#muse ; ๐•„๐•’๐•ฃ๐•š๐•’ ๐”ป๐•– ๐•ƒ๐•’ โ„๐• ๐•ค๐•’
hcrexcellency ยท 11 months
@francehqstarters Location: the dining hall Time: breakfast
"So you mean to tell me that you were all bombed, poisoned, two of you died, and now the Holy Roman Empire has fallen and several of you are now royals?" Maria asked as she squinted at the gossip sheet in her hand. She had only been at court a short time, just after the poisonings took place, and it seemed like absolute hell on Earth. Her ships looked much more comfortable now, in comparison. "Haven't we learned our lesson to have so many monarchs in one place, at this point?"
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hcrexcellency ยท 8 months
@francehqstarters ( maria & open !! )
"Hey! I don't know if you've noticed," the words came slicing out of Maria's mouth like knives being thrown into the wall, though she wasn't too far away from doing so as she stood amongst the serfs in the main dining hall, "But I have a very severe injury and doctors do say that drinks that are stronger than this," she held a glass of rather dull wine in her hand that was not bandaged from the tips of her fingers and down past her wrist, "are best to heal the wound. So get me something stronger." She sat back in a chair with a huff, crossing her legs as she nearly slouched into forced relaxation, "You'd think people this rich on their own inheritance would keep better libations than these."
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hcrexcellency ยท 8 months
@francehqstarters ( maria & the members of the search party !! ) location: the woods
Maria didn't need anyone to watch over her whilst she stopped to rest the horse ( also using it as an excuse to dismount the dreaded beast ). She sat upon a fallen tree stump, using a rock she'd found off the beaten path to sharpen her sword. "I hope we finally get rid of them instead of throwing them back into the dungeons so they can escape again," she said rather plainly and dryly, "I mean, do you honestly think they deserve to live?"
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hcrexcellency ยท 8 months
@twitchywitchys ( maria & araceli )
There was not much Maria could do with her drawing hand indisposed due to the break in her wrist. Besides drink and socialize ( ugh ), all Maria really could do was stare into the void. Luckily, the Summer's day provided a fair-enough scenery to look at, watching the birds fly over the horizon line and the trees rustle in the wind. Thoughts began to run through her mind; there was a river that ran through Paris that would be a perfect spot to spend time on a boat, even just to get used to the idea of being out on the water more often... Though her expression had softened, the interruption came with her future sister-in-law. She'd had the pleasure of meeting her a few times and could only describe her as the exact equivalent of her youngest sibling, which was neither an insult nor entirely a compliment either. She hadn't even taken the time to visit any of the Hรถlm family since Jakob, quite literally, took a bullet for her. "What...?" she asked, eyebrows furrowed, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
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hcrexcellency ยท 9 months
@bloodycrxwn ( maria & jakob )
"I am glad it is them and not us they are celebrating with all of these hysterics," Maria had very-much kept to the sidelines for most of the party, now wishing her tolerance for alcohol weren't so formidable. People pretending to be overly-merry and gleeful was the hardest part to watch whilst sober. Now on her third glass of champagne, she'd hardly felt a thing. "I could never be the center of attention to something like this. Perhaps a small gathering with only my trusted friends and family and something much stronger to drink."
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hcrexcellency ยท 10 months
@bloodycrxwn ( maria & jakob ) location: common area time: afternoon
If Maria felt any kind of nerves in her limbs, it was because her papa had spoken to her betrothed before she'd had a chance to. Who knows what could have been said? Both of her fathers had potential to be intimidating. She wasn't worried about what any future husband thought of her, personally, but she didn't want to scare him away from Siciliy. She sat in the common room, her flat black laced up boot tapping against the marble floor like the beat to a sea shanty played under the stars. Her eyes fixate on the figure that walks into the room; this must be him, according to the queen's description. She rose to her feet quickly, "You must be Prince Jakob?" she asked, "I am Maria- Princess Maria."
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hcrexcellency ยท 11 months
@aresenics ( Maria and Vero ) Location: The Apartments Time: Early Afternoon
"Papa, no sรฉ lo que significa todo esto..." She doesn't mean it as sincerely as it sounds. There is no burning desire to know how the fall of the Holy Roman Empire should mean anything to her, but it means something to her fathers, which to Maria, was motivation enough. "I've only been here a short time but it seems like the world is ending, from what I've gathered."
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hcrexcellency ยท 6 months
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โ˜ผโ˜พ ( jeanine mason, 30 , she/her , cis woman , de la rosa 5 )ย - have you seenย MARIA DE LA ROSA?ย weโ€™ve heard through the grapevine that theyโ€™reย DAUNTLESSย but alsoย TEMPESTUOUS. when you think of them , you think of A SHIP SAILING IN A SEA OF FOG, SMEARED PAINT ON CANVAS, HANDS COVERED IN GOLD RINGS.
Name: Maria De La Rosa Title: Princess of Sicily Age: 30 Birthday: January 25th (Aquarius) Sexuality: Heterosexual Marital Status: Unbetrothed Positive Traits: Brave, tactical, creative, loyal, decisive Negative Traits: Violent, short-tempered, bold, cunning, vengeful. Hobbies: Painting, sailing, fishing, swimming Family: Felix De La Rosa (brother), Mechai De Medici (sibling-in-law).
The Story: (tw; starvation, )
It began with two villagers from another land, so poor but rich in the love they had for one another and for their baby girl. Sadly, the life of a peasant is not a very long one, and a terrible government left them to starve to death, leaving their daughter utterly alone. The plan was to deliver the girl off to an orphanage in England, but the ship was overrun by pirates. The poor girl washed up on the shores of Sicily, found by their rulers, and taken into their family. She had no memory of her previous life, no recollection of the raid. They named her "Maria", for she came from the sea and was given to them as a miraculous gift. Though rebellious in nature and defiant by desire, she was a difficult, yet devoted child. Having younger siblings, as she grew older, only made it easier for her to sprinkle her bad influence all over them, taking them out to bars, going out with sailors, and learning their pirate heritage from the pirates themselves. The more time she spent with the pirates, the more she heard stories of how oppressive and terrible the other countries in Europe were to those who had no choice but to steal for themselves. It motivated her, studying politics and seeking justice for the serf class. However, the one thing she could not shake was how she could do nothing from her little castle with no crown of her own. So, at the age of 25, she packed everything up and disappeared aboard a pirate ship. For nearly five years, Maria was a pirate captain of her own crew, even recruiting another defiant royal just like herself as her first mate. They stole from those who were more fortunate, gave to those who were less fortunate, and kept a sum of the prophet for their own selves. She even met another pirate, like herself, and fell madly in love. It was a seemingly perfect life until a battle against another crew resulted in her ship going down. Her lover sacrificed himself in the name of the code: "Anyone who falls behind is left behind". The broken ship and sky of fire began to trigger memories of a similar experience, but she still does not understand what it means. Wishing to live between the world of royals and the world of thieves, she returned home to her parents, to her family. She did not beg on her knees, but simply asked for a chance to prove herself. Maria was permitted to come with them to France, so long as she set up a decent betrothal for herself; find the next King of Sicily. And so she shall. Maria has to come to grips with who she really is, a princess destined to be queen, and find a way to become the kind of queen who can make a real difference. She's eager to learn, but also eager to use this newfound information against anyone she needs to in the future. She will get her justice for the thieves and beggars if it is the last thing she does. But will she ever find out where she truly came from? Will that knowledge change her desire to sit on a throne?
TLDR: She is the child of peasants. They died b/c the government SUCKS. She was supposed to be shipped off to an orphanage, but a pirate raid changed things. She was washed up on shore with no memory of the raid and the Sicilian rulers adopted her. She loves her family but also has a fierce sense of justice, which is what took her away from home for 5 years. She met a bestie and a lover and lost the lover in another pirate raid, which started to trigger her memories. Maria came home, but she has to get engaged in France to make up for it.
Similar Characters: Imelda Rivera (Coco), Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time), Angelica (Pirates of the Carribbean), Anastasia (Anastasia), Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), Ember Lumen (Elemental).
Established Connections:
The De La Rosa Family. The Pirates-Turned-Royals are the toughest of the other royals families that reside in Versailles, though they tend to come off the most awkward at most royal functions. Maria loves her siblings very dearly, but wishes their lives amounted to more than a "the spare". She hopes to teach them to care enough about the rest of the world to want to do something about it.
FIRST MATE. They met on one of Maria's voyages when she first disappeared from Sicily. She was a royal, just like her, and they both shared a heart for the working class... and for their own riches. They were excellent at scheming against the rich (think like Miguel and Tulio and Maria is more like Tulio LOL). Now that they're both here in France, her first mate intends to make a royal splash.
BETROTHED. Maria needs to find the next King of Sicily and that's pretty much how she sees it. She wants someone who will be fair to their people, but won't stand in her way when she has plans she wants to execute.
MENTORS. Maria is here to learn and to gain as much wisdom as she can from these other monarchs before she is to ascend to her own throne one day, but she has every intention of using their tactics against them to seek the justice and peace that she desires. She is not afraid of war if that's what it takes.
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hcrexcellency ยท 6 months
@bloodycrxwn ( maria & jakob )
It would be real shame if Jakob hadn't attended the ball. Maria was used to seeing Felix and their spouse wreak havoc in every room they entered, she was used to seeing her her sister spread her beauty all over the world. It was something more special to see a friend, one that she couldn't help but want to see more of after each time they talked. "Hey!" Perhaps she should not have come across as so excited when he'd finally taken notice of her, yet there she was, reaching out to hug him the moment he was close enough to her, "I'm glad you made it..."
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hcrexcellency ยท 6 months
@frvgcleternty ( maria & whomever you like !! )
"Okay, but actually these appetizers are kinda dope," Maria said as she indulged in a plate in her hands that had at least four different options from the silver trays that were being passed around, "Did you try this one? It's called Migas? It's literally so good, I think this is the first time I've actually had fun all night."
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hcrexcellency ยท 6 months
@effervcscents ( maria & mechai )
"Please, just give me one good reason..." Maria complained as she shut her eyes in attempt to clear out the rest of the crowds from her head. The noise was deafening in comparison to her sea-side cottage life away from people, the press, responsibilities. "Give me one reason why this is better than sitting at home with my cat."
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hcrexcellency ยท 6 months
@moltengcld ( maria & felix )
"Believe me, I am just as surprised as you are," Maria announced with a begrudging smile on her face, entering into the ballroom. If she were to arrive at a stuffy old ball, she would arrive in style, a plaid skirt hitched up to one side with heeled lace up black boots. "Please don't make a big deal out of me showing up," she practically begged her brother, though when it came to Felix, they were bound to do the opposite of what was asked of him, "If anyone asks, I'm here for the food."
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hcrexcellency ยท 11 months
+ maria, do you ever dream of having different parents ? </3
"If you mean that in the literal sense? Yes, I have dreams about my birth parents," she admits, her fingers unable to stop fidgeting with the smooth metal back of the compass in her hand, "But if you mean in the longing sense? Do I wish I was raised by anyone but my fathers? No, I don't. I have great parents and I'm lucky to be alive because of them."
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hcrexcellency ยท 7 months
@crxwnedbarbie ( maria & barbara )
"You don't have to be afraid of it," Maria said, clasping on to the hilt of another sword, drawing it forth in her other hand whilst sheathing the one she'd been practicing with at her right hip, "I can teach you. At least you'll be able to defend yourself next time something terrible inevitably happens around here."
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hcrexcellency ยท 7 months
@moltengcld ( maria & felix )
Maria was certainly pestered by Jakob's sister, Araceli, the other day. The idea of news wailing about the palace that there was something as silly as romance happening, a fact of which she furiously denied for a reason, was quite possibly the worst case scenario she could imagine. It was nearly impossible to get her to listen, but there was yet another like-minded person she could reason with. She knocked on her little sibling's open door, arms immediately crossed as she leaned against the frame. "You wouldn't happen to have a hand in the fact that my future sister-in-law is loudly proclaiming accusations of my emotions to the entire castle, would you?"
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hcrexcellency ยท 8 months
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๐Ÿ”ด RED CIRCLE โ€” my muse's favorite/signature color(s)
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