criticalcrux · 1 year
@ryusxnka || continued [x]
Softened features are at work masking inward mechinations, never ceasing in calculations. He's weighed and measured each minute detail from the micro expressions the youthful captain has inherently displayed to the body language and tone being used. His own features shift to show compassion as he sets his gaze downward towards his apparently greatly afflicted collegue.
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"I am very sorry to hear that, Hitsugaya-taicho, have I done something to lower today's outlook for you? Surely, I meant no offense in my approach. I only meant to offer my congratulatory regards. And possibly inquire as to how you've been adjusting to your new position as a means of commonplace conversational exchange between comrades." Socializing is a talent he's honed and the voice he utilized is soothing, consoling; delivered in a calm and easy flowing manner. He's versed himself well in displaying sympathy; convincing, reassuring. This he is certain.
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criticalcrux · 1 year
@baiika  asked:
for capt aizen; what seems to be the problem?
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"Ah, Hinamori-fukutaicho, there you are."
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Already the delivery is inviting, buttery; filled with the promise of something that may provide comfort. It's his manner of standing that looms some cold distance in contradiction.
"I could use your perspective on matters, if you would—be so kind as to lend me your aid."
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