todaysbat · 1 year
There are a few bats that fly around the empty lot next to my house catching bugs every evening, I love sitting on the porch watching their silhouettes as it gets dark.
Any advice on identifying them without catching them? And anything special I can do to keep them hanging around?
I own that lot, and I'm about an hourish east of Dallas, TX
If you can afford it, bat detectors like the Echo Meter Touch 2 can help you identify them using your phone, as most species of bats have unique echolocation calls (I got mine on Batgoods). Also observing their behavior (such as when they come out at night) can help narrow down possiblities too, as well as looking up what's known to be in your area (which is probably a long list, 32 different species of bat can be found in Texas, out of the 47 total species found in North America, making it the battiest US state).
That's what all I did to figure out what bats I had that came every year to my place.
As for what you can do, growing native plants is one of the best things your can do. It'll attract bugs which in will in turn keep the bats coming. They remember from year to year where the best food spots are. You might also want to look and see what conservancy groups are present in your area, they might have some ideas as well.
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mahou-kitty · 7 months
I tried out the soup recipe that @mulberrydyke posted and I think it fixed me
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keplercryptids · 4 years
When you DM over discord, how do you handle maps? I'm DMing for the first time in a couple weeks for a party that is suddenly larger than expected and I'm trying to figure the most efficient way to display the spatial stuff
i don’t actually DM over discord! we have sessions via google hangouts and use roll20 for combat. roll20 is not the greatest in a lot of ways but it’s the most straightforward way i’ve found to do combat with maps (as well as like, showing the players other visual props like notes, city maps, whatever).
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jakeoettinger · 5 years
mulberrydyke replied to your post: lowkey.. those are you that are sober watching...
yeah that seems valid. i had a 'zen' collagen shot i was gna take but alcohol seemed like it would work faster
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dragon dividers
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requested by @mulberrydyke
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sexygaywizard · 3 years
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I was tagged by @wizardgirlfriend and I thought this would be fun soooo YEAH! I stole the genderweird/lesbian thing bc I think that is a good one and I'm gonna tag uhhh @butchwizard @transsorceress @mulberrydyke @dunewizard @wizardgender I want to know more about my cool wizard mutuals so HIIIIII also anyone else obvs feel free to do this and tag me if you want!
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galatur · 4 years
21 Questions
tagged by @ariamaculata (thanks, this is a great way to pass time in quarantine)
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you would like to get to know better!
Nickname? I don’t really do nicknames but one of my college friends called me Lil Red because I’m tiny and a communist
Name? Nice try FBI! If you need to call me something for some reason you can use my middle name (Leah) 
Zodiac? Aquarius sun, Scorpio moon, Leo rising
Favorite musicians or groups? Slothrust, Against Me!, Le Butcherettes, The Beths, Mitski, Hurray For the Riff-Raff, Rosie Tucker
Favorite sports teams? Never.
Other blogs? who has time for that?
Do I get asks? Sometimes. Usually a callout for someone whose innocuous post I reblogged. Less often but more fun, a deranged right-winger
How many blogs do I follow? 220 (probably half of which are not active)
Tumblr crushes? I don’t think any of them are still active 😿
Lucky numbers? Not really, but 4 is the traditional sacred number for indigenous folks where I live so I try to keep my eyes open for patterns of 4s
What are you wearing now? cute pajama bottoms with a bird print 🐦
Dream vacations? god any vacation sounds like a dream rn. My gf and I had plans to go to CDMX and Mérida this year (tickets already bought!) and Cuba next year. Hopefully those will still happen in the next couple years. I’d love to go back to China and travel more in the south. I want to go to Derry for Halloween. So many places! This is making me sad to think about.
Dream car? I do not relate to cars in this way lol
Favorite food? tea leaf salad!
Drink of choice? this is goofy but my gf started to call me “little dove” and since then I’ve developed a fondness for palomas 🕊️
Instruments? Guitar, badly.
Languages? English natively, Spanish to have reasonable conversations, enough broken Italian to have conversations with my cousins. Used to have decent Mandarin but it’s completely rusty now. Random bits from other languages I’ve studied - Latin, Welsh, Irish, Yiddish, Hittite, Sumerian, Kóotsa’aṭaw
Celebrity crushes? Nathalie Emmanuel is the most recent I can remember
Random facts? Archaeological evidence suggests that Coast Miwok folks used to keep condors as pets! (Was this supposed to be facts about me?)
Somehow two questions got lost somewhere in the chain, so I’m adding two of my own.
Favorite ecosystem? The Sonoran desert! 🏜️
Favorite cat species: REALLY tough question. If you pushed me to decide right in this moment I’d have to say the sand cat. Look at that brave little apex predator!
Bonus question: What’s a feminist book that more people should read? I’m glad you asked! Everyone should read “Sisters, Comrades!” by Kjersti Ericsson
Tagging: My 21 most recent mutuals, in case any of you are dying to experience the mortifying ordeal etc. @ptactwo @sonoransounds @certifiedsophist @greenbottleglass @prettylittlesuffermachine @sapphichancla @magmapuddle @mulberrydyke @telete @lymphnodehaver @squeakingcleopatraboy @headacheshaver @gothichorrorbirl @sexualbolshevik @ad-hene @radical-eirini @tambourgi @portentsofwoe2 @dead-tigris @lesbianchemicalplant @aliennasaprincess
Also all of my Classic Mutuals and other followers are encouraged to do this too! That just seemed like the fastest way without having to make weird individual decisions about who to tag.  
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softshelltaakos · 5 years
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@mulberrydyke i will see what i can do when i have Calmed Tf Down lmfao
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