Danians. Though creatures from other tribes can live outside those areas, these neighborhoods act as places where they  can share and indulge in their culture and the current leader of the Overworld sees them as helping make Kiru into a microcosm of all Perim. This section of the city also contains the famous Kitu City marketplace, where citizens can find food, books, clothing, mugic, and battlegear from all over Perim.
Within the city’s second wall is what’s considered to be “the learning quadrant” and it contains numerous areas of education and knowledge. From the Overworld library and it’s vast collection of books from everywhere, to the Overworld mugic hall, where muges come to study and experiment with their art, to the world famous Intress Academy of Elemental Studies. The academy is one of the jewels of the Overworld capital, boasting highly experienced teachers and trainers from all over Perim. Similarly, the student body is also extremely diverse with Students from all tribes being allowed to attend. Students not only study how to perform elemental attacks, but also how to construct elemental battle gear, create elemental mugic and study locations that have elemental attunement. Attendance there can truly make one into a master of the elements. 
The final part of Kiru City is in the dead center. Here is where most of Kiru's government officials, soldiers, muges, and nobles live. This section houses the palace of the overworld ruler, the barracks, the Overworld arsenal and several other important strategic facilities. The walls of this area of the city are extra thick and heavily guarded at all times, with only recognized personnel being allowed to enter. But don’t think that this means that the inhabitants are indifferent to the rest of the city. In times of war or crisis, the gates to the center of the city are opened so that all the people from the outer two areas can evacuate there, to be protected by nearly indestructible walls and the Overworld's best soldiers. Even after all these years, the Overworlders still make sure to care for all their people.
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