#multifox tails
uorimoon · 1 year
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Uori refrence sheet ♥
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"Mullo, Trixx, transformation de fusion!"
Aka my redesign of Multimouse, Multibug, Multifox, Multicat, and my design of Fox!Marinette and Fox+Ladybug!Marinette
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Multimouse is on the left and Hóng Hú (Fox!Marinette, name Translates to Red Fox in Chinese) is on the right
I only changed Multimouse's "boots" and made them curved rather than pointed, along with her neck, but other than that I added a small pink band around her waist which is there to break up all the gray when she doesn't have her jump rope
Hóng Hú was tricky to actually get a design I liked, but I ended up with something pretty similar to Rena Rouge, though I don't mind it
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Multibug is on the left and Multi Māo (renamed Multicat) is on the right
Multibug stays pretty much identical to what she looks like in canon, with literally the only differences being her ribbons, her eyes, and the stripe of red and all of those changes were just to match my redesigns
Multi Māo changed quite a bit, I changed the dark gray on her arms and legs to be Māo's black, and changed the pink to the light blue, I also changed her hair to be Māo's and gave her the cat ears and eyes, though everything else has been kept the same
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Multi Húlí (renamed Multifox) is on the left and Lady Hú is on the left
Multi Húlí (Húlí means fox in Chinese and was changed as Hú is specifically for a red fox) was actually a lot easier than I thought it'd be, I just had to fiddle around with the colors a bit before I ended up on this design that mixes the two designs pretty well, with a majority of the body being Multimouse with the tail and most colors from Hóng Hú
For Lady Hú, I used Hóng Hú as a base, and changed the orange to be red and gave her spots, which are black on the red and white on the gray on her arms and legs
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zoe-oneesama · 3 years
Why did Marinette have a different look as Mutlimouse then in canon?
For the same reason I changed Ladynoir -> Maotif in Reflekta. The circumstances are different, as well as Marinette's goal, which leads to some differences.
Just like as Maotif, Marinette is being deliberately loose with her identity, especially since Chat Noir already knows who she is this time around. Which is why as Maotif and Multimouse she uses Chinese elements in the design, but not as Marigold. As the former two, she wants to be found out, but as Marigold, she has to distance herself from her hero persona.
I actually like canon Multimouse's look tbh which is why it's not a drastic change. I just particularly liked Multifox's white belly and wondered why MM couldn't have it too, especially because she looks kinda naked when she takes off her jump rope tail. Plus they went as far as to disguise it as a lucky Chinese coin when she's not using it, why not put more elements into the actual suit?
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a-la-la-llama · 4 years
The one where Marinette Steals the Batmobile #1
I’m trying to get a schedule going for my writing and planning on writing one-shots and posting them every Monday. We’ll see How this goes, Enjoy!
Part 2     Part 3
  Fifteen year old Marinette didn’t know what her future would hold but her younger self did not expect this. Five months before her thirteenth birthday she was given the Ladybug Miraculous. After that she was named the guardian of more than a dozen pocket sized gods while still trying to defeat Paris’ villian. By the time she turned fourteen, she had defeated her partner's father, took a hold of all the miraculous’, and became an orphan. The kwami’s supported her in her time of need and understood she was adjusting to not having all her previous weight on her shoulders and the grief of losing her parents in the final battle. With no real person to turn to, she decided to lose herself. What better place for a teenage superhero to retire in than a dark city filled with highly unstable people such as herself. With the Kwami’s and her parents, Master Fu’s, and her own savings she teleported to Gotham City.
  Just because the miraculous were made to stop evil did not mean the Kwami didn’t like getting into mischief. Especially a certain cat, fox, and mouse with no one but the god of creation to stop them. The same thing could be said about Marinette, however, she too was curious about making trouble. The city was practically in rubble but it already had heroes and she no longer wanted the weight of being a hero. Marinette also couldn’t stand the long faces of the tiny gods who wanted nothing more to explore the world. Within the first months of her stay in Gotham she became a well known thief that could rival the infamous Catwoman. She never stole anything for her own gain of course, most of the time it was miraculous’ in museums or bad people’s stuff. At the moment she has three notorious gangs wanting her head for stealing their guns and feeding them to Plagg. The only thing ever left behind was a red symbol much like the design of Master Fu's box.
  “Kitten! I’m so bored, why can’t we go out?”, Plagg whined atop of Marinette’s head.
“You heard what Tikki said, we have to lay low for now since we stole that emerald and ancient headware piece from the museum”, she said.
“But those new kwami’s are so mean!”, Trixx added.
“That’s why they are in the box and you guys are allowed to roam around.”, countered Marinette.
“Mari, you really shouldn't be wearing this many miraculous.”, chided Tikki from her tray of cookies.
“I’m fine, I am only wearing five anyway!”, she responded.
“I for one think three days is enough time. Plus, we don’t have to steal anything, just go out for a joy run!”, Mullo said.
“I agree, please Mari!”, Trixx begged.
“It’s not up to me Miri’s, you have to beg Tikki.”, she responded. Marinette smiled as the three swarmed the red god with pleas and threats to destroy all the cookies in the house. It was all worth the glare Tikki sent her way before she gave in.
“Fine. No stealing, I swear if I find out you did I’ll make you return it!”, the goddess threatened. Just like that a multi mouse, fox, and cat made their way across the rooftops for their latest adventure.
  “What should we do, now?”, asked MultiMouse.
MultiMinou narrowed her eyes at a dark parking lot with only one car parked in it. “Since we finished our joy run, how about we take a joy ride?”, she said with a cat-like grin.
MultiFox wagged her tail in excitement, “It looks nice too! I bet Kalkii would help us transport it to the Kwami dimension to take it for a spin.”, she squealed.
MultiMouse divided herself once more, “Mullo. Kalkii. Merge!”
  The four jumped off the roof they were perched on and made their way towards the car before transforming into their smallest selves. Entering the car through the front all the way to the air ducts was a simple task for the mice. Once inside, Multi Mouse, Minou, and Fox worked on the gas pedals and steering wheel while MultiHorse worked on the portal in the passenger seat.
“How do we even start this thing!”, Minou whined.
“It has a screen right here. Maybe we push it?”, suggested Mouse.
Tapping the screen, the car let out a soft hum before various blue lights turned on. The mice all had one thing on their mind, “Merde!”
  Marinette had had a couple of run-ins with the dubbed ‘BatFam’ in her time in Gotham already. She had expected it to because of her being a well-known thief and all, of course they would try to stop her. Marinette also had a huge upper-hand against them with her powers. One minute her bright orange tail is being chased by three and the next she is standing right in front of them watching them curse, wondering where she went. Illusions were the best thing to ever have! Marinette especially liked messing with the youngest one because of how angry he would get. Once, she saw him wait until no one was there and proceed to cut a trash bin in half with his katana. When he is with the one with the red helmet the two curse like sailors. The boy who has a cowl that looks like an egg, similar to Aspik, gets frustrated when his heat sensor malfunction when he is looking right at her. When the youngest isn’t around she’ll tail the one in blue and whisper things while he is patrolling. Most of the time it’s ‘Boo!’ or ‘Rawr!’ and what she has heard the people in his ear call him before as Minou, ‘Dick’. The man screams like a little girl and gets paranoid easily. When he tries to tell his partners they brush him off!
  That wasn’t the point right now. The point was, Marinette found herself trying to steal the Batmobile. As if matters couldn’t get any worse, MultiFox turned to her left to see the youngest and Batman making their way towards her, trying to steal the Batmobile! So, MultiMinou did the only logical thing to do. As soon as the portal opened she slammed on the gas leaving the two in her dust. Darn Plagg and his chaotic-ness! Hopefully the drive would be worth the wrath of Tikki.
  It was not worth Tikki’s anger at all. Of course Marinette, Mullo, Trixx, and Kalkii threw Plagg under the bus for it but they didn’t get out of it unscathed. True to her word unlike the five, Tikki forced them to return the vehicle to Batman the next night. They also had to write a note apologizing to Batman for all the trouble they caused. MultiBug went with the four as they teleported straight into the secret Batcave and pushed the car out of the portal. Luckily no one seemed to be there and they left quickly after placing the note on the windshield.
  Red Robin was there. Red Robin blinked once. Twice. Red Robin rubbed his eyes.
The Batmobile was still there but the five identical girls were gone.
He calmly turned around back towards the computer. He must be hallucinating right? When was the last time he slept? That didn’t matter. He had to check the cameras to see if they got that and once the rest got back from patrol they could tell him if it was real. He turned back one more time towards the car and noticed the note. Better to not touch it in case it disappeared again. Coffee. He needs coffee to explain this.
  Marinette ended up passed out on the couch as soon as they got home just like Tikki predicted. Seriously, that girl should listen to her more. Miraculous’ can take a huge toll on humans. All the active Kwami were nested on top of her unconscious body when Tikki decided to ask what exactly was on the note.
“The note? Oh that note! Well…”,Plagg dragged out with a yawn.
  Dear Mr.Batman and Traffic Light boy.
We are very sorry for taking your Batmobile for the day and I swear we didn’t mean to. We thought it was an abandoned car and wanted to learn how to drive. When we got in we realized this was a mistake but you were very close to us and we didn’t want to get in trouble so we took it! Don’t worry, we didn’t do anything with it but drive. Since we are making confessions do you think we should add the rest? Might as well Kitten so she doesn’t get mad at us. No, Trix don’t write that, stop it!
-We were the ones that scared the Blue Boy.
-Tell him that ‘Dick’ isn’t a very good vigilante name.
-Traffic-Light boy we saw you cut that trash bin in half.
-Traffic-Light boy and Red Helmet need to watch their language.
-Egg head, your cowl looks like an egg.
-Those guns we stole all got destroyed, don’t worry! Have you ever melted them? It’s really cool to watch.
-We ate that granola bar that Red Helmet had in his pocket.
-It made us feel really funny.
-We caught Egg head when he passed out while grapple hooking.
-Oh, write that we are really evil. I wanna make them scared!
-We are really evil!
-Blue Boy has really good jokes that make us laugh.
  “Then it’s signed with their usual red symbol, a green cat print, mouse ears, fox tail, and a horse spur.”, Alfred concluded.
“Shiitake mushrooms! They knew my identity and didn’t even realize it.” Nightwing screeched, grabbing his hair.
“That granola bar was a ‘special’ brownie.”, Red Hood stated.
“I do NOT look like an egg! ...Ok maybe I do.”, sighed Red Robin.
“I told you I kept hearing things and I was RIGHT!”, shouted Nightwing.
“They can’t be real if they liked your jokes, Grayson.”, Robin said.
“Ouch, Traffic-Light boy! That felt like you cut me in half like that trash can.”, teased Nightwing.
 Batman took the note from Alfred and rewatched the footage from the caves cameras. They five looked younger than Robin and obviously held some type of magical abilities to create a portal. From what he could tell they weren’t actually doing bad things and when they did they felt guilty about it. He pulled up the note left at the museum that was also an apology.
  “They are just kids, Alfred.”, Batman mumbled.
Alfred hummed. “Kids who need some guidance I suppose, Master Bruce?”, he suggested.
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roru-aurarios-2024 · 5 years
Miraculous Review (entry No.2)
Here we are again for a latest entry of Miraculous Ladybug episode.
In episode "Kwamibuster," superhero identities, new transformations, and a new introduction of Miraculous dual fusions appearing in this story is mind boggling.
In the beginning, we get to see Tikki and Plagg getting into mishaps in school, which causes a high risk for Marionette and Adrien's superhero identities to be at play. The reason is explained, by Marionette and Tikki, as a reminder if one of them finds out of their secret, then that person will no longer become involved as a superhero ever again. It will risk that person's and their relatives livelihood in danger. To my perspective, it sort of makes sense as a safety precaution. Remember Master Fu's flashback of his girlfriend in episode "Backwarder?" Those were the dark times.
After Tikki was captured by the enemy, I thought about the Kwami and Miraculous connections. What happens if the wearer removes their Miraculous after a Kwami was captured by the villain? Will it damage in some way or will it stay unchanged? The answer may be a mystery.
Continuing onward, I love Marionette's superheroine style as MultiMouse along with her jump rope weapon as a tail. Its too adorable.
In addition with her transformation, there were many different talkative theories about Miraculous fusions in the past. This episode confirms it canonically.
I love how the fusions worked out in this episode. MultiCat. MultiBug. MultiFox. The names fit nicely.
However, this may be the first time this episode has a single line script error. When Marionette fuses with the fox Miraculous, she cried out "Toppo! Trixx! Unified!" This may cause many English listeners confused including myself. The ZAG team production need to correct this scene. Marionette suppose to say "Trixx! Mullo! Unified!"
The rest of the story assorted smoothly as Marionette solve the identity crisis at hand. Also, she may be the first human to wear many Miraculouses in one day of all of history of heroes as aforementioned by Master Fu and Wayzz.
Alright. We are still getting closer to the Season 3 finale really soon. There was already a small clip between Master Fu meeting the evil Hawkmoth and Mayura scene for the first time. My mind is getting hyped wanting to see the rest of it.
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moved2alk3 · 6 years
Mad rad hot hair Make those jealous bitches, DAMN! Hot Hot chii it up Extra volume tease it up Fashion multifox hot Siny on the cat walk Color chunks rush shock Razor cut jagged I'm fenny not a faggot! Scene hair so SIQ Texting on my sidekick With extensions so thick You can suck my dick So get in my chair Let me pimp your hair Let me pimp that hair Turn that music up Let's get wasted super fucked! I got my mad rad hair (Yeahh) Tease it out with so much flare (Uh huh) My hair is better than yours (Yeahh) So fuck me on the dance floor Just fuck me on the... I got I got (uh-uh) I got I got I got (uh-uh) I got I got I got (uh-uh) I got I got I got (uh-uh) I got Gettin' my hair done at sexy parties Everybody gettin' tense Feeling up my body I love this filthy Life to get CRUNK ALL NIGHT! My bangs to the side My hair's lookin' so tight Oh my God I dyed! I dyed it teal! (Yeah) In case you didn't know I'm a really big deal So shut the fuck up And take your clothes off I'm your getaway car And were' going really far (vroom) Turn that music up Let's get wasted super fucked! I got my mad rad hair (Yeahh) Tease it out with so much flare (Uh huh) My hair is better than yours (Yeahh) So fuck me on the dance floor Just fuck me on the dance floor! I got my mad rad hair (Yeahh) Tease it out with so much flare (Uh huh) My hair is better than yours (Yeahh) So freak it all out Make me look like a MySpace whore Striked up, Coon tails, White polished finger nails. I'm so fabulous (well duh) I'm so glamorous (lol) Tease it out Make em' shout Come' a MySpace whore (Hahaha) Change your name to XXGORE (oh my God) Now you're so hard core (Haha yeah) So brutal You're packin' (What) SKEET SKEET SKEET Feel the heat This is how we drop the BEAT Turn that music up Let's get wasted super fucked! Cause I got my mad rad hair (Yeahh) Tease it out with so much flare (Uh huh) My hair is better than yours (Yeahh) So fuck me on the dance floor Just fuck me on the dance foor I got my mad rad hair (Yeahh) Tease it out with so much flare (Uh huh) My hair is better than yours (Yeahh) So freak it all out Make me look like a MySpace whore I got my mad rad hair (Yeahh) Tease it out with so much flare My hair is better than yours (Yeahh) So fuck me on the dance floor Just fuck me on the dance floor I got my mad rad hair (Yeahh) Tease it out with so much flare! My hair is better than yours (Yeahh) So freak it all out Make me look like a MySpace whore
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a-la-la-llama · 4 years
The One Where Marinette Teams Up #2
I don’t know how y’all convinced me to write more but I did. Props to @majorcurious007 for the idea on part 2. Enjoy!
Part 1        Part 3
  Just because Marinette was as popular as Catwoman didn’t mean she ever expected to meet her. Yet, here she was looking up at the tall, slim woman with her tail swishing back and worth. Well, tails since she was transformed as MultiMinou and MultiFox. Tikki had approved of their meeting, secretly hoping Marinette could gain a human mentor, but didn’t tell the guardian that. Catwoman was deliberately keeping her eyes on the tails that seemed to have a mind of their own unlike hers that was a whip.
“So you guys are Siamese?”, she said implying they were twins.
“Nope!”, the two said in unison popping the ‘p’. Then the two merged and left only MultiMinou in their place.
“Hmm. What else can you do?”, Catwoman asked.
“I can do a lot of things. Why do you ask?”, Marinette implored wanting to keep her powers secret.
“How would you like to team up and mess with a certain Bat and Bird?”, Catwoman suggested.
MultiMinou let a cat-like grin spread across her face, baring her canine’s, “What do you have in mind?”
  The next night she watched as Batman sent, who Catwoman referred to as ‘Bird-Brat’, away to talk to Catwoman alone. Marinette was told that the two had history and she was to follow where they went at a safe distance. The two talked to each other on a nickname basis and eventually made their way towards a rather large house. Just like the plan, she waited outside until a green laser pointer was pointed out of the second story window. It took everything in Marinette not to give into Plagg and chase the light and continued on her path into the house.
  Silent like a mouse she made her way through the list of things to grab while inside and where they would be located. Using her night-vision to avoid going into the light where she would be seen, she was halfway through the list when she met her first obstacle.
  The dog was three feet tall and only two feet shorter than her average self. Now, however, she only had a foot above it. Her creation soul must have shown because it followed after her instead of alerting anyone with barks. Luck was on her side even when wielding the destruction miraculous.
Marinette was stuffing the contents of a safe into a bag when she encountered a human occupant of the house.
“The brat adopted another cat?”, the boy asked no one in particular before taking a long swing of his cup.
She examined him and understood why he was acting weird. Marinette had been in his shoes before, running on his fourth day without sleep. He made his way towards her and sat on the floor beside her.
“I can’t wait to see B’s face when I tell him.”, his hand lifted to the top of her head giving head pats. MultiMinou couldn’t help but purr at the gesture. The pair sat there with only the sound of purrs until he finished his cup.
“I’ll tell everyone about you tomorrow but I gotta refill my coffee.”, he yawned. She waited until he turned the corner before going back on her mission. Once MultiMinou was done, MultiHorse swiftly got them out to the warehouse she had been told to wait at. Settling into a blanket she had taken on her own from there, Marinette curled up for a cat-nap.
  Damian had come stomping into Bruce’s room furious early into the Saturday’s morning. Bruce could feel his migraine forming as the youngest Wayne marched up to his bedside.
“That hussy you brought home stole the PlayStation and Grayson is trying to blame me! I will not tolerate these accusations any longer. If you wish to see your eldest tomorrow I suggest you clear this up.”, he demanded.
That couldn’t be right Selina never got up last night and was right… gone. Selina was gone along with his bedside lamp. Why she took it he has no idea.
“How do you know it was her?”, he questioned.
“Drake came up and asked me about a new cat that I do not have. I do remember that you sent me home to talk to a certain criminal, however.”, Damian declared.
Bruce let out a deep sigh that held every ounce of tiredness in his bones. Why couldn't he have a normal life? Right, he chose to be a vigilante for a city with the highest crime-rate in the world. He slumped out of bed and made his way downstairs for breakfast. He would need it if he was going to make a list of things that needed to be replaced.
  Selina couldn’t help the fond smile that made its way on her face. The little kitten was curled up with a grey fuzzy blanket surrounded by the treasures she had retrieved. The purrs that reached her ears sounded so real, not even she could replicate that. Catwoman gently shook her. Marinette yawned before stretching, kneading the blanket by releasing and retracting her claws before she opened her eyes to look at Catwoman.
“Did you run into any trouble last night?”, the woman implored.
“The dog followed me around and I ran into a boy. He looked like he needed a nap and thought I was a real cat. Meow-ch! My back hurts.”, MultiMinou answered.
“You did good. I would like to work together again in the future!”, Catwoman said before handing her a bag and running off with the rest. In the end, Marinette walked out with a new lamp, gaming system, and lots of food. Catwoman couldn’t wait to see her kitten again.
  “Damian, where the heck is your cat?”, Tim yelled making his way to the table to eat.
“Tim, Selina was here last night. Damian does not have a cat.”, Bruce sighed out.
“Catwoman? No,no,no,no! It was really small and blue. Titus was laying down next to it. Wait, where’d you find a blue cat?”, Tim rambled.
“I thought you trained Titus to attack Selina, Demon Spawn?”, Jason added.
“I did, Todd. He would have at least barked to alert me.”, concluded Damian.
“I know for a fact Selina did not go into my room and steal my blanket. The ghost had neon blue eyes!”, Dick screeched still shaken from his ‘ghost’ encounter.
“Then who the fuck got into the house?”, asked Jason.
Alfred smiled from the kitchen. The intruder looked too small in his opinion and could need some nourishment. How else had Marinette gotten the food.
The next part should be coming Monday, shhhhh!
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posted at 1:28 am
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