#muse: leah dunn.
honeycombwerewolfe · 3 years
long post: About Muse below the cut
(This is a fictional character RP blog. I do not make gifs: I use ones from tumblr posts that are reblogged here)
Major Berenice “Bernie” Griselda Wolfe. One of the Country’s Best Front Line Surgeons. Big Macho Army Medic. Not Maria von Trapp. Age: Old enough to show you a thing or two Height: 5’ 8" Gender: Female “she/her” Sexuality: Lesbian Appearance: Blonde hair, Brown eyes, Pale complexion Family:
Son: Cameron Dunn age 25
Daughter: Charlotte Dunn age 28
Exhusband: Marcus Dunn
Fiancé: Serena Campbell
Personality: Not the best homemaker, ambitious, confident, stubborn, workaholic, playful, no-nonsense attitude at work, bit brusk, straight shooter in most cases, not the best bedside manner…and not the best with confronting emotions. ________________________________ Backstory: A roadside IED changed her life. After surviving simultaneous open heart and spinal surgery followed by a TB scare, she was forced to choose between going back to her career or making a go at saving her marriage. She chose the latter but things didn’t play out as planned. Taking a job at Holby City, she struggled to adjust to life outside the army. Her attempts were only exasperated when Alex Dawson showed up on the ward. Bernie decided to stick it out and give Holby a chance…her marriage however not so much. She couldn’t bring herself to tell Marcus the real reason but the rumor mill at Holby soon did the job for her. Bernie had been having an affair with Alex while they were working together in the army.  Her two children, Charlotte and Cameron took his side…and to a degree she understood. She had caused so much pain…but they were still her kids and she missed them….missed talking to them.
The first time she heard from her son Cameron after the divorce was when he showed up in Holby as a car crash patient. The first stone laid in repairing one of the many bridges she had burned down to the ground.
Her daughter took a bit longer to come around but even that relationship was on the mend.
One tentative bridge she seemed to keep having to repair before it was even finished being built…was with Serena Campbell, her co-lead in the AAU department at Holby. Bernie kept making mistakes…kept taking the cowards way out when she just wanted to keep from hurting more people..from losing more friends. Bernie tried and tries still to do better.
Years brought challenges to the couple: the death of Serena’s daughter Ellie, long distance relationships with the occasional breakup peppered in, and Serena’s own indiscretion with an F1 named Leah. In the end, Bernie and Serena chose to own up to their mistakes and work on being better for each other. Bernie gave up her home and job to come back to Holby…back to Serena.
v:early days – Before Ellie’s death.
v:after ellie – After Ellie’s death but before Bernie joined Serena in the South of France.
v:thumb twiddling – Between Bernie Leaving Holby and Bernie leaving Serena. Jason has moved out of Serena’s and has his own life with his new family.
v:on secondment - Time period where Bernie is working on loan at other locations.
v:together at last – After Leah and the breakup, Bernie returned and the two moved in together finally admitting that they wanted a life together more than anything else.
V: All they found were her dogtags - Everyone thinks Bernie died in the explosion but two years later she returns out of the blue…and has to deal with the consequences of that disappearance.
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                                              ⏭ THE MUN ⏮
Hey! If you’ve found this blog, then you most likely want to know a little more about the blogger before interacting with her muses, yeah? Well, I’m not that good at talking about myself, so I’ll try and give it a go here.
Q: What’s your name?
A: My name is Leah.
Q: How old are you?
A: 25
Q: How long have you been roleplaying?
A: Almost 7 years, with breaks. The last break I took was about two years ago and I’ve only recently gotten back into rps, so I might be a little bit rusty.
Q: Do you prefer paras or short one liners?
A: Honestly, it’s a mixture of both. I looooooove writing long and lengthy responses, but if my partner prefers shorter interactions, I can  get into it
Q: How often are you online?
A: Between work and real life stuff, not gonna lie, it’s probably every other day. But, I will reply to everything when I’m on. If I forget you, all you have to do is let me know.
Q: Preferred genres to rp?
A: Any of them, really. I lean heavily towards friendships / platonic, fluff/ smut though. Love writing fluff and smut, if you check my personal out soon, I’ll share a little that I’ve  written on there.
Q: Willing to rp with anyone outside your chosen fandom?
A: Babes, I will rp with anyone who asks. Anyone. If I don’t know about your fandom, that’s what the good old internets are for, right? I’ll do my research going into it.
Q: What are your triggers?
A: I have to say non con & rape like situations, incestuous / significant age difference relationships, abuse, – which I will occasionally still rp, and addiction, – which I will also still rp, just not in excess. Suicide is also a bit of a trigger for me, but I understand that some muses get down and they have depression and it can’t be avoided. I just won’t have my muses participating in negativity relating to addictions or suicide ( enabling and pushing another muse to commit suicide ). Also, I won’t have my muses in non consensual situations or incestuous ones or situations in which they’re abusing another muse emotionally or physically. Having said all this, some of my muses ( the original ones ) do have pasts that aren’t exactly clean / pure.  So basically, my hardlines are non con sex, incest. As long as you don’t want a plot about either thing, we’re good.
Q: Do you have any desired ships or opposites?
A: As far as desired ships, here ya go! The muses in italics are the ones I’ll be playing. These are ships I really want to try out! If you have one of the desired opposites, definitely hit me up!
Bayley + Finn
Dean + Alexa
Cass + Carmella
Seth + Carmella
Baron + Carmella
Nikki + Dolph
Nikki + Dean Ambrose
Nikki + Cesaro
Nikki + AJ Styles
Noam Dar + Alicia Fox
Alicia Fox + Ryback
Alicia Fox + TJ Perkins
Alexa Bliss + Baron Corbin
Alexa Bliss + Dean Ambrose
Dolph + OC
Dolph + Eva Marie
Dolph + Summer Rae
Eva Marie + Baron Corbin
Eva Marie + Roman Reigns
Eva Marie + Wade Barrett
Adam Cole +OC
Finn Balor + OC
OC + Baron Corbin
OC + Finn Balor
OC + Sami Zayn
OC + Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley
OC + Antonio Cesaro
OC + Sami Callihan
OC + Tye Dillinger
OC + TJ Perkins
OC + Noam Dar
OC + Adam Cole
OC + Kenny Omega
OC + Pete Dunne
OC + Jason Jordan
OC + Jeff Hardy
OC + Drew Galloway
OC + OC with Jon Bernthal, Norman Reedus, Fransisco Lachowski, Kiowa Gordon, Alex Meraz, Adam Driver, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Rory Culkin, Taylor Lautner, Tom Felton, Taylor Kitsch, Garrett Hedlund, Jeremy Renner,  Chris Evans, Charlie Hunnam, Chris Hemsworth , Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Matthew Daddario or Theo Rossi fc.
Q:Any undesired ships?
A: Aghh, I really hate answering this because I feel as if someone, somewhere, will be offended or feel attacked. But, I do have a few and here they are..
Dean Ambrose + AJ Lee
Dean Ambrose + Renee
AJ Lee + CM Punk
Lana + Rusev
Nikki + John Cena
Maryse + Miz
Kaitlyn + whoever she married
Eva + her SO
Eve Torres + her husband.
I’d like to note that the reason I’m anti – rping the above are because one is a ship I dislike (Dean + AJ) and the others are simply because the duos are already together IRL and I’m really just not interested in rping them as a couple online too. It sounds harsh but it’s the truth.
Q: Any undesired fcs or fcs you won’t RP with?
A: Honestly, no there aren’t. I have preferences, as stated above, but I’m generally open to anyone.
All of my muses are straight, no exception. It’s nothing against different sexualities, I just cannot write f/f or m/m and I know it’ll be like an accident waiting to happen if I try it again. I used to attempt writing it all the time and it wasn’t ever very good at all.
I ship on chemistry so please do not force a ship on me. You can ask about shipping our characters and given that I’m a ship whore the answer will most likely be a yes. But don’t just assume that will always be the case, IE, I play Dean Ambrose and I’d prefer not to ship with Renees unless there is excellent actual chemistry. Just because our characters are together on screen or people fan ship them, that doesn’t mean I will. I will ship with both canon muses and original ones, often preferring the latter over the former in all honesty.
We don’t have to be mutuals for you to tag one of my muses in a para or throw a starter out at them through my ask box or come into my dms to rp. I do ask that you specify what muse(s) you’re interested in beforehand because it makes my lazy life so much easier. If you don’t specify a muse I will pick one of my own choosing and I’m fairly sure that you won’t be happy with the choice because I suck at trying to match muse with muse. If you see a starter I’ve posted that you want to throw a muse in, do it. You don’t even have to ask. If you want to come into my inbox and discuss plotting with me, go for it. I’m open to any and all kinds of interactions, from friendships to family ships, especially relationships and even enemy ships. All that I ask is that you extend the same courtesy to me.
Limit of muses / potential ships we can have going at one time is 3. I put a limit on it so that we don’t get overwhelmed by paras back and forth. I have so many muses that honestly, I don’t think you’ll have a problem picking from them all.
I will rp smut. I will not rp smut with minors and all the smut I write will be tagged & placed under a read more so that it’s not just sitting out there on the dash.
I use minimal formatting, occasional uses of gifs / icons. I strikethrough things I don’t want your muse to react to / know about and I italicize thoughts. “Speech” is in quotations. This should clear up any misconceptions about what’s what in my replies. I do not expect the same of you, just do what’s going to make you comfortable. If you need me to change my formatting / gifs,icons, etc in any way, let me know and I’ll gladly do so.
Replies can take a while at times, but if I’m not going to be on, I’ll generally let my RP partners know before just vanishing unless I just can’t. If you haven’t gotten a reply from me, let me know because chances are, I overlooked/lost it in my notifications. For whatever reason, I can’t DM but
people can send me DMS, so drop me one.
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