#muse -> sam winchester
storiesfabled · 1 month
@bleakfated asked: “you’re a huge nerd, you know that?”
"You say that like it's a bad thing, T. I've always been - and will always be - a proud nerd. It's what made your mom so attracted to me." Sam let out a small laugh at that because while he had always embraced his inner nerd, he wasn't entirely sure that was part of what appealed him to Jess. "Nerds are cool now, Terra. Didn't you know that?"
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mischiefxmanagcd · 10 months
@bleakfated asked: Because, you know, even if I repeat every word you say, no one around here likes me, they’ll just call me a liar and move on.
Sam wasn't sure whether or not he can believe the words, but given how much he disliked the Carmichael brother, part of him could find it true. Sidney had a way to get underneath people's skin. Or perhaps it was just because Sam had learned about the man's history with Jess that caused him such immense dislike.
"I'm still not going to say anything that could potentially be used against me later. I'm not stupid. I'm not Dean."
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sundrybunch-a · 2 years
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Monsters were supposed to be the dangerous ones. Sam had forgotten that humans could be just as dangerous. He hadn’t been paying enough attention, his mind stuck on trying to figure out who was responsible for the recent slayings -- trying to piece together what kind of creature it might be -- and his mind never once went to it being a human. 
For the Winchesters, they had faced so many supernatural beings over the years that being afraid of mankind just didn’t seem plausible. And yet, here he was, cornered into an alley where he realized he had nothing on him but some holy water and salt and that wasn’t going to do him much good against the armed person before him. 
He did his best, tried his damnedest to fight the perp off, but in the end, he still sustained a stab wound to the abdomen. He could feel the hot drip of the blood as he collapsed to the ground, watching as the guy ran away from the scene, clearly leaving Sam there to die. Pulling out his phone, Sam called the last person on his recent list, Jess. 
“Jess... Help...” Were the only two words he managed to get out before he felt the world go black, and he hoped she’d be able to find him, thankful for the app they’d recently downloaded that allowed them to be able to do that with their phones. Now he just had to hope she’d get to him in time. // @crispyblonde​
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storiesfabled · 1 month
@crispyblonde asked: ‘ yes, i am aware that you are in love with me ’
a small shake of his head met her words, but he couldn't hide the smile lingering on his face. planting a small kiss to the top of her head, he moved from where they were currently standing to take a seat on their couch.
"come on. let's just order in and watch a scary movie or something. i hear House of Wax is a good one." not like they'd end up paying much attention to the movie anyway.
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storiesfabled · 2 months
@crispyblonde asked: “ how do i look ? ”
"As beautiful as ever." Like there was any other answer to that question. "You ready to go get this over with?" As stunning as Jess was, nothing could prepare Sam - or make him excited for - their ten year reunion at Stanford. "Let's just go and make our presence known and then we can come back here and we can see how you look out of that dress."
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storiesfabled · 2 months
@bleakfated asked: if you won’t tell me, i’ll find someone who will.
Sam's eyes narrowed at his daughter's words and it took everything in him to reign in the anger and annoyance that was threatening to rise to the surface at her words. What she was asking about wasn't something he wanted to discuss, especially not with his children. It was a time in his life that he much preferred to keep to himself. Only the people who had been there knew about it and he wanted to keep it that way.
"Terra, stop. There is literally nobody you know who will answer the questions you have. You don't need to know, and you need to just drop it, alright?"
How she'd even found out about the fact there was a time when he had a certain affinity for demon blood, he didn't know, but he'd rather not get into that with her. Now, or ever.
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mischiefxmanagcd · 10 months
@crispyblonde asked: "i can only assume your life has been rather lackluster without me."
A soft smirk pulled at the corners of the brunette's mouth upon hearing the words the other said. Her confidence was something he'd admired about her from the start, and this was just one perfect example of that. Pulling her close to him, he pressed a soft kiss to the top of her forehead. While they hadn't been dating for all that long, she had already taken over his heart completely, though he was still working up the courage to say those three words that could make or break a couple.
"You've definitely spiced it up a bit," he admitted with a soft laugh. Sure, he'd seen things growing up that would make her head spin, but he'd given up that life in order to go to college and make a name for himself. He'd left all of that other crap behind him. "I don't think I've ever met someone who is as into the Halloween spirit as you are, and I am more than happy to let you take the reins in regards to our costumes."
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mischiefxmanagcd · 1 year
@crispyblonde asked: ❛ We have each other. Everything else is background noise. ❜ 
Callused fingers laced through soft ones, and a peaceful, contented smile appeared on Sam’s face. He’d lost her once, only to have a chance encounter with her in Los Angeles. Seeing her with Buck had felt like a dagger in the heart. It had taken him time to process and make peace with the fact that Jess hadn’t sought him out as soon as she’d been resurrected. He also couldn’t fully blame her for it, either, seeing as how he had been the one responsible for her death in the first place.
Then, when he’d heard that Jess and Buck had split amicably, he’d told Dean he was moving to Los Angeles to try and get Jess back. At first, Dean had tried to talk him out of it, but seeing how determined Sam was, the older brother had agreed and decided to drive him there to keep him company; not least because of the fact Jess could easily kick Sam away.
Luckily that hadn’t happened and Jess had quickly agreed to take Sam back. Then had come the bombshell that Jess was pregnant with Buck’s kid, and suddenly old insecurities had come back to the surface - and led to Jess’s words.
“You’re right. Of course you’re right. You chose me. I’m sorry for making it seem like I don’t know and appreciate that. It’s just ... all a little convoluted right now, you know?”
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mischiefxmanagcd · 1 year
@sherunsfaster asked: ❛ Are you following me? ❜ 
Sam did his best to look casual and make this meeting into nothing more than a coincidence. Dean had pretty much demanded Sam keep an eye on the girl - saying if he was caught, Leah would likely be kinder to him than she would to Dean since it was apparent she and Dean didn’t get along very well.
Clearing his throat, he picked up a random item on the shelf next to him - not realizing it was a feminine hygiene product - and shook his head.
“Of course not,” he answered. “I just needed to pick up some essentials.” Finally looking at the package of pads in his hand, he tried to play it off as a necessity, even adding in a little laugh as he spoke. “Dean ate something that didn’t agree with him. This is to protect his underwear.”
He knew if Dean heard about this lie later, he’d probably kill Sam, but oh well.
“What are you doing here? How do I know you’re not following me?”
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mischiefxmanagcd · 1 year
@bleakfated asked: ❛ Last night, I went from desperate to pathetic. I became someone I don’t even like. ❜ 
“Listen, I am fully prepared to pretend last night never happened. It’s not the first time someone’s thrown themselves at me and later regretted it.” He proffered a small laugh at this self-deprecating admission. “And by the way, you are not, and never will be, pathetic. Being lonely does a number on a person, Teegan. Sometimes it makes people go to anyone they can for any sort of intimacy they can get. Don’t sweat it, alright?”
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sundrybunch-a · 2 years
@crispyblonde​ asked: at sam's first movements of the morning, jessica rolled over to press against his side, stealthily taking a book he'd been talking about from the side table and gently placing it on his chest. the first of his birthday gifts for the day. "happy birthday, old timer." she teased, as he had a few years on her considering her time spent in heaven. "you can consider me your birthday genie, what's your first wish?"
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he’d barely woken up, when he felt jess moving around him and before he could question what she was doing, there was something being placed on him. picking it up, he looked down at the book and after reading the title, realized it was one that he’d been wanting to get lately. “thank you, you youngin’. people might start calling me a cradle robber now.” sam was only teasing, and he put the book down before pressing a kiss to jess’s head. “birthday genie, huh? do i only get three wishes or are you going to grant them to me all day? might change what i ask for, though waking up next to you? that’s really the only birthday present i need.”
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