#murphy menke
08cjvvman1 · 2 days
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imaginashon · 8 years
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For a kid who is cursed, a lot of good comes his way! Congrats to Dan, Swampy and Kyle for their Daytime Emmy nominations! Woohoo!!
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Dan Povenmire, co-creator of Phineas and Ferb and the voice of Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, just did a zoom call for fans, and this is a link to it on Google Drive and a link to it on YouTube.
Here’s a brief overlay brought to you by my incessant live blogging, and because I was speed typing on my phone, I can guarantee not everything made the cut. If you’re interested in hearing Dan talk about growing up an artist and becoming an animator and trying to pitch Phineas and Ferb and working on the show and movies, I would definitely suggest checking out the full 75 minute video. The highlights from the call are below the cut.
They added Doof and Perry because they liked chase scenes. They realized fairly quickly that more than not, the pair led to good comedy, and found it much more interesting to see how their relationship developed. He also says that they are "the most important person to each other” and “they’re really good friends.”
They wrote the Perry theme song in an hour between meetings with Disney
They decided during the pilot that they weren't going to try to get comedy from the characters saying mean things to each other. Even Doofenshmirtz wasn't motivated by evil, he just wanted to get the attention he didn't get at home.
Doof’s backstories were not Dan and Swampy's idea. They were from Jon Barry and Chris Hendrick, who [itched the lawn gnome backstory. It was long and compliated and Dan and Swampy couldn’t stop laughing. They also provided the "it all started on the day of my birth” one the next day.
making the 2D movie while making the movie was the busiest Dan says he has ever been, and that's not even counting the PnF Take Two and Doof's web show and all the interviews. Basically, 2010ish was a very busy time in the Dwampyverse.
They decided to give each pair of writers their own section of an outline to work on, and each pair got to make up the dialogue and jokes based on it. it works well for the show, but writers kept going on their own tangents and the movie ended up like 6 hours long. Dan and Kyle Menke had to redraw 80% of the show because they had to cut gags out and rewrite it so it was still funny. Note: in the new movie, they did the opposite — they wrote a script and told the board artists that they could put brief gags in but nothing too long
He thinks the show became one of the most beloved shows bc it was innocent and the adult humor wasn't dirty so the whole family could watch it together. He also said the songs at the closest thing you get to immortality in a show. Those combined made the show as big of a hit as it was, and hopefully those things will get older people to watch the movie.
His advice if you want to follow in his footsteps are to draw (and suggest you check out Cartoon Animation by Preston Blaire and How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way by Stan Lee) and to know that these jobs are out there
One of his favorite gags in PnF are the silent moments where something big happens and no one reacts (like something big fell in an early episode and crashed next to Phineas and co and at first they were all shocked but Dan changed it to them just kinda looking at it for a moment with no emotion)
Q: Did you ever want to quit what you were going?
A: "I don't really... do... anything else..."
He finished his new pilot today (July 2nd, 2020) and the movie is due tomorrow.
He would love to do more PnF and there's been talks of another PnF movie
He would love to do more Milo Murphy's Law, but it never got huge ratings and Disney's not too big on it but if people start watching it on Disney+ they might get to keep doing it. They did that with Family Guy, and it could happen to MML too.
The movie feels like old Phineas and Ferb and there are a lot of great songs! 
And now, the Q&A (in which he draws random characters are he talks)
How was the process of kicking the voices?
It was sometime easy but sometimes very difficult. For Phineas, they listened to maybe a thousand people. they actually recorded someone but they put it to animation and it didn't really work. He knew as soon as he heard Vincent that he loved him. They literally recasted the lead (Vincent) the day before they had to deliver the pilot.
He knew immediately that he liked Alison Stoner. She was the second Isabella he heard, and he listened to maybe 50 others afterwards, but he knew he wanted Alison Stoner
They decided on a different Candace and they sent it to the head of the channel and the guy asked if he heard Ashley Tisdale. He told Dan to have her come in and give her direction and Dan was hesitant bc he had one that he liked but he was lowkey forced to bring her in. It was his only audition that day, and after his big block of text Dan gave her like 20 notes and she wrote the notes on the big block of text and she did it again and it was perfect and obviously Candace (but he feels bad for the actress that was almost Candace bc she'll never know how close she was)
What was the most impactful episode you worked on?
Either the last (hard to watch w/o crying) or three moments that made himcey while doing them: the end of Summer Belongs To You when Phineas gives up trying to get off the island and decides to watch the sunset with Isabella which was what she always wanted and she exploded and talked him back up onto being the person he is even tho it's a sacrifice on her behalf. He later says he started crying while pitching to his wife the AYA scene of Phinabella getting together.
Do you regret any episodes?
There are some he likes more and some he likes less but he doesn't regret any of them. He was a little disappointed in an early episode without a sing but he watched it alter and decided it was actually pretty decent. None of them make him cringe or wonder why they did that.
How has social media impacted PnF?
He recently got on TikTok and found out that's where all the PnF fans are. He was thrilled to see the response everything was getting and it made him feel good about everything he accomplished. The fact that this generation knows what an aglet is is his biggest accomplishment in pop culture.
Favorite part of working on the show/movie
He likes editing, but writing the songs is the most fun bc it feels the least like work
Who is Ferb's mom?
Never established or really thought about Ferb's mom or Phineas's dad AND IT'S NOT DOOFENSHMIRTZ THEY MADE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR THAT TO BE TRUE STOP ASKING and Phineas and Candace are full brother and sister. The bio parents aren't interesting to them bc the family already has a mom and dad and the other ones are just out of the picture and not important.
Will there be a new character in the movie?
Super Super Big Doctor (and Disney keeps telling him what he can and can't talk about)
Are there any secrets or theories that he can tell them?
The freaking creepy pasta about schitzophrenic Candace IS NOT TRUE Phineas and Ferb do exist and are alive. There's also a theory that Candace is not based on the diary of a teen girl in Russia who killed herself, and that's not true either. He genuinely thinks they are really freaking stupid theories and they make no sense at all.
Who is your favorite guest star?
Writing a song with Slash from Guns n Roses was really cool. He also liked working with Ben Stiller, Christian Slater the delivery guy (he called and said he'd do any part in MML so they wrote him a role), Jack McBrayer (Irving/Fix It Felix), Wayne Brady (co-wrote In The Empire)
What is the motivation of Candace to bust the boys?
He's not trying to hurt them. She doesn't dislike them. She gets irritated but she's really just looking for fairness. If she built a rollercoaster in the backyard, she'd get in trouble, so they should get in trouble, too.
How did you think about hot to end the show?
Disney was starting to cool off on PnF. The merch wave had plateaued. Dan and Swampy had the next two years in the show already made, but Disney wouldn't pick up another season until they finished airing that season. They'd have to restaff for a new season and they didn't like that idea, so they turned one of their hour long specials into the finale. He wanted to be able to say goodbye and thank the fans.
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vidadepsicopata · 3 years
“My expectations are always to win a championship” – The Denver Post
“My expectations are always to win a championship” – The Denver Post
Ponderosa can’t shake the ghosts of what happened in the Class 5A state wrestling finals a year ago. Jarion Beets, the team’s first-year head coach, will not let the Mustangs forget. “Jarion brought out the second-place trophy and put it in the center of the mat the other week,” recalled Ponderosa 160-pound senior Murphy Menke. “He said: Just look at it.” Welcome to a new era of championship…
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wdonnait · 3 years
Javier Bardem chi è: tutto sulla biografia dell'attore
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://wdonna.it/javier-bardem-chi-e-tutto-sulla-biografia-dellattore/110780?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=110780
Javier Bardem chi è: tutto sulla biografia dell'attore
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Javier Bardem è un attore spagnolo, noto per aver recitato in tantissimi film che hanno fatto la storia del cinema.
Nel corso della sua carriera, ha ricevuto ben tre candidature agli Oscar, vincendone uno come miglior attore non protagonista (per il film “Non è un paese per vecchi).
Scopriamo qualcosa in più sulla sua vita!
Javier Bardem biografia
Nato a Las Palmas de Gran Canaria l’1 Marzo del 1969) Javier Angel Encinas Bardem ha 52 anni. È figlio di José Carlos Encinas Doussinague (morto nel ’95) e Pilar Bardem.
Da ragazzino, Javier partecipò ad una serie di competizioni sportive per il rugby a 15. Il suo ruolo fu davvero molto importante, tant’è che prese parte alle Nazionali giovanili spagnole. Non molto dopo, Bardem decise di intraprendere la strada della recitazione. Il suo debutto vero e proprio risale agli inizi degli anni ’90, con il film “Le età di Lulù” (in spagnolo Las edades de Lulù).
Da quel momento in poi, la sua carriera fu un rapido crescendo che lo portò ad una popolarità non indifferente a livello internazionale. 
L’apice del successo lo raggiunse nel 2008, anno in cui vinse il suo primo premio Oscar. E non molto dopo (esattamente nel 2012), ottenne la stella num 2484 di Los Angeles per la Hollywood Walk of Fame.  Tra le sue esperienze più significative nel mondo del cinema ricordiamo The Counselor  – Il procuratore, ma anche Pirati dei Caraibi – La vendetta di Salazar ed Escobar – Il fascino del male.
Ad oggi, Bardem si può considerare senza ombra di dubbio uno degli attori più famosi del mondo hollywoodiano.
Javier Bardem vita privata
Che cosa sappiamo della vita privata di Javier Bardem?
Per quanto riguarda la sfera sentimentale, egli è sposato da oltre 10 anni (esattamente dal 14 luglio 2010) con Penelope Cruz.
Dal loro amore sono nati due figli, i quali si chiamano Leonardo (22 gennaio del 2011) e Luna (22 luglio 2013). Molti di voi già sapranno che Javier e Penelope hanno recitato insieme in vari film, come ad esempio Escobar – Il fascino del male, Prosciutto, prosciutto, The Counselor – Il procuratore e tanti altri ancora.
In merito alla religione, Bardem si dichiara ateo.
Javier Bardem instagram
Dov’è possibile seguire tutti gli aggiornamenti sull’attore spagnolo?
Ovviamente su Instagram! Sul social infatti, Javier ha un profilo ufficiale con la bellezza di 424 mila followers) lo potete trovare con il nickname @bardemantarctic.
Allo stesso tempo però, non ci sono molti contenuti inerenti alla sua vita quotidiana con la bella Penelope ma giusto alcuni post inerenti alle novità lavorative. Molto probabilmente, è una persona estremamente riservata.
Javier Bardem film
Quali sono i film in cui è presente Javier Bardem?
A seguire potete trovare tutte le sue esperienze nel mondo del cinema a partire dagli inizi degli anni ’90 ad oggi:
Le età di Lulù (Las edades de Lulù), con la regia di Bigas Luna (nel 1990)
Tacchi a spillo (Tacones lejanos), con la regia di Pedro Almodóvar (nel 1991)
Amo il tuo bel letto (Amo tu cama rica), con la regia di Emilio Martínez Lázaro (nel 1992)
Prosciutto prosciutto (Jamón jamón), con la regia di Bigas Luna (nel 1992)
L’amante bilingue (El amante bilingüe), con la regia di Vicente Aranda (nel 1993)
Huidos, regia di Sancho Gracia (nel 1993)
Uova d’oro (Huevos de oro), con la regia di Bigas Luna (nel 1993)
La teta y la luna, con la regia di Bigas Luna (nel 1994)
Días contados, con la regia di Imanol Uribe (nel 1994)
Il detective e la morte (El detective y la muerte), con la regia di Gonzalo Suárez (nel 1994)
Boca a boca, con la regia di Manuel Gómez Pereira (nel 1995)
Éxtasis, con la regia di Mariano Barroso (nel 1996)
Más que amor, frenesí, con la regia di Alfonso Albacete, Miguel Bardem e David Menkes (nel 1996)
L’amore nuoce gravemente alla salute (El amor perjudica seriamente la salud), con la regia di Manuel Gómez Pereira (nel 1996)
Mambrú, con la regia di Pedro Pérez Jiménez (nel 1996)
Airbag – Tre uomini e un casino (Airbag), regia di Juanma Bajo Ulloa (nel 1997)
Carne trémula (Carne trémula), con la regia di Pedro Almodóvar (nel 1997)
Perdita Durango, con la regia di Álex de la Iglesia (nel 1997)
Tra le gambe (Entre las piernas), con la regia di Manuel Gómez Pereira (nel 1999)
Seconda pelle (Segunda piel), con la regia di Gerardo Vera (nel 1999)
Anni 2000
Prima che sia notte (Before Night Falls), con la regia di Julian Schnabel (nel 2000)
Nessuna notizia da Dio (Sin noticias de Dios), con la regia di Agustín Díaz Yanes (nel 2001)
Danza di sangue – Dancer Upstairs (The Dancer Upstairs), con la regia di John Malkovich (nel 2002)
I lunedì al sole (Los lunes al sol), con la regia di Fernando León de Aranoa (nel 2002)
Collateral, con la regia di Michael Mann (nel 2004)
Mare dentro (Mar adentro), con la regia di Alejandro Amenábar (nel 2004)
L’ultimo inquisitore (Goya’s Ghosts), con la regia di Miloš Forman (nel 2006)
Non è un paese per vecchi (No Country for Old Men), con la regia di Joel e Ethan Coen (nel 2007)
L’amore ai tempi del colera (Love in the Time of Cholera), con la regia di Mike Newell (nel 2007)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona, con la regia di Woody Allen (nel 2008)Biutiful, con la regia di Alejandro González Iñárritu (nel 2010)
Mangia prega ama (Eat Pray Love), con la regia di Ryan Murphy (nel 2010)
To the Wonder, con la regia di Terrence Malick (nel 2012)
Ma anche:
Skyfall, con la regia di Sam Mendes (nel 2012)
The Counselor – Il procuratore (The Counselor), con la regia di Ridley Scott (nel 2013)
Alacrán enamorado, con la regia di Santiago Zannou (nel 2013)
The Gunman, con la regia di Pierre Morel (nel 2015)
Il tuo ultimo sguardo (The Last Face), con la regia di Sean Penn (nel 2016)
Pirati dei Caraibi – La vendetta di Salazar (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales), con la regia di Joachim Rønning e Espen Sandberg (nel 2017)
Escobar – Il fascino del male (Loving Pablo), con la regia di Fernando León de Aranoa (nel 2017)
Madre! (Mother!), con la regia di Darren Aronofsky (nel 2017)
Tutti lo sanno (Todos lo saben), con la regia di Asghar Farhadi (nel 2018)
The Roads Not Taken, con la regia di Sally Potter (nel 2020)
Dune, con la regia di Denis Villeneuve (nel 2021)
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sheyffer · 7 years
Send me Two Fandoms and I’ll Tell You…
@antzonian asked: Milo Murphy’s Law and Asterix
Which has the better protagonist:
Funnily enough, I’ve never really liked Asterix and Obelix as characters. I don’t hate them, but compared to everyone else, they’re probably not even in my top ten, ha. The other village nerds are just too great for that.
But I do think Milo is a pure autistic cinnamon roll and I love him a lot, so Milo wins this round :ß
Which has the better villain:
Asterix. Partly because MML doesn’t quite have a villain beyond the Pistachions yet, and partly because Asterix’s Caesar is one of my favorite antagonists of anything ever. 
Which has the better plot:
I feel like saying MML for the sole reason that Asterix doesn’t have much of an overarching storyline, but I’m super interested in the whole historical background and the Vercingetorix lore. Still, though, MML has more angst and angst potential, and I’m always for the angst. 
Which has better cinematography:
Kyle Menke storyboards MML, so the answer should be obvious. Though I absolutely love the latest Asterix movie’s animation ~ 
Which one is more fun:
Both are pretty high up on the hilarity scale for me, but Asterix has so many (hidden or obvious) puns and references that Asterix wins here :3 
Which one makes me think the most:
That’s a tie. Asterix about the historical accuracy of everything, and MML about complex confusing time travel shenanigans :ß 
Which do I watch when I want to relax:
I don’t watch the Asterix movies a lot, so I’d say MML. If we count the comics, Asterix wins, however. 
Which do I watch when I want it to consume me:
It’s easy for both of them to manage that, so I’m gonna go with both. 
Which is my favorite:
Asterix. Simply because it includes my OT4 (and my favorite nerd of all time) and has accompanied me for decades. Although I’ll always love MML’s characters as well; see Bradley.  
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Friends of the Mexican Renaissance On May 24, @fristartmuseum opened Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and Mexican Modernism from the Jacques and Natasha Gelman Collection, organized by the Vergel Foundation and MondoMostre. This major exhibition presents iconic works by Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and their contemporaries, including seven of Kahlo’s painted self-portraits in which she vividly expresses her identity and emotions. The Gelman Collection is one of the most significant private holdings of twentieth-century Mexican art. SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING SUPPORTERS Los visionarios Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Barker Ann and Frank Bumstead Laurie and Steven Eskind Roger and Genma Holmes Howard and Carol Kirshner Nancy Menke and Sara Rosson Agatha L. Nolen Brenda and Joe Steakley Hope Stringer Jan van Eys and Judith Hodges Alex von Hoffmann and Bob Doyle Los benefactores L. H. Armistead III in memory of Jack C. Massey Karyn McLaughlin Frist Bob and Julie Gordon Leslie and Scott Newman Mr. and Mrs. James C. Seabury III Los colaboradores Anonymous Cathy and Martin Brown, Jr. Dr. André and Ms. Doreatha H. Churchwell Ashley and Lew Conner Annie and Eslick Daniel Carlene and Marshall Gaskins Harris A. Gilbert Walter and Sarah Knestrick Peter A. Kult Luxury Travel Works Dr. and Mrs. Frank Mastrapasqua Ellen and Patrick McIntyre Bill and Cindy Morelli Charles and Deborah Parrott Daniel L. and Mara Enriquez Thompson Leonora Zilkha Williamson Heather and Adam Yockey Los amigos Beth Heffington and Cammy Murphy Chase Cole John O. Colton Jerome and Tessa Del Pino Susan Hollyday Samantha L. Perez Shauna Russell So proud of this exhibit! #fristartmuseum #fridakahlo #artscommunity #nashville #museums #genmaspeaks #genmaholmes https://www.instagram.com/bugsact/p/By8wXTGFHhm/?igshid=1j0k9k8ufuy6p
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thissunpoweredkids · 6 years
Editing as Punctuation in Film from Max Tohline on Vimeo.
In January 2014 Kathryn Schulz published an article in Vulture called "The Five Best Punctuation Marks in Literature." Link: vulture.com/2014/01/best-punctuation-marks-literature-nabokov-eliot-dickens-levi.html
It got me thinking about what the five best "punctuation marks" in film might look like. I wanted to assemble a video essay with a rapidfire list of nominees of great moments of editing-as-punctuation in film. But as I started putting it together, the project grew into a twofold piece: an analysis of and response to Schulz's article as well as an attempt to spur new insights about editing by examining it through the metaphor of punctuation.
So, here it is: 20 minutes long, clips from 100 films (101 if you count that Woody Allen quotes Duck Soup in Hannah and her Sisters), and, I hope, an inspiration to anyone else who loves film on a formal level and believes, as Bazin did, that the language of cinema isn't done being invented yet.
Thanks to Kathryn Schulz for sending me down this wonderful rabbit hole of thought, and to the editors (in order of their cuts): Sally Menke, Buster Keaton, Abel Gance, Yelizaveta Svilova & Dziga Vertov, Michael Snow, Jonathan Amos & Paul Machliss, Harry Gerstad, William Reynolds & Peter Zinner, David E. Blewitt & Robert K. Lambert & David Newhouse, Sergei Eisenstein, Daniel Rezende, Valeriya Belova, Richard Pearson & Christopher Rouse, Lou Lombardo, Marguerite Beaugé & Carl Theodor Dreyer, George Tomasini, D.W. Griffith & James Smith & Rose Smith, Lev Kuleshov, Charles Chaplin & Willard Nico, Ron Fricke & Alton Walpole, Sam O'Steen, Edgar Adams & Edward L. Cahn, Ray Lovejoy, Siro Asteni, Anne V. Coates, Robert Wise, Susan E. Morse, LeRoy Stone, Ken Eluto, Spike Lee, Jerome Thoms, Lyudmila Feyginova, Peter Przygodda, Ferris Webster, Andrew Weisblum, Léonide Azar feat. Anton Walbrook, Alan Heim, Claudia Castello & Michael P. Shawver, Michal Leszczylowski & Andrei Tarkovsky, Ralph Rosenblum, William Hornbeck, Barbara McLean, William Chang & Kit-Wai Kai & Chi-Leung Kwong, Véronique Parnet, Kim Hyeon, Andreas Prochaska, Mary Sweeney, John Smith, Jolanda Benvenuti, Harold F. Kress & Argyle Nelson Jr. & J. Frank O'Neill, Florence Eymon, Nicholas T. Proferes, Marie-Josèphe Yoyotte, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Yoshiyasu Hamamura, Cécile Decugis, Joe Bini, Robert Leighton, Milton Carruth, Jay Rabinowitz, Owen Marks, Ted Cheesman, George Tomasini (again), Blanche Sewell, Georges Méliès, Reginald Mills, Siv Lundgren, Thelma Schoonmaker (finally!), Kôichi Iwashita, Alex O'Flinn, Kirk Baxter, Peter Kubelka, Paul Sharits, Chris Marker, Jean Ravel, Roderick Jaynes (Ethan and Joel Coen), Sharon Rutter, Miroslav Hájek, Fernand Léger & Dudley Murphy, Melvin Van Peebles, Martin Arnold, Bruce Conner, Walter Murch & Richard Chew, and Yelizaveta Svilova & Dziga Vertov again. Plus unseen contributions from Jacqueline Sadoul, Jim Miller & Paul Rubell, Monique Bonnot, Ralph Foster & Stephen Perkins & Andrew Weisblum, Verna Fields, Jack Murray, Daniel Mandell, Françoise Collin, Solange Leprince, Patricia Canino, Nelly Quettier, Matt Chesse, George McGuire, John Seabourne Sr., Takis Davlopoulos & Giorgos Triandafyllou, and a few VFX teams, too.
For the full list of films featured, click here: 10oclockdot.tumblr.com/post/129417606958
NEW: Pablo Ferreira (vimeo.com/pabloferreira) has just graciously created Portuguese subtitles for this video!
Plus: Héctor Aguilar Rivas's (vimeo.com/user24306664) Spanish subtitles are still here and still great.
Also: Turkish speakers, please enjoy this TURKISH DUB of Editing as Punctuation in Film, lovingly prepared by Münif Çankaya: vimeo.com/146388456
And I'm still grateful that Editing as Punctuation in Film was named THRICE as one of the best video essays of 2015 by leading critic/curators in Fandor's poll. Thank you! fandor.com/keyframe/poll-the-best-video-essays-of-2015
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malte1mj-blog · 7 years
2004 Movie Awards
Best Picture: Bad Education Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind The Incredibles Million Dollar Baby Sideways HONORABLE MENTION: Kill Bill: Vol. 2, Before Sunset, Vera Drake, The Door in the Floor, The Aviator, Fahrenheit 9/11, Mean Creek, Mean Girls, Closer, Spider-Man 2, Kinsey, Birth, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Best Director: Pedro Almodovar, Bad Education Brad Bird, The Incredibles Clint Eastwood, Million Dollar Baby Michel Gondry, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Alexander Payne, Sideways HONORABLE MENTION: Bill Condon, Kinsey; Alfonso Cuaron, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Jacob Aaron Estes, Mean Creek; Jonathan Glazer, Birth; Mike Leigh, Vera Drake; Richard Linklater, Before Sunset; Michael Moore, Fahrenheit 9/11; Mike Nichols, Closer; Sam Raimi, Spider-Man 2; Martin Scorsese, The Aviator; Quentin Tarantino, Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Mark Waters, Mean Girls; Tod Williams, The Door in the Floor Best Actor: Gael Garcia Bernal, Bad Education Jeff Bridges, The Door in the Floor Jim Carrey, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Clint Eastwood, Million Dollar Baby Paul Giamatti, Sideways HONORABLE MENTION: Kevin Bacon, The Woodsman; Javier Bardem, The Sea Inside; Don Cheadle, Hotel Rwanda; Matt Damon, The Bourne Supremacy; Leonardo DiCaprio, The Aviator; Ethan Hawke, Before Sunset; Kevin Kline, De-Lovely; Jude Law, Closer; Tony Leung, Infernal Affairs; Bill Murray, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou; Liam Neeson, Kinsey; Sean Penn, The Assassination of Richard Nixon; Michael Pitt, The Dreamers Best Actress: Julie Delpy, Before Sunset Nicole Kidman, Dogville Imelda Staunton, Vera Drake Hilary Swank, Million Dollar Baby Kate Winslet, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind HONORABLE MENTION: Annette Bening, Being Julia; Nicole Kidman, Birth; Laura Linney, P.S.; Catalina Sandino Moreno, Maria Full of Grace; Natalie Portman, Garden State; Julia Roberts, Closer; Uma Thurman, Kill Bill: Vol. 2 Best Supporting Actor: David Carradine, Kill Bill: Vol. 2 Thomas Haden Church, Sideways Morgan Freeman, Million Dollar Baby Clive Owen, Closer Peter Sarsgaard, Kinsey HONORABLE MENTION: Alan Alda, The Aviator; Brian Cox, The Bourne Supremacy; Phil Davis, Vera Drake; Louis Garrel, The Dreamers; Topher Grace, P.S.; Dustin Hoffman, I Heart Huckabees; Lluis Homar, Bad Education; Jude Law, I Heart Huckabees; Scott Mechlowicz, Mean Creek; Alfred Molina, Spider-Man 2; Gary Oldman, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Mark Ruffalo, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Best Supporting Actress: Kim Basinger, The Door in the Floor Cate Blanchett, The Aviator Virginia Madsen, Sideways Natalie Portman, Closer Naomi Watts, I Heart Huckabees HONORABLE MENTION: Cate Blanchett, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou; Kirsten Dunst, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind; Daryl Hannah, Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Laura Linney, Kinsey; Rachel McAdams, Mean Girls; Sandra Oh, Sideways; Sophie Okonedo, Hotel Rwanda; Meryl Streep, The Manchurian Candidate; Lily Tomlin, I Heart Huckabees; Kerry Washington, Ray; Best Original Screenplay: Bad Education - Pedro Almodovar Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Pierre Bismuth, Michel Gondry & Charlie Kaufman The Incredibles - Brad Bird Kill Bill: Vol. 2 - Quentin Tarantino & Uma Thurman Vera Drake - Mike Leigh HONORABLE MENTION: The Assassination of Richard Nixon, The Aviator, Birth, Collateral, Dogville, Hotel Rwanda, I Heart Huckabees, Infernal Affairs, Kinsey, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Maria Full of Grace, Mean Creek, Saved! Best Adapted Screenplay: Before Sunset - Julie Delpy, Ethan Hawke, Kim Krizan & Richard Linklater The Door in the Floor - Tod Williams Mean Girls - Tina Fey Million Dollar Baby - Paul Haggis Sideways - Alexander Payne & Jim Taylor HONORABLE MENTION: Baadasssss!, Being Julia, The Bourne Supremacy, Closer, The Dreamers, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, The Keys to the House, The Manchurian Candidate, P.S., Spider-Man 2 Best Ensemble: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Kinsey Mean Creek Mean Girls Sideways HONORABLE MENTION: The Aviator, Baadasssss!, Closer, Dogville, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, I Heart Huckabees, The Incredibles, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Saved!, Spider-Man 2, Vera Drake Best Limited Performance - Male: Javier Bardem, Collateral Francisco Boira, Bad Education Javier Camara, Bad Education Mos Def, The Woodsman Jeffrey Wright, The Manchurian Candidate HONORABLE MENTION: Dylan Baker, Kinsey; Alec Baldwin, The Aviator; Jay Baruchel, Million Dollar Baby; Ossie Davis, Baadasssss!; Zeljko Ivanek, Dogville; Richard Jenkins, I Heart Huckabees; Gordon Liu, Kill Bill: Vol. 2; Bill Nighy, Shaun of the Dead; J.K. Simmons, Spider-Man 2 Best Limited Performance - Female: Oksana Akinshina, The Bourne Supremacy Sammi Cheng, Infernal Affairs Sally Hawkins, Vera Drake Margo Martindale, Million Dollar Baby Lynn Redgrave, Kinsey HONORABLE MENTION: Lauren Bacall, Birth; Sheryl Crow, De-Lovely; Anjelica Huston, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou; Alanis Morissette, De-Lovely; Donna Murphy, The Door in the Floor; Donna Murphy, Spider-Man 2; Caroline O'Connor, De-Lovely; Jada Pinkett Smith, Collateral; Naomi Watts, The Assassination of Richard Nixon Breakthrough Performance: Jon Foster, The Door in the Floor Louis Garrel, The Dreamers Rachel McAdams, Mean Girls Scott Mechlowicz, Mean Creek Catalina Sandino Moreno, Maria Full of Grace HONORABLE MENTION: Zach Braff, Garden State; Raul Garcia Forneiro, Bad Education; Freddie Highmore, Finding Neverland; Bryce Dallas Howard, The Village; Nacho Perez, Bad Education; Lucy Punch, Being Julia; Andrea Rossi, The Keys to the House; Emmy Rossum, The Phantom of the Opera; Zoe Tapper, Stage Beauty; Sharon Warren, Ray Best Film Editing: Bad Education - Jose Salcedo Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Valdis Oskarsdottir Kill Bill: Vol. 2 - Sally Menke Million Dollar Baby - Joel Cox Sideways - Kevin Tent HONORABLE MENTION: The Aviator, Birth, The Bourne Supremacy, Broadway: The Golden Age, Closer, The Door in the Floor, The Dreamers, Fahrenheit 9/11, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hero, Mean Creek, Saw, Spider-Man 2, Vera Drake Best Cinematography: The Aviator - Robert Richardson Birth - Harris Savides Collateral - Dion Beebe & Paul Cameron Hero - Christopher Doyle Million Dollar Baby - Tom Stern HONORABLE MENTION: Bad Education, The Bourne Supremacy, Dogville, The Dreamers, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, House of Flying Daggers, Kill Bill: Vol. 2, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Saw, Sideways, Vera Drake Best Original Score: Bad Education - Alberto Iglesias Birth - Alexandre Desplat Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Jon Brion The Incredibles - Michael Giacchino Sideways - Rolfe Kent HONORABLE MENTION: The Aviator, Being Julia, The Door in the Floor, Finding Neverland, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, I Heart Huckabees, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Motorcycle Diaries, Spider-Man 2, The Terminal, Troy, Undertow Best Original Song: Alfie - "Blind Leading the Blind" - Mick Jagger & David A. Stewart Before Sunset - "A Waltz for a Night" - Julie Delpy Home on the Range - "Little Patch of Heaven" - Alan Menken & Glenn Slater House of Flying Daggers - "Lovers" - Shigeru Umebayashi I Heart Huckabees - "Knock Yourself Out" - Jon Brion HONORABLE MENTION: Alfie - "Old Habits Die Hard"; Home on the Range - "Will the Sun Ever Shine Again?"; Hotel Rwanda - "Million Voices", The Motorcycle Diaries - "Al Otro Lado del Rio"; The Phantom of the Opera - "Learn to Be Lonely"; The Polar Express - "Believe"; Shrek 2 - "Accidentally in Love"; Team America: World Police - "Everybody Has AIDS" Best Art Direction: The Aviator - Dante Ferretti & Francesca Lo Schiavo Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Dan Leigh & Ron von Blomberg Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Stuart Craig & Stephenie McMillan The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - Mark Friedberg & Gretchen Rau The Phantom of the Opera - Celia Bobak & Anthony Pratt HONORABLE MENTION: Baadasssss!, Bad Education, Being Julia, Beyond the Sea, De-Lovely, Dogville, Hellboy, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, Kill Bill: Vol. 2, Kinsey, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, Ray, Saw, Stage Beauty, Troy, Vera Drake Best Costume Design: The Aviator - Sandy Powell Bad Education - Paco Delgado & Jean-Paul Gaultier Being Julia - John Bloomfield De-Lovely - Janty Yates House of Flying Daggers - Emi Wada HONORABLE MENTION: Baadasssss!, Beyond the Sea, Dogville, Finding Neverland, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hellboy, Hero, Kill Bill: Vol. 2, Kinsey, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Miracle, The Phantom of the Opera, Ray, Spider-Man 2, Stage Beauty, Troy, Vera Drake Best Makeup: The Aviator Being Julia Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban Hellboy The Sea Inside HONORABLE MENTION: Bad Education, Beyond the Sea, Dawn of the Dead, De-Lovely, House of Flying Daggers, Kill Bill: Vol. 2, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, Million Dollar Baby, Spider-Man 2, Stage Beauty, Troy Best Sound Mixing: The Aviator The Incredibles Kill Bill: Vol. 2 Million Dollar Baby Spider-Man 2 HONORABLE MENTION: Beyond the Sea, The Bourne Supremacy, Collateral, The Day After Tomorrow, De-Lovely, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Friday Night Lights, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, Saw, Sideways, Troy Best Sound Editing: The Aviator The Bourne Supremacy Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban The Incredibles Spider-Man 2 HONORABLE MENTION: Collateral, The Day After Tomorrow, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Hellboy, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, Kill Bill: Vol. 2, Saw, Troy Best Visual Effects: The Aviator Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow Spider-Man 2 HONORABLE MENTION: The Bourne Supremacy, Dawn of the Dead, The Day After Tomorrow, Hellboy, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, Troy Best Foreign-Language Film: Bad Education - Pedro Almodovar Hero - Zhang Yimou House of Flying Daggers - Zhang Yimou Infernal Affairs - Andrew Lau & Alan Mak Maria Full of Grace - Joshua Marston HONORABLE MENTION: The Five Obstructions, The Keys to the House, Osama, The Sea Inside Best Documentary: Broadway: The Golden Age - Rick McKay Fahrenheit 9/11 - Michael Moore The Five Obstructions - Jorgen Leth & Lars von Trier Super Size Me - Morgan Spurlock Tarnation - Jonathan Cauoette HONORABLE MENTION: Born Into Brothels Best Animated Film: Home on the Range - Will Finn & John Sanford The Incredibles - Brad Bird The Polar Express - Robert Zemeckis Shrek 2 - Andrew Adamson, Kelly Asbury & Conrad Vernon Team America: World Police - Trey Parker & Matt Stone HONORABLE MENTION: Shark Tale Every 2004 Film I've Seen: Ranked
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