#muse: kaveh veises
vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
@therelentless continued from [x]
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"Once I apologise?!" Kaveh snapped back in question. He hadn't forgotten about the arguments they had had back before it had all happened. They didn't have as many as Nandor had with some of the other wives, but when they had... well, it hadn't been the prettiest.
"I'm not the one being dramatic. And I am not the one who needs to apologise! I have every right to be upset and angry! You. You are the one who should apologise! Not that you ever did before!!
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Kaveh Veises
TRUE BIRTH NAME: Kaveh (full birth name unknown)
TAKEN NAME: Kaveh Veises
TRUE BIRTH DATE: 555BC (approximately).
SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): old persian, parsik, Farsi, English.
AFFILIATIONS: The Immortals. (formerly).
EYE COLOUR: Dark brown
HAIR COLOUR: Dark brown
HEIGHT: 6,0 ½" (1.84m).
FACE CLAIM: Ramin Karimloo.
Kaveh was a member of ‘The Immortals’. 
The Immortals were also known as the Persian Immortals or Persian Warriors was the name given by Herodotus to an elite heavily-armed infantry unit of 10,000 soldiers in the army of the Achaemenid Empire.
When he was injured in a battle during Cambyses II’s conquest of Egypt in 525 BC, Kaveh discovered that he could heal himself. Confused at first, he had to restrained by another soldier who had been injured in confusion. In the scuffle, he managed to heal that soldier as well. The process of healing the other left him slightly weakened and he realized that healing others would weaken himself, possibly to the point of death. 
Over the coming years, Kaveh came to realize that not only could he heal, but he also did not age a single day. He saw those he fought beside die in battle or of old age. + Hiding his abilities, he lived his thousands of years alone before eventually moving to modern-day America. 
He keeps mostly to himself in a secluded cabin where he has lived for many years. 
Ever so often through the years, there would be someone in trouble or ‘bad things’ happening and he would step in, help those that needed the help before disappearing again. 
On the few times that people had been gravely injured, he somehow manages to heal them. The time between these instances and the next appearance would be longer than others as he becomes weak when using his healing abilities on others. 
He would only appear every 5 to 6 years or so (rarely more frequent) but his features were said to look the same. 
He became something of an urban legend.
Aging Immunity. (Kaveh does not age). 
Regenerative Healing Factor. 
Limited Health Manipulation. (Can heal the wounds of others but the process is detrimental to Kavehs own health. To the point where using it too much at once could kill him.)
Out of the languages Kaveh speaks, mun only speaks English. So some inaccuracies may occur. Polite corrections are welcomed.
Kaveh is an original, fandomless character of muns own creation any similarities to any other characters or real-life people is entirely coincidental and unintended.
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
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Under the cut for length
Kaveh had been holding onto a feeling of longing, loss and heartbreak for hundreds of years. The moment he had last seen his beloved was still as fresh in his mind as the day he had left.
Nandor had asked him to go with his other wives to protect them and his children and, despite wanting to stay with him and protect him, Kaveh had agreed. Knowing that they needed protection. It had hurt more than he could say having to leave him (it still did to that day) but knowing that he would be watching over those who meant to much to him aided him somewhat. Gave him something to focus on and a purpose.
When word had reached him that Nandor had been banished from Al Qolnidar, Kaveh had fallen into a depression. He forced the emotions down to hide them from the others until the few times he got alone when he could let out all of the grief he felt at the loss of the man he loved.
But despite the heartache, Kaveh continued to hold his promise. He stayed looking over the other wives, even as they aged and began to pass. They would each ask him why he never aged as they did but he never gave away his truth, not believing anyone would understand. Once all of the other wives had passed, he continued to watch over the children. Beginning to further himself from them to not bring attention and questions but still holding true to the promise.
As time continued to pass, Kaveh watched over all of Nandors descendants, keeping track of every single one of them. Making it his sole purpose to protect all of them from harm and hurt like he had felt at losing his beloved.
It was the passing of one those descendants, Madelaine Darbish, that had led Kaveh to a discovery. He had secretly gone to where she had lived after finding out (he had had to learn to be secretive and relatively stealthy in his long, long life) to try and honour her one last time when he had seen the security camera footage of the home she lived in. Seeing something he had never thought he would see again.
His beloved.
Kaveh was surprised he didn't pass out from the shock. He still kept track of all of Nandors descendants and he knew that none of them looked that much like him.
It was truly him. His beloved was alive, after all these years.
Having spent the time since searching for Nandor, asking and searching for information as to where he could be, Kaveh finally found himself at the doorstep to a home. A home in which he had been told by several people that the man he described resided.
Now that the time had come and he was actually there, the realisation and anxiety of what maybe about to happen hit Kaveh like a wall and he found himself frozen in place as he stared at the doorway. He ran his hands over his hair that he had kept long to honour his beloved. It was currently tied back partially to try and appear as neat as possible (he had spent far longer than he ever had before to try and make himself look presentable). Breath wavering at the thought that it wasn't Nandor and that he had gotten his hopes up at the possibility of seeing him alive.
After standing outside the house for an unknown amount of time, Kaveh had finally, slowly made his way forward until he was stood in front of the doorway. His hands shook and breath wavered as he tried to gather himself before finally knocking.
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
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@thatslayer liked for a starter [x]
Kaveh still couldn't believe what he had seen. He saw a woman struggling with who seemed to be disfigured man. He had mostly stayed back due to his vow of staying out of the way unless necessary until he saw the man begin to bite her neck.
Starting to run in, Kaveh stopped in his tracks when he saw another woman begin to attack the man. He couldn't help but watch. Surprised and impressed by how well she was handling it. When their fighting and moved far enough away, Kaveh moved over to the hurt woman and checked her over.
"It's alright." He tried to assure her as he noticed her almost passing out. Glancing over to where the other 2 were fighting to make sure sure they weren't looking, Kaveh turned back to the now unconscious woman and put a hand over her neck. Closing his eyes and breathing in and out slowly. He then began to say something under his breath as a faint glow emanated from beneath his hand.
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
His voice.... I watched a clip of him singing it from this year (he's currently playing the role in Italy) & I swear his voice has gotten even better.
I can so see Kaveh being able to sing like this. (Arak definitely does),
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
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Leave a like on this post for a starter from my fandomless OC, Kaveh. You can find out more about Kaveh here. If you are a multimuse, please specify which of your muses you would like the starter to be for.
If you have any idea, feel free to drop an ask.
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
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Slinging his small bag of things over his shoulder, Kaveh made his way to the door. Glancing back at the other for a moment.
"If I felt welcome here, maybe I would stay. But it's obvious to me that I'm not. So I'll just get out of your hair and leave." He said in a slightly dejected tone before turning back to the door and opening it.
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
This could be Kaveh singing about a certain vampiric husband.... @therelentless
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
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Kaveh still has his armour and weapons and keeps them well maintained and stored in an ancient chest.
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
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@therelentless continued from [x]
Kaveh bowed his head and knelt in reverence as he too took the words and admonishment the man before him gave. Was he even a man any longer if he were still alive before him? Were either of them?
"Forgive me," was all he could get himself to begin with. His eyes scanned the floor before him as he tried to think of something that could come near being a worthy explanation as to why he hadn't been there for the other.
"Something... happened. To me. I was not... myself after. Something I still can not explain."
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
"I hate you" @ kaveh
Send me "I hate you" and I'll generate a number from 1-20 to see what my muse will say in response.
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"You say that like I’m supposed to care or something."
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
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Kaveh had been out for a run for a few hours by the time he reached the door, opening it and coming inside. He bent over with his hands on his knees to catch his breath. Sometimes he disliked just how much he had to workout and run to keep himself fit and in the shape had maintained all these years. Heck, if you had known him for long enough, you might even think he looks even better than he had before.
Standing up straight, the sweat from his run making his vest cling to his skin, Kaveh breathed in and out slowly. He really needed to get home and take a shower.
It was a few moments more before he felt eyes upon him.
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
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@gui1lermodelacruz continued from [x]
Kaveh raised his hand away from Guillermo's arm, taking a step back. Clearly not something the other trusted him with talking about yet. That was alright, he wasn't someone who would push someone to talk about something they didn't want to.
"Uhuh." Kaveh replied as he leant against the wall and folded his arms nonchalantly. "Maybe me and you could repair some of these things. Would hate for the only humans in the house to get injured on them right. Though... okay, there's one thing I could do, if you were to get hurt again. But you have to promise not to tell anyone."
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
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[𝐓𝐄𝐒𝐓]: difficult person test [𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐒] You are an easy person to get along with (30.71%).
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tagged by: @gui1lermodelacruz tagging: whoever wishes to do it.
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vocesincaput-arc · 11 months
Guillermo would date Azi, cause he is nice and cute.
If Kevah was not with Nandor...Well, he has to get to know him first. If he was and he absolutely had to choose one... Kill. Okay he wouldn't actually kill him, but you know
send fuck, marry, or kill depending on what your muse would do to mine.
Guillermo and Aziraphale would be cuteness overload and I love the idea.
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Kaveh: I don't know how I should react to this.....
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