#muse ;; baghra (natalia)
gccdstories · 2 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Maeve seriously doubted Natalia actually wanted a male like Vale. She'd seen the way the other looked at Sebastian-- Oh but Athril's words took her by surprise, and while she might have argued otherwise, she smirked instead.
Yes, Natalia. Do tell us your thoughts.
The sneer on Maeve's face irked Natalia; her fingers curled around the rail, definitely having stopped their tapping and drumming on the stone. Anger coursed through her; even the thickening shadows showed how her control--usually so firm--was slipping right then.
But she couldn't--wouldn't--admit such a thing.
So Natalia merely shrugged and waved a hand in what seemed like dismissal.
❝ Take him. I have no use for Sebastian. ❞
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gccdstories · 5 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Xaden nodded, her response seeming to say more than just a few words. He could see it in her eyes, the acceptance, the understanding that he hadn't felt in...
Damn had he ever felt it?
So like the noble gentleman he'd been raised to be, he extended an arm for her, leading her onto the dance floor--as the world came to center on the two of them and only them...
Natalia glanced up, watching her eldest. Her expression was stoic; unreadable. But soon enough, she put on a nice smile, turning to face him.
❝ It is still fairly early, Ephraim. Let them find each other as they will... ❞
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gccdstories · 6 months
@siderealxmelody / *
No! Don't you dare--
The words barely left her as she heard him finally respond. The fear that settled in Natalia's heart, in her very soul, nearly paralyzed her as she hurried from the room. She'd find him, she'd stop this madness.
There is another way. We will make another way, find it, whatever it is! I will not lose you, and I will not lose him. Our family remains unbroken, Sebastian, do you hear me?!
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gccdstories · 7 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Oh she so enjoyed this! That growl that came from her mate as he pulled her closer, it sent shivers through Natalia and she almost caved right then. Right there.
Like a part of her ached to do only this with him, to have him strip the gown from her body and take her in ways that would make her scream--
But she only stepped back, that gleam of mischief in her eyes as Natalia placed a hand delicately on his chest.
❝ If you're good tonight, my love, ❞ she purred, leaning close enough only to let her breath linger on his skin when Natalia whispered, ❝ we'll find out just how well your promises are kept, won't we? ❞
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gccdstories · 8 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Azriel's gaze narrowed at them, his own shadows twisting at his shoulders. Maybe he didn't really care a lot about her, or anyone really, but no one got to insult his brother that way!
❝ Shut your mouth. You think she's innocent in all of it?! ❞ The darkness thickened, and Natalia sighed before she clapped her hands loudly--enough so that her own shadows spread out and pushed Azriel and Pollux apart.
❝ Enough, ❞ she hissed, looking at each male in turn. ❝ From the both of you. We're not pointing fingers and placing blame here-- ❞
Then Sebastian's words broke through, and she sighed again. Natalia looked between the two younger males, motioning them closer. ❝ One of you better anchor her if you want her to live. Now. ❞
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gccdstories · 2 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Natalia shook her head once more, her eyes hard as they glared at Sebastian. Does he really not understand how this entire thing bothered her? Did he really not see that Maeve had manipulated the entire situation and gotten his loyalty in such a way?!
❝ Do not tell me what I can and cannot do, Sebastian. You know me better than that. ❞ She tried to calm herself, because it wasn't ultimately her mate that she was upset with, angry with.
It was Maeve.
And that was where Natalia needed to keep her focus.
❝ I will not let her take what is mine. I will not let her win this. You know who I am, who you mated. So you will sit back. And I will handle this. ❞
After all, Xaden was old enough to know the truth--now. It wasn't like she was weak, or alone, or didn't have her own allies.
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gccdstories · 3 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Natalia nods as Sebastian talks, and while she is impressed with the other male, watching as he moves, as the power ripples off of him, she isn't quite sure just how much she can allow--
Xaden, however, has his dark eyes narrowing as he stalks towards Rigelus. Dagger still being flipped in his hand, fingers running along the hilt as the shadows curl up his arms, slither along the ground...
He does not even pay attention to any of the older ones; his focus is on the stray.
❝ Say? No. You're not really worth my time. ❞
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gccdstories · 3 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Natalia narrows her gaze at both, looking between the two males as her own darkness ripples.
Xaden's gaze is darker than ever, his fingers almost itching for another weapon. ❝ You just fucking stood there! ❞ His voice, deep and almost guttural as the rage builds in him. As the way it felt to be so powerless floods his mind again--
❝ What the fuck is wrong with you? ❞
❝ I said, enough. Both of you. Now! ❞
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gccdstories · 3 months
@siderealxmelody / *
It is at his brother that Xaden's gaze turns, just in time to see that while Alaric might have taken a step closer, he doesn't continue. Jaw clenches hard, his nails still digging into his palms. Even harder, now, and perhaps he might do so hard enough that blood is drawn.
Violet's hand brushes down his arm, but he does not look away from Alaric. His look clearly says it all, even if the words are not uttered aloud.
He hears the doors slam open, but he still keeps his glare focused. Oh he'll kill Ivan one day, there is no doubt about that--and if Alaric chooses to stand by that bastard, as far as Xaden is concerned, he is no longer his brother--
Violet whispering that they should go, that they'd deal with it later, seems to go in one ear and out the other, Xaden barely hearing her. A tug on his arm, brush of fingers across his skin, but he still does not budge.
Natalia's lips narrow, her eyes turning to Sebastian. Viren's words seem to ring in her head, going over and over in repeating loops. She tries to judge her mate's mind by his expression, before she speaks.
❝ What makes you think it, Viren? What evidence is there that the female is our enemy in this? ❞
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gccdstories · 4 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Natalia's eyes had narrowed, her claim on Sebastian clear as she'd glared in Zefera's direction. Waiting for the other female to back off. It took a great deal of self-restraint on Natalia's part not to just rip them all apart--
Which, she thought, was a rather impressive feat, that self control.
Fingers curled against their hold on Sebastian's wrist, even as the two walked off to "discuss" their case. She nearly rolled her eyes; it wasn't that she didn't trust Lilia, or anything of the sort.
She just didn't like being left out here, in the dark. Waiting on someone else to gain them entry.
❝ As much as I know that an alliance is worthwhile... I wanted to claw her eyes out for touching you, ❞ Natalia admitted, that dark and deadly shine in her eyes still present a bit as she lifted her head to meet Sebastian's gaze.
❝ I hate this, Sebastian. It took every bit of my strength not to attack too much and-- ❞
Bryce shrugged. The feeling of Zefera's magic still made her skin crawl, even if she didn't focus on it too much.
❝ Look, I don't know. ❞ Bryce muttered, looking between everyone. She was tired of the constant discussions. It was annoying! ❝ Enemy of my enemy and all of that, I guess, could apply here. Do I want to work with them? Fuck no. But it might be our only choice for success. ❞
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gccdstories · 4 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Natalia continuously told herself there was no reason to worry, even as he didn't respond. Even as the quiet started to make her heart beat faster. But it wasn't fear, it wasn't worry. And maybe, if Natalia told that to herself enough times, she'd even start believing it.
She moved further through the forest, reaching for him. He was alive, she could feel that much. But there was something else, something wrong. Like the bond was under water, muted.
❝ Sebastian! ❞ Again, no answer, and that fear she felt couldn't be denied forever. ❝ If you're not dying, I'm going to find you and kill you-- ❞
Worry. Concern. It made her lash out with the frustration that she'd already been harboring from the meeting, and Natalia's steps quickened. She felt something-- a pull, an urge to go to the right when the trail split ahead.
When she came upon the fork and went right, Natalia barely made it a few steps before she saw him up ahead.
Saw the blood in the dirt, saw his crumpled form against the tree.
❝ Sebastian! ❞ She rushed forward, falling to her knees beside him as she reached for him. ❝ What the hell happened?! ❞
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gccdstories · 5 months
@siderealxmelody / *
She was, admittedly, a bit amused by him. Even perhaps a bit intrigued by his offer. He looked good, that much was obvious, and Natalia knew that Sebastian was well aware of such a thing. If the rumors could be believed, it wasn't like he didn't have his pick of the realm's beauties.
❝ What makes you think you have what it takes to keep my interest, hmm? ❞ she purred, Natalia moving closer to him, even brushing a hand down his chest, his arm.
Teasing. Taunting.
❝ After all, Sebastian, you wouldn't be the first to... overestimate your skill. ❞
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gccdstories · 6 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Natalia didn't respond, but she shot her mate a look. A look that might have held countless words within it, if she decided to verbalize them. She didn't need to tell Sebastian she'd have ripped apart any other female that looked in his direction.
Meanwhile, Morrigan sat with Dagdan, who hadn't left Branna's side. And so by extension, they hadn't left Cardan, either. But Morrigan couldn't deny there existed a sincerity in him, which is what she'd tried to explain to Rhysand--
Before he up and disappeared in night's shadowy embrace. Probably to fuck off in a tavern or something, she thought, and the whole thing bothered her, but Morrigan also knew she couldn't rein every bad habit of her brother's in completely.
❝ I know what you feel, Cardan, ❞ she whispered, because it was the closest she could come to acknowledging the truth. That bond between him and Branna, it wasn't fake, it was as real as any other and she sighed as Morrigan turned to face Dagdan.
❝ It's up to you, Dagdan. You're her brother. ❞
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gccdstories · 6 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Morrigan moved to Dagdan, that anger still boiling in her blood. It was making her magic unpredictable on its own, and she really, really needed to control it. But that rage? It had been with her for months now, and always sought to boil over--
Especially when some halfwit priestess thought she could be someone--
She nearly growled, even as Keir left and Morrigan ignored everything else but Dagdan. ❝ Do not fucking move, ❞ she hissed at him, the anger she felt making her want to lash out at something. Even if it was her mate. ❝ I am not watching you-- ❞
Morrigan turned at Yvette's challenge, and she couldn't help the smirk, the outright laughter that left her. ❝ No. Fucking no, you want to settle something with me? With my family? You settle this right the fuck now-- ❞
She stood to nearly stalk over to Yvette, but barely made it a step before absolute darkness blanketed the room. Morrigan couldn't see a single inch in front of her, blackness all she could consume, as a voice shouted out in the night.
❝ Enough! ❞ Natalia's voice rang out, echoed off the walls. And she didn't let the darkness lighten a bit until she felt sure the others were at least paying attention--and not about to kill each other.
She moved over to where Dagdan sat in the chair, glancing once at Keir and then at Sebastian. As if she wanted to ask him what the hell she'd walked into.
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gccdstories · 6 months
@siderealxmelody / *
❝ But I'm quite comfortable here, ❞ Azriel commented, his arms still wrapped around Hypaxia. He nuzzled against her neck, kissing a trail up her throat to her lips. ❝ And are you really thinking of tea right now? ❞
In the other room, Natalia hummed against Sebastian's lips, curling up closer to him. There were times she didn't mind being tiny; like now, with his arms around her, holding her close. Like she could just melt into his embrace and never leave.
❝ If I wanted to assault you, my love, you would know it. You also wouldn't be walking away so easily. ❞
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gccdstories · 6 months
@siderealxmelody / *
Natalia tensed, but the touch of Sebastian's hand and that lightning's warmth, its heat, gave her enough strength to keep standing, at least. She hadn't spoken yet, just squeezed her mate's hand, looking at Vale in a bit of resigned acceptance.
Like she knew every little facet and reason for his presence and she couldn't--she couldn't fault him. It wasn't him that had made this happen.
Xaden glared at Sebastian, his head shaking as those eyes turned on his father. ❝ No. S-Sacrificing another isn't the answer, it... it can't be. And no, Orsus, Violet isn't coming. She's-- She's not marked... ❞
Even saying it made him want to throw the shadows across the room, to jump out the window--anything to escape the hunger in his blood. He'd meant to protect her, to protect all of them, and...
Could he still do that?
But Violet made to step towards Xaden. She reached for him. ❝ I'm not letting you go, ❞ she whispered, fingers finding his hand. ❝ I'm not. ❞
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