mumskallceo · 4 years
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ethoslut · 4 years
community gardens by the scary jokes + mumskall !! [for the sending you a song + ship thing]
@mumskallceo the songs kinda short n didn’t give me much to work with but i tried!! yes its a vampire au no i will not apologize i will also not apologize for angst im a self proclaimed angst master
“Mumbo? You’re alright, honey, you’re fine.”
Mumbo was sitting on the floor of a building that, as far as Iskall was concerned, was going to be a trading hall - or, well, supposed to be at one point, since right now the entire room was filled with redstone components laying in random places on the ground. His suit was covered in red dust, his head buried in his hands. He was shaking. 
“Honey?” Iskall repeated. No answer. He decided to come in closer, sat next to his boyfriend, sliding Mumbo’s hair back. He put his head on Mumbo’s shoulder and started moving his thumb in circles on his thigh. “It’s okay. You’ll be fine.”
Mumbo didn’t move. 
“I’m a monster, Iskall.” he said, breaking the silence and let his hands fall onto his knees. He looked away from his boyfriend. “It’s all my fault.”
“I can assure you, you’re not a monster.” Iskall answered, grabbing Mumbo’s hand and squeezing it lightly. “What happened?”
“Villagers. Villagers happened.” Mumbo groaned. “Those stupid, stupid villagers.”
Iskall fully understood. Villagers truly are a pain to work with, and Mumbo was never patient with them. Well, in this case, it usually ended badly for the villagers, which seemed to be what happened. He squeezed Mumbo’s hand again.
“I was working with them, and they didn’t cooperate, and I got angry, and I snapped.” Mumbo took a deep breath. “And then I lost it, and when I could think again I was here with this mess.”
“I don’t know if it’s gonna help, but I’m pretty sure I’d kill them too. They’re super annoying. Super, omega-annoying.” Iskall joked delicately, trying to brighten Mumbo up a little. It didn’t seem to work.
“Yeah, but you’d use a sword, or an axe, or a lava bucket, and not. Well. Use your own teeth, basically, and then be stuck with stupid, stupid fangs for few days with no possibility to hide them.” Mumbo said, visibly angry at himself. It wasn’t the first time he’s “lost it”, as he calls it, but it’s one of the worse times. Usually Mumbo’s able to be aware of his actions, more or less, instead of blacking out completely. It always made him feel bad, he hated that part of himself. 
Iskall moved away slightly just to grab Mumbo’s chin to make his boyfriend look at him. His eyes were red, of course they were - they always are after this, and stay with the fangs. “Honey.” he placed a kiss on Mumbo’s forehead. “They’re not stupid. I think they’re cool, actually. Omega-cool. Same with your eyes. It’s a shame you insist on hiding them on a daily.” 
Mumbo scoffed. “Yeah, sure.” he tried to move his head back and hide from Iskall’s sight, but Iskall wouldn’t let him.
“No, no, listen to me.” he said. “I know you hate it. And it’s okay that you do. And I know you can’t remember who turned you, but I’m pretty sure they knew it would hurt you. And trust me, I hate it more than you could ever imagine. I don’t understand who could ever hurt you, I don’t understand how cold and rude you have to be to do such a think, but you’ll be fine, honey. I promise you, you’ll be fine.” Iskall’s thumb was softly moving on Mumbo’s cheek, who pushed his face into Iskall’s hand as much as he could. “And I know the years have been hard on you, but I’ll be here. I’ll do my best to do what I can to make you feel better. To make you feel loved.”
Mumbo was crying. That, just that, made Iskall realize how bad the situation is. He’s never seen Mumbo cry, not like that. He smiled, just oh so faintly, and whiped the tears from his face, smearing red all over himself even more. 
“You know what?” he said. “Sometimes I feel like everyone in the whole world is just, I dunno. A bunch of idiots or a bunch of assholes, but then there’s you. You’re nice to me, you love me even though theoretically I could kill you at any point if I get too angry at something and it’s just so, so nice. And you don’t have a problem with me having to have the, uhm, vampire features out for few days.” 
“Honey, shut up.” Iskall laughed. “Already told you I dig them like, a whole lot.”
Mumbo smiled, wide enough for Iskall to see his fangs fully. “Like this?” he chuckled. 
“Yep.” Iskall kissed Mumbo’s forehead again. “Like this, you dork.” 
send me a prompt/song + ship!!
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mlmgrian · 4 years
owo? A cultist Scarian AU?? Don’t be shy,,, talk about it
FGJSFACGJKD i woud but there isnt alot to go off on atm ! but basically da basic concept is that his family were/are cultists, and that it runs in the family . Scar having had that ideolegy forced into his head at a young age got him all messed up , so once he got the green belt he felt a certain obligation !! and Grian is the most concerned about him becaus of his past with EVO and stuff me and @mumskallceo are also ..... workign on a collabrative fic on it !!! hhopefuly our motivation for it doesn run out doe
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mumskallceo · 5 years
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“ i long to hear your voice, as i remember it
but now i have no choice but to remember it,
no recordings were made,
no MP3s, no AACs, no WAVs “
your voice, as i remember it - ajj
[ the prequel (tm) ]
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mumskallceo · 4 years
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hey, gri-on? why is there an eldritch version of you in the apartment?
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mumskallceo · 4 years
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here.... a little scarian kissy. az a treat :]
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mumskallceo · 4 years
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EXCUSE ME! He ask for no pickles
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mumskallceo · 4 years
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littol watcher gri :] deszign by @cosmlckisses !!!!!!
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mumskallceo · 4 years
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watcher grian dezign!! :]]
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mumskallceo · 4 years
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man fuck yall mumbo with teeth problemz iz hella valid!!!!! we love him!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mumskallceo · 4 years
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“ have you ever opened your third eye? ”
conzider thiz teazer art for that scar/watcher grian fic im making >u< putting thiz in hermitship tag bcuz main tag iz zscary ;-;
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mumskallceo · 4 years
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bro......... bro We are cuddlingh..... no dont zstop bro... Bro..........
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mumskallceo · 4 years
grian is not depressed. he isn't. he isn't. he isn't.
(he isn't, he tells himself as he curls up and cries, and cries, and cries, and cries some more.)
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mumskallceo · 5 years
good news: i am working on an interactive mumskall comic- which i will be crossposting on twt and on here!!!!! it will be called “honey talk” !!!
bad news: angst
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mumskallceo · 4 years
rain will fall - chapter 1
The sun is bright and blinding when Grian wakes up in his quaint little hobbit hole, its light peeking through the window.
Groaning tiredly, Grian tucks his head underneath his blanket, successfully becoming a human-sized cocoon. Except, instead of coming out as a butterfly, he’ll come out looking like a zombie, most likely.
 And look like a zombie he does, when, after the sound of a flurry of rockets firing, the door to his hobbit hole is knocked on very loudly. Quite literally rolling out of bed, Grian lands upon the floor with a thump, and crawls his way out of the blanket cocoon to tread downstairs and thumps his head against the door.
 The knocking ceases.
 Sighing quietly, he rubs at his eyes and slowly opens the door. His eyes have already fallen shut by the time it’s open.
  “Wh’d’you want.” Grian states.
 “Woah, hey there, G-Man!”
  Grian opens his eyes, and offers a small smile when he meets Scar’s own grin.
  “Oh,” He hums. “Hey Scar. Sorry for taking so long, ’m not a morning person.”
 “Yeah,” Scar laughs. “I can, uh, see that. Sorry for bothering you so early, but!”
  Scar raises a finger as if to stop Grian from saying anything. The man in question is too tired to formulate another coherent sentence.
  “I was won-der-iiing, if you…” He begins, his bright grin turning shy. “Wanted to go end-busting with me? I mean, I really miss the wind in my hair, man, and end-busting is way easier with someone who already has wings.”
  Grian blinks, forcing himself to wake up a little more. End-busting?
He hums, glancing at the soft lavender hue of his feathers, before tucking his wings in and shrugging.
  “Sure, why not?” He agrees. “Probably a bit later, though. I gotta wake up, first.” He adds with a smile. Scar giggles, nodding.
 “Of course, of course! Oh!” He gasps, fumbling around in his pack before pulling out a barrel and a handful of different colored items- though what they were, exactly, Grian wasn’t sure from a glance.
  Grian pretends like he doesn’t notice Scar rapidly putting the things inside the barrel. A poor man’s shulker box.
  “Before you go and wake-up-ify yourself,” Scar starts, a sly grin growing on his face, “I have some magical crystals you may be interested in buying!”
  Grian falls silent, his gut churning at the mention of magic. Magic was bad. Magic was dangerous. He thought the whole wizard getup was a bit, not the real thing!
Scar seems to take his uneasiness as uncertainty, however, and continues his sales pitch.
  “Now, now, I see some hesitance there. But I can assure you, these magical crystals are 100% the real thing!” Scar says brightly, pulling out two “crystals” from the barrel. “Here, on the house! Think of it as a sample. There’s a health boost crystal, ooh, and a luck crystal! We’ll need them for the end-busting.”
  Grian looks at the crystals. It’s quite obviously chips of stained glass.
Suddenly, as he reaches out to grab the “crystals”, he feels very stupid for thinking any of the hermits would have gotten a hold on magic, of all things, how silly of h-
  “AH!” Grian yells, snatching his hand away from the glass. He hisses through his teeth and grabs his now-burnt hand.
 “Ohmygosh! Grian, are you ok?!” Scar yells, dropping the crystals. “I’m so sorry, that’s never happened before, I’m so so sorry- are you alright? Do you need a health potion? I mean I don’t have any yet but I’m sure there’s someone who-”
 “Scar,” he rasps, suddenly much more awake. “It’s fine. Just a little burn. I just need some water, probably.”
 “Right! I’ll- I’ll go get that, stay right there!” He yelps.
  As Scar stumbles away to the nearby lake, Grian releases his hand with a wince and looks at the damage. 
 His heart nearly stops.
 Littered over the palm of his hands are faint burns, stretching out like lighting, but that’s not what scares him. What scares him is the faint glow of purple flickering in the center of his hand. He clenches his hand shut into a fist, holding back a hiss of pain, and looks up just as Scar comes back with a bucket full of water.
 He shoves in his hand before Scar can say anything without a second thought, hoping that the magic will go away.
When he pulls his hand back up, the faint burns are less irritated, and the glow of magic is gone. He lets out a quiet sigh of relief.
  “Again, I’m really sorry, Grian,” Scar whines, setting down the bucket and picking up the two crystals from the ground. “Maybe these ones are just duds? We- we’ll probably be fine in the end without-”
 “Actually,” Grian cuts him off in a hurry. “Maybe tomorrow?”
  Scar falls silent, face scrunching up with guilt.
  “Of course,” he says quietly. “Let me know if you need anything, okay? I’ll come drop off a health potion for you later anyways.”
 “...Thank you, Scar. I’ll make sure to do that.” Grian replies just as softly. “And… It’s not your fault, don’t feel guilty, ok? It’s just a small burn, I’m fine.
  Scar gives a small smile and picks the bucket up to dump back into the lake, giving a farewell as he walks out of sight. Turning away with a tight frown, Grian shuts the door behind him, sliding to the ground as he takes a deep breath.
 He looks down at his hand again. Any trace of that faint Watcher magic that had shown was gone.
It was probably nothing, he thinks, as his heart pounds loudly in his chest.
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mumskallceo · 4 years
it dawns on him during a restless night of working on his omega tree base- he's stripping some logs near the roots of the tree when it just... clicks.
he hadn't even been thinking of anything to do with gender identity, and yet, when he sets his axe down to crack his knuckles, he pauses.
the term had popped into his mind several times before, though he'd been too fixated on finding such an extremely specific, perfect fit for how he felt that he saw the words "umbrella term" and never stopped to look into it any more.
but suddenly, without reason, his mind had wandered and picked up the term, and something seemed to stick.
for a while, he'd just given up completely on finding something that matched how he felt, because nothing seemed to feel right.
he'd just gone along with everyone thinking he was cis, even though it felt awful to be called a man, even though it felt awful to see people looking at him weirdly when he wore a dress- he was just trying to be comfortable in his own skin-
phew. breathe, iskall.
where was he? oh, right.
his mind wandered a lot, to the point where his own thoughts were a sort of background noise, so it really shouldn't have come as a surprise when a word he hadn't thought too much about suddenly popped into his mind.
pulling a face, iskall pushed it to the back of his mind, zipped up his vest, rolled his sleeves down, and began stripping down more logs as he'd first intended to do.
he would just... research it a bit more later.
for no reason other than curiosity, he's sure.
it was just curiosity, when he began looking into people describing how it felt to be non-binary.
it was just curiosity, when he looked back at other gender identities he used to test with, and none of them clicked like how being non-binary did.
it was just curiosity, when he looked at the non-binary flag, when his chest welled with emotion as he realized he found something that felt right for once.
he didn't understand how he could've possibly missed this- he'd danced along with countless genders, from boyflux to agender, from demigender to genderfluid, and yet none of them clicked, somehow.
it felt nice, at first- it felt wonderful, at first.
and then came the realization.
he would have to actually tell people about it, now, wouldn't he?
it would be nice, to not be misgendered. it would be nice, to use a few feminine terms here and there, or a few neutral terms, instead of "man" or "mister".
but how would the other hermits react to his coming out?
they're good, accepting people, iskall knows this.
he also knows that there's always a possibility for someone to not be, too.
slowly growing anxious by the second, he takes flight into the sky and makes his way towards mumbo's base.
when the bamboo hill came into view, he had half a mind to turn on his heel and run back, maybe even ignore his own identity for convenience sake.
though he knew he'd feel awful, if he didn't at the very least take a few baby steps forward.
...and then maybe never take anymore steps after that, but hey! the important thing was that he tried.
and even as his heart swelled in his throat, even as his hands were shaking as he knocked on the wall as he entered, he knew he had to do this.
if he couldn't find it in himself to let anyone know, he could at least tell his other half of his own identity.
mumbo came down in few seconds time, smiling at him as he climbed down from upstairs.
"iskall!" he hummed gleefully, cheeks a rosy red. "how're you? you should've told me you'd come to visit..." he added with a sheepish smile.
iskall returned a smile as best he could, noticing that mumbo's hands were coated in faint traces of redstone.
his smile softened, and he let out a half-sigh, half-chuckle.
"you really need to start wearing gloves, mumby..." he mused, tense shoulders drooping as he stared at his partner with a cheesy smile.
"well, i will when i can find a pair! haha," mumbo laughed nervously, wringing his fingers together, flustered. "well, enough about that, then. did you need something, man?" he asked with a bright smile.
iskall tensed up once more, grin tightening as he laughed nervously, hiding his shaky hands in the pockets of his vest.
mumbo took notice nearly instantly, smile falling as he stared at iskall with concern.
(it had always been so easy to ignore any masculine nicknames, so why now was his discomfort so noticeable?)
"uh, well- you, um, y'know the-" he stuttered, suddenly finding the ground much more interesting than mumbo's peering eyes. "uh- i'm... not."
"i- huh?" mumbo replied, head tilted to the side. "not... what?"
"the- uhm... i'm not a-" iskall held back a strangled noise in his throat, coughing out the last word. "...man."
mumbo is silent, eyes widening.
"i-i- i'm, um," iskall continues talking, and why does he continue talking, he's only going to make it worse- "non- non-binary...?" he finishes shakily
iskall regrets the awkward words that fumble out of his mouth the moment he says them, cringing as he prepared for the worst.
he prepared for mumbo to laugh or play it off as a joke, or to tell him just because he liked looking masculine had to mean he was a guy, right?
and then...
and then he felt mumbo's arms wrap around him, carefully and lovingly.
iskall choked up, hesitantly hugging him back, tense and unsure.
"i'm so proud of you," mumbo whispered softly in his ear, rubbing his back comfortingly. "that must've been hard for you, and i'm so, so proud of you. i love you for you, dear, no matter what, okay?"
the tears come faster than iskall would've expected them too, and in a few seconds his body is shaking as he chokes back a sob.
mumbo doesn't let go of him, whispering sweet nothings in his ear and pressing gentle kisses against his face.
everything seems so surreal, so so great- too great, all of a sudden.
iskall buries his face into mumbo's shoulder, holding on tightly to him, as if he would disappear should he let go.
when iskall finally calms himself down, the two of them end up sitting on mumbo's bed, blanket wrapped around them and mugs of hot chocolate in their hands.
mumbo finally decides to break the silence, turning to look at iskall with red cheeks and a soft, kind smile.
"so..." he began, bumping his shoulder with iskall's gently. "do you have any preferred name, or do you still like going by iskall?" he asks quietly, patiently; careful not to pry too much out of iskall all at once.
"i- um..." iskall starts, unable to hold back the flustered smile that grows on his face. "i-iskall is fine, still. thanks for um, for asking. and, um, before i forget, i'm- i'm fine with the term 'boyfriend', too."
"of course, honeybee," mumbo replies, pressing a kiss onto iskall's shoulder. "what about any other pronouns?"
iskall pauses, smile falling into a thoughtful frown as he hummed.
being called 'him' never felt wrong or bad on most days (sure, there were a few days here and there which felt otherwise), but... was he supposed to use different pronouns? could he only use one set of them?
he repeats his thoughts to mumbo, who chuckles gently, shaking his head.
"you don't have to use other pronouns if you're comfortable with what you already use. but sometimes you can use multiple pronouns- i do too, actually!" he replies, smiling brightly.
"you- you do?" iskall asks dumbly, guilt swelling up in his gut. "i- sorry if i ever-"
"oh, no no no! don't feel bad about it at all, dear. i don't usually mention it too much to- well, anyone, really," mumbo begins, humming thoughtfully. "mostly because i'm a bit of both, i suppose? both binary genders, i suppose- it's called bigender, i think. it's never bothered me, being called a guy- or boyfriend, by the way- and the likes, so i never really bring it up. its more of a personal thing- to me, anyways."
iskall makes a small sound of understanding, nodding his head.
"well, ah- thanks for, telling me." he hummed, leaning into mumbo's side- how in the world did mumbo manage to use all the right words a mere few minutes ago, and he sounded awkward as all hell?
"oh, of course!" mumbo replied, smiling down at iskall and pressing a kiss against his forehead. "so, as i was saying, it's perfectly normal to use different sets of pronouns interchangeably. i think i have some pronoun pins around here somewhere, too..."
"pronoun pins?" iskall asked, raising an eyebrow. "like... pins with different pronouns on them?"
"yep! it's good for if you wanna let people know what pronouns to use for you without having to- well, say it." mumbo replied, nodding.
iskall hummed thoughtfully, biting his lip.
would it be weird to use she/her pronouns? even though he looked like a g- masculine.
he just looked masculine.
turns out, its a lot harder to not misgender yourself than iskall thought it would be.
"could- um... this sounds weird, but," iskall started, laughing nervously. "could you... like, talk about me in a sentence using um... using, she and her pronouns?" he asked meekly, cheeks flushing with sudden embarrassment.
"of course, love!" mumbo grinned, clearing his throat dramatically, giving iskall a eyebrow wiggle- (at least he got iskall to laugh.) "iskall is a very beautiful, handsome, and gorgeous person and i love her so very much! she's the loveliest person in the world."
iskall hides his face (and smile) behind his mug, face flushed a deep red.
other than the, honestly sweetest thing he's ever heard, coming out of mumbo's mouth, being called she actually...
felt really nice?
"that, um-" iskall starts, voice cracking, and he's sure he looks like a beetroot by now. "felt... good, actually? nice- it felt, um, nice."
mumbo smiled softly at him, setting down his mug gently, and turns to look at iskall completely.
"you're adorable," mumbo hums, and gently pulls on iskall's hands, bringing the mug down form his face. "the most wonderful person in the world."
iskall forgot how amazing it felt, just for a moment, to not be called 'man', or 'dude', or 'guy', and before he realizes it, he's tearing up again.
he could never forget how even more amazing mumbo is, though.
he takes iskall's face into his hands, and presses a soft kiss against his lips, wiping away his tears.
"i mean every word," he mumbles, tracing along the faint freckles upon iskall's face. "you really are so wonderful, no matter what."
iskall leans into his touch, smile wobbly as he sniffs and holds back more tears, and he doesn't remember the last time he's felt so happy- the last time he's felt as though everything was perfect.
(aside from meeting mumbo, that is.)
they spend the remainder of the day and night enjoying each other's touches and "i love you"s, confiding in each other and themselves, sharing tears and smiles.
they hold each other close like they are each other's whole world, and they stare at each other as if they were staring at infinite beauty and grace.
they silently agree, that without a doubt in their minds, everything will be okay as long as the other is there with them.
a heartfelt confession, as it seems, is all it took to feel so free.
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