#mun & muse banter
kagami--uchiha · 1 year
Seeing it around.. I am pretty sure that Kagami would be god awful at Fuck, marry, kill...
"Why would you say something so awful?"
Because you wouldn't be able to decide who to kill!
".... Bullshit!"
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cfmanymuses · 1 year
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“What was that sound?”
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“Just our resident Phantom getting overexcited about something. She’s been looking forward to this announcement, but she’s coming down with something and losing her voice.”
I’m right here, guys, c’mon.
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kokuycku · 3 months
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"It's about time you stopped messin' around and brought me back to the spotlight-"
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(Look, I just wanted to play on my other blogs for a bit and focus on Dawntrail for you-)
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"Yeah, well, focus more on me. Tired of being sidelined, y'know?"
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(I'm running like five blogs, so you gotta share. Sorry.)
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wishfulmuses · 5 months
ooc tag dump.
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dreamyrufescent · 2 years
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goldenguillotines · 1 year
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I WANT TO SO I SHALL..Lovely sprites were obv done by @/morgombie !! So I shall use he for "judgment" >:3
Reblog with 1 (one) alien/human/troll/etc.. and Koukoi, known photographer and.. perhaps if you're keen enough. You might know him from his other job. Friendly for all! He's not here to really judge.. perhaps.. Light banter and tell you his favorite part of your outfit? Or what catches his eye? After all. Beauty is in everything!
Multiple reblogs are allowed! Go ham! Judgebacks aren't required but appreciated! 18+ muns and muses only!
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m-for-musings · 1 month
Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
MUSE NAME: Nyssala ( @unhingedbutpretty ), Erala ( @more-than-a-slayer ) and Jaheira ( @harpershigh )
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: Here or Discord, both works well
EXPERIENCE: On Tumblr, a total single unity of month. Yep, 1 month. On TTRPGs tho, over 15 years, with 10 of that being a forever GM.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: TTRPG, definitely. Pen, paper, character sheets and dice all the way. But lack of time and language barrier keeps me from doing it as often as I'd like.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: Non-con in general is a big no. Also antropophagy. Harm to children and animals needs to be in a fade-to-black, or only briefly mentioned. I don't like overtly violent interactions (as in, torture sessions), but I can roll with it if I know what's coming next (please warn me if you intend to kill one of my muses please).
PLOTS OR MEMES: Both! I like memes for inspiration, even if they don't become threads (work is biting my ass lately so short threads have been a respite for me due to lack of time to write).
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: Both! I love para-novella, but I also love quick banters, especially if it's some unhinged funny shit.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I write at night, or in quick spaced breaks during my shift, but mostly at night (after 21h Brasília Time).
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: NAH, Nyssala is my complete opposite personality-wise and GOD FREE ME from being such an asshole like Erala. I wish I could be such a strong character like Jaheira, tho.
Tagged by: no one, I saw @iron-hearts-ablaze doing it and I did too :D Tagging optionally and without pressure: @karmints, @ferinehuntress, @darkmothersworn, @waywardtavsanddurges, @shimmerbeasts and @clandekariios
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andalasia · 2 months
hellos. dusting off my old sideblog to throw up this request bc that feels like a good idea. i've responded to a couple other searches, so i'm realistically not looking to take on too many more. little bit about me, i'm a 29 man, live in the central timezone [ i think technically it's cdt bc it's currently july... but don't quote me on that ], used to consider myself a reader reader but me and the books have been beefing these past few months so that isn't occurring as frequently. maybe because i've been giving rp more attention. i've been rping since at least 2009, but most of that has was on forums like proboards/invisionfree/jcink. i have only recently really been a discord rp girlie
really only looking for m/m plots at this time. mayhaps one day i will go back to doing hetero ships, but for the time being that's not really something that interests me. i don't have a robust collection of muses that i pull out of rotation, that's just never been how i rp... if you see a guy on my main blog [ blakegallo ] the odds are that i would use them as a face. because i cut my teeth on forums i do typically only use actors, musicians, and the occasional model as faces; i typically steer clear of people who social media people. it's really just a matter of personal preference. i am willing to consider a fandom based rp, but would prefer something that is more oc x oc.
as far as preferences go i do write in the third person past tense. i don't really have any interest in breaking the discord message character limit for replies. i would never do a one liner, but a nice well developed paragraph or two is usually good enough for me. i like there to be something to respond to and get a nice back and forth going. i've seen a lot in my decade plus in the rp community and i've definitely done responses that are what the girlies call novella length now and that's just not something i'm super invested in returning to at this time. i don't have any interest in rping in dms, i think that things are just more organized in a private server. i also prefer for new threads to be individual channels just because i find that easier to scroll back through than one general channel, but that's me. i am a tupperbox girlie... and so i do have a slight preference for using them. it's not a requirement by any means, i have more 1x1s that don't use them currently than do, but just throwing that out there. i also find that doing something mumu is just easier for me with the tupperbot, but we can make it work if you aren't for it.
as a sidenote, i also do really love text threads. in my time perusing the the tags i'm not sure if this common because so many of the requests i see are for the novella level girlies. but sometimes i might have time for some quick banter between our characters. i also find that characters texting leads to where a next thread should go. as a vibes girlie i just like letting the characters sort things out sometimes than us as muns going back and forth figuring out where the plot should take them next.
plotting for me tends to be more organic. i really don't like to get too far ahead of ourselves. to me it's like writing a romance novel, we know these characters are eventually going to get together, but the journey to that destination can be whatever we make for it. so the ups and downs and angst along the way is what makes it fun. obviously i'm all for tossing ideas back and forth about how we think we should handle something or where we should go next, but i don't really have any interest in outlining the whole journey and then just hitting the beats.
so please be 21+, 25+ honestly would be even better and like this if you're interested. i might read the occasional high fantasy book, but that's not a thing i am all that interested in. i might be up for something vaguely paranormal, but i'm really more a regular person writer. give me the lives and the rich and famous or mess happening in suburbia... i'll reach out from my main blog in tumblr dms and we can go from there if we think it could be a good fit.
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SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
what’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
I do not have one and when I created Grim that was the last thing on my mind. Ironically it was ONE of the first questions I was asked too.
I have learned to NOT have high hopes for GrimShips. I think this will be the one and only muse that I have written for that will have many friends and minimal lovers. He's flirt tho' he tries. HA.
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
I adore writing romantical threads, fluff, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers with the right writing partner, little bit of angst -not too much. Even friends with benefits I'd be down to write as well. It's lovely when things happen between muses organically but I'm not opposed to pre-plotted ship scenarios but that depends entirely upon the rapport between me and my writing partner.
Also I throw Grim everywhere. I feel like Genshin RP on tumblr is kinda ded or worse anti-hilichurl so Grim is not locked into Genshin-only ships. I toss him into crossovers more often than not.
Not into infidelity, pregnancies, icsts, non-con or age play or cest. I politely pass on the ol' 'my muse is a virgin scenario' too. Grims bio contains more deets for hard passes in his NSFW section if you're reallly curious otherwise just ask me.
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Both muses have to be adults. No minor muses or muns. Period.
Tech Grim is 500+ years old. I picture him being a twenty-something year old when the cataclysm happened and he was cursed. He ages super slow, even his hilichurlian evolvement is stalled. SoooO, hes a grumpy old man!
are you selective when shipping?
Chemistry is crucial on the dash or in the thread.
It's nice when you have a connection between muns BUT I have done ships without that, even though it's a bit more risky and things can flop for one reason or another and you just wasted ALL of your time. I prefer to have a good ooc banter with a partner I'd be down to ship with, it is more comfortable that way and the open line of communication is valuable to have.
IF I am shipping with you/yr muse YOU are not 'bothering me' when you send asks, Dm's, brain dumps about the ship. Or even just chit-chatting about it and proposing what IF situations.
I do prefer a ship with someone who matches my energy, If I'm putting in the effort are they? Am I giving their blog, muse and storyline so much of my attention and they are giving me nothing or worse --> half-assed? That one-sided feeling can sink a ship really fast for me.
The only time I get truly 'selective' or discerning is if I smell the crazy on you. If I see you becoming possessive and like HOARDING my muse away from other writers, or jealous of my muse or someone else's muse, I will shut that shit down fast. I have experienced my share of crazy RP-ers and I can tell you some horror stories.
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Because Grim is what he is the moment he kisses someone it's getting tagged as NSFW.
He's a MONSTER not everyone wants to see him giving some muse the tongue ~
If a conversation veers towards a mature topic it gets tagged.
does one have to ask to ship with you?
Not necessarily. Sometimes it JUST happens on its own.
And you can always ask if you're really curious to know 'would Grim be attracted to my muse?' or 'would Grim be romatical towards my muse?' and I can let you know if there's a shot or if he would be uninterested before you get too far and invested.
how often do you like to ship?
I love shipping but Grim seems to be the collector of friendships so there's that.
0 romantic ships atm.
are you multiship?
Yes, I tend to view ships separately. Each thread is in its own realm. Nothing is connected, unless it's plotted out between ALL muns involved and ngl thats not my fav thing to do There is too much leeway for a disaster to happen.
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I would not call myself ship obsessed at this point.
I Dooo love me a good ship and I can become excited for things to bloom. But I think, at this point I am more like connections obsessed for Grim because his blog is so NEW and getting a new RP partner to work with is FAR more thrilling to me at this stage.
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
One word. CAPITANO. That is all.
--I feel sorry for that one rp partner I work with having to put up with my bs. shhh they prolly will not see this. heh.
finally, how does one ship with you?
Jump in and write with me!
Grim may look intimidating but he's a goofball and has a good heart despite looking like a murder beast. Ask me, chit chat. Break the ice or take a risk and just dive into a thread, see if theres even a good click between our muses beforehand.
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Tagged by: i stole it >=]
Tagging: ANYONE who would like to do this. I read @piousolus 's reply and thought to myself ehhhhhh you know what I need to do dis for Grim.
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townofcadence · 1 month
Came for the interesting muses. Stayed for the interesting muses & the kind and cool mun & lovely writing! :3
Came for the ___, stayed for the ____.
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Awww thank you!! That's so sweet of you to say!! I'm glad you like my characters, and me and my writing! I think your characters are also really fun and nuanced and I like seeing where the threads might go! I'm really enjoying how goofy Fox and Doomsday get to be because Fox is so blase about everything and keeps Doomsday on her toes, and I'm really interested in seeing how things go with Thursday from here! I've enjoyed some of their banter or at least engaging each other like the handcuff thread too! I hope your girls get to have even more time and we get to see how things grow and change :33333
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staticintone · 2 months
Mun talks Muse—favorite ship for the muse
Let’s start with the obvious; I write a lot of radiostatic.
Part of that is just that I wrote for months with my affiliates before even thinking of coming to tumblr.
The idea of codependent friendships slipping into a slightly romantic edge has a lot of personal meaning to me, and allowed me to vent in a safe and healthy way about some not-so-healthy things.
Obviously there’s a lot more dynamics out there than just that one, but that was where that started for me. Friends to lovers as well as friends to enemies to lovers is just a good trope for a reason.
I love my angst, and give me any opportunity to have yearning and I am in.
I have dabbled a bit in the discord world with radioapple and radiohusk, and I love those too. Banter heavy, enemies to lovers material right there. Radiohusk also has the added benefit of a betrayal, which fuels my dark little angst heart.
I enjoy my relationships with the OCs out there—like yours—because that gives us an opportunity to build an entirely new dynamic from scratch.
Alastor even has a little thing with one of his alternates, and that level of trust is beyond all reason. Because who can you trust if not a version of you that’s just different enough?
I don’t necessarily have a “favorite ship”, as much as I adore every single one that’s been part of my writing so far.
And then there’s the RAM verses but—/shot
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uraharashouten · 2 months
🎀 What's the last nice thing you saw pertaining to rp?
[[ meme || Mun Communication Preferences ]]
I'll be honest, this is such a broad question, I'm not sure what it means. "Nice thing" can be interpreted in so many ways. My first thought is an example of folks being kind and considerate of one another in RP, which... while I can't think of a specific example, I do see a lot of on my dash! When I think back to how people were sniping and jealously guarding muses and headcanons back in, say, 2016... it hasn't always been that way. People are way more chill than they were then.
But I also think it's a nice thing when people I haven't seen on my dash in a long time get active again, and there are a few of those who have popped up recently!
I also think it's a nice thing when people have simple, funny banter back and forth, like they're just enjoying the sport without the pressure, and I've seen that too!
And lastly... this may not fit most folks' definition of a nice thing but I do love me some meta, and when someone unexpectedly drops it on the dash!
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cfmanymuses · 2 years
Dammit, this last month has been so busy that I forgot Phoenix’s birthday. It was on the 10th of December.
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“Worry not, I was hunting. Some settlements can’t feed themselves in this weather. Do try to remember Moana’s birthday on the sixteenth, though.”
Thanks for the reminder, Phoenix.
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belovedblossoms · 3 months
2 - is it hard for you to write with characters you don’t know/don’t know well? 7 - describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.) 11 - describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted. !!!
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2. It can be, yes. In fact it can be pretty difficult for me to pick at my brain to write replies or make starters for unfortunately for them. I do read about pages or even if I must I try pulling up the wiki for characters that are canon but even then it would take me the longest to reply back to or I just can't altogether. Don't get me wrong I don't mind hearing some things about the muse but I can't totally be relied on sticking to it, sorry.
7. Ofc I'm a sucker for romance, dumbass 1 and 2, domesticated, rivals to friends/lovers, shy one x "they said no ___", banter, "you're too nice but I can make you worse", sunshine x grumpy, found families I really do enjoy, I'd LOVE to try and have more antagonistic/rival dynamics with muses--I rarely get those!
11. I'm...a little confused about this question ^^;; I guess it means what I want to gain out of roleplaying a muse of mine? I think I'd want other muses that I write with to help kind of bring different behaviors out of my muses--like something unusual or new be it a positive or negative one. Really bring out the drama, heal or destroy them!! With that I'd like to keep reaching out for those different possibilities for them.
Questions for muns
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wishfulmuses · 10 months
general tags
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darkenforcer · 3 months
✍ 😒📝⌨
MUN TALKS ABOUT THE MUSE || not accepting !
✍ Favorite thing about writing the muse?
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DEVELOPING HIS RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER MUSES!!! he isn't an outright asshole toward people he isn't overly familiar with (unless they suck), but he hardly lets his guard down, either. i love being able to deepen his friendships into something more emotional -- open -- and allowing that softer side to shine! yuri's a perceptive, considerate guy! i'll never be immune to sprinkling that into interactions when given the opportunity.
i also enjoy writing the distinction between his base-level snappiness with the sort of banter he develops with the people he's fond of, too! i'd say balancing his caring and sarcastic personality in general, actually; it's easy to accidentally veer too much into either trait, so deciding when -- and how much -- i should emphasize one or the other is a fun challenge i like to give myself!
😒 Is there anything canon about your muse that you ignore? 
answered ! but i just remembered the one (1) thing i'll Always ignore: a director's comment in the official scenario book stating yuri could "potentially" develop feelings for estelle down the line. their relationship's compared way too often to sibling-like dynamics (e.g., the legend of brave vesperia and the child of the full moon, another director's comment stating he currently sees her as a sister, etc.) for me to be comfy with that. i can see how people would think she has a crush on him, but i don't believe he'd ever reciprocate it with the other stuff in mind, y'know??
📝 Favorite headcanon for your muse? 
i know it's the most indulgent thing on the planet, but i'm sooo attached to trans yuri. while i have my own headcanons, the specificity doesn't matter to me -- ftm, mtf, nonbinary, whatever! -- i lose my mind (/pos) whenever i see it in fanart or fanfic! he doesn't gaf about societal expectations of him, anyway, so it wouldn't be out of character. there's already a lot of gender shenanigans in regard to how he's perceived by others across official material, too; might as well commit to the bit lol.
⌨ What’s a situation you’ve always wanted to RP with the muse? 
i really wanna write out more big bro yuri stuff! or, at the very least, threads where he takes on the occasional babysitter role for younger muses lol. since it plays such a prominent part in his characterization, i'm always itching for more! i'm still holding out for a karol coming to isola, honestly-- i'd kill for the opportunity to express the sheer amount of brotherly love yuri has for that kid.
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