#muse: renata reyes
archxngxl · 1 year
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"Finally some peace and quiet." Renata stated upon entering their suite. It was a beautiful room. It was more like a house really. A kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom and living room. And to top it all off they had a lovely view of the city, and the night sky that was filled with stars.
Renata just wanted to sit down and eat something, to relax a little bit. The tour had officially begun, and despite the ominous figure that was the stalker, everything seemed to be going well. So far, nothing had happened. The police hadn't informed her of anything, there was no letters or pictures sent. Perhaps he had finally backed down, she could only hope. The singer didn't have to worry, since she had one of the best bodyguards working for her. Renata had Cade by her side at all times, which made her feel safe. "Sit down, relax. Do you want anything to eat? I can have room service bring it up." // @elpida
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archxngxl · 1 year
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"Took you long enough." Renata exclaimed as her lover finally entered the room. She was in front of her vanity, taking off the makeup she had for the day. They had an argument, an ugly one for that matter. It wasn't a strange thing to happen to them, but this one was particularly ugly. "I'm taking the guest room tonight. You can have the bed." //@fxcdboys
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archxngxl · 2 years
Continued from here - @smckeslow
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"Then why did you leave?" Renata questioned. She never thought she would be speaking to him again, not after what happened between the two of them. "If you loved me, why did you leave?"
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archxngxl · 2 years
Continued from here - @elegancemultimuse
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"I saw you two yesterday." Renata countered. "Don't try to deny it, because I saw the two of you in the park."
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archxngxl · 7 months
Muses with * next to their name have some dark bios that include dark themes such as abuse, murder, death, drugs etc so please be aware!
Alice Robinson* (SHE/HER) , 28, Heterossexual, Medium / Hotel Receiptionist – OLIVIA COOKE
Aaliyah Razek (SHE/HER), 26 – 30, Heterosexual, Forensic Anthropologist – MAY CALAMAWY
Renata Reyes (SHE/HER) , 28 – 30, Bisexual, Doctor – ADRIA ARJONA
Beatriz Giordano* (SHE/HER), 35 – 40, Bisexual, Mob Boss – MORENA BACCARIN
Laura Di Vittorio* (SHE/HER) , 27, Heterossexual, Mob Boss – VICTORIA PEDRETTI
Ashley Winters (SHE/HER), 23, Heterosexual, Bassist of ‘The Cardinals’ – SOPHIE THATCHER
Lisa Grant (SHE/HER), 23, Bisexual, Guitarist of ‘The Cardinals’ - RUBY CRUZ
Joanna Hendrix (SHE/HER), 23 – 24, Heterosexual, Lead Singer of ‘The Cardinals’ – SAMANTHA LOGAN
Brianna Cohen* (SHE/HER), 36 – 44, Bisexual, Assassin – JESSICA CHASTAIN
Veronica Castillo* (SHE/HER). 35 - ???, Heterosexual, Accountant & Vampire – MARTHA HIGAREDA
Aida Davtyan* (SHE/HER), 27 - ???, Demisexual Biromantic, Baker & Vampire – ANGELA SARAFYAN
Cleo Bautista* (SHE/HER), 29, Heterosexual, Bartender – SHAY MITCHELL
Darcy Morgan (SHE/HER), 29, Heterosexual, Tattoo Artist – WILLA FITZGERALD
Florence Cameron (SHE/HER), 28 – 32, Heterosexual, Singer – RILEY KEOUGH
Eris Laviscount (SHE/HER), 23 – 25, Heterosexual,
Layla Hassan (SHE/HER), 29, Heterosexual, Opera Singer – PINAR DENIZ
Uriel (THEY/THEM), ???, Pansexual, Angel – EMMA DARCY
Carmen Jimenez (THEY/THEM), 24, Pansexual, Drummer of ‘The Cardinals’ – LIZETHE SELENE
Abel Prince (HE/HIM), 29 – 32, Heterosexual, Detective – LAKEITH STANFIELD
Lorenzo Rossi* (HE/HIM), 39 - ???, Heterosexual, Banker & Vampire – BEN BARNES
Erik Karlsen* (HE/HIM), 32 - ???, Pansexual, Writer & Vampire – MICHIEL HUISMAN
Joaquin Castro (HE/HIM), 38 – 43, Heterosexual, DEA Agent – GABRIEL LUNA
Santiago Castro (HE/HIM), 30, Heterosexual, ??? – DANNY RAMIREZ
Dominic Price* (HE/HIM), 34, Heterosexual, Drug Kingpin – GARRETT HEDLUND
Naveen Bhaskar (HE/HIM), 36, Pansexual, Marine Biologist – RAHUL KOHLI
Santino ‘Sonny’ Caputo (HE/HIM), 30 – 32, Heterosexual – CASEY DEIDRICK
Salvatore Colombo (HE/HIM), 32 – 35, Heterosexual, Italian Mob Capo – DJ COTRONA
Raphael Colombo (HE/HIM), 48, Heterosexual, Italian Mob Underboss – KEANU REEVES
George O’Neill (HE/HIM), 32, Heterosexual, Irish Mob Enforcer / Pianist – OLIVER JACKSON COHEN
Michael Davis* (HE/HIM), 46, Heterosexual, Detective – MATTHEW MCCOUNAGHEY
Simon ‘Booker’ Davis* (HE/HIM), 46, Heterosexual, Drug Kingpin / Arms Dealer - MATTHEW MCCOUNAGHEY
Hunter Morrison (HE/HIM), 25, Heterosexual, Up and coming Actor – MASON GOODING
Daniel ‘Danny’ Liu (HE/HIM), 27 – 29, Bisexual, Tattoo Artist – DEREK LUH
0 notes
archxngxl · 2 years
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Spring was in full swing.
The sun hung high; birds were chirping. Renata always thought of her little house as coming straight out of a book. Renata hummed a song in Spanish under her breath as her hands tended to her garden. The woman found that gardening helped her soothe her otherwise stressed mind. With the new job she had at the flower shop, and the portraits she had set out for herself, she had a lot of things to do. She rose to her feet once the work was done, the tulips looked better than they did before. Renata stepped into her home, eager to get the dirt out from beneath her fingernails. As she washed her hands, her eyes fell on a small box on the table. It was a gift for someone very special. It was a simple gold necklace, with a rectangle pendant. It was golden. Simple but sweet. Gianni always got her something, it was about time she got something for him as well. Plus, he worked hard. He deserved a reward from time to time. Renata often wondered what kind of job Gianni had. Whenever the conversation was brought up, it would get dodged somehow. Renata just chalked it up to him being embarrassed about it, so she never pried too much.
Speak of the devil.
Renata heard an engine outside, a small smile crept up on her lips. He had an effect on her. Whenever he was around, her heart would never cease its rapid beating and her cheeks would perpetually be warm. Renata walked outside; the smile only grew wider. Renata greeted him with a hug and a kiss followed shortly after. “Well, isn’t this a surprise. You said you wouldn't be here till tonight.”
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archxngxl · 2 years
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Continued from here - for @supersonicdreams​
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The days seemed to pass smoothly and quickly. Renata spent most of her time with Gianni. Cooking together, dancing, Renata venting about the painting that was just not coming together, sketching him when he wasn’t looking. Renata stared down at one sketch in particular. Gianni was sitting outside, it was about midday. The sun was shining on him, the golden rays framed his smile in an ethereal way. Renata knew her feelings for him were only growing, but she didn’t have the courage to say the words. Not yet, anyway. 
The week was overall good, except for one occurrence. It was late, Renata just finished locking up the shop and was about to leave, when a man approached her. Renata didn’t know if he was drunk or not. The man made several attempts to get her to open the store, which resulted in him grabbing her by the arms. Renata fought him off, and resulted to running to her car. The experience had shaken her, so she decided to take up boxing lessons. She hadn’t told Gianni yet, since he was busy with work and she didn’t want to worry him. Renata was waiting for him in the garden, looking at the flowers and tending to them as she waited for him to arrive. 
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archxngxl · 2 years
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Renata felt like she had seen a ghost, but not a single entity. Many. As she drove into her hometown, a large wave of nostalgia overcame her. She could see her younger self, running after her older brother and his friends. The rosary on her mirror bounced with the rhythm of the car. Renata wasn’t the most religious person, the necklace belonged to her mother so she keeps it as a memory. Renata stopped the car, parking it in a run down parking lot. The very ground under her held memories, many of them. Renata had contacted her older brother’s best friend to help her get settled in. She kept in contact with him, despite leaving town. She knew that’s what Luis would’ve wanted. As Renata waited for him, she looked at the apartment complex in front of her. It was in good condition, it even had a place for the kids to play. Renata missed Luis very much, and would do anything to avenge her brother...even if it killed her. 
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archxngxl · 3 years
Revenge is a dish best served cold
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The sun shined brightly, casting a heat wave down on those underneath it. Renata wiped the sweat off her brow, hands stained by the dirt she was trying to put in order. Renata wouldn't lie and say the life she built wasn't good. It was peaceful, since she was in the middle of nowhere. Well, Texas technically. But she wished that her peaceful lifestyle was a result of something different. Renata didn't want to think of what happened three years ago, the pain would resurface and crush the woman all at once.
Renata froze for a moment, hearing a distant engine. The clicking sound came closer and closer, the woman cast her gaze away from her garden and into the road. A silhouette emerged, slowly getting closer. Renata backed into her front porch, ankles backed against the last stair. Her hand reached back, grabbing hold of the gun she kept behind her belt. Her visitor arrived up front, Renata squinted her eyes. He looked familiar. All too familiar. Then it hit her.
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archxngxl · 2 years
Muse List
1. Lana Aries, 30 - 35, Heterosexual, Assassin
FC: Sasha Luss
Information:  Warning - Mentions of murder, death, child abuse
Lana Aries was born on December 28th, in Paris. She was born to Renée Aries and Vasili Ivanov.  Renée was a French Secret Service agent, she engaged in an affair with Vasili when he was working as an informant for them. Lana also had a twin sister, Nicolette. After the twins were born, Vasili ended up betraying Renée. He went after  Renée for a long time, but  Renée managed to escape Paris and settle in England for a while. When Nicolette and Lana were five years old, Vasili found Renée and killed her. Hew took the twins back to his organization, where they would be trained to be the perfect weapons. Vasili never cared much for his daughters, he put them through rigorous training and torture if they failed. Nicolette would die at the hands of her father on a fateful winter night. She had failed to do some drills while they were training, and the punishment was staying in the cold without a jacket, blanket or anything. Nicolette was ten, and it served as a permanent reminder of failure to Lana. Lana would escape her father and the organization when she was twenty, and she lended her services to many criminal organizations since then. Her ultimate goal is to kill her father, but that would have to wait.
Verses: None (Yet)
2. Josephine 'Jo' Ledger, 20 - 25, Heterosexual, Actress
FC: Madelyn Cline
Information:  Warning - Mentions of cheating, child neglect, suicide, alcoholism
Josephine Ledger was the only child born to Montgomery and Camille Ledger. Montgomery was on tour when she was born, but Montgomery made up for it by flying out the next morning and meeting his daughter. He even wrote a song called ‘Sweet Josie’ for Josephine, which became a number one hit. But, Montgomery was far from the best father. He missed birthdays, recitals, anniversaries. Either he was really late or didn’t show up at all. Camille took care of Josephine as best she could. When Montgomery began his affair with Grace Williams, Camille had already filed for divorce. Grace became pregnant, and left her newborn son with Camille and Josephine. Josephine didn’t understand what was going on. Camille fell into a deep depression, despite trying her best to hide it from her kids. When Josephine was sixteen, Camille had taken her own life. She turned to alcohol to cope, and it eventually destroyed her.
Verses: None (Yet)
3. Valentina Sanchez, 30 - 35, Bisexual, Detective
FC: Emeraude Toubia
Information: W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
4. Talia King, 25 - 30, Pansexual, Actress
FC: Laura Harrier
Information: W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
5. Laura Di Vittorio, 25-30, Heterosexual, Second in Command of the Di Vittorio Crime Family
FC: Victoria Pedretti
Information: Warning - Nepotism, Sexism (Kinda), Domestic Violence
Laura was born on December 22nd, in Marsala, Sicily. She is a twin, she has a brother named Vincent (Vincenzo). He is ten minutes older than Laura. Laura was often ignored by her father, who turned his attention to her brother. Laura suspected that this was because she was a girl, since her father often berated her mother for not giving him more sons. But, Vincent always had her back. He wasn’t immune to their father’s temper, and they would often protect each other.
Verses: None (Yet)
6. Renata Reyes, 30-35, Bisexual, Chef
FC: Adria Arjona
Information: W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
7. Aaliyah Razek, 30 - 35, Heterosexual, Historian
FC: May Calamawy
Aaliyah was born on October 31st, in Cairo. Her parents moved to England when Aaliyah was about  a year old. Aaliyah was the daughter of Omar and Menna Razek. Both Omar and Menna were accomplished individuals. Menna was a doctor and Omar was a historian and professor at Cambridge University. Aaliyah always had a deep love of history, it was fed by her father and mother. Aaliyah studied history in college, and was able to travel the world through the years. Because of this, she became fluent in a few languages, such as French, Spanish, and Russian.
Verses: Supernatural (Vampire)
8. Brianna Cohen, 30 - 40, Bisexual, Assassin
FC: Jessica Chastain
Information: Warning - Mention of parent death, birth and crime
Brianna was born in Brooklyn, New York to Andy and Saoirse Cohen. Her mother was Welsh and Irish, so she gave her daughters names from back home. Andy agreed, since he thought the names were beautiful. Andy was involved with the Irish mob in Brooklyn, while Saoirse tried to keep her distance. Brianna has a younger sister, Rhiannon, who she loves with all of her heart. On the day that Rhiannon was born, Brianna and her parents got into a car accident while on the way to the hospital. Andy and Saoirse passed away three days later, but Rhiannon survived. Brianna took the responsibility of naming her sister since her mother had previously mentioned that she loved that particular name. Once they got back home, they were taken care of by the mob (surprisingly). The girls were taken care of by Brianna’s godfather and their father’s best friend, Brian Finnegan. Brianna started her assassin work when she was twenty, and she’s worked like that ever since.
Verses: None (Yet)
9. Rhiannon Cohen, 25 - 27, Heterosexual, Journalist
FC: Sophie Skelton
Information:  Warning - Mention of parent death, birth and crime
Rhiannon was born in Brooklyn, New York to Andy and Saoirse Cohen. Her mother was Welsh and Irish, so she gave her daughters names from back home. Andy agreed, since he thought the names were beautiful. Rhiannon never really understood her father’s work, until her sister would explain it to her many years later. Rhiannon came to understand that ignorance was sometimes bliss. Rhiannon admires her sister and loves her greatly, Brianna has always been a role model to her. Rhiannon took a different route when it came to professions. She worked hard in school and went to medical school in her to become a doctor. However, her education was placed on hold when their criminal past came back to bite. Rhiannon learned and learned though, since the skills she could have would come in handy.
Verses: None (Yet)
10. Lisa Grant, 25, Bisexual, Monster Hunter
FC: Hailee Steinfeld
Information: W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
11. Caroline Brandt, 30 - 35, Heterosexual, Surfer/Model
FC: Phoebe Tonkin
Information: Warning - Mentions of abandonment, cheating, child abuse
Caroline was born on August 26th, in Australia. She was the daughter of a woman named Alison and a man named Patrick. Patrick was the CEO of a tech company, and already married when Caroline was conceived. He payed Alison off with a lot of money, and she took it. Caroline and Alison lived by the sea, and Caroline started surfing at the age of nine. She used it as an escape from her mother, who was usually yelling or berating her. Caroline starred modeling at age sixteen, when a scout spotted her surfing and asked to take a photo of her. Caroline left home at eighteen and has not spoken to her mother since. She made no attempt to speak with her biological father, but she does know that she has a sister and a brother. 
Verses: None (Yet)
12. Elena Vargas, 30 - 35, Heterosexual, Doctor
FC:  Alice Braga
Information: W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
13. Leila Jimenez, 35- 40, Heterosexual, Lawyer
FC: Sarah Shahi
Information: Mentions of suicide, depression and grief
Leila Jimenez was born on September 11th to Carlos and Daria Jimenez. She had an older sister named Marisol. Mari was three years older than Leila, but they had a close bond. Leila had decided early on what she wanted to become, and that was a lawyer. She studied a lot and what picked on for it when she was younger. Leila eventually entered Harvard law, where she finished her education. Leila was in her first year at a law firm when her mother called her in the middle of the night. Her mother told her that her sister had taken her own life, and Leila booked a flight to Texas an hour later. Leila fell into a deep state of depression when Mari died, and heavily blames herself for not noticing that her sister was hurting. Leila still carries her death with her, and is more observant towards those she loves.
Verses: None (Yet)
14. Barbara Soares, 25 - 30, Heterosexual, Stripper
FC:  Bia Arantes
Information: Warning - Mentions of illegal activity, kidnapping, murder
Barbara Soares was born in Santos, Brazil. She was the only child of Rodrigo and Alicia Soares. The family moved from Santos to the US when Barbara was ten. They settled in Florida, where Rodrigo and Alicia opened up a convenience store. There was a gang in their neighborhood, one that demanded protection fees from the residents. One day, one of them entered the convenience store, with the goal of taking the money that was owed. Rodrigo tried to reason with him that he needed one more week, but he was shot on the spot. Alicia was shot shortly after, passing away almost instantly. The gang took Barbara and the police never found anything. Barbara spent her teens with the gang, she was home schooled by the wife of one of the gang members, named Cristina. Cristina taught her everything she needed to know. Cristina was the only one who showed Barbara kindness in the gang. When Barbara was nineteen, Cristina was caught in the cross fire of a shoot out, and she died on the spot.
Barbara got pregnant when she was around twenty-three, it was the result of a one night stand with a man named Leo. Leo was a affluent gang member, and was notorious for his temper. Barbara was at the end of each of his outbursts, always coming out with other end with bruises and busted lips. The decision to keep the baby didn’t protect her from Leo’s wrath. Cristina Alicia Soares was born on November 3rd in Miami, Florida. As soon as Barbara laid eyes on her daughter, she knew that the baby deserved the best mother. The last straw for Barbara was when Leo had left Cristina in a very cold room for half an hour when Barbara was out grocery shopping. Luckily, Cristina was fine for the most part, but Barbara knew that she couldn't stay with the gang or Leo anymore. She snuck into Leo’s room that night, aiming to kill him. Leo fought back, he managed to slash Barbara in the stomach but Barbara managed to stab him in the throat. Barbara got help from the gang’s doctor, who never said a word about what happened. Barbara took her daughter and never looked back.
Verses: None (Yet)
15. Andrea Navarro, 25, Heterosexual, Fashion Designer
FC: Alexa Demie
Information: W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
16. Laurie Knox, 35 - 40, Pansexual, Warlock
FC: Natasha Lyonne
Information: Warning - Mention of abandonment, premeditated murder
Laurie Knox was born on May 19th in Queens, New York. Laurie has never met her father, all she knows is that he was a human named Tom. Her mother was a witch, and she did not want any children. So, she ended up abandoning Laurie near a foster home for humans. Laurie stayed there until the age of thirteen, until she accidentally hurt one of the other kids with her magic. Laurie left that foster home and was alone for about five years. When she was eighteen, she joined a coven and she slowly started to call them family. Now, Laurie has always been more of a lone wolf type of character, so she often got in trouble with the coven. When Laurie was 25, her coven tried to kill her by tying her up in chains and throwing her in a pool of water. Laurie managed to break free and she killed three of the witches that planned it all. Laurie officially betrayed her coven and took the title of warlock. Laurie has been alone since then, learning and growing her power on her own, but she can’t decide if she likes it or not.
Verses: None (Yet)
17. Daisy Booth, 25 - 30, Heterosexual, Journalist 
FC: Deborah Ann Woll
Information: W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
18. Dilara Sadik, 35 - 40, Heterosexual, Fashion Designer
FC: Nesrin Cavadzade
Information: Warning - Mentions of neglect, emotional abuse 
Dilara Sadik was born to Elif and Denis Sadik on December 13th. Dilara lived a privileged life style since birth, since her parents were both extremely wealthy. However, that life style was far from happy. Her mother bullied her about her weight for a long time. She would often criticize what Dilara was wearing, her hair style, her makeup and anything else she could find. Her father wasn’t any better, he preoccupied himself with golf or his much younger girlfriends. Dilara often wondered how her parents were still together. During her teenage years, her mother would constantly call her worthless and ugly, which left a mark on Dilara. Dilara did well in school and eventually got her degree in finance. Leaving home was the best day of her life, and she tried to stay away as much as possible. Her mother’s constant abuse left Dilara insecure and bitter, she can often come off as mean and cold, but deep down she just wants to be truly loved. 
Verses: None (Yet)
19. Veronica Castillo, 40 - ???, Heterosexual, Vampire
FC: Maite Perroni
Information: W.I.P
Verses: Human
20. Aida Davtyan, 35 - ???, Heterosexual, Vampire 
FC: Angela Sarafyan
Information: W.I.P
Verses: Human
21. Alice Robinson, 28 - 30, Heterosexual, Medium/Librarian
FC: Oliva Cooke
Information: Warning - Mentions of gaslighting, cheating, death of family members, abandonment, depression, exorcisms
Alice was born in London, to Olivia and Vernon Robinson. She was the youngest of two, she has an older brother named Luke. From a young age (around three or four) Alison would say that she could see her grandmother around the house. Her father was worried, since he was a devout Catholic. Later, Alison would see more and more people around her home. Uncles and aunts that had passed, even some that she did not recognize. Later, Alice would discover that she was a medium, when she discovered the term online. When she was ten, her father and a priest performed an exorcism on her, despite her mother’s protests. In her teens, Vernon even threatened to take her to a psychiatric hospital. Olivia died in a car crash when Alice was sixteen. Alice tried time and again to see her mother, but she never appeared. Her brother and father abandoned her shortly after that, left her some money and left her in a foster home. Alice was alone, but not for long. She met a girl named Rosanna and they became thick as thieves. They went to college together, where Alice studied literature. After college, Alice met Robin. Robin was a lawyer. Charming, thoughtful and kind. She was head over heels. Even Rosanna liked him. Alice told Robin about her gift, and he did not believe her. Alice would see people around him, eager for to send him messages but he always brushed them off. Two years in, Robin became distant and missed/cancelled many dates. Alice walked in on him and Rosanna sleeping together. The two jumped to defend themselves, but Alice cut them off completely. To top it all off, her brother had written a book where the main character’s sister was ‘nutcase’ that could see ghosts. Alice isolated herself, cut everyone off and locked herself in her room for a good few months. Alice did get better though, she moved away from London and started a new life. She still uses her gift from time to time, but keeps it to herself mostly. 
Verses: None (Yet)
22. Arden Kang, 25 - 29, Heterosexual, Tattoo Artist
FC: HoYeon Jung
Information: W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
1. Dante Novak, 30 - 35, Heterosexual, President of an MC
FC: Charlie Hunnam
Dante is the eldest of three brothers. He was born in Hell’s Kitchen, New York to George and Matilda Novak. George was part of a gang while Matilda was a school teacher. Despite his ‘work’, George was a good father. Strict, but good. He taught his sons self defense at a young age, and taught them how to protect their family. Dante and his younger brother, Ray, followed in their father’s footsteps and joined the business, but their youngest brother, Austin, made it clear that he wanted none of it. Austin left to pursue his music dreams, Dante still has some guilt over not trying to change his brothers mind.
Verses: None (Yet)
2. Lorenzo Rossi, 35 - ???, Heterosexual, Vampire
FC: Ben Barnes
Information: W.I.P
Verses: Human
3. Abel Prince, 30 - 35, Heterosexual, Private Investigator
FC:  LaKeith Stanfield,
Information: W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
4. John Monroe, 35 - 40, Heterosexual, Assassin
FC: Sebastian Stan
Information: W.I.P
5. Raymond ‘Ray’ Dawson, 40 - 45, Pansexual, Monster Hunter
FC: Maharshela Ali
Information: Warning - Mentions of murder, death and gore
Ray was born in Los Angeles, California to Barbara and Leon Dawson. Leon was an English professor and Barbara was a baker. Ray had a happy childhood, filled with laughter and love. His parents were always supportive. Leon was a little strict, since he wanted to teach his son about discipline and things like that. Sadly, when Ray was around ten years old, his parents were brutally killed a vampire. Ray didn’t think that they existed, but they did. Before the vampire could tear his fangs into Ray, he was saved by a vampire hunter named Rhonda. Rhonda took Ray under her wing and became a second mother figure for the young boy. Rhonda trained him on how to be a hunter and how to save people from suffering the same fate as his parents.
Verses: None (Yet)
6. Vincenzo Di Vittorio, 25 - 30, Heterosexual, Head of the Di Vittorio Crime Family 
FC: Drew Starkey
Information:  Warning - Nepotism, Domestic Violence
Vincent was born on December 22nd, in Marsala, Sicily. He is a twin, he has a sister named Laura. He is ten minutes older than Laura. Vincent was placed on a sort of pedestal from his father, simply because he was a boy. His father wanted Vincent to be like him, and would often fight with his father about that. The fights were physical most of the time. Vincent always protected Laura, and she would do the same.
Verses: None (Yet)
7. Santino “Sonny” Caputo, 30 - 35, Heterosexual, Gang Leader
FC: Casey Diedrick
Information:  Warning - Mention of illegal activity, alcohol, drugs and murder 
Santino Caputo was born in Brooklyn, New York to Angela and Giovanni Caputo. Angela is the sister of Clarice Di Vittorio, the mother of Laura and Vincenzo Di Vittorio. Angela is the twin’s godmother, so the trio would see each other often. The family did grow apart as the children got older, Sonny got caught up in his own groups. At age seventeen, Sonny’s father died. He drowned in a bath tub while extremely drunk. Sonny took that part of the business when he turned twenty, and he got it back into the Di Vittorio family’s good graces. His cousin had become acting boss by that point, so Sonny was at an advantage. Sonny killed for the first time when he was sixteen, when he broke a guy’s neck for attacking his friend with a knife. Sonny now works with distributing and managing product for the crime family, all the while having a gang of his own. 
Verses: None (Yet)
8. Naveen Pinto, 30 - 40, Bisexual, Jewel Thief
FC: Dev Patel
Naveen was born on December 12th, in Birmingham. He was the only child of Sai and Alia Pinto, and the family lived a happy life. Sai was a history professor and Alia owned a flower shop near the university. Tragedy struck when both Sai and Alia were killed in a bus accident on their way to work, leaving six year old Naveen all alone. Naveen was taken to an orphanage shortly after, where he spent life until his adult years. When Naveen turned 18, he left the orphanage and wandered around for quiet a while. Naveen committed his first theft when he was sixteen. Naveen aligned himself with criminals, but the robberies were always committed solo. His first successful jewel heist occurred when he was 20, and his career had been booming ever since. Naveen only had one cardinal rule. He would only steal from those who wouldn't go hungry.
Verses: None (Yet)
9. Christopher Yang, 25 - 30, Heterosexual, Boxer
FC:  Lewis Tan
Information: W.I.P
Verses: Supernatural (Vampire)
10. Serkan Yavuz, 35, Heterosexual, Assassin
FC: Can Yaman
Information: W.I.P
Verses: Supernatural (Werewolf)
11. Michael ‘Micki’ Ledger, 25 - 30, Heterosexual, Lead Singer of the band ‘The Saints’
FC:  Dylan O’Brien
Information:  Warning - Mentions of abortion, cheating, child neglect, suicide, alcoholism
Michael Ledger was born in Las Vegas, Nevada to world renowned singer Montgomery Ledger  and his mistress, Grace Williams. To his knowledge, Montgomery had initially paid his mother to abort the baby but Grace threatened to expose the affair to the press and his wife. Montgomery  agreed and Michael was born on the 12th of May. Montgomery never acknowledged Michael, he was never around. It was funny how Montgomery tried to keep his family stable, considering all the affairs he would have later on. When Michael was around ten months old, Grace showed up at Camille Vega’s door and left Michael with her. Michael is forever grateful that Camille took him in and loved him, despite of what her husband had done. Michael also got an older sister, Josephine, who he adored. Unfortunately, Camille turned to alcohol to deal with her depression and ended up taking her own life when Michael was fourteen and Josephine was sixteen.
Verses: None (Yet)
12. Kerem Yildiz, 35, Heterosexual, Assassin
FC: Çağatay Ulusoy,
Information:  Warning - Mentions of death, blood, illegal activity
Kerem Yildiz was born on January 12th, in Turkey. Their primary residence was in Bursa, but his family had a small farm in the country side. They weren’t rich by any means, but both his parents worked to make the money they wanted. His mother was a nurse, and his father was a lawyer. What Kerem didn’t know was that his father was the lawyer of a large criminal enterprise. He figured that out when he was thirteen, when he eavesdropped on a conversation his father was having in his study. When Kerem was fifteen, his parents were executed by said criminal organization for suspected collaboration with the police. Kerem watched it all unfold before him, and before they could put a bag over his head, Kerem fought them off and escaped. Kerem ran and ran, until he stopped to rest in a nearby town. There, he met a boy named Serkan, who was the same age as him. Kerem wanted nothing to do with him at first, but the two became inseparable over time. Thick as thieves. Kerem performed his first kill when he was twenty, on a local gang leader that was causing trouble. When he found out that he could be paid for that, he worked hard on his skills and became one of the most ruthless assassins around. 
Verses: None (Yet)
13. Edward Archer, 40 - 45, Heterosexual, Ex-Criminal/Mechanic
FC: Richard Madden
Information:  W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
14. Shay Sullivan, 30, Heterosexual, Singer
FC: Jack O’Connell
Information:  W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
15. Dallas Washington, 30 - 35, Heterosexual, Boxer
FC:  LaRoyce Hawkins
Information:  W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
16. Asher Morrison, 25, Pansexual, Warlock
FC:  Joseph Quinn
Information:  W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
17. George O’Neill, 35 - 40, Heterosexual, Irish Mob Enforcer/Pianist 
FC: Oliver Jackson Cohen
Information:  W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
18. Erik Karlsen, 35 - ???, Heterosexual (???), Vampire
FC: Michiel Huisman
Information:  W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
19. Burak Ozdemir, 35 - 40, Heterosexual, Detective/Cop
FC: Ekin Koc
Information:  W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
20. Raphael Colombo, 45 - 47, Heterosexual, Assassin
FC: Keeanu Reeves
Information: W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
21. Jason Carter, 20 - 25, Heterosexual, Surfer
FC: Rudy Pankow
Information: W.I.P
Verses: None (Yet)
22. Abraham Crowley, 40 - 45, Heterosexual, Exorcist 
FC: Cillian Murphy
Information: Warning - Mentions of tuberculosis, death
Abraham Crowley was born in England, circa 1880. He was the son of a preacher and a midwife. They were both devout Catholics, went to church every Sunday and Abraham followed suit. His parents both died when he was 20, from the illness known as consumption. Abraham would join the army when the First World War started. He almost died in the battlefield, until he met an angel. The angel of death to be more precise. However, Abraham wasn’t ready to die, so he struck a bargain with the heavens. That bargain would expose him to horrors that were unimaginable. Abraham became an exorcist, approved by the Vatican and now spends his new immortality hunting and expelling demons from the world. 
Verses: None (Yet)
23. Benjamin “Booker” Davis, 40 - 45, Heterosexual, Detective/Cop
FC: Matthew McConaughey
Information: Warning - Mentions of serial killers, murder, religious abuse 
Benjamin “Booker” Davis was born in Memphis, Tennessee to a man named David and his wife, Angela. David was a very devout Catholic, and a very paranoid man. David would often beat Booker with a bible and threaten the boy with eternal damnation. They went to church almost every Sunday, unless one was sick and couldn’t go. His mother ran off with some accountant, leaving Booker alone with his father. At the age of fifteen, Booker ran away from home and went to Texas. He went to his uncle’s place, where he laid low for a while. Later, he would find out that his father never reported him missing. David’s reasoning for it was that his son was consumed by sin, and God finally removed him from David’s holy household. Booker hasn’t spoken to his father in two decades. Booker joined the force in his mid twenties, in Austin, Texas. His biggest case was the case of the Boogieman, a serial killer with a violent M.O. It was in this case that he met Mira Reed, the sole survivor of the viscous serial killer. The two bonded after that, and remained in contact still. 
Verses: None (Yet)
24. Diego Alvarez, 35, Heterosexual, President of an MC
FC: Alfonso Herrera
Information: W.I.P 
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archxngxl · 2 years
Intimacy headcanon
- These headcanons will not be graphic or in depth, only a brief explanation about their intimate relationships (some muses not all) 
Lana Aries - Switch (Dom Lean) - Lana prefers to be in control. She has a hard time giving the reigns to someone else, but will do so if she loves and trusts that person completely. 
Josephine 'Jo' Ledger - Sub
Valentina Sanchez - Switch - Depends on her partner and mood, she can either be the ultimate dom or the ultimate sub. 
Talia King - Sub
Jane Kennedy - Switch 
Laura Di Vittorio - Sub
Renata Reyes - Switch (Sub lean) - Doms on occasion, but prefers to be a sub 
Harper Hendrix - Dom 
Hailey Hendrix - Switch 
Aaliyah Razek - Sub 
Brianna Cohen - Dom 
Rhiannon Cohen - Sub
Lisa Grant - Sub
Caroline Brandt - Sub
Elena Vargas - Switch 
Leila Jimenez - Sub
Barbara Soares - Sub
Andrea Navarro - Switch (Dom lean)
Laurie Knox - Dom - Laurie can be a sub but it’s only on rare occasions and she prefers to be dominant 
Daisy Booth - Sub 
Azra Aydin - Sub
Dilara Sadik - Sub
Veronica Castillo - Dom - Ultimate Dom, doesn't like being submissive 
Dante Novak - Dom 
Lorenzo Rossi - Dom 
Abel Prince - Switch - Depends on his mood, sometimes he just wants to let his partner do all the work and sometimes he takes the reigns. 
John Monroe - Dom 
Raymond ‘Ray’ Dawson - Switch 
Vincenzo Di Vittorio - Dom 
Santino “Sonny” Caputo - Dom 
Naveen Pinto - Switch
Christopher Yang - Dom
Serkan Yavuz - Dom 
Michael ‘Micki’ Ledger - Switch 
Kerem Yildiz - Dom 
Edward Archer - Dom 
Shay Sullivan - Dom 
Dallas Washington - Dom 
Asher Morrison - Switch (Sub lean)
George Adler - Switch
Erik Karlsen - Switch (Dom lean) - Ultimate man whore, it’s very rare that he subs but if he is in the mood, he will. 
Burak Ozdemir - Dom 
Raphael Colombo - Dom 
0 notes