#muse does not equal mun but if you are not careful you can absolutely lose yourself in a muse's emotional turmoil
falsewolf · 1 year
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Crownslayer is a bundle of incredibly strong emotions and those emotions do drive her actions, and can backlash right back onto me if i’m not being 100% careful about how deep into a muse’s mindset i’m diving. So Crown can hit me back like a goddamn truck, hence why i’m not on her as much as i am my other blogs.
So just hopping in to say Crown’s still very active, i just have to write her in very small doses, as long as i’ve got it in me to handle her. I love this lost dog who is regretting the majority of her life choices - i just know my limitations and sometimes those limitations mean very, VERY slow activity for my own well being.
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worldhell · 5 months
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♛ WORLDHELL ━━━━ laws.
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mutuals only. I don't follow minor muns because I am in my mid twenties. if I follow you it means I want to write, so come kick my ass if I have yet to send anything to you. I am open to starter calls (from however long back), inbox memes (from however long back + at random), and plotting (just hit me up for my discord or over IMs whichever you prefer!). I write with crossover characters (though I may be selective) and original muses (lets make them canon now bby). basic etiquette applies. mun doesn't equal muse. I will always have my own portrayal for my characters and no I don't take influence from other writers - it's just very common for multiple people to take points from the character and series to adapt into portrayal and writing.
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I work a full time job and have a lot of adult responsibilities to attend to, so my activity can be sporadic. I try check dash as often as I can. my timezone is also GMT+8 so I am usually more active when people aren't online. I can take a hot second to get back to people ooc just because I am both nervous or my social battery is drained from rl.
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I am prone to add a lot of muses. and I do often forget to write up their bios. as I go along building them I usually try and add information to their pages. I write my canon muses here and my original muse on a separate single blog (on that note: don't feel pressured to follow that blog because you follow me here. I am p happy just plodding along on that blog and vibing in my area if ocs aren't your thing) please do specify musein comments for starter calls or when you send things to my inbox. not specifying = I give you floch by default as punishment.
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I try not to drop any threads and will respond to them all even if it's been awhile. never feel pressured to respond back if it has been too long, but I will try my best to always write back. I have no cap for threads, and I am so happy to leave anything if we lose the vibe for it! it will always be etched into my character's canon even if the thread isn't complete. I wing a lot of threads to see what my character does, but I am also open to plotting scenarios and bonds! I struggle to put my thoughts down so bear with me on that, or I just ramble and scream random things.
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I am always very receptive to the idea of shipping. that doesn't specifically mean romantic either, because there's so many different kinds of bonds. romantic shipping I do enjoy if our characters mix - I also like the entire build, which means it's not always just soft and fluff, because we as humans we be build different. and often it's not about saying I love you, but showing it in characters own unique ways. I won't ship anything romantic with vets and 104th etc. don't force ship.even if our muses are interested in each other in canon I prefer to build towards that (this won't apply so much to characters who are married in canon). that being said please feel free to reach out! I am super friendly and happy to see if our muses end up vibing. shipping with ocs is the same. if our muses are vibing that way then absolutely open to discussing! I don't consider flirting forced shipping, or someone having a one-sided crush. as long as the mun themselves aren't trying to force something with that, then I actually have a lot of fun with that kind of dynamic!
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the series is full of dark themes ranging from war, violence, gore, death, abuse, mental health, etc. and they won't be ignored. I do my best to tag the heavier content. things I won't touch are incest, noncon, etc. you know the drill. NSFW content is written given all my current muses are of age (if I add minor characters, this definitely does not apply to them) and found on my sideblog listed in my pinned post.
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Don't care just don't be a sus or shitty person pls
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if we haven't interacted over a decent period of time I usually do a little blog sweep to keep my dash for my rp partners - I am also not strict about this because I do know we have lives outside rp, and often make a little post before I do anything. I usually base my follows of who my mutuals interact with and if the mun seems chill. again if you are someone that vague posts or starts drama then I don't follow / I unfollow.
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I swear I am so friendly even though I am so spacey at the best of times. I appreciate you all very much <3 if you need or want anything / or even just need to discuss something with me, once again come fly kick me. as long as we act like adults and use basic decency, let us vibe c:
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iruludavare · 3 years
Brain, head, ear
Senses Headcanons || Accepting
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BRAIN : If you are only allowed to pick one, which sentiment do you, the mun, associate the the most with your muse, and why?
      Benevolence. Regardless of what point in her life she is in, Serena has always made sure that if she does something for someone else, it is done with kindness and best meaning behind it that she can muster. She is, by nature, a very gentle and compassionate person, and holds one’s ability to be able to consider others and make a positive impact on another’s life in high regard. It also ties in with her worries and deepest fears after the events of X, when she finds out that Lysandre did make her immortal-- that his threat about making her wait endlessly for a perfect world was real. She acts with too much benevolence after that moment-- to the point where is have harmful of negative impacts on herself.      So it really is a double-edged sword.
HEAD : Was your muse closer to one of their parents, was equally close to both, or resented them?
     Serena has always been closer to her father-- both before and after the incident that resulted in his amnesia. Out of Grace and Looker, it had been the latter who really wanted children or felt ready for one when Grace had fallen pregnant, if only because she knew that having a child would put a very early end to her career. Because of that, the fact that Grace willingly chose to continue on with the pregnancy, and the fact that she simply did not feel ay connection to Serena when she was born. No matter how much she tried, for the first year or so of Serena’s life, Grace just did not feel that bond with her daughter, and it was the main cause of the strain in the two’s relationship. She felt guilty for not experiencing what society had told her was normal for new mothers, guilty for handing Serena over to other people to care for her, guilty for not being the mother Grace had always told herself she would be, if she ever had a child.      So, because of that, Serena and Grace have always held each other at an arm’s distance, despite loving one another. They do not know how to communicate, and think that the other wants nothing to do with them.
     When it comes to her father, Looker, on the other hand, Serena and him have always been incredibly close. He taught her how to walk, read, write, talk-- when he was home, the two were practically inseparable. He supported Serena through her years at the ballet academy, bought and sent her gifts from the different places he was made to work in. Even after losing his memory, and having to rebuild their relationship from the ground up-- with all of the struggles that entails when one party has a lifetime of memories, and the other just cannot remember it--, they have remained just as tightly knit.
     This is not to say that she loves her parents to different levels. If someone were to ask her, Serena would insist that she loves Grace and Looker equally, despite the stark differences in the relationships she has with them. They are, to Serena, the two most important people in the world, and people she would give up anything for just to see them happy.
EAR : How does your muse react to being given unprompted advice? Do they follow it, resent it, e.t.c.?
     This really depends on what verse Serena is being written in, but for the sake of not making this go on for too long, it will be solely for post-X. Due to the nature of her relationship with Lysandre-- going to him for advice on personal matters, and also to help her discover what she holds dear and values--, if the advice is unprompted and comes from someone Serena does not fully trust? It will usually go ignored, and in a very active way, too, as her instinctive response is to now reject most of those situations as a way to protect herself. She might give the person a smile and say she will keep it in mind, but in reality Serena is doing all that she can to just forget what was said.      There is no resentment or the like-- Serena is just terrified of relying on someone for advice when she does not know them fully, and falling into the same trap as before. She was manipulated, and coerced into telling someone very deep and troubling issues she has by Lysandre, only to find out about it months down the track-- Serena absolutely never wants to go through that again.
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walkingshcdow-a · 3 years
And also Trevor and Finnegan
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Ship HCs | Not Accepting!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Depends on the verse, but I’m tempted to say for the rest of Victor’s life. (Come at me, Clare. I dare you.)
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Victor? Oh, probably by the third time Finnegan kissed him on the lips and told him he was “a good boy” or called him “darling”. Finnegan? He didn’t notice it until about a year in and he went “Oh fuck.” because it was Too Late. 
How was their first kiss? - Explosive, deepened very quickly, escalated even more quickly. There was no pretense about it.
Who proposed? - Finnegan
Who is the best man/men? - Hmm... 
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - I don’t know if she’s considered a bridesmaid, but I feel like Jane might end up with a very important role int he wedding or Victor’s one sister who he adores. It’s a very intimate wedding, lbr. 
Who did the most planning? - I want to say Finnegan, but let’s be real. He dumped it on his publicist and event planner because he was busy helping Victor with his divorce and, you know, running FinneCorp. 
Who stressed the most? - VICTOR. 
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Victor’s parents, Shannon. 
Who is on top? - Finnegan
Who is the one to instigate things? - Both, definitely. 
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - I’m not timing them, but long enough to murmur fucking soliloquys to each other, I swear to god...
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - They do not, but I don’t think they mind. 
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Three through a surrogate
How many children will they adopt? - They don’t. They might consider it, but it’s already a complex enough legacy and inheritance that they’re leaving their daughters... I feel like they would feel like it was irresponsible and unfair to haul a non-biological child into their lives without being able to guarantee him or her the same legal rights as their biological kids. As it is, I think that Finnegan worries that their youngest daughter won’t have the same legal protections as the older two because she’s biologically Victor’s. I think he’s very worried about inheritance law. 
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - I feel like Victor volunteers for this and Finnegan wonders why they even bothered with a night nanny if Victor is just going to rush in to save the day every time. 
Who is the stricter parent? - They’re both pretty strict but about wildly different things. I think it might be safe to say it’s Finnegan because he’s more consistent. Victor sometimes blurts out things like, “You can do anything you want! Do you know I love you?” to their kids and Finnegan is like “NOT ‘ANYTHING’.”
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - I have a  very vivid mental picture of Victor rushing after one of the Valkyries while she’s on a bike going, “Not in the streeeeeeet” while Finnegan stands on the porch with a cup of coffee. I know this picture is wrong because I imagine it at my childhood home and their time is split between fancy apartments, fancy houses, and a literal castle, but the sentiment stands. 
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Victor. Finnegan doesn’t eat and I worry that one of their girls is going to pick up his habits. 
Who is the more loved parent? - Finnegan, tbh. I only believe this because Clare and I talked about how he accidentally convinces their friends he’s a spy and a vampire. He also isn’t Trying So Hard to win approval. 
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?: Both. They would absolutely both go.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Victor but he cries a lot where the girls are concerned. 
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Finnegan. Victor thinks they need to learn the consequences. A mortified Finnegan Does Not Care and just doesn’t want his daughter to spend the night in jail. He thinks that letting her know he is Disappointed in her will be punishment enough. BOY is he right. 
Who does the most cooking? - Haha
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Finnegan. 
Who does the grocery shopping? - The at-home chef, but once a month, Victor and Finnegan go together. 
How often do they bake desserts? - They try, but not often. I remember reading that Victor is a better baker than he is cook. I’d like to see him try to get Finnegan to eat a cupcake. Challenge: Issued. 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Finnegan is a salad fan. Victor tries to eat balanced meals to model behavior for his husband and to get enough nutrition to support his own athletic zealotry. 
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Finnegan. I think about the scene in “Jane the Virgin”. I wanted to do something nice for you. But instead you cooked?
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Yes.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Yes. 
Who cleans the room? - Housekeeping. I think they’re both relatively clean people, though.
Who is really against chores? - Finnegan. “We hired someone to do that, don’t worry about it.”
Who cleans up after the pets? - If it’s Evan, it’s Victor. If it’s the horses, it’s Finnegan or the stable staff. 
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Neither. 
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Finnegan
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - I’m so curious as to what either of them would do if they found a single dollar tbh. 
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - FINNEGAN. He sometimes convinces Victor to join him,
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Victor. Evan is HIS dog.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - For Christmas.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Ooof. I don’t think they started with goals beyond getting laid and escaping their existences for a bit. It got complicate when they caught feelings because then the goal was “don’t get caught” and Finnegan has a Secret Goal of “convince Victor to leave Shannon for me” that turned into “Get married”. And after they were married, it became “Have children and secure a legacy.” And once they have the girls - Like, honestly, they’re never satisfied. I think if you ask my meta muse, his goals are things like “marry Victor” and “raise our girls” and “have intensely hot sex until it’s medically unwise” and “DON’T LOSE VICTOR” because someone has floated the idea of killing him and even though that someone has retracted that plan, my muse wants it known (by the muns, not other muses, because ew vulnerability) that he wants to grow old with Victor. 
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Finnegan. I don’t think Victor could sleep that late. 
Who plays the most pranks? - I don’t think they play legitimate pranks. I do think that Finnegan teases and flusters the hell out of Victor, though, and we’ll count it. 
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carnal-agony · 5 years
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔬𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔬𝔣 𝔖𝔲𝔠𝔠𝔲𝔟𝔦, 𝔄𝔯𝔞𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔥 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔗𝔲𝔧𝔄𝔯𝔞
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"𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚖, 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚜, 𝙱𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚀𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐."
In light of my blog being revamped officially I am creating a Muse sheet for all of my mutual followers and silent worshipers. I won’t be going into immense detail about my Muse’s past/creation as I have had multiple threads that dissected every ounce of it including a few AU’s where her history was either less enticing or she was mortal. Stick around until the end for a special ‘shout-out’ for my partners who have helped shape my blog in one way or many. 
Bɾιҽϝ Hιʂƚσɾყ
Aramath and TüjArä are one of the same, they share a body, heart, and mind but not a soul. The Queen was not always split between good and evil, however, she was created as one being- a part from each Ancient that attended her Creation. With her being ‘born’ the mortal world was introduced to the power and weakness of Lust, the Goddess of Succubi, TüjArä. Although in the beginning of her history she was a cruel ruler who only wished for her children to divulge in the tasteful wants of the lesser species as well as going on massacres by their mother’s word.
Her world changed when the Goddess found what was at the root of all her lust- that being love. Don’t start smiling now, this isn’t a typical love story, matter of fact I wouldn’t consider it a love story at all. TüjArä fell in love with a viking and bared a half mortal child with this man- against every ruling of the Ancients that stated it was forbidden for a woman of pure lust to pursue. Knowing this, TüjArä stepped from her throne and above into the mortal world, hiding from those who wished to put her back into place. For six years she lived with those she loved, learning what it meant to have humility and compassion as a mortal would.
Aρρҽαɾαɳƈҽ; Vαɾιαɳƚʂ
In the original story I write Aramath rocks a crimson hairstyle, usually quite lengthy and wavy in previous cycles that was her iconic look. However after a long debate I had wrote her into isolation from those she learned to care for and in this she became immensely ill- the red of her hair fading until it became a ghastly platinum. It is very important to note that the original Aramath and the current one I am writing for both possess their own personality differences as well as differing internal conflict with TüjArä. 
Her body is covered head to toe in an array of stories about her existence as well as other oddities that come alive upon the command of her Oracle. Aramath is usually seen in black leather of all sorts, her style has toned down over the years but she is a rocker at heart, which is seen in various band tees and skull based clothing and jewelry. A few things stay the same however- the rings she wears each possess their own special abilities, ranging from her own internal power to the unique array of her kind, Oracle, and lovers. 
Wԋαƚ Gɾιɳԃʂ Hҽɾ Gҽαɾʂ
Aramath is a very tedious creature to write for, she is hot headed yet well tempered, childish at heart yet cold and stern mentally, and while she does not wish to end humanity anymore- that does not mean she is in love with humans. Most she can barely stand so she approaches with a bitter tongue and sharp wit, however when a very special few come to make her acquaintance they are met with soft smiles and the exposure of what a monster looks like when they are tamed. Humans are meat sacks to her, ones that have ruined the Earth they all inhabit due to their selfish ways and this mindset finds her at crossroads- she wishes to rid Mother Earth of the plaque that is humanity but that seems like a waste of good talent. Isn’t that a blessing in itself? 
Creatures on the other hand; God or grunt they always amuse Aramath as she sees them full of themselves- no exclusion to her dear friends either. Being around for most species creation has come with clear visions of what the creatures are, humanized or not they all have a sense of higher being in this world dominated by meat sacks. However depending on your class and how you act, Aramath might just consider you something worthy.
Wԋαƚ Tσ Exρҽƈƚ
Well for starters, expect the unexpected my dear children of the night. Aramath as tamed as she is has a thirst for violence and agony, it gives her a sense of life just seeing the simple fear of women when she snatches the attention of their partners. Although she tends to keep the violence to more of a sexual nature she isn’t hesitant to rip off a man’s crotch or sew a demon’s lips shut, all while taking her sweet time. Don’t be mistaken just because she is a succubus that she will sleep with anyone- that is far, far from the truth.
Aramath does not ‘sleep around’, she goes through a very emotional process to choose who enters her bed. This isn’t just for the sake of morality however, to take a succubus use to be a very primal and romantic thing as their kind does not necessarily need to lay with someone to feed. Those who are chosen as special tend to experience hallucinations, feelings of true ecstasy, and in some cases Aramath shares her life experiences with them through touch. With this being said, it is important to understand pushing yourself upon this Goddess- will end with your head mantled on her fireplace. You’ve been warned.
EʂƚαႦʅιʂԋҽԃ Rҽʅαƚισɳʂԋιρʂ; Tԋҽ Mυʅƚιʋҽɾʂҽ
Through the years I have been writing Aramath one thing is clear, once you have a place in her heart you will forever have that spot. This is no different for myself as I wouldn’t have lore if it weren’t for those who helped grow with me. These characters may be an OC or in their own universe- either way they are all loved equally. Here are a few of the characters I most frequently interact and/or click with during threads, some Aramath is very possessive over and others she views as equals. Please do not be discouraged if your muse is not on this list, it does not mean I love you any less my dears.
Henry Pearl, Sunset Peach, the Oracle of the Goddess.
Roman Godfrey, a White Tower Dragon in Prince skin.
Eddie Brock, Snarky Reporter, Kingsman In Training.
Venom, Parasitic Terrestrial, Unknown Limits, Enjoys Flesh.
Pan, Horseman of Death, Man of Knowledge.
Michael Langdon, Son of Satan, Your Dark Lord, Puppeteer of the Apocalypse.
Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska, A Pair of Laughs, Equally Charismatic and Deadly.
Kai Anderson, Terrifying Candidate, Godlike Ego, Could Make Me Drink the Kool-Aid.
If you want angst, joy, or death Aramath is the girl to go with. She is very versatile in every aspect that I write her, if you wish to have a particular plot please invade my inbox so we can discuss what you’d like. If not, I frequently post open threads with an already settled plot, starter calls, and interactive dialogues. Never be afraid to send a meme or random prompts into my inbox, I love interacting with my followers! 
Now as we get to the end of this long, long sheet I just want to take a moment and say a few things as a Mun. I- am so terrible about timely responses, between working, streaming, and studying for my degree I do not find a lot of time for my writing passion. However, if you bare with me through the odd times of night when my responses flow I promise you we will have amazing threads together. Now that you know a little about my existence let’s get my blog rules out of the way;
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No persons under the age of 18 allowed- period. This blog has intense scenes and NSFW threads, I will not be held responsible for the corruption of children so turn away now or blocking will occur.
As much as I preach love and acceptance, absolutely NO threads will occur with me that involve animals or characters under the age of 18. I do not condone the act of pretending to be an underage child, nor will I bring children in as extras to my thread. 
Unless your character is an actual God of some sort, do not attempt to God-mod our threads, I will not allow it to happen and it will terminated immediately. Clarification: Yes you can toss my Muse, but no you cannot kill them (unless discussed or of course- you’re Pennywise.)
Sexual themed threads must be discussed with Mun prior to the beginning of it, if not my character will act as normal- and your muse will lose a hand or two. Discussing is a key point when it comes to certain topics in writing, and as everyone says, Consent is Key.
Remember, we’re all here to enjoy ourselves with our characters, even if the thread is violent and hateful please remember. I am not my Muse and my Muse is not me, you are allowed to spit and curse them but do not dare step past that line and spew venom at me. I have a zero tolerance for drama, hate, or sheer stupidity. 
Fιɳαʅ Cσɱɱҽɳƚʂ
Well my loves we’re at the end, it is time to say my final goodbyes as I finish off this sheet on a good note. I will always be open to new partners, new ideas, new universes so please again- never feel scared to shoot me random things. With this revamp I am turning my engines over and putting the pedal to the metal- and it’s only just beginning. With all love, and secret lust- Shalom and Blessed Be.
{Will be updating frequently throughout these next few weeks, stay tuned!}
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frcmshadcws · 4 years
@theabandonedones​​ said: 🔥 🔥 🔥
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Hot Takes From Your Local Bastard  ||  Selectively Accepting
🔥 — What is your hottest take on your fandom?
As I’ve previously mentioned, I could spend hours talking about this goddamn fandom. It’s my internet home, some of my best friends are a part of it, but that being said? It’s got a host of problems  &  if you can’t criticize what you love, then what’s the point?
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PART ONE:  If one more person, in this bloody RPC, abruptly ghosts everyone  &  deactivates their blog/s, with absolutely no warning or context  —  I am going to lose my fucking mind. Sure, you don’t owe anyone an explanation, especially if there are personal reasons for it; sure. But that does not change the fact that suddenly vanishing? It genuinely upsets people. It causes distress. It leaves your writing partners, wondering what they did wrong. And moreover, it leaves your friends wondering what they did  &  simultaneously leaves them worried sick about you  —  because yes, I mean people who don’t even explain themselves to their friends.
If you’ve been personally in contact with someone, if you’ve semi-consistently wrote with them, if you’ve got each other’s contact info elsewhere... If you are, in any capacity, friends with somebody? You do owe them a fucking message about it, at the very least. Because if they have to find out that you deactivated, by trying to go to your blog  &  finding out it no longer exists? That’s fucking bullshit. It shows that you really didn’t care about them, as a writing partner or as a friend, very much at all.
And if you’re someone that’s consistently done this? I’m sorry, but I’m not going to follow you around like a lap-cat when you spontaneously return. I’m one person’s cat, thanks,  &  it sure as fuck ain’t anyone who’d do this.
PART TWO:  There is this absurd idea, in certain parts of the Hellsing RPC that we won’t be naming, that writing a terrible person makes the writer an equally terrible person. That shit? Is absolute garbage  &  the trend of believing it, needs to die. Mun does not equal Muse. It never has, it never will, that isn’t how being a writer works. Nobody is a N*zi, just because they write members of Millennium  —  nobody is a N*zi supporter, for wanting to write with Millennium muses. If you honestly cannot separate fiction from reality, to this degree, then I genuinely do not have time for your bullshit. Writing something does not mean that you condone it  —  I condone next to none of my muses’ actions, on any given day, because I have this habit of writing awful people that commit atrocities. Go outside, sit with the birds, save the oceans  —  do something useful with your time, please. You people fucking exhaust me.
PART THREE:  Can we stop forgetting that this anime includes a catalog of trauma victims? Because it does, goddamnit. And I am personally sick of seeing people write those survivors, while totally forgetting about the fact that they’re traumatized. Admitting that your muse is traumatized, that they have PTSD, that they’ve been through hardships, doesn’t make them less of a badass. It doesn’t take away from what a kickass character they are. If you ask me, it just adds to it. So please, stop trying to ‘write out’ or ignore your muse/s trauma. It’s a bad look for you  &  is doing the character a serious disservice.
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copiesofme-archive · 5 years
rules for my multi
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-All interactions are welcomed! MUTUALS ARE PREFERABLE, but I won’t be angry if a non-mutual approaches me. I noticed though, that it comes easiest to me to plot with people who I’ve talked with prior, so don’t be afraid to talk with me. I may be selective but I am not unapproachable.
-I am a terrible conversation holder, and am prone to long awkward silences. It also sometimes takes me a while to build up the nerve to reach out. But I promise it’s all me. Just give me time, and PLEASE HAVE PATIENCE WITH ME. I have many blogs and sometimes my attention will be pulled elsewhere.
I am duplicate friendly! Give me all the threads! if you like one of my headcanons and want to adopt it, please ask me. This also includes metas!
I am super super chill. If we have a thread going and you don't want to continue it, don't be afraid to let me know. And I will let you know too if I don't have the muse for a thread. It's not a requirement to let me know, because sometimes we all forget and lose stuff. But if you want to talk to me about dropping one, just know I won't be angry or anything whatsoever.
I'm an EXTREMELY slow writer, trust me, I AM A TURTLE. But have patience, I write for what I have the muse for. Sometimes I'll reply instantly, sometimes I'll reply a month later. Please DO NOT pester and pester, as I will get mostly frustrated and lose all muse for the thread. Have patience, please, I won't rush you. So don't rush me.
If I do a long and lengthy response, know that I will never require you to match mine. But please don't get ridiculous and do a one line to a five paragraph response.
CHEMISTRY ABOVE ALL ELSE!!!!! That is not a question whatsoever. I have a variety of muses and they all have different sexualities. Please don’t try and force ship me, it won’t let fly with me.
- Don’t send me hate, don’t send others hate. If I see any sign of it, it is to the block with you.
- This blog does not condone the call out culture whatsoever. Especially if it is a simple matter that could have been settled privately. Private matters and actual concern for the general safety of the public are two completely separate matters. If it is untagged, or simple calloused hate, will result in an immedaite unfollow from me. UNTAGGED CALLOUT POSTS = UNFOLLOW.
- THIS ALSO APPLIES TO VAGUE POSTING AND NEGATIVITY FESTS. If these are continuously untagged, and i start to feel uncomfortable I don’t care how well we know each other it will be an unfollow. On that note please don’t negatively vague about me, act like an adult and IM me and discuss your issue with me.
- Passive aggression. If there are any personal issues that summon aggressive and rude comments. Such aggression will absolutely NOT be tolerated. This shouldn't have to be a rule in regards to respect and communications. But experience has taught me otherwise, and thus. My warning is here.
- I also understand the concept of people having different opinions. But demeaning everything that I have to say and holding yours as superior over my head and having differing opinions are two completely separate concepts. I shouldn't have to say this but PLEASE RESPECT WHAT I HAVE TO SAY AND DO NOT TAKE AWAY FROM ME TO MAKE YOURSELF SOUND ABOVE ME.
- If I ask you to leave me alone and you do not concede and instead send me rude and aggressive IMs. THIS WILL RESULT IN A BLOCK.
- When you are blocked please do not contact me on other platforms with an equally passive attitude. Continuous actions such as these can be considered harassment and a minor form of gas lighting. If I say that I am uncomfortable, please respect that and keep your distance as I would keep mine in regards to you.
- Don’t ask me to water down my muse’s mean to make them more likeable for your taste.
- There WILL be dark content on this blog, if you do not like it. Do not follow.
Message me, send me a meme, send me an IC ask and I will give your blog a look through. But as I said; I am selective and the muse rules my actions. If she wants to respond she will, there is never a true promise that she will BUT I WLL DEFINITELY TRY.
I don’t really have any personal triggers that affect me here. But I ask that you tag your character hate. Specifically for Cersei Lannister of Game Of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire. I respect that you have your own opinion but I’m not going to tolerate hate for a character I stan hard. If i follow you and you’re a GOT blog and ship braime please tag it so my list catch it. I don’t like this ship at all and the bullying experience I’ve had i’m just not comfortable with it. (or any ships at all that make Jaime Lannister a pedophile)
   - If you don’t specify that’s okay, I’ll most likely play a match game to matching canons, or let any one of my people respond. But if you are an OC, I will most likely reach out to you in plotting.
My name is Melody, I’m going to be 25 years old. I’m a native american so please respect that.I will NOT smut with minors, though I will absolutely write with minors, but smut is a definite no no. I’m very opinionated so please respect my opinion. Furthermore, I'm usually pretty chill. I don't bite.
I'M ALSO A HUGE AVOCADO FAN. So on that note... if you want to get my attention, you need only mention the word and I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER.
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sasorikigai · 5 years
1, 10, 13 (for Scorpion and Sub-Zero)
questions for the mun, regarding the muse. || @ustrinamor || accepting
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1. What makes you the most emotional about your muse?
Scorpion; his whole redemption arc and character development. I’m only familiar with the new storyline, but comparing MK9 to MK11, it’s a profound leap of a difference - for he has chosen to step closer to his darkness, to his broken soul, but his acceptance and growth has smothered not all, but most of his darkness as it smothered with his resilient flame dancing with his flickering tongue of fire. And his lost family has ignited him into an eternal light, instead of turning into a scalding soot of conflaglatory hellfire.   
Sub-Zero; the fact that he has gone through heaven and hell in such short amount of time and even through all the trials and tribulations, he survives with such goodness and responsibility in his heart. Being the proper Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei could be burdensome, highly stressful and worrisome endeavor, but Kuai Liang does it with utmost dedication and hardened will, never subjugating beneath the forces of evil - except when he was unwillingly turned into Cyber Sub-Zero - no matter what the occasion. And his defiance and absolute resilience is something very laudable to me. 
10. What do you love about your muse?
Scorpion; Hanzo Hasashi is just such a beautiful man (both physical and mental; even when I don’t condone his volatility and impulsiveness, I have utter respect of his resiliency, unwillingness to never give up and defiantly challenge the greater power, because it is unjust and immoral) all in all. I’m highly drawn to his physical features, including his long lashes, caramel, sun-roughened skin, long shiny raven hair and high cheekbones. And through his stoicism, he speaks so much of his misery and tragedy; his emotions dwelling like strokes of flames and raging winds. And how he embodies danger with a soul of a fearless. I have a huge weakness for a dangerous man who is very stoic in public, but he has this firm gentility that speaks me of masculinity. A part of masculinity that I respect, not resent. 
Sub-Zero; Even when his heart is bleeding, Kuai Liang always seems to find equilibrium, not going over the precipice of completely losing control and breaking himself towards the inevitable. I can feel his indescribable pain through his eyes; how his eyes speak so much, even when he isn’t particularly vocal about his grief and agony. I couldn’t simply live with such complex amalgamation and dichotomy of resentment, hatred, animosity, grief, regret, etc. plaguing my emotion without completely breaking, but he always welcomes the unknown of life with welcome arms and that’s something I absolutely love and respect Sub-Zero. 
13. What about your muse makes you sad?
Scorpion; Sub-Zero’s dialogue in MKX will solidify what I think of him and the entirety of his storyline; “Had I known of my clan’s complicity in the Shirai Ryu’s extinction, our history would be different.” And the fact that he endured and never relinquished himself beneath the innumerable plagues, wildfires and hurricanes and still finding enough strength to stand tall in his sundered world. While the world of glee isn’t yet his own to partake, Hanzo Hasashi still yearns to fill the missing symphony with absent, pulverized feelings; of being loved and caressed, as he’d once again cherish the fortunate endeavor of being mesmerized in the passion without all the soldered hardness and stoicism. And I fear that he won’t ever experience the feeling of completely letting go, as he’d find another Harumi and Satoshi - while never forgetting their permeating existence. 
Sub-Zero; his complicated relationship with his elder brother, who he used to admire and love him dearly, and wished to follow in his footsteps as a member of the Lin Kuei. But he had resented him as well, at times hated him and wanted nothing more than to be free of his shadow, of his influence. The day Bi-han became Grandmaster, was the day he ceased to be his brother. He could no longer care for Kuai Liang as family, but only as a member of the Lin Kuei; and he had to do what he believed was best for the clan at all times, he could not spare anyone’s feelings, or play favorites. And then his brother was killed. He had sought revenge and in that process, he gradually lost pretty much everything. But Kuai Liang grew, evolved and learned. He reclaimed his clan, and brought it back from ruin and disgrace. He made peace with the Shirai Ryu, and the man who killed his brother. And gained a new irreplaceable brother. One who helped him avenge the kidnapping and slaughter of his clan, and fought alongside him as an equal. Then he lost him as well. If that isn’t the most epic saga of Kuai Liang’s bitter sorrows, I don’t know what it is. 
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seiche-archive · 7 years
really LONG CHARACTER SURVEY. RULES. repost, don’t reblog! tag 10! good luck! TAGGED.  @insolasidera​ TAGGING. Anyone wearing socks! Or if you just want to!
BASICS. FULL  NAME: Lance Charles McClain NICKNAME: The Tailor, Sharpshooter, Blue Paladin AGE: 19 BIRTHDAY: (Dark Voltron tell me Lance’s Birthday) ETHNIC  GROUP: Cuban NATIONALITY: America LANGUAGE / S: Spanish and English SEXUAL  ORIENTATION: pansexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION: demiromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS: taken  (verse dependent) HOME  TOWN / AREA: N/A CURRENT  HOME: the castle of lions PROFESSION: pilot of the blue lion, guardian of water and defender of the universe
PHYSICAL. EYES: Dark blue eyes that swell like the depths of the sea, the pits of the ocean, sparkling with life, like sunlight dancing on the waves. LIPS: Thin and soft, almost always pulled into a smile or a smirk, always wrapped eagerly around his words. But they can be serious, drawn in a line along his cheeks, not allowing distractions or to be deterred in anyway. COMPLEXION: Soft, light brown skin that never allows room for blemishes to peek through, kept in shape from years of moisturization, a routine grained into habit that kept his skin in mint condition, an almost pristine state. He’s almost too worried to have blemishes, to have imperfections on his skin. BLEMISHES: Years upon years of routine have disallowed blemishes to appear, or stay for very long, so no. None. SCARS: The bane of his existence, the lines of discoloration that decorate his back, tear along his skin where the explosion ripped at him, exposed his flesh. TATTOOS: The only ‘imperfection’ that Lance has ever allowed on his skin, the rippled of black in a sea of brown. The lower right hand ‘corner’ of his back, the silhouette of a bird flying away, soaring through the metaphorical sky. HEIGHT: 6′0 WEIGHT: approx. 165 BUILD: Though broad in shoulders, he is lanky just about everywhere else, muscles pulled over long bones, more strength than given at first sight. FEATURES: The features the ripple the expanse of his face are given to us at angular angles, pointed noses and chins that pull his face to a tight point. ALLERGIES: n/a USUAL  HAIR  STYLE: Dark brown hair that brushes the skin just past his ears, breaching the top of his neck, exposing the skin their. Parted at the top of his forehead right in the middle, curled in both directions curtaining either side of his face, framing his features. USUAL  FACE  LOOK: A look often identified as ‘smug’ or egotistical, one thought to be quite full of himself, his lips pulled into a smirk, an angular eyebrow quirked high on his forehead, eyes pointed in the direction of which the person he is speaking to. USUAL  CLOTHING: His casual outfit of preference is a white and blue three quarter sleeved shirt, light blue relaxed fit jeans and his favorite pair of blue and grey tennis shoes. All brought together with a dark green cargo jacket with muted yellow stripes on either sleeve just below the shoulder.
PSYCHOLOGY. FEAR / S: Being forgotten, not being good enough, losing those he cares about. ASPIRATION / S: Graduate from the Garrison, Save the Universe from Zarkon POSITIVE  TRAITS: Confident, Funny, flirtatious, always trying to cheer up his team mates NEGATIVE  TRAITS: Self-loathing, self-sacrificial, desperately seeks validation. MBTI: Entertainer (ESFP-T) ZODIAC: Leo TEMPEREMENT: Sanguine SOUL  TYPE / S: Equally Performer and Hunter ANIMALS: Tiger VICE  HABIT / S: Pads of fingers dancing along the edge of his palm, tapping along eachother anxiously. A gentle pinch on the interior skin of his wrist, a gentle tug to ease nerves. FAITH: Raised within the walls of people who hold religion in a high regard, he would say he believes in something, just isn’t quite sure what it is, exactly. He believes that someone, something looks over everyone, that there is an essence that influences all things. He wouldn’t call it ‘God’ wouldn’t attach such a name for it, mostly because all ‘God’ ever did for him was diminish him, swipe away his identity with a few words from a really old book. GHOSTS?: Absolutely. They are here, they are self aware and they are terrifying. AFTERLIFE?: He likes to believe the stories told him as a child, that if you’re good and do well in life then you will go to heaven and live a happy life with ‘God’, but now, with the events that have happened, the string of things that brought him to this point in his life, the point in ones life where reality is too heavy, where good people make decisions at the cause of someone’s life, even if that person is terrible and is doing horrid things. Good people make tough calls, so currently, he isn’t sure. It’s a nice fantasy, but it’s still just that. A fantasy. REINCARNATION: No. ALIENS?: Absolutely. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT: Besides becoming amused at the angry babblings of his relatives at gatherings, he holds no political statement, no side he would prefer over another. EDUCATION  LEVEL: Enrolled in collegiate level courses and piloting lessons, he didn’t do very well in school but in terms of intelligence he is quite advanced in math and tactical thinking.
FAMILY. FATHER: Alive (To be named) MOTHER: Alive (TBN) SIBLINGS: Older sister, older brother, two fraternal twin younger siblings. EXTENDED  FAMILY: Massive family on either side, too many extended relatives to count them all. NAME  MEANING / S: Lance means ‘Land’ and McClain means “Son of the Servant of Saint John” HISTORICAL  CONNECTION?: No
FAVORITES. BOOK: Action and thriller books that are short and sweet. MOVIE: Movies where ‘the hunter becomes the hunted’ 5 SONGS: Me Too by Meghan Trainor, Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots, Worth It by Fifth Harmony, Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars, Hips Don’t Lie by Shakira DEITY: none. HOLIDAY: Halloween MONTH: July SEASON: Summer PLACE: Varadero Beach, Cuba WEATHER: Sunny, warm, wonderful weather for surfing or just a day at the beach. SOUND: Upbeat music that’s nice to listen to, reminds you that life gets better eventually, uplifting music that your feet just have to move to. But also relaxing music that allows him to block out the rest of the world, allows him to zone out and hush his intrusive thoughts and grant him legitimate sleep. SCENT / S: Saltwater TASTE / S: fruity drinks, like lemonade. FEEL / S: soft typically, but loves the feeling of sand underfoot ANIMAL / S: likes dogs and cats, don’t make him choose. NUMBER: Number 1, always. COLORS: blue and grey
EXTRA. TALENTS: Providing a different train of thought, a different perspective for his team, sharpshooter, great at piloting under pressure BAD  AT: Self-preservation, thinking highly of himself, taking the high road TURN  ONS: Sense deprivation, lingerie, being tied up, someone taking control over him, but also overthrowing the other and turning the tables, taking back control, spanking TURN  OFFS: forced submission, choking HOBBIES: Listening to music, being with friends, playing video games, watching movies QUOTES: “I don’t mind not getting a happy ending if it means you get yours.”
MUN QUESTIONS. Q1: if you could write your character your way in their own movie, what would it be called, what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about? A1: This blog is based off of the Netflix original series Voltron Legendary Defender, so pretty much that.
Q2: what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like? A2: orchestral af, weeping strings and a commanding brass and percussion. but also moments of lightheartedness between the instruments. (<--- What Sam said p much)
Q3: why did you start writing this character? A3: Because Lance is me, dialed up to ten in terms of flirtation. We both would much rather take care of others than ourselves. But we both know that we are the shit and fuck you for thinking otherwise. But that way of thinking isn’t always the forefront and definitely doesn’t come without it’s own consequences.
Q4: what first attracted you to this character? A4: The scene where Lance first bonded with Blue, that scene is gorgeous and honestly one of my favorites and it’s very vital to the plot.
Q5: describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse. A5: He flirts to much for my personal liking.
Q6: what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse? A6: Personality (though his is really dialed up from mine), fears, mindset, the ability to make others feel better but not exactly bringing up the issue (aka, making them feel better by forgetting about it momentarily)
Q7: how does your muse feel about you? A7: I hope that we would be able to be friends and that we could help boost eachother up positively, give eachother a nudge in the right direction when they need it. In all honesty, I’d hope that he would like me.
Q8: what characters does your muse have interesting interactions  with? A8: Honestly every interaction is different and unique in it’s own way, no one interaction is the exact same than the other. For example, Lance’s interaction with his twins in twin verses are vastly different. With Alex ( @saltybluelion ) Lance is the younger sibling and tends to be a bit more rambunctious, and then there are interactions with Shiro ( @insolasidera ) where Lance is pretty dwelled in on his thoughts and emotions. On the flip side there’s interactions with Keith, two very distinct reactions, you either get  a really pissed off, easily irritated guy who is ready to fight you on your every word ( such as with @vermiillion ) and then you have adorable, BEAVIE loving Lance who loves his life and his family (such as with @redlionstar ) All of these interactions are different and amazing and I love all of them.
Q9: what gives you inspiration to write your muse? A9: I am heavily influenced by the things around me, so music, movies, literature. For me it moreso comes down to my ability to write a thorough and good response that I’m happy with rather than whether or not I have his muse. Because more or less, I am Lance. I say things, react to things how Lance would.
Q10: how long did this take you to complete? A10: I’ve been stopped quite a bit, so several hours. Plus those tests were long. Shrugs. A could of hours.
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warwaged-archive · 4 years
1 and 15, for any of them!
What is the biggest headcanon deviation from the canon material that you have incorporated into the way you write your muse? Why did you come up with it?
I’m not sure this is diverging from canon when I feel it’s largely that canon doesn’t bother to touch upon that, maybe because they think it’d make things more complicated than they wish to make them, but one important thing about my portrayal of Alleria is that although she is loyal to the Alliance, the sin’dorei will always be her people in her heart. Canon acknowledges she thinks of Quel’thalas as home, but it doesn’t dwell on her feelings towards her people, and specially following her exile, Alleria is never shown to still care for them. She definitely does, however; she loves Quel’thalas with all her heart, and although she was never actually sin’dorei, she very much considered them her people still. It’s true that nowadays she’s finding that sense of belonging more so in regards to the ren’dorei, but even then I think it’s hard for her to see them as a people on their own, and that for the most part they are more of a fragment from the sin’dorei. Given how long she’s fought to protect them, and how hard it still is for her to grasp the differences between how things were when she left and how they are now, Alleria is full of contradicting feelings, and her loyalty to the Alliance vs her feelings towards the sin’dorei is definitely one of them imo.
The biggest headcanon deviations I have are usually similarly tied to her feelings/relationship to other characters. I think I tend to write Alleria as caring a lot more for Sylvanas than she’s shown to do in canon (specially in regards to her relationship with her sister since her return, but even before that). Canon has a lot of “Vereesa and Sylvanas/Lirath and Alleria were closer to each other” but being the eldest two, I always lean towards them being quite close also, and in a very different way than Alleria would have been towards the two youngest, with Sylvanas being the one she’d have trusted the most as an equal on every level (vs being someone she loves and is very very protective of) at the same time I do see them clashing a lot and having a healthy degree of sibling rivalry. Perhaps as a consequence of my idea of it being that she was quite close to Sylvanas before, I also write Alleria as unable to be entirely uncaring towards her sister, regardless of how far she’s fallen. So to me, she says/acts like Sylvanas is dead to her because yes, she understands there’s no making up for everything she did, she understands the Sylvanas she loved doesn’t exist as she knew her anymore, and she’ll do whatever it takes for her to face justice; but deep down it’s not purely that, and some remnant of their bond will always be there, even if Alleria won’t let it get in the way of doing what she knows is right.
I also tend to deviate from canon in regards to her relationship with Turalyon, in that I don’t think it developed to love as fast as Beyond the Dark Portal has it, as well as that I don’t ignore there’s a lot they have to work through post Legion. I don’t think it makes sense with her as a character who is shown to not be emotionally open to open up so fast to him, and to act on it so openly when around other characters, either. It’d be tentative at first and she’d be terrified and probably tried to back away sometimes, but I do think eventually it would have worked because back then Turalyon is shown to be so in love with her and willing to put up with her bullshit and be there to catch her when she falls. I didn’t have a clear development of their relationship post Legion because I wasn’t sure where canon was headed with it, but it’s a constant that things aren’t good initially following Legion, and that she is very conflicted on where their relationship stands/if it can go on at all, but she clings to it all the same because she wants it to work (in no small part for Arator) and also because she’s just. Generally starved for affection and absolutely terrified of losing anyone else. But at the same time there are certainly things that have hurt her in what he did/how he acted, and they’d have to work through that. In regards to the earlier part of their relationship, I feel it would be a more natural development that way, and in regards to the more recent stuff, there’s just too much they need to address before they can be on actual real sincere good terms in a relationship that is still about love and trust and respect and ignoring that in favor of having them say they trust or love each other isn’t really addressing that kajnsfdkjsndf so I choose to do things a bit differently on that sense.
Last but not least (and arguably the actual biggest deviation from canon aksdnfaksjdf), I deviate from canon with her in regards to Arator, specifically in my headcanons about his conception/birth, timeline and her relationship with Turalyon. For my take on her, it’s all really messy; Arator wasn’t planned, but rather a result of her going to Turalyon for comfort when she was so messed up by grief, and she immediately regrets that and pushes him away afterwards, but then she’s pregnant. And she finds out she’s pregnant but she doesn’t let him know because she doesn’t want a relationship with him and she has been actively avoiding him and not answering to any of his letters since the war ended. And when they meet again in spite of her unwillingness to see him at all, she never considers it might be a thing she has to do, tell him about their son. So akdnnkasjnf that also complicates her journey with Turalyon to actually in love and happily together by the time of BtDP when they eventually have to have that conversation (which I figure would happen sometime before the inevitable doom of not having a way back to Azeroth is obvious, so Turalyon has the opportunity to see him, or at the very least still has to make the choice between going back knowing about Arator or doing what they gotta do to save the world). So yeah! For the most part my take on their relationship involves a lot of it being complicated and messy (but they keep finding ways to make it work ig). This was an attempt on making sense of the timeline and why Arator isn’t acknowledged in their interactions throughout BtDP at all, initially.
And this is minor but as per my portrayal she 100% gets Thas’dorah back after Legion bc she’s too attached to that bow to ever let it go it changes literally nothing but the bow she carries but it’s important to me because she’s shown to care so much for this damn bow and I can’t believe she’d ever just let someone else have it. When she dies pass it on to Arator and he can do what he wants but for as long as she’s alive it’s hers :/
What plots/interactions leave you feeling protective of your muse? 
None really? As far as void interactions ever went, I guess I have a tiny bit of protectiveness in that I’m like
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but at the same time it’s very fun and I’ll 100% throw her closer to a fall/corruption scenario in which she’ll be very distressed just because it’s so much fun to me akjsdfnaksjdfn I think the most protective I feel about her is when interactions have people doubt her ability to control her powers/retain her sanity, but that might be because that idea is very offensive to Alleria in general (so I also have some fun when that happens bc conflict is fun). So yeah! I don’t know if it counts as protective when at the same time I’m like that I’d also pretty much throw her in those situations and find it very amusing asifhaisufdh
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